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I can't wait for the confirmation of DEI detect by this Teraleak
anon it already is in tpc website
genuine question, why do you care?
That's just re-using eri's model
He doesn't
this is just a shitty attempt to a genwar thread
DEI is an effort by the enemies of the West, namely China and (((globalists))), to discourage reproduction with white women and weaken the western male by mentally brainwashing them into either mutilating their genitalia and/or having degenerate sex
Jesus that thing is ugly,

Gamefreak will never make a good pokemon game again because they're too focus on pleasing the westoid audiance
What a trans goddess
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>that thing is ugly
Not as ugly as picrel...
hmhmh sexoooo
We hating muscle mommies now? When did this board become reddit 2.0?
>When did this board become reddit 2.0?
Since 2020
It's disastrous how Gamefreak has started to apply the Uglification agenda to their artstyle. Now they're making everything as unpleasant and ugly as possible
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Eri is not muscular.Since she's a literal giant and not a stick that makes her look robust
The only thing from SV that got leaked was the source code.
I'd sniff her green berries baby
Nigga, the design is just boring. Had it be designed like past gens it would probably be a better muscle girl.

NPC designs went to shit after Alola.
imagine the wrestle sex
God, she has such a nice body. Definitely the standout of the Team Star bosses.
I hate SV so fucking much
>Waaahh i can't coom to toddler game :(
Do pokemonfags really?
It's all Pokémon is good for
Post her casual wear then, coward
Eat the berries
why are we mad about muscle mommies?
OP in shambles run away because no one took the shitty genwar thread bait >>56673438 lmao
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SwSh did it better
I would love to, but I can't find a good pic of it.
Not surprised
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Nah, they're just a muscle woman so it's probably just someone's fetish. If it were DEI they wouldn't have a girly face which is the part DEI focuses on.
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So I posted for you.
I'm more interested in Dexit discussion. Who's idea was it really? Were they being greedy fucks or did something break when they were trying to import models?
Thanks! She's very pretty, if a bit basic. I still prefer her Team Star outfit because it's more revealing.
Fucking disgusting
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Maybe this will change your mind.
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I'm with you but also I can't wait til you play the Orre games.
>Why do you care if you can't look at media apolitically anymore since it beats you over the head with it's agenda
i can smell the person who made this image
The Uglification Agenda is a plague upon this planet
The agenda in question being characters who don't look very attractive? I find it hard to see how that is in any way political.
You could've confirmed this yourself years ago
he probably smells really nice unlike troons who smell like the septic rot of their putrefying axe wounds
it's literally so easy to just ignore it
it's an npc in a bad video game
Do you always refer to yourself in third person?
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Not really, the ugliest characters there are just old women and they're old women, they're not meant to be in their prime.
When people talk about ugly DEI shit they mean this
Why are you dodging the question with another question?
So you're too afraid to answer the question because i'm right got it
>Sharty OP is now going in full damage control
Alright, when are they going to start spamming gore?
Because ugly women give me the ick
It's literally a generic nameless npc with a single line of dialogue, what are you expecting?
Were never getting good npcs from this franchise ever again
because he don't like ugliness? bruh lol.
The only difference here is the shift to a more realistic look versus the more anime styled design of past gens. It's the same reason they gave the Pokemon actual fur and scale textures.
>because he don't like ugliness?
He must hate himself then
why you resorting to shitty ad hominems? lmao I can post proof that dei's purpose is to destroy video games industry.
>he dont
get out nigger zoomie
Struck a nerve i see
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Well I aint gonna reply to a bot but these are the people who add DEI. They admit to wanting the industry to quote on quote "burn"
I'm sure the DEI infiltration started earlier ever since gen 7 they've been appealing to trannies
ORAS was the last pokemon game
You need to be 18 or older to post in this site
is it wrong to imagine her having a futa cock and pounding juliana against the wall while her hand is pushing her head against it
Typical canned response kekw
Soon he's already losing it and it shows
Funnily enough I stopped playing after gen 7 was so bad
like most people with a brain would do
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this ugly steven universe looking bitch was a start
Those are not a woman's shoulders.
The gaming industry deserves to be pulled out from its roots. We need a reset like the crash in the 80s.
Has nothing to do with DEI though, the AAA landscape is just fucking dire
What the shit?
They actually literally sewed a woman's head and chest on a man's body

It was precisely in SM that they replaced Masuda with Shigeru as director of the main games.
Yes, that is what the kind of people who put this stuff into the games want you to jill(male) yourself off to.
>sloped down
Looks like a woman to me. If she looked like this then you'd have a point.
Gen 9 was the 1st ever gen with a starter that was ugly asf. You know which one
the fucking gay duck
It would explain why the games have been so bad.
Uglification complete.
>to discourage reproduction with white women and weaken the western male by mentally brainwashing them into either mutilating their genitalia and/or having degenerate sex
Anon, you don't need a conspiracy when white people have been doing this to themselves already.
>Gen 9 was the 1st ever gen with a starter that was ugly asf
I don't think meganium was introduced in gen 9
What's the difference in the dialogues between the male and female MCs supposed to convey in this image?
>If she looked like this
She literally does.
Girl wants to bang the male MC
Your image proves otherwise.
Unless you're trying to suggest abby has a female body in which case are you retarded or just blind?
>y-yeah, how does this affect you personally?
Dilate, nigger faggot tranny.
Yes but I don't get what it's supposed to convey in this image, the difference in genders?
>are you retarded or just blind?
Projection. Those two bodies are blatantly male
Yes, and no. It is just an NPC in a bad video game, and on an individual level each one is ignorable. But there are several of them, which makes it an aesthetic rather than just a one-of. The aesthetic is also an indication that the property has been infiltrated at the core level with western gender ideology.
The agenda in play is a branch of demoralization. A branch of a branch of a branch that in the end, among other things, has a net goal of population control.
This is a more "advanced" illustration, but the root is the same. This is the difference between an infection (OP) and full-on necrosis.
>it's another 'incels that never go out in public don't know that women can have varied body types without being trans' thread
It's westerners with brainrot that have a victim complex and want to ruin the very society they live in because their lives are way too comfortable so they invent adversity
>muh incel
Tranny projection

