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We have:
>Source code for Platinum, HG/SS, B/W, and B2/W2; some of which is very early and also includes commit history
>Loads of files relating to OR/AS, US/UM, Pokemon Bank, and Pokemon Home
>Tons of XY's development concepts and beta builds, including pic related
>Shitloads upon shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and such things relating to these and other series titles like R/S, D/P, and G/S
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine and anime art; data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO, etc.
>Internal names for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak, and some have already begun constructing builds from the early source code.

>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Previous: >>56672178
Real thread.
Also those lighting tests were demo reels? Anymore of those?
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CTR Dev Unit
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>fucked up the number
I have the four staff files, how do I open them now?

We already had a new thread
kek i always love seeing third party controllers being used for these things
So, what do you think it happened at Gamefreak that made them go "ok let's give up on X/Y, scrap 1/4 of its planned content and move on"? Do you think the first mainline Pokemon game in 3D deserved to be treated like this?
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I wish I could play 3DS games with a classic controller.
>wii pro
>third party
Hopefully there's more
fuck off, yuricuck
Reposting lighting tests
In the zip file in the ikuta_junya folder
All dated to late August 2013
Most of these showcase effects/lighting not in the final game
Fuck off retard
They had a deadline, there's not much else to say.
Definitely this one, coomer get the rope
Fuck off, Yurifag
Make sure the extensions are 7z.aa, 7z.ab, etc (without the numbers, if you got them from the google drive link) and then right click the first to extract it with 7zip
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>tfw ORAS was the game game freak alwats wanted to make from the beginning
>XY was just an afterthought
>both still kinda sucked in the end

anyways, anything about zinnia in the leaks?
It's not third party, it just has a different shell because it's supplied with the devkit.
let me konw if people find stuff for the ORAS megas, i know there is a few design sheets from the X&Y files but i want to see more
Deadlines, worldwide release, ORAS and the 20th anniversary.
They just can't get it right.
TPC pressuring them with time constraints for the yearly release to keep up merch sales.

Ok yaoifaggots
Go watch dirty boys suck eachother off
Pretty cool but man is the transition sharp
Deadlines and TCP being a shit, as usual.
That's not a wii pro controller though. Way too flat.
We in ORAS now

I have to know if there was Battle Frontier work done...
I get the 20th anniversary but why would ORAS be more important
I told them to knock it off
all together
Kys yurifag
Nice genwar headcanon
>TPC pressuring them
again with this bullshit, why and how would TPC "pressure" one of the companies that own them?
Go cry in a corner about people not wanting to use your blatant yuri-bait thread, nigger
you'll buy it anyways
>Way too flat
Thats just the weird black backing, comparing it to my own right here and its the same else wise
100% the 3DS being slow to takeoff didn't help and they needed to release it ASAP
That thread was made first so guess which thread mods will see as double posting spam

Thats right
This one

Stay mad chuddie
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It's hard to tell the details because it's white, but that's exactly what the retail version looks like.
Because no matter how you spin it, 100% of the Pokemon franchise depends on the games to produce anything new, meaning that while Gamefreak has arguably the most power if they decided to swing it... they have unarguably the most pressure put upon them by all corners.
>Mega Flygon
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what is this framerate? was it recorded by game freak?
you know, as much people complain about performance in the modern pokemon games the 3DS also had kinda shaky one and we don't really know how bad these prototypes ran because citra kinda bypasses those limitations by running directly from the PC's CPU (like literally you can't make it lag even if you turn 3D on)

>they had diving planned for xy
>they had soaring planned for xy
>they had secret bases for xy
>literally all stuff that only made it into oras
sure buddy
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Document 1 on these tests
>nothing for Diantha outside of a beta champion theme
>she was just written to be shit from the start
it hurts
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Document 2
Muh Hoenn remakes and muh anniversary game. I’ve been saying and warning about this for almost a decade now- XY was gutted so ORAS and SM could be mid rushjobs, and Gamefreak realized they could get away with it.
Ah I mistook the black back as the controllers shadow, making it seem way too thin.
yeah my bad, i autofilled and forgot to change it
Development builds are going to be running on devkits that are much more powerful than retail games. Optimization comes later.
>Because no matter how you spin it, [FANFIC]
mega jinx was scrapped before any art was done apparently
mega flygon was never even a concept
The documents those screenshots come from directly describe it as a Classic Controller Pro
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Uh oh. You said first mainline 3D pokemon game. You left yourself wide open for responses from retards when anyone with two brain cells knows you meant XY or older. Be careful next time.
SM and ORAS were significantly better than the froglegs game but if you told me sales held when compared between the three and that's why every game after has been more and more XY like id believe you.
I'm pretty sure they also scrapped Mega Milotic because it is the Gyarados counterpart so it obviously was considered as a Mega for OR/AS. Mega Flygon concepts probably are in the files, there are also multiple iterations of it according to the interview. Yeah, we need to find these as soon as possible.
Don't you get tired of spamming the same exact things every single day? Don't you get tired of copycatting everything?
I went to sleep during the Max OP thread did anything interesting happen since then?
Yuritranny sperging out to reduce the imagecount
Most fault can generally be given to TPC for their deadlines whenever a release is fucked. That said, 3 years is a reasonable timeframe to turn out a 3DS game and even they thought as much since apparently it was only delayed internally by about a month, so then the fault bends more towards a large chunk of their developers making something in 3D for the first time. Its not like they could have released it any later to account for that though, because they needed to get the ball rolling on the 20th anniversary stuff and have it spaced out appropriately with XY and ORAS.

tldr a lot of unfortunate timings lining up and XY primarily paid the price. You could argue the 3DS being what it is also played a part. I like the 3DS personally but I imagine that wasn't a fun device to develop for
3ds dev kits can use the Wii controller so yea ig its a prototype
As long as you've a wireless controller, you can use it to play games on your 3DS using homebrew
Definitely, Milotic was easily prime for a mega, probably Water/Fairy to contrast Water/Dark Mega Gyarados
Leaker said the download got cut before it finished for XY so it might not be in the files at all.
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For comparison the final game's night lighting looks like this
Is there such model sheet for EVERY character?
I mean, if there are generic NPCs like this, then notable characters too, right.