Some NPCs with even an ounce of fucking color and life in them comparable to even one tenth of the NPCs here.
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if you'd ever seen a woman outside of the onlyfans thots you follow on twitter it would be obvious
>onlyfans thots you follow on twitter
More projection
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Made a bingo card. Feel free to add more.
>n-no u!!!
Could u add "kys chud"? Ironically, amirite? lol
Oh no, a muscular woman in the franchise that’s had a trans woman in Gen 6, a transvestite in Gen 5, a flamboyant gay character in Gen 3, and an androgynous brat in Gen 1, how could this happen?! If only the non-binary, curveless, black, androgynous Gen 8 supermodels would return, everything would be perfect! How dare you GF!!!
Everything you’ve just said is false and or is a false comparison to this roided out freak
The Last of Us 2 looks different to what I remember
"There always were *insert demographic* *insert franchise faction*"
This is all true though
Why do you care about him caring?
"safe horny women"
>"why do you care?"
>"you're not the target audience"
>projects fetishes onto you
>hairsplitting about what DEI/woke akshually means
>whose ace is a big ass horse
I dunno anon... my dick thinks this is based enough to pass
I love DEI t b h
She needs to become pregnant.... for more dei score...
DEI? More like DE why can't playing as a trans brown woman be mandatory?
That's "It's sexier this way!" aka *entire female cast has spats as clear form of censorship* "ZOMG!! Spats are sexier than panties and big boobs though! Look how quirky and unique I am for my specific fetish! Omg.. is that.. le exposed feet and tummy?"
Yeah put that on the bingo square
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fair enough, my bad
DEI = Die. As in they want society to.
>handful of literally who ugly NPCs
>this somehow makes the entire game unplayable
Sometimes I'm impressed you retards don't forget to breath with how unfathomably stupid you are.
So you want to destroy society and degenerate civilization into an unholy mess of rape, genocide and anarchy. Got it
Is it really so bad anon? Can't you embrace a gay brown future?
They aren't ugly
>gameplay is the only thing that matters
They're pretty damn ugly, anon.
Point is that SV is the best game since the DS era. But al that low IQ mongoloids is point their fingers cause they're incapable of actually judging a game beyond extreme surface level shit.
DEI-Dick Eating on the Internet
>hurr durr NPC design is the only thing that matters
Look, I can be a reductionist retard as well!
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Pokemon has Fallen
>"When fags talk about muh 3 letter word they mean this!!!"
>posts picture of game no one cares about from a dead franchise that sucks

Is he stupid?
>disturbing stinky black fingers wrote this
I love minorities
I love lgbtqia+
I love Pokémon

Simple as'
or how about both mattering instead of discarding one like you're trying to do.
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Love to see all the norimefags using "DEI" as an insult and browns embarrassed lol
>refugees arriving in the west
I think they are attractive
In fact theres no unattractive pokegirls at all.
I picked SV back up after dropping it when it came out.

Holy shit I forgot how UGLY everything in this game is. What the fuck man how are people defending this?
>the difference in genders?
that doesn't exist anymore, so yes.
The characters are cis.
Yeah because there's literally only 2 things that define whether a game is good: gameplay and NPC design.
No you stupid fuck, that's not how it fucking works. I bet you're yet another stupid zoomer faggot who spent his formative years on the internet during the Trump era and is only capable of black and white thinking with no concept of what nuance even is.
Yes, some of the NPCs look bad. Yes, the graphics aren't bad. But that's not even 10% of what defines a good game. Yet everyone points fingers at one ugly NPC and goes WOW THIS IS *LITCHERALLY* THE WORST GAME ON THE PLANET cause you're incapable of thinking any further than that.
Why don't we talk about cute trainers instead of giving attention to ugly ones?
>actively ignoring somethnig you see every minute of your playtime
you lost
It also ran terribly on the switch and had only a single hour of interesting story that they relegated to absolute ass end of the game.
>his entire playtime involves staring at the musclewoman
I mean you do you
Now you're grasping at straws. Every aspect of a game matters. It's justifiable to boycott a game developers are neglecting.
No such thing as an ugly trainer
I can't even tell what half of these are supposed to be indicating
Hanlon's Razor.
Plenty of girls in SV want to bang you too
because I don't want to see repulsive freaks in my vidya
Why do DEIfags retort to referencing retarded fallacies like this as if it's supposed to help their case?
I want to see more of these repulsive freaks desu. Just disgusting i mean a muscular woman? How strange.
>Some tranny dilating hard all over the thread lmao
Someone took time to create these intentionally unpleasing and ugly designs to look at...they aren't even funny ugly like Kofu or Cynthia, they simply are naturally ugly.
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This is what happens when you let DEI taint a franchise like Pokemon. The complete destruction of a beloved artstyle in the name of uglification
Gender specific dialogue was fucking retarded and I'm glad they got rid of that shit.
DEI didn't exist back in 2012.
>term created to describe overemotional clowns jumping to conclusion pisses off overemotional clowns jumping to conclusions
wow, crazy
Most of you guys would get the DEI treatment if you actually tried to get a job.
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I don't think ugly people existing is part of some agenda, but I don't think they should exist nevertheless.
Can anybody who hates dei describe what women look attractive to them? All you hear them talk about is which dont.
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>D.I.E talk
what's everyone's consensus on Trainer Customization throughout the 3DS-Switch 1 Era?
I'm kinda interested in hearing your thoughts bros
Tall, big hands, deep voice, and a feminine penis.
They just didn't have an official name for it then.
>I don't think ugly people existing is part of some agenda
It is though. The designers consciously decided to make the models look ugly because they drank the kool-aid telling them it would appeal to a broader audience.
Maybe they were just pandering to people that look like you. Not everything is a conspiracy.
Anybody who hates dei is a white male who is very handsome
Affirmative action and Political Correctness
DEI is the cancer that threatens to drive humanity to extinction
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Updated. Four more to go.
This is all a demoralization scheme to erase White people.
The entire game is unplayable anyway, SV was ass
Us white people need to band together and not buy any game with ugly female characters at all.
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The Anon that spams this is late.
Black Diaspora sounds like an evil team name desu
>vp is infested by far lefts and libtards
>everythign turns into pedo and animal fucker shit
I wonder why?
God you retards have no idea what DEI even is.
It's not some kind of insane "white genocide" conspiracy bullshit. It's literally just a tax benefits loophole from the US. Their retard ass government made up this completely insane plan that grants people money for "inclusive content". Blackrock isn't even a leftist company, they're as right as they get. Research their CEOs and you'll see. They abuse the DEI benefits for profits, they have literally no interest in propaganda. They're literally Jews, they just do it for the money. It's an investment scheme.
Since it an American thing, it's not as bad for Japanese games, but since Pokémon is so international I'm pretty sure TPCi (American branch) is trying to force GF to put DEI stuff in the game for the sweet tax loophole money. Again, you can solely blame the US government for that.

Educate yourselves before looking like a deranged schizo babbling utter nonsense. This stuff is a threat but not in the way you think it is.
Blackrock is run by jews. Jews conduct the kalergi plan. They want to replace Whites with disgusting browns that they can easily rule over.
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both are pretty sour outcomes friend but good point
You're arguing with 16 year olds getting their opinions from fat bearded Star Wars Youtubers. They'll probably just outgrow this.
It's not that deep lil bro. They're literally just abusing a tax loophole.
>he is blind >>56676671
>They are as right as it gets
>they are jews
fuck of arab, islam gets killed soon
Okay Pedro, you'll be getting sent back to your shithole country to rot with the rest of your subhuman kind
From this very thread.
>Character is ugly? Look in the mirror, chud.
I think I'm very handsome, thatnks for reminding me ;)
saved, very based.
It's never been more Over
Everyone knows the companies jump on it for money the problem is that it's being pushed at all and who's pushing it and why.
>he thinks Jews aren't right wingers
Nigga... Why do you think that right wing politics and megacorporations go hand in hand? Do some research on the richest CEOs, check their religion and how much they are involved in politics. Jews are just in it for the money, as always.
Buddy I am as European as it gets.
opinion discarded, I hate black people
Niggers will never be European, go back to Africa and die there, you have no business polluting White countries with your presence.
>Buddy I am as European as it gets.
Du wirst nie ein echter Europäer sein, und du bist garantiert auch ein schmutziger brauner oder dunkler.
waiting in this thread for the full version, great stuff
You guys get me so horny for some reason, holy shit, I love white European racists. Please tell me you guys are pale as fuck
A real european would fight back against DEI because it's an existential threat
>He broke past the 3 NIGGER limit
Most of them aren't even white, and if they are, they're the worst example of their kind. They're either subversives or self-hating browns hoping that they'll be the exception to mass deportations.
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he's pretty strong...
lemme fight him!
There is definitely people who use it to push an agenda, but it's not the core problem. As cliché as it sounds, money is the root of evil here. There is shit like Sweet Baby Inc or whatever they are called, but even they can only function this well because of the DEI program that the US is personally funding. Cause what they are doing is pretty much just this:
>contact gaming companies
>tell them that they have to obey the the DEI rules and they'll get extra money
>if the company refuses to comply, they threaten with releasing bad publicity about their company being bigoted or whatever
>most companies don't want to risk this and just take the "free money"
I can only reiterate, it's a tax benefits scheme.
But she is white? A strong white woman who can get shit done. This NPC is seems more related to white supremacy than your crazy conspiracy.
Its not a tax benefits scheme. It's investment money from blackrock that they dangle in front of companies if they play along. The money isn't the root, its just their tool.
Did you just assume.....
Women cannot get shit done, they are inferior and we only put up with these emotional goblins because they birth children, otherwise they should stay chained to the kitchen.
No need to leak something they have in their website
I AM fighting against it. In contrary to you, I am actively researching what's actually DEI instead of whining about unfuckable characters in a game for toddlers. I'm looking into who is pulling these fucking strings while you whine about brown people and trannies. Get a grip.
Du halt mal schön deine Fresse denn dasselbe gilt auch für dich. Anstatt hier rumzuheulen könntest du auch mal ein bisschen recherchieren was die Ammischweine machen, denn wenn du nichts dagegen machst kommt der Mist hier auch irgendwann rüber um EU-Gelder zu verschwenden.
Übrigens bin ich weiß wie Schnee.
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>Übrigens bin ich weiß wie Schnee.
>It's literally just a tax benefits loophole from the US. Their retard ass government made up this completely insane plan that grants people money for "inclusive content".
the US government is run by Jews. They pushed that initiative to promote white genocide.
White people be like. Our video games need everybody to be fuckable
What do black people think of dei?
Their prime goal is to earn money, it's as simple as that. But it doesn't reallt matter WHY they do it, point is they need to be fucking stopped either way.
Expose those who pull the strings, inform people about what they are doing. Tell companies to not buy into it. Don't buy products of companies that fell victim to it. That's the only way to win.
>no more ugly video game characters means no more muscular girls
Im for dei
>Their prime goal is to earn money, it's as simple as that.
of course it is, that's always the Jew's goal. But to earn more money, they need a low-IQ, easily controlled slave population whose violence-prone disposition they can control in order to make them turn on each other instead of against them.
stop defending kikery Shlomo, we all see through you
Why are non-whites low IQ to begin with?
Where the fuck am I defending them you illiterate fuck? I'm saying Jews are doing everything to get their greedy hands on more money and they need to be fucking stopped
No need for forward thinking when it's always sunny in africa.
fuck if I know the cause, I'm just stating facts
Because salvation is for Whites only. God has given us dominion over animals after all.
Opposing DEI does not mean opposing muscular girls you disingenuous lying maggot
personally i would just like to understand how people get to the point where they can't enjoy any piece of media because of something like a muscular woman or a non-white character
it seems superficial to me so i find it interesting how people can take such offense to it
you're putting some enormous effort and mental gymnastics into deflecting the DEI discussion away from white genocide.
white genocide is real, the great replacement is real, and DEI is one of the tools they use.
That's not a muscular girl, that's just literally a man with a female face and boobs stitched onto him
whitoids have the greatest slave mindset (hitler literally turned everyone into a drone) and history proves that they are the most violent, even warring amongst each other for animalistic territorial gains