Captcha: 20YRS. Of what?
Which is weird, because it had stats, an ability and a cry found in the files. Yet no art??
If ORAS didn't remove content that was in Emerald it would probably be the best game in the series or on par with HGSS.
>Leaker said the download got cut before it finished for XY
Yeah, for some of the code. So irrelevant, mostly.
Could have been worse, could have been made for the Wii U which was notoriously known for being an ass to develop for.
The anti-yurifags are more annoying than the yurifags at this point
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As another comparison, daytime lighting in the final game
Final game lacks that extra fog effect
showcase more differences
Yeah, but that requires running the controller inputs through my PC and then through my router. I'd rather be able to play them with something plugged in.
because they also had to meet the deadlines for that, so if x/y was in an incomplete but playable from start to end state then the priority would be to finalize what they've got that's ready to be released for that and then move onto ORAS to get that into a playable from start to end state by the necessary deadlines for that
would be too hard for the intended audience (blind 8 year old kids) haha
Both suck balls, ironically
Stay on topic ffs
I wasn't sure about the other stuff but this does make it look like we got the unfinished lighting in the games
You lost btw
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it's a proto that comes with the dev kit
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Lost what?

Im here to post and look at leaks
Yeah, that was a pretty dire era for Nintendo despite the fact that the 3DS printed money once they cut the price on it. Imagine if they forced a pivot for SM to be WiiU releases, with that annoying fuck Rotom being on your gamepad at all times. Grim possibilities
depends, don't you faggots get tired constantly posting disingenuous bullshit?
I don't think it's a prototype, it's just a different shell to differentiate it from the retail product.
so just to be 100% clear. did the leaker fuck up in the upload of the staff folder or did he get booted before he could finish downloading it? i woke up like 5 minutes ago and might just be acting like a retard and misreading whats been said
You will pay for senying the beauty of girls love
one posts cute girls while the other one just whines, i know who I'm voting for
Leaker got booted (presumably) while downloading the final SVN, so the final build source is missing some branches, but the staff folder is intact
literally a wii pro controller without the text printed + black buttons in white shell
Any more Gen III? I'd like to see some Ruby/Sapphire builds including Pokefesta.
>one makes the thread hit image limit early with off topic shit and the other wants to talk about leaks
Which part of it sounded like fiction to you?
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leave us alone
Here's your (You)ri

Go back to /u/
Lot of beta/test webms in ohmori/一時置き場/, mostly of unfinished ORAS cinematics, but there's also these double battle tests which show both XY and ORAS protags together - and another that simply shows both ORAS protags together
Stop whining about the yurifag

They only post because you validate them by givinf them attention

Literally just IGNORE THEM

literally no one interpreted as that, stop having imaginary arguments in your head
one is a virgin loser that masturbate on drawings while the other just wants to enjoy cool scrapped content from their childhood games
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Why do you keep saying this when someone corrects you about it be SV every time?
if people here knew to ignore attention seekers this board would be so much different
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hozumi_yukiko\KWG\ピカチュウボイス_REC資料\ピカチュウボイス_REC資料\Motion contains a lot of Pikachu animation tests, mainly for amie
Why does he throw like such a fucking sissy?
Is Calem tall or is May small?
testing for wifi/local battles probably
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A battle animation test, showcasing the beta idle pose for Pikachu
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It's XY too
>XY code repository is incomplete
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neither, the XY protags are older, they're probably approriate heights for their ages
Because the yurifags are still the ones eating image limit.
I went to sleep last night, what has been discovered, are aliens real
>tfw team flare finished their court trial and were ordered to be stoned to death
aliens are not real
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Meant to post pic rel
The internet as a whole would be so much different (better) if people followed the age old simple rule of 'dont feed the trolls'
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Of course they are!
Wrong. Wrong! Fuck you!
No, they're not
But we did discover that Lysandre literally did not exist until way later and it was originally a tragic revenge about Az with him being the final boss
Isn't ORAS May the same age as XY's MCs? As in, both are 16?
Stop being retarded on purpose it will stuck
I slept through the past few big threads, what happened? We have all the staff files and the final XY build, but was something broken? I saw a few mentions of interruptions and messed up files
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They were yokai all along
reminder that if you find something to watermark it due to centro
I figure they are the same age as the originals
The XY source code repo was the last thing the leaker was grabbing and he got detected and kicked during that, so it's incomplete
Tall Serena gf…
Poor Zossie, she deserved more recognition. Both her and the alien milf.
Basically the XY source code is partial, but the folders with the documents which is where the real meat is are complete. There was a LOT of info in the last thread or thread before last, even including some stuff from BW that either we missed or was included with the XY stuff.
>You will never plow her unshaved french pussy

Why even live
Somehow I feel like the biggest takeaway about XYinsider being fake all along was that we REALLY should have realized it was BS cause of Luigi
fuck yuri
who's the most peggable pokeBOY
>basic shirt and pants
Who dressed Serena? Her mother?
Btw do we even know who drew all of the Megas we have seen thus far? They certainly don't feel like they were made by Game Freak's most known artists (it doesn't even look like Japanese art)
anon don't make me wanna fuck the alien people
stop sending your brightest soldiers
Calem/Serena are at least 17, since Emma is at least 16 and she calls Calem/Serena her elders/senpai.
I heard some hearsay that there's no gen 7 content in the leaks. Is there any truth to that?
Literally built to be pegged into a squealing mess on the floor
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it's what she wear when she's on her period
Yes, there's no gen 7 content. You can leave now.
Imagine being so insecure that you feel the need to watermark a 4chan post to keep DA EVUL CENTRO away.
The staff folder is missing folders that oughta be there
The throw wasn't that bad, he's just a sissy by design
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Once again asking for a fic where Hex turns Calem into beta Hex
Hey, Centro, who's your favorite Pokegirl?
hi centro
Kieran is gay trap bait. He's built for gay/bi men who call themselves straight to want to fuck, then deny it being gay later.