we dont have to be racist but this is what you want unfortunately
>fictionql Muscular women are destroying white people irl
Point is either way that we need to stop this shit, man.
>this is a man
Im gay now wtf
Racism is natural, it is genetic, it's in our DNA to fight for our own people.
Cause they are poor. Poor whites are also lower IQ than rich ones
it's not about the character itself, it's when it's clearly made to push an agenda
nobody bats an eye at Barrett from Final Fantasy VII because he's a complete character who happens to be a black dude, we hate characters like the cast of Concord who were so very clearly made made by twitter troons who hate white people because jews brainwashed them into thinking it's our fault for marginalizing them when they should be blaming themselves for being subhuman weirdos, with the goal of normalizing their troonery like it's not disgusting and abhorrent
nigga it's literally a random nameless NPC, no one cares including troons because it's a throwaway character
All the actual characters look fine
>and history proves that they are the most violent, even warring amongst each other for animalistic territorial gains
for every Russo-Ukrainian war there's 10 ongoing territory wars between arab countries and another 8 between african countries. You're just brainwashed by (((mass media))) so you don't even know about them.
And you do this by saying video game characters are ugly lol. More muscular woman for me cope dei is good.
calm down bro, buff women exist
>nigga it's literally a random nameless NPC
yeah that's how it starts. Then you get Concord, Forspoken, that one recent woke game I forgot the name of, etc
>All the actual characters look fine
"all the actual characters" are pure DEI wokeshit see >>56673626
we need updates anon
>nobody straight likes muscular women
>the jews are forcing them into video games
Someone give the jews a raise.
the point is to make men feel bad about being attracted to women by making all women in media ugly (and thus essentially sexless) to the average male, and pushing the social narrative into shaming men for being attracted to actually attractive women. It also helps in subsconsciously blurring the line between women and trannies by giving off the idea that the average woman is really that ugly
You are a submissive beta male, men are not to be weaker than women, you will wipe yourself from the gene pool.
You guys are a bunch of retard
Using the literal definition of DEI, DEI inclusion started in generation 5 (proof in image)
>inb4 mindbroken fags are gonna disprove that proof
>you are a submissive beta male
Im actually a alpha dominate male as my cock would make even the most mighty muscular woman feel like a pretty little southern belle.
i feel like the same guy who spammed those schizo neo-nazi shit a few hours ago is the same one who posted this OP and is ban evading. idk guys
I could beat bea in a fight and then rape her. Dei or not.
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She was so cute, one of my favorite Sword and Shield npcs
there's literally only 7 actual characters in that image and only 3 of those are brown
and ugly you blind troglodyte fuck
>he thinks his opinion is the majority
you lost wokie, trump will win and gas all you troons
something about a swastika-shaped knife or whatever
>those shoulders
am I a vampire?
Why didn't he gas them when he was in office?
3 browns too many!
youre not supposed to be attracted/announce your attraction to video game characters in the first place.
>DEI means "brown"
didn't expect a tranny to know what words mean since your kind even struggle with the definition of "woman", but this is a new low
DEI pandering and woke is annoying as fuck, but you know what else is more annoying? Anti-woke.
I hear about it way more from you fucking crybabies than from things that are actually woke. You can go ahead and point fingers to the other side and claim you can't shut your fucking mouths with your generic comments because those people exist. Over what? That some art director is more liberal with its hard (the art director is also heterosexual and japanese, i dont even know how you think he/she is not, you are a schizophrenic retard), you can choose any sprite and one character's now gay or black or more muscular?
The Act Man was right about all of you fuckers.
I'm tired of hearing about this shit from both sides. Pokemon's representation at least feels tolerable (no forced "non-binary" shit, no alternative gender shit, no actual explicit transgender people), but half of the replies in this thread is bitching solely about that.
Nice copypasta.
Okay jew
The question is: will they backpedal on this design philosophy in gen 10 or double down?
What the actual fuck is Mela doing in that image??? She's a smoking hot white hebe slut
well, they are spics, so it's realistic
but it's funny how galar did not get so bad, 4 or less ugly npcs
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lol, i knew you were the same guy
enjoy your month ban for ban evasion, schizo
btw look at what he was spamming a few hours ago
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why not? they used to be designed specifically to be attractive, acknowledging their attractiveness is the entire point. Videogame women used to be designed with the express purpose of being fag, woman and troon repellant to keep the purity of western vidoegame culture and media.
if you're not attracted to picrel you're a fag and should kill yourself. simple as.
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how is this slut DEI?
see >>56677913 you disingenuous fag
Woke/DEI pandering started in gen 5
>DEI pandering and woke is annoying as fuck, but you know what else is more annoying? Anti-woke.
somebody post the comic
>liking muscular girls makes me submissive
Whats so bad about being submissive anyway? What if my girl like dominating me with her superior body? What if she calls me weak when im fucking her pussy? What if im so submissive that i cum when ordered?
So they were subverted since gen 5, that's even worse.
wow you found the one character who might be arguably non-DEI, clearly this retroactively erases the bonafide troon army that infects the remainder of the game
>zero argment
nice concussion
>being a centrist/fence sitter/apolitical is now bad
kys you miserable faggot
no woman actually likes submissive man. She will have unprotected sex with Tyrone and force you to raise its nigspawn.
ok so you're a /pol/fag tourist who is only here to spam your faggotry here
go back >>>/pol/
if youre older than 12 and cant differentiate the feelings you get when you see pixel boobs and a real human female, you probably shouldn't go out into society.

It's almost like they want 30 year old masturbation-pilled mongs to stop sexualizing 100% of characters they make, having temper tantrums because an ambiguously aged female is wearing shorts instead of a skirt.
Yep. It's hilarious that retards think the reason shit like Concord and Suicide Squad flops is because it's "woke" and not because nobody wants to play more games as a service slop.
no one reply to him he's getting off to this
>being a centrist/fence sitter/apolitical is now bad
always has been. If you're not anti white genocide you are tacitly supporting it. If you're not on the right side of history you're an enemy, simple as.
"Define DEI"
"Chuds are complaining about [overly reductive thing] now?"
>he didn't get the obvious sarcasm
There's nothing you can do about it, they have infinite money from their "backers."
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>safe wokeness in pokemon = OMG BEST GAME EVER I PRAISE THIS GAME
>when its more shown in the newer gen = OMG I HATE THIS GEN ITS FILLED WITH DEI WOKE TRASH
calm down retards, it has always been woke
This is a retarded argument. I'm well aware our current era of woke shit was introduced in gen5, but it was increased massively in influence for Scarlet and Violet.

These things function as a spectrum
>It has always been woke
>Started in gen 5

You are a nigger
Pathetic chudlets think game after game after game and movie after movie after movie """flopping""" will change a single thing. But no, we're permanently locked in the status quo FOREVER. Your hobbies are now means to facilitate our righteous and brave message first and """entertainment""" second.
Suck it, incels
Subverted by who? I know you'll blame da jooz but you're a retard if you think Gamefreak is somehow incapable of making these decisions themselves.
'cord tier bait above dont respond
>Overwatch / Overwatch 2 - died as soon as they stared adding fags and troons
>Concord - flop
>Forspoken - Flop
>Dustborn - flop
how many woke games need to flop before woketards stop coping?
The difference is that the ones in scarlet and violet look like shit
Her Machamp will rip you apart before you reach her, cumskull
>if ur not a schizo based chud who wont start the great genocide against black, muslim, jews, feminist and trannies u are the enemy
Stalin's paranoid analogy
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>he thinks "not white" = "woke"
you don't know what wokism or DEI are.
Anti dei nigs be like
>an old woman
>the jews made them this abonation in
>gamefreak really wouldve made her a fuckable ass bimbo if they werent forced
it has always existed, it just the modern form of wokeness/DEI that you retards hate started in generation 5, not in generation 9
Overshart 2 flopped because the devs failed to deliver on what they promised (pve) and didn't justify it being a separate """new""" game at all
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By the influence of managerial capitalism. Media's decline has reflected the final replacement of entrepuenural capitalism with the managerial state.

Managerial capitalism is defined by ''public private partnership'' where the state and corporations are far less distinct, and thus corporations start being motivated less by greed and ideology and status become more important.
>no woman likes a submissive man
>meanwhile woman irl
many keks, i hope this will find use soon
her being old is a part of her characterization, not an agenda. Again, you don't know what DEI is.
DEI is Galar being full of pakis in an attempt to make it seem like Britain, a white nation, being infested with nogs is a normal thing.
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its funny how you niggers wont even try to disprove this image, it started in gen 5, not gen 9
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fixed the typo
First woke character was Glacia because she's white and not japanese like everyone else.
Why the fuck does gamefreak keep putting in old women into the games? Nobody wants to fuck old women! Dei
Antiwoke screechers are the reason the right will fail
Nobody cares how much you hate niggers, shut up you annoying cunts
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the vast majority of characters in SV isn't DEI retard
you seriously see one poorly cherrypicked image and believe it like a brainless drone lmao
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>gen 5 was le based, there was nothing woke and de-
Why do you need to disprove it? It's obvious to anybody that they started inserting niggers into it in gen 5.