Hau is somewhat peggable
again, the leaker said gen 7 is trash and he won't bother leaking anything about it
Ask that one hexfag whose into diapers and sissification, he'll probably do it for you.
For shame. For fucking shame.
Roaring Moon but with fat dragon tits
Look at the bottom right corner of this Centro post
>no more NPC ref sheets
Yeah, it's fucking over.
Yes it was, he basically let's go of he ball midway through the throw
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I dont see it
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Direct comparison of XY night-time lighting - beta lighting test on the left, final on the right
I don't know about the megas, but the pokemon in the leaks have their artist tagged as part of the filename usually.
He's nervous around Serena.
Haven't checked these threads in a while, any cool leaks in terms of pokegirls?
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I need her
KEK nice
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Fucking kek

Go to the actual tweet and zoom in the image into the bottom right corner
I may have never touched "a women" but at least I'm not an ESL negroid
that's not in the image
Oh, I thought he was posting his own screenshot of his tweets in leak threads to rile up anon
Left is way better holy shit
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last thread some anon said main r44706 build was crashing in melonDS and worked in desmume

for me is crashing on both after the first cinematic
You actually made me check, it's not there, kill yourself.
The transitions between lighting levels was rough, and my guess is this heavily impacted the framerate but it would be nice to see reimplemented if we can get the source code working. Maybe N3DS can run it reasonably if we can only compile for 3DS systems but throw a modern PC at a port of this and it will run fine.
>retards fell for it
this board's IQ drops 20 points during leak season, and that's an accomplishment because usually IQ can't go into the negatives
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ahahaha fucking retard
And she needs (You), anon
nothing there either
it's zoomers and tourists
Requesting a fic where timid final hex is sent back 10 years to her confident proto appearance a la Erased and with each replayed scenario she has a flashback of how things went smoothly before her older timid personality screws things up in her younger proto body.
hey anon, would you like to buy a bridge from me? just send $1 to stupidfaggotgotyou@roflmao.kek using paypal
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The ORAS protags are explicitly called 12 in-game, in one of the DexNav news things. The XY protags are around the same age as Emma who is explicitly 16.
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Look closely.
why not just have proto Hex be a younger version of final Hex before she ruined her life becoming terminally online?
If the XY source build was the last thing the leaker got, why is he claiming to have the Legends ZA build? Surely an unrecognized IP accessing the ZA files would've triggered Game Freak to shut that shit down a lot sooner.
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All the Pokemon art we've seen is in the Tomohiro Kitakaze folder. He made Mewtwo Y but I don't know if the designer of the other megas has ever been made public.
thanks I can't wait for the bridge!
This >>56674917 is 100% there in the real tweet LMAO
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Wishlist for Z
>alien plot
>Zygarde mission
>new type of battle
>easier training
>riding pokemon
>online lounge

SM has everything you asked for.
>NOOOO stop giving me everything I asked for
>making hex into a riamu-like
Oh man that's hot.
Wtf is up with her tits
Presumably he fetched things he found to be a higher priority first and not in chronological order, dumbass.
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He probably grabbed that shit first.
>If the XY source build was the last thing the leaker got, why is he claiming to have the Legends ZA build?
If you had a choice between getting something new that nobody else has or something old everyone else has seen, which one would you grab first?
> Surely an unrecognized IP accessing the ZA files would've triggered Game Freak to shut that shit down a lot sooner.
Oh nevermind, you're retarded.
Is Riamu the reason Kiara exists
whose the dumbass now btw
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If anything is the opposite, since ZA is being heavily worked and there's basically no reason to touch old repos
sht up turist
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Is Choten the reason Iono exists?
who's*, so still (You)
where is that pic of both of them fighting in akiba when I need it
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Well yeah, because you're here bringing it down.
>even the lighting was better
Was there literally any aspect of XY where we weren't robbed?
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Hey why not make a Torrent of the XY Staff files where you can download each folder individually? Like I rather download each apiece than having to download all of them in bulk for hours
I just saw the beta war flashback. Why lot of people acted like most of it is cut content? The text is almost the same as final. The only notable thing was Giratina in the war for some reason.
Kizuna Ai is
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so like, i don't even care about her but is there seriously nothing about Diantha, the region's very own champion? no texts, no concept art, nothing???
if you're gonna derail, just post goatse, fuckin faggots
anything on that stupid ghost girl from xy?
The beta one is way too dark, it's good that they changed it.
We're still waiting on the very last pieces of XY I believe, so there's still a chance... but don't get your hopes up.
Pretty sure XY is done
>n-no u!!!
so... this is the power of the touristfag...
It's over....
What if she's the confident younger sister wingman and wears different disguises in the background for each chapter about final Hex going on dates with different NPC's? A movie chapter would have her be the ticket clerk when arriving before switching to a janitor in the movie room during the date.
>My Younger Sister Finally Had Enough And Is Forcing Me To Start Dating?!?
After failing at boyfriends and then failing at girlfriends the ending reveals proto Hex was a siscon wanting final Hex all along and they end up together.
bro still thinks iono is a vtuber
No we still have the source repo to look forward to
No, she's pretty heavily inspired by Kaguya Luna.
honestly? kys
Now that we know AZ was meant to be the final battle, Diantha feeling shoehorned in with little relevance makes more sense
I almost feel nostalgic for the nothingburger comments from the first day of threads
Does anyone know the filepath for the peanut birds
>Now that we know AZ was meant to be the final battle
I mean, he still is the final battle in the game.
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AZ got a different design too
What's new these past 24 hours?
Shut up gaybo
Borderline Gen 4 levels of cut/scrapped content.
Can someone explain why there are naked human girls posing beside what appears to be male Squirtle and what appears to be male Pigeoto in the OP pic?
It's just a rough design. Not really exciting.
Two, actually.
everybody loves naked girls and pokemon
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mega chonkers got leaked
Her design is based on btubers, in universe shes just a twitch thot
>Coming out of a computer
Isn't this nobody character from the manga?
>Giratina in the war for some reason.
Divine punishment for mankind's sins.
Or they needed something that looked scary.
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>literal pentagram
to add context there are like 4 different versions
difference beeing who throws their ball first (or at the same time)
lost da vinci sketch found in game freak's files
Do you think in the future game freak will share more dev info so they don't attract autistic hackers that dump everything from their servers?
What is this?
True, anyone save the Sycamore AZ? Feel like that’s getting overlooked…
nahh dont think so, its gf common
Do you think you understand literally fucking anything about how any of this happened?
I think they will share even less things. Just look at how it is right now, 8 months since Z-A was revealed and we don't even know what the game looks like.
nah if anything they're going to reinforce all security as hard as possible by just changing the password or something
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Here ya go anon
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The title screen music from Soul Silver 2007:
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dunno if someone already posted just the artwork of this, but here it is.
Would be cool if in Z-A Sycamore is actually evil/related to AZ as he was originally intended in older versions of XY.
Coz it's definitely looking at a 2025 holidays release, we won't get a proper trailer until Pokemon Day.
that's a big dick on the guy
because it becomes raw kino when you put the funny ratio spiral over it
So the leak for X/Y is pretty much done, right?
I want to know whatever decision making was behind that garbage can of Scarlet and Violet as soon as possible.
it doesn't even boot on real hardware
I meant cutscene, excuse my third world english please understand
Was gunna post it but anon beat me to it.
I really think it's interesting because both designs could be the same one, just that his hair is more presentable compared to the version of him we see in the flashback with his hair down.
Is that confirmed to be AZ?
Is the rentry in the OP absolutely everything we have from the leaks?
Also, it says in the rentry that the files come from a discord, is that where the raw leaks are posted first? What about the centro leaks xitter? Most game articles report that's what the origin of the leaks is
Thanks he reminds me of Rick lol
>"Do we really need the naked girls to showcase Da Vinci's influence in this game?"
Da fuck where did that Sycamore came from anon
Chidori and Junpei.
It’s a placeholder model for AZ.
It's a model called az_test.
Changing passwords and mandatory anti-phishing training for every employee which means even less time spent on developing the games.
Congrats, we've somehow made pokemon even worse.

Maybe they won't leave the keys on that one server available to everyone though like the leaker mentioned getting which would be an actual security improvement for them.
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>they were adding lighting to x and y 2 months before release
>cut it even though it made the graphics look 5 times better
I was thinking that too anon, like that’s him trying to blend into modern society (like a bum) rather than regal.
centro just reposts stuff, nothing in this leak comes FROM them
but because a twitter account with a bunch of followers is a lot more visible than a 4chan thread or a discord server, most people see the leaks through centro and associate it with them
TPC would make a lot of money releasing sanitized collections of design documents and beta art for every pair of games.
But most games companies hate doing that and prefer to keep all that for themselves so they can freely reuse it later.
>Is the rentry in the OP absolutely everything we have from the leaks?
>Also, it says in the rentry that the files come from a discord, is that where the raw leaks are posted first?
>What about the centro leaks xitter? Most game articles report that's what the origin of the leaks is
Absolutely fucking not, Centro is a clout chaser who steals content from here and other sites, he has never leaked anything himself
bet it was poorly optimized and it ran like ass in OG 3DS
Where is this model located
Nope, still got some SVNs to drop before he's done with it. Then I think he said he'd do switch stuff for games already out. Said he didn't have shit for SM/USUM besides the builds already released.
centro is here, in this thread, leeching anything and everything people post.
Game journalists are idiots.
An hour out of the workday every day for a year isn't that many hours in the grand scheme of things, and that's a way too common training class. It'll probably be an emergency class drilled into peoples heads over the course of a few weeks.
are we sure they werent just drawing over sycamore to figure out AZ's design?
Not even a full thread for the reposts to begin, wow
the fucking dumbass JoJo poses. in all seriousness I hope somebody with art skill takes this sketch and makes a pretty good art piece from it.
Is the party over? We've gotten pretty much everything right?
>aid he didn't have shit for SM/USUM besides the builds already released.
>not even gamefreak archives SM/USUM stuff
LMFAO even they themselves admit gen 7 was dogshit and a mistaker
Things may be cut because they don't look as good as they wanted it to
Unpolished stuff they don't have time for usually gets cut, probably why Mega Jynx was canned despite being generally finalized
Yes, I know you can apply this logic and say X/Y should've been binned
That makes MegaBlastoise look way better than the final design.
I wonder if Sun and moon will have good leaks like these too. I hate gen 7 so i want to see if it could have been better
>hour out of the workday every day for a year
Jesus that's overkill. I was just thinking like everyone has to take 1 extra class a year or something.
I've been putting off my security training exercises work assigned to me. Says I have less than a week left. The videos are dull as shit and poorly acted though since they insist on doing a "story" based learning thing. Its less about phishing than it is about not trusting new co-workers lol.
Employee reviews already claim that the seniors at Game Freak are constantly on seminaries to learn modern development tools but despite of that they're unable/unwilling to learn, and that's the real reason why the games are getting worse
I'm sure that cyber-security training would go in one ear and out the other for them just the same
GameFreakOut is posting the leaks in the freakleak discord server. Invites are closed and there are about 600 people in there.
They cut it because it looks fucking terrible and makes it fucking annoying to see anything
>Unpolished stuff they don't have time for usually gets cut, probably why Mega Jynx was canned despite being generally finalized
If it was so finalized where the fuck is the art?
Alright /vp/, how on god's green fucking Earth did you lot manage to bring THIS autist here?
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All of the proto-mega blastoise are better than the current one
why? you would hate it more knowing it would have been better
>Jesus that's overkill.
That's what I said later in the post, yes.
uh oh boys, Nintendo is gonna rap us all