That doesn's change the fact that scarlet and violet more violently leaned into a progressive agenda.
>Overwatch 1 was a massive success
>Overwatch 2 flopped
>they are essentially identical in gameplay and content, the only difference is the fags and trannies
keep coping, call of duty and battlefield slop can barely justify the sequels they shit out either and yet those games sell like hot cakes. why? not woke.
>uses a stock photo that required two people be paid to participate in it
>somehow this is an example of "women irl"
is this the most brainpower the woketards can muster?
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Part of it is because Jews see whites as the biggest threat to their power grabs. Part of it is just plain spite. Semites vs euros is a rivalry as old as history itself.
ur arguing with literal 'cord troons man
define woke and dei then
>wokes is ONLY good if its based and good looking
ok now you are disingenuous
This is only logical considering you make a game based on usa.
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>the vast majority of characters in SV isn't DEI
Exactly it's the same shit, they promised Overwatch 2 would have more than the first game and then didn't deliver despite pulling the plug on the original for it.
Are you retarded?
>old witch ghost trainer
>black grandma who likes to rap
old people don't even like rap.
then why are you attacking SV specifically where there is enough proof that they wanted DEI and wokeness stuff since gen 5.
You fags should attack every games that started with Black and White
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fucking hell i hate niggers

japanese media will be replaced by korean and chinese if they keep this trash up.

where are my beautiful teens gamefreak?!?!?
>solution: mass shoot and murders minorities like arabs, niggers, trannies and women instead of the rich people behind blackrock or SBI (i.e. brenton tarrant, patrick crucius)
why are far right niggers so retarded?
Yes it needs to not look like real life trannies at the very least.
Yes it did start then but it's been cranked way harder as time has gone on and people notice that.

The progressive agenda hadn't really been explicit enough or offensive enough for people to give a shit in 2010.
Shes cute though. An actually fuckable black granny.
>old people don't even like rap.
>Eminem (52 years old)
dude im gonna rape you. entire franchise full of prime beautiful girls and this is what you say....
>define woke and dei then
woke: the belief that the dominant position of White western civilization is illegitimate, that sexual degenerates, non-whites, and non-white culture are equal to white culture, and that society should shift towards de-normalization of the white family unit as the de facto cultural and societal standard, in order to gradually replace the white majority demographic with a non-white one
DEI: the manipulation of culture and media in order to push the aforementioned woke agenda.
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ok so you want safe DEI and safe woke then
you are a hypocrite, you know? thanks for outing yourself as one
>Overwatch / Overwatch 2 - died as soon as they stared adding fags and troons
Overwatch 2 died before release because Blizzard failed to keep any of their promises.
>Concord - flop
Yes, because again nobody wants to play more games as a service slop.
>Forspoken - Flop
Nobody wants bland Ubisoft open-world action adventure games either.
>Dustborn - flop
Not even a flop lol it did fine for an indie game.

And your cope for Baldur's Gate 3 being a massive success while being extraordinarily faggy? Or the Last of Us, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, all games that you subhuman retards have decried as "woke"? I don't even like Sony moviegames but they're undeniably very successful. Hell this thread is about how Gamefreak has supposedly put "DEI" in SV yet SV are the second best selling Pokemon games in history?

>they are essentially identical in gameplay and content,
Yes, when you make a "sequel" to a popular game without adding anything new people will just keep playing the popular old game instead of wasting their money buying the sequel.
>the only difference is the fags and trannies
Are you under the impression that Overwatch isn't also full of faggots? I remember plenty of retards just like you in 2016 crying about how Overwatch would fail because of "forced diversity".
Genuinely. The older pokemon games are way better because all the characters are light skinned.
>"Our DEI officer made us use an ugly western artstyle" - Sugimori
It's been confirmed!
I can't control what they add to the game but at least don't make it look like real life creatures.
Those are three alolans.
You're making stupid assumptions. Noticing that there is a difference in extremity of progressiveness between games doesn't mean that I support any of it.