Look at el centros twitter
>there are about 600 people in there
and about 3/4 of them are troons
People should take those Mega sketches and think of them like the Hoenn concept art, they were likely just that
I do wish we got whiskers/quad cannon, though
Did they finally kill Centro? About time.
Good. Serves that thieving fuck right.
serves gen7 troons right
He's still there. Twitter is being shit
oh fuck finally some hi-res old scans!
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skill issue
Not really, all the shit we are getting just means more cool romhacks to me.
Key word is generally, since it was such a late addition
Who knows though, might discover it somewhere in the SVN when we get that
thank you

Centro, I want you to know you are a fucking malignant growth on the skin of humanity. You are a fucking tumor. A grifter and a sensationalist LIAR, obsessed with clout and fame - you and people like you actually lead to the degradation of society. You are by all displayed behaviour an “anti-social” creature, bad for the overall health of the group. You were born a blood sucking parasite, all you needed was a cause.
> The user makes a decisive decision to go to the final battle at his or her own timing. We want them to feel that they were able to save the world by their own decision.
>Separate endings Separate scenario endings for X and Y
And what we got was a choice to press a button that doesn't change a thing anyway. Ba-basado
do xyfags really think a night that actually looks like night looks worse than everything being unnaturally bright
It's sill up.
It's crazy how they went with the absolute worst one in Blastoise's case.
Phew, glad our boy's ok
I still can't believe it. Literally every single design is objectively better than the one we got.
there's like two decent romhacks with the gen 7 games, nobody bothers with it and nobody will bother with it in the future either
>nudist battles concept art
>do xyfags really think a night that actually looks like night looks worse
Yes, actually, when it makes the gameplay worse.
So after this he'll do Let's Go and SwSh
Was PLA part of the leak?
Jesus man…I think he’s dead.
We have the US/UM repository from Gigaleak, afaik
I don't like Alola either but they moved to Git for it
Yawnfag is from /v/ and /vg/. This place just attracts autists from everywhere.
He said he has pla source
Have you tried getting better eyes, yawnfag?
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>could've had calm intros that would make people keep their DS systems open on the title screen just for the music
>instead it sounds like they hired a band to kick you out of new bark town
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At least it's still relatively cool. Venusaur actual mega is terrible in comparison to some of the concept ones
Can someone post the Mega Flygon leak thingy, People are saying it had stats and a cry at least,
Yeah but that's all there is lol.
It's hilarious how your go to knee jerk reaction whenever anyone can tell who you are is to start screaming and begging people to think you're more than one person.
>that filtering
ugh nevermind...
There is no flygon files at all, we only know Mega Jynx was a thing for now.
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These are all from PDFs so they are probably not the highest quality ever but some are nice.
fuck off centro
I accept your concession.
Worse than what we already have.
Strip pokemon battles would be great
joseph pls
>SM and ORAS were significantly better than the froglegs game
No way. I can accept on par or slightly better/worse, but you’re out of your mind if you think there’s a substantial gap in quality between any of them.
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Yet Slowbro got a mega, the fuck...

I always felt like they didn't add enough Megas and Megas would've mediated the issue with poorly stat allocated pokemon
Considering context scope creep was probably terminal in this game's development. It's the first 3D game but instead of developing safely but tightly executing said concepts they decided to shoot for Mars and ended up hastily landing on the moon when realizing they didn't have enough fuel to make it there.
gem that won the thread
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go be faggot somewhere else mr leaks
They didn’t scrap 1/4 of the content, they just moved it to the northern part of the game, sagefag.
>post with 0 relevance to the topic
You’re (Centro) literally one of the most bad faith actors in the Pokemon community - and Khu exists. You’re worse than Verlisfy. If there’s a hell, you’ve got a first class ticket just for being a grifter.
Don't be sad, ZA probably has a shitton of new megas
>cuntro is a w*jaknigger
God help you
inb4 ZA doesn't even have the ORAS megas
I always read this in Aku’s voice from Samurai Jack.
What if Oak dropped a lit cigarette onto the flowers?
進化プールから誕生したメガシンカ。 AZソウルリングはテットタワー内にありますMega-Evolution birthed from Evolution Pool. AZ soul ring is inside the Tetto tower
Aku was willing to turn into a girl to fuck Jack, wasn't he? He'd definitely fuck a Pokemon. He'd fuck several.
He'd be mauled by an Ursaring wearing a hat.
The flowers dont look dry so nothing probably.
what is the tetto tower?
We already know it has Mega Zygarde and Mega Zeraora
I'm sorry, what? Can we get some context here?
Why do people post shit like this and not post the filepath it's from
Probably not much. Cigarettes are only really a fire hazard if there's been a drought and the vegetation is all dead or dry.
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they couldn't even recycle the perfectly good-to-use cunty flamingo they already had over this piece of shit, what makes you think they would reuse any of the scrapped megas?
Isn't Tetto the name of that dropped legendary from the BW cinematic draft?
Also, is this from the same filepath as the other text stuff?
>he deleted it
>ZA probably has a shitton of new megas

They should hopefully our dear Dragonfly chan in, idk about ZA though, probably just like 5-10 more Megas, I feel like, the release is gonna get affected hard with this leak, probably push the release to maybe 2025??? and fuck this captcha
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The pink fits it better.
>I feel like, the release is gonna get affected hard with this leak
You are literally a braindead retard and society would be better off if your mother decided to give a blowjob that day.
We've been over this dozens of times now. Dozens! Holy shit!
>A literal flamingo, not even in a different color or anything

The fuck? might as well just call pokemon panimals

Palworld did nothing wrong, (I just started a war)
No way I refuse to believe this is a Pokemon
>durrrrrrrrrr leaks will delay the game
Barring another Tohoku, nothing's going to delay the game. Dunno why you tweens can't think, you live in todays society-- oh. That's exactly why, isn't it?
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Unironically this looks like regional variant of Cubone/Marowak evolutionary line

>Le mask on kawaii animal becomes bigger when it evolves and higher stats

Im guessing they were going for a cassowary evo line thing
Be nice dumbfuck, I saw it on twitter and got here as soon as I can, give me the details then on what your concesus is, cause I don't know everything i've been on a sabbatical

Gotta give the touristfags like me a fair shake
There was nothing on Sylveon in the xy leaks, right? Curious to know if any old concept arts for it exists.
Any ETA on the XY source repo?
You're right though.
So why gut Jynx from getting a mega?
>be nice
I am being nice. I didn't call you a double nigger, which you clearly are. Get the fuck out and wait to get spoonfed leaks by whatever poketuber your underdeveloped brain worships.
Last dump was pretty recent so it might not be for another 5 or so hours.
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Not even "a literal flamingo" because that thing looks plastic as all hell
the scrapped flamingo has a lot more nuances, you can actually feel its feathers by just looking at it enough to feel "alive" and more importantly *it look like a Pokémon*
>high heels
This is the first thing thing that actually makes me feel robbed. I would have used this. It would have been on my XY team. It was stolen from me.
How much of a black person this Centro guy is?
Not winking, it's safe.
he's a spic

You know what? Kill yourself retard, nothing in these leaks are "special"

Just scrapped designs and features, we've seen gallery's of scrapped designs before or just games in general

Cause its the stupidest looking mon ever
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left probably looked like shit on 3DS screens, especially in the daylight
He's already been facedoxed. He's mystery meat.
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how new are you? please rope
Actual child, holy shit. Kill yourself.
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I opened one of the doc files from the DP pmyth directory and this is in the corner of every page
Is that a date? Seems way too late no matter which side you read it from
I appreciate this gay flamingo
>M: 西側世界の画像掲示板は怒っており、私たちに対して非常に意地悪です。私の日本語なまりやインタビューを嘲笑する人さえいます。私たちは何をすべきでしょうか?
M: The imageboards of the Western world are angry and very mean to us. Some people even ridicule my Japanese accent and interviews. what should we do?

O: That's true. It is very difficult to please foreign and Japanese children at the same time. There are also comedy videos and fan websites about you.

>M: それらを無視して、より良いゲームを作ることに集中するのが最善です。
M: It's best to ignore them and focus on making a better game.

>O: 同意します。
O: I think i agree

Do they know about "bugs in anus" ?
>scan dot artifacts on the date and nowhere else, that also cut off perfectly in a square shape
And yet those are far better integrated into its design in a way that doesn't disrupts with the naturalistic elements: its tallons are only *shaped* like high-heels but are clearly made out of flesh

To this day no one has any idea what's the idea behind Flamigo beyond "a flamingo", like why it's its neck knotted up like that? Why is it fighting-type?
>It is very difficult to please foreign and Japanese children at the same time.
bugs in loli anus, just like my 2hus
Fake, shading is way too polished for these leaks.
Do they know about fake posts
fake and gay
There's no way this is real
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please consider destroying your own balls, cock too perhaps
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>Actually in my early 20s

You must be think of "them" alot I wonder what your pc folder has with the Dawn photos

Kill yourself you troon pdf
I want Rika to wear those gloves while she fingers my ass.
>racism bad
>on fucking 4chan
okay sissy
Yeah, fake and gay
>Actually in my early 20s
you know that only makes you look worse, right? like at least children have an excuse for being retarded
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Flamigo is a punching glove
>Using a race slur on a board that isn't /pol/

>HURR Durr you can't say racism is bad guys!

Get fucked retard,

Hope a Dragonite fires at hyperbeam at your house
>its all because of the hardware bro, trust me
Oh god, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you were missing major chunks of your frontal lobe. My dearest sympathy to your parents.
Where is that? Is it in HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt.7z together with all the lore stuff? Can't seem to find it
Stop replying to bait. It just makes you as retard as him.
Hey as long as we’re being racist; What do you call a Chinese Psychiatrist?
super-well communicated in its design I see not
This is the XY staff folder
Holy. The baitest bait to ever bait
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>he doesn't jack off to dawn daily
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All I said was,

"be nicer and convert me towards your side im curious on you guys concensus is"

I just the leaks on twitter and knew it was gonna be juicer on here, im not on this board alot, im on /a or /co, or /sp

Then you had a autistic meltdown thinking im trying to police you smogon style,
bro that's today
GF is terrible at optimizing.
>Using a race slur on a board that isn't /pol/
is something that's extremely common on this board and every other board on this website, which you'd know if you weren't a retarded negroid
>Hope a Dragonite fires at hyperbeam at your house
that cannot happen because Dragonite, as you may find, is a fictional character who is not real.
again, how autistic are you that you struggle with telling truth from reality?
Is there really no Gen 4 prototype designs/sprite ?
Its unreadable and a bad design anyway.
gee I don't know anon, whatever DO you call a Chinese Psychiatrist?
every time i see people talk about flamigo i see a new interpretation on what it even fucking is which i feel is probably not a good sign
>Most game articles report that's what the origin of the leaks is
games journalists are fucking retarded
Why would he? He's not a troon pedophile.
Looks worse than final.
Majority of the stuff was documents, though I think there's some leftovers in BW?
Do you think ORAS code is forked from XY? These XY exclusive functions like the PR studios and PokeRadar might be somewhere inside ORAS unused?
Thats what I meant
We already got that in a previous leak.
>All I said was,
>"be nicer
and that's when you revealed your faggotry.
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you just blown in from stupid town dipshit? do you even have any idea where you are?
>You have to resort to insulting peoples ethnicity cause your pussy but wouldn't say it in real life,