Gen 5 is an early example of shitty DEI, and the franchise was better when it was racially homogenous.
if that's your /pol/ definition, why do you defend games, such as the gen 5 games, for doing exactly what you describe. Is it because of nostalgia?
Why does gamefreak keep putting niggers? In their games? Why? Nobody likes niggers? Niggers?
>I remember plenty of retards just like you in 2016 crying about how Overwatch would fail because of "forced diversity".
Literally never happened
But you freaks love rewriting history
The artstyle has barely changed strawmankun, it's the character designs which have changed
What the FUARK is that wh*toid Surge doing in my Japanese game?
Fucking DEI
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New Pokemon games about discovering conspiracies when?
>define woke and dei then
It's when there's a brown person/gay person/woman I don't find attractive. But only if it's in something new that I don't like. If it's in something from my childhood that I do like it was fine actually and definitely wasn't made with any political intentions because politics only started existing in 2016 when I gained consciousness.
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Pokemon's been "woke" since it first landed on American shores, bucko. But you were probably too young to realize what was actually going on when Brock, who everyone involved in the anime's production thought could be perceived as a racist stereotype, was briefly replaced with the most inoffensive pasty motherfucker imaginable.
Replaced until they got backlash from fans who were upset that Brock was gone rather than cheering that their innocent minds were safely shielded from such an offensive character by what Japan thought was American standards.
own those fraud
How tf is putting a white person and a nigger in the games the same?
>Overwatch 2 died before release because Blizzard failed to keep any of their promises.
no it didn't, woketard. OW1 didn't have a single-player campaign either and that game was well carried by its multiplayer alone. If not having a singleplayer campaign was enough to kill OW2, then OW1 wouldn't have succeeded in the first place. It literally died because of the DEI.
>Yes, because again nobody wants to play more games as a service slop.
most popular games in the world right now: League of Legends, Fortnite, Coutner-Strike 2, Helldivers 2. All live service. Concord failed because of the DEI.
>Nobody wants bland Ubisoft open-world action adventure games either.
Tears of the Kingdom and FF7 Rebirth are amazing open-world action adventure games and sold really well. Forspoken flopped because of the DEI.
>Not even a flop lol it did fine for an indie game
nope, it flopped. cope.
>And your cope for Baldur's Gate 3 being a massive success while being extraordinarily faggy?
being "faggy" isn't DEI, it doesn't demonize white people, non-fags/trannies or white families, it rightfully treats white people (at least the humans) as the majority, it doesn't mock the audience and it's not a tumblr circlejerk.
I'my not against gay people or black people. I'm against fags/trannies and niggers, big difference.
>MAYBE Penny
looks DEI but is based on decade old character tropes in Japan
not DEI

in other words kill yourself you uninformed retard
Funny because that's actually what the Japanese side of the internet was saying when scarlet and violet first came out.
If you guys hate wokeness or DEI on your games, why dont you guys do something against the rich corpos like blackrock or SBI instead of killing random niggers, muslims or trannies?
It was bad then and its bad now desu
argument DESTROYED
DEI is vibes based
Replacing that nigger Brock with a chad Aryan Tracey was anti-woke.
Neither are asian
I thought it was supposed to be racially homogenous and anything outside of that was le bad and woke
Face the facts, KANTOOOOOOOO is pozzed
Soon gamefreak will never make another white girl ever again. Its so fucking over whitebros... we lost the dei war.
Because we live in a managerial capitalist state and destroying those institutions would require a revolution.
I thought Aryans were supposed to be blue-eyed blondes.
>do something against the rich corpos like blackrock or SBI
That's what this thread is about, calling out their bullshit where it pops up.
>killing random niggers, muslims or trannies?
No one is doing this. Take your meds.
>if that's your /pol/ definition, why do you defend games, such as the gen 5 games, for doing exactly what you describe
they don't, they include a black character once in a while, without letting white people not be the majority default. again I'm not against having blacks and gays in media, I'm against promoting niggers, trannies and faggots like they're just as valid or on par as whites.
Everything that's good in the world, technology, society, modern science, etc. is due to the existence of straight white people. Do you think a nigger or a tranny could have ever invented the computers that they use to spread their white replacement agenda?
the instant whites become a minority, the entire world is going to go to shit and become like the Middle East. Europe is already well on its way to that reality We're not only better, we're -necessary-.
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Reminder that Terastallization is a trans allegory, and you lost the culture war.
are Japanese white?
>why dont you guys do something against the rich corpos like blackrock or SBI
I -am- doing something, I'm voting for my country's nationalist party (not a burger so I can't vote Trump but I'll do what I can)
I have no issue with the japanese, for one they're too weak to actually be a threat to white people, secondl they absolutely love whites and the west, and third their family-oriented values and culture are based
It's way easier to stroll into a majority black neighborhood and shoot all the elderly people in a grocery store instead of targeting actually rich and wealthy people
also it's easier to just complain on imageboards because i'm autistic and obese to do anything about it
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The Act Man was right on everything related to anti-woke fags
Cutting their taxes will really show them.
What's your solution?
>he fell for the Hasanigger leftoid propaganda
>No one is doing this. Take your meds.
>who is the club q shooter, brenton tarrant and the buffalo shooter
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We're getting there.
I has a nigger?
QRD? don't want to give any woke-supporting faggot views
Remove jews from all positions of power, then deport all non-Whites, or exterminate them, if necessary.
then do something about it. why dont you bring your guns against them?
>their family-oriented values and culture are based
so are christian middle class africans in africa and some moderate muslims in muslims majority countries
>no it didn't, woketard. OW1 didn't have a single-player campaign either and that game was well carried by its multiplayer alone. If not having a singleplayer campaign was enough to kill OW2, then OW1 wouldn't have succeeded in the first place. It literally died because of the DEI.
I know you can't read but let's try this again. The ONLY reason OW2 was supposed to have been made was for the single-player campaign. Since that never materialised and the games were 99% the same otherwise no-one had a reason to waste their money buying the new game and jump from OW1 to OW2.