Once again your an ugly faggot retard, who doesn't read the room goodbye,
Stop taking the bait bro
dude just stop posting
so what do we have from kalos?
>confirmation of scrapped southern france cities
>some proto pokemon that didnt make the cut#
>some proto megas
>list of potential features, most of which didn't make the cut
>some sexy serenas
>troon pedophile.
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Are some filenames supposed to look like that?
I unzipped it using japanese locale and the files inside seem to be fine, at least the ones I checked
Not all trans ppl are pdfs my guy.
Nope, you fucked it up. Shouldn't matter unless they're text-based files though.
we have some 8 hours of shitposting to go till more XY stuff, and that's a maybe
Pretty close.
Is Lana getting fucked here? This is important.
No, you need to set the encode to JIS when extracting
Shift-JIS my man
you need to learn how to tell bait apart from genuine mental retardation
>cause your pussy but wouldn't say it in real life,
>Once again your an ugly faggot retard
the irony, considering your post history you'd probably throw a snoyboy shitfit if someone said those words to you IRL, let alone say them yourself
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Any mega concept art for Sceptile or Blaziken?
Are you Finchinator??
On Winrar go to Options > Name Encoding and set it to "932 (ANSI/OEM - Japanese Shift-JIS)" before extracting
the only troons who aren't diddlers are the ones who already committed 41%
anons why are there retards arguing in the leak thread?

answer in 5 words or less
Does the shimoyamada cci have anything cool on it?
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NTA but telling retarded children to fuck off is always the morally correct thing to do.
Where would (you) be if you didn't get your armor trimmed in Runescape? Whole lot dumber, that's for sure.
fatherless behavoir
You're. Just. Adding. More. Bait.
And I took it. Smile.
Big lad
only need two, mental illness
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At this point I think it's the same guy talking to himself to shit the thread.
Newfags can't help themselves
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I just got here and wanna see leak stuff, not watching you piss into people's mouth man
RuneScape is for fat millennials
image source?
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Flygonfags status?
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meh, it's just art that's been known about but in HD
here take it just don't hurt me
You're gonna have to post the full thing plsw
Nothing. Only Mega Jynx was scrapped, nothing else was even in concept.
Have we even found the art for mega jynx?
Still better than that low-res shit
Assuming there even is any, no.
I like how Mega Sceptile shiny matches the colors of beta Grovyle line
Mega Jynx was only a concept; no art has been found.
We might've if the staff folder wasn't incomplete
>its ok bro just splice shit arcoss multiple games for no real reason
Far as we know, nope.
Kinda disappointing but not at all surprising that these leaks confirmed 3rd legendaries are a complete afterthought.
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Then how come they went as far as to put it in the game? Remember, at this stage in development they used no models because they have to conceptualize the designs before making the models
I wanna fuck that girl
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I've found it
30 gb of staff and we only have 2 sycamore related things.

I really need to download these files when I finally get home.
A concept with game data and a cry left in Home? There's no way they didn't have a clean drawing to have been discarded this late in development
We don't know
Numbers first, prettying up the system later?
I don't know, some projects handle the art later.
Can you guys stop shitting on Centro? I started sympathizing with them 3 years ago during the Arceus leak hype era when they said Black and White were the best games. Why must we hate on a fellow Gen 5 enjoyer?
Giratina is an afterthought, Zygarde and Kyurem are pretty consistent though.
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How can I browse the svn repos?
Not all of them though. Giratina definitely got the worst of the lot though.
ugly mfer
Can you tie a rope around your neck already, cuntro?
You're too stupid for the command prompt, so you don't.
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If only her tits bounced a little, just a little.
Okay so I've been hearing that plans for the Battle Frontier in ORAS have been found
So then how did Flygon get a design, but no stats?
you’re a faggot
Project status: Started
Proto-Altaria that seems to have inspired Rayqaza doesn't even seem to be a legendary.
Kyurem lore from BW is retconned in BW2 and there isn't nothing about him in the leaks.
Nothing has been found about Zygarde so far.
That's blatantly a fakemon for original arctovish/arctozolt, the fins are literally the same
>A mega instead of an evolution
>And it couldn't even get that
My girl got done dirty.
I imagine a reasonable amount of the people going through it are using one of the graphical SVN clients. Not everybody lives in the terminal.
Gay girls!
Last general was #45
This should be #46
Next one #47
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posted it again award
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I know they did made a trainer meant to use it and made it hold a Normal Gem lmao

It's too controversial to ever cater to Jynx fans man, it's almost tragic
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that doesn't even look like may
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seems like game was always planned for 2013 so what happened
>Kyurem lore from BW is retconned in BW2 and there isn't nothing about him in the leaks.
Can anyone redpill me on this please?
When are these from, given it shows serena's original design?
Do we have a timeline on ORAS development besides the assets being finalized by July 2014?
And he gives garchompite instead
>It's too controversial to ever cater to Jynx fans man, it's almost tragic
Jynx hasn't been controversial since RBY. It can get a evolution or a mega so long as it doesn't resemble blackface like its original RBY sprite.
japan used earthquake
super effective
There’s memos in the XY docs that mention they’ll use future releases to explain stuff in earlier games. They probably were banking on Z to rectify what they couldn’t make, but Pokémon Company made them release a new gen instead of focusing on the one they let slide.
We should be looking at ORAS files not XY so there is still hope to see a design.