>most popular games in the world right now: League of Legends, Fortnite, Coutner-Strike 2, Helldivers 2.
Case in point: more. The people who play League already play League, they don't want a new game that will take up an inordinate amount of time to play and thus get in the way of playing League. Also League has even more fags and trannies than OW2 yet it somehow hasn't flopped?
>Tears of the Kingdom and FF7 Rebirth are amazing open-world action adventure games and sold really well. Forspoken flopped because of the DEI.
Neither of those are bland Ubisoft-style games.
>nope, it flopped. cope.
Simply untrue.
>being "faggy" isn't DEI, it doesn't demonize white people, non-fags/trannies or white families,
How does Overwatch 2 do that? You also cited Helldivers 2 as an example of a successful game despite it having an explicit anti-fascist, anti-nationalist message as stated by the developers themselves. When that was revealed all you retards said Helldivers 2 would collapse and fail because "it went woke" yet it continued to be successful.
>it rightfully treats white people (at least the humans) as the majority,
Like 50% of the NPCs you meet in the first half of the game are Tieflings.
>I'my not against gay people or black people. I'm against fags/trannies and niggers, big difference.
I don't even think you're lying, I think you're literally too stupid to analyze what your own beliefs are.
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Probably this.
he used to make good videos and be against sjws in the video game sphere. now he has falled into the wokeness propaganda. he is the average centroid who claims both sides are bad and he claims he doesnt want any politics in video games. he calls out both wokeness and anti-wokeness
>I'm against promoting niggers, trannies and faggots like they're just as valid or on par as whites.
they're better than whites actually
The day they make a canonically spic/black protagonist/region is the day this place loses its mind.
So gen 9?
>Everything that's good in the world, technology, society, modern science, etc. is due to the existence of straight white people. Do you think a nigger or a tranny could have ever invented the computers that they use to spread their white replacement agenda?
Modern computing was literally invented by a gay man.
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i thought DEI and wokeness started in gen 9
>pokemon claims to be an ideal utopia
>look inside
>it promotes DEI
>Modern computing
nope it was created by the Third Reich's scientist, look it up fag
Spaniards are white, I mean a place like Latin America or Africa.
>no-one had a reason to waste their money buying the new game
OW2 is free to play, woketard, but keep coping
>Also League has even more fags and trannies than OW2
no it doesn't, that game's main target audience is South Korea and they rally against any wokeshit in their culture
>Neither of those are bland Ubisoft-style games.
the only bland part of Ubisoft games is the woke shit. Assassin's creed sold well until that became woke too.
>How does Overwatch 2 do that?
the only non-negroid character with a confirmed non-fag sexual preference and canonical progeny is a dwarf made to make fun of Nordic people. You're blind.
>You also cited Helldivers 2 as an example of a successful game despite it having an explicit anti-fascist, anti-nationalist message
plenty of games INTEND to have "anti-fascist, anti-nationalist" messages and completely drop the ball doing so. Helldivers is one of those cases, it tries to demonize the extermination of inferior races ("bugs") but you can't demonize that because anyone who isn't an estrogen-poisoned jew bot knows that defending your people and your culture from inferior beings is a good thing.
>Like 50% of the NPCs you meet in the first half of the game are Tieflings.
not what I said, learn to read.
>I think you're literally too stupid to analyze what your own beliefs are.
my own beliefs are that people who know their rightful place in the world and defer to the superiority of the culture and society that they benefit from and thrive under every day are A-OK by me. White people invented your computer/phone, invented the internet, and invented the language that you're using to argue against their superiority right this instant. None of the media you defend tooth and nail would even exist without the contributions of white people, because no other race was intelligent enough to advance humanity and technology the way we did. You owe us everything and that's just a fact
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the collective seethe will be legendary
it's what they ultimately fear the most when you really look into it
it all just just boils down to white people not being seen as the default go-to option anymore
The only canon one of those is the Asian, which makes sense since the plot is a Japanese self-insert fantasy.
>teras from Fairy to Fairy
It's an allegory for "just be yourself" you retarded cunt.
>he fell for the jew historical revisionism
faggots can't create or invent anything, they only destroy that which others have built. No faggot has ever benefitted humanity as a whole in any way.
>no it doesn't, that game's main target audience is South Korea and they rally against any wokeshit in their culture
oh no no no gookbros...
Sounds fucking based to me.
lol I read this in a thick mexican accent adding "esse" at the end of every sentence.
>it all just just boils down to white people not being seen as the default go-to option anymore
yeah, exactly. You owe everything to us and yet you hate us to the point that you want us to disappear. The moment white people are no longer the majority in the West, all of mankind will be set back to pre-industrial revolution levels. We'll sink down to the level of sandnig Muslim countries who bomb each other because of their fictional sky daddies. Then you will be killed like the dysgenic fag you are because guess what, people in those countries aren't as sympathetic to your kind as white people are today.
>half the entries are "revealed by the tranny writer on xitter" or "revealed through obscure lore text"
congratulations for proving me right yet again, the only people doing this shit are western trannies paid by jews, and they have to hide it on their xitter posts or lore drops because they know other, smarter countries would never stand for this shit
that era of youtube was literally jews paying off youtubers to push rightwing propaganda
That's also how the sexualities of Overwatch characters were revealed yet somehow that's the cause of OW2 flopping but not League of Legends.
The elites don't care about you either.
sounds like cope from a failed man who never amounted to anything
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If this exists, the opposite also exists.
I just want to play a good, finished Pokémon game, man
Sounds good to me, let humanity wipe itself out, we are a failed species and God should have never created us.
She's the best. I love girls who are huge but act cute and feminine regardless.
>not reducing tit size
they say this and keep their uyghurs population in camps, yet they are literal commies
how are libtard coping by that
I, too, think everyone on this site should cease to exist.
>brown and old is DEI
Anon, DEI is specifically ugly
Damn Paldea is Pokemon's bongland even if Galar is there
Why is this board full of woke trannies?
This is chud territory

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