But then, it is perfectly possible for Flygon to have had concept art but never finalized enough to be in the game or something, so we may never end up seeing it
Kyurem's lore in BW1 is that he came from space

Meanwhile BW2 is like "achually the meteorite was Kyurem himself back when the OG dragon got split"
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They're dated to Feb 6, 2014
It's from the game itself. The town legend in BW is that Kyurem came from a icy meteor that crashed on the planet and created Giant Chasm. But then BW2 made it into the leftovers of the Original Dragon.
god I wish that were me
It didn't
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Not sure considering beta Smoochum was almost on the same path, I guess after that point Game Freak decided to just not bother anymore (they even removed the *real* gyaru-based Pokémon)
Fucking shame to think you can't even say that Magmar, Electabuzz and Jynx are part of a "trio" anymore...
You are right, how come everyone just looked at XY mega roster and deduced that there was never a Flygon one
Spoiler alert: we still won't find any
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I thought It was something new from the leaks. Thanks anons
He never came from space

The villagers just intrepeted the empty husk of the og dragon crashing in the chasm as a meteor
Has any lore stuff about Xerneas and Yveltal been found?
Sugimori expressed much trouble just coming with ideas for it I imagine he didn't even save the doodles because he hated them so much, all of the scans we're seeing are finalized and approved
Pokemon aXed content and whY bother
Just a few old concept pics of Xerneas to my knowledge.
Mega flygon never existed and was only claimed to have artist block as damage control
Except we know that they didn't even know what to fuse him with in B2W2 pre dev via interviews and BW never alludes to this idea.
It was a retcon. If Kyurem was always the original dragon them not knowing what to fuse him with is retarded.
They actively recycle beta content and so much of that explains weird holes in their current game releases. It only make them look more bad/inept to the average person.
I still resent ORAS for fucking up May's design, among other things
That gyaru pokémon was a lot better than jynx though
They couldn't even decide the types when the dex was nearly 100% complete.
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I wonder what the original grey/bw2 llan was then

And why we never got the full og dragon
Liked how they tried to bring back Wartortle’s features to better complete the line. Otherwise no notes.
I was wondering why the hate to centro (im not centro lol ;P)
fuck off cuntro
File path, please. This makes no sense otherwise.
>I wonder what the original grey/bw2 llan was then
You have to be a retard to not have realized by this point that they are ad hoc about most things.
There is no 'original grey/bw2' because they didn't think about it until they started working on it.
Kissing a sleeping pokegirl
why don't you just shut up if you have nothing to say

I'm doing svn checkout now, and it copies tons of files. I guess I can use svn update -r to change revisions then. But how did people at tcrf for example find all the interesting stuff already? There are about 60000 revisions in the black and white repo alone. Any idea how I can find interesting revisions?
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Still in shock over the "AZ was supposed to be the main villain" reveal
Recycle. Don't make any dupe threads and flood the catalogue with them
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Oh no doubt about it

Because they're a fucking leech who just repost other people's findings (only occasionally with credit) but worst of all *they can't tell real leaks from fakes appart* which is a massive problem
Fuck off you don't even have the subject line defined
Migrate whenever ready. This shit general is going to die anyways
>There is no 'original grey/bw2' because they didn't think about it until they started working on it.
Pretty much kek.
Thinking of Necrozma showing up out of nowhere in a random cave in SM.
I'm pretty sure that's the kid from earlier, so he is in fact a retard.
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No original dragon feels disappointing but it makes sense.
>yfw BW2 is like the dots in the ying yang symbol
Based on the fact that "Rai" still has the fusion prongs and they instantly jumped to the fusion idea I don't think they considered the logistics of trying to swap in a unrelated mon to a plot like BW.
The entire point of BW is that Ideals and Truth should be both taken into account, ie; thats the real original dragon.

I suppose emerald is already a pretty drastic plot but you really can't imagine it eh, though I suppose B2W2 itself already didn't have that much of a philosophy thing going on.
You probably could have Ghetsis just chase down some random legend instead of having N show up and have the same "plot".
Centro ALLEGEDLY got an email from the COO of TPC
Still not going to your thread.
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Man... XY was one of my least favorite Pokemon games...
but had they gone through with some of the ideas they had, it would have been some of my favorite games ever, period.
we were so robbed
Is it any more retarded than Giratina who originally didn't even have it's Origin form in Platinum, let alone was part of the big circle Sinnohfags keep jerking off to?
good I hope he gets sued
I'm dorry I don't get your point, today we found a LOT of pokemon that didn't make it, it is at least plausible that we find a scrapped Mega Flygon in ORAS files, it may be like you said and our boy never made it to early draft stage but ehy, it's still too soon to give up hope
XYsider status?
Are we even getting ORAS files?
You will not be missed
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Shit's getting real boys
Maybe? I certainly hope so
Consider killing yourself
would be peak kino ngl
praying for blind japniggers to fire all guns in his direction, thinking he one to blame
How do I open the XY staff files that got chopped into four pieces?
I hope they ruin him
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Damn, and they don't even have any money, they are literally spics!
Weak excuse honestly. Water / flying would’ve made more sense.
use google
If we got ORAS staff notes i wonder if we'd get some Y2X2 crumbs.
Logically it had to have hit some preproduction considering the signs and that time period would be right.
Similar to how ORAS stuff is in XYs stuff.

Truely this is the leak that keeps on giving.
imagine this is psyop of someone pretending to be pokemon company just to fuck with centronigger
would be funni
funnier still if he is successfully baited
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>Dear CentroLeaks, we regret to inform you that Masuda has boarded the plane. Good luck.
Someone make the real thread #47 already
Leaker getting away with it while Centro gets a visit from Nintendo would be the funniest shit.
We have a thread on the catalogue already. Everyone already left to that thread
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It's 1am over in Japan. They really do overwork everyone.
>constantly act like you're someone of import
>actually get caught despite having done nothing
Would be the best of both worlds.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm nyo :3
God why is Centro such an idiot
This has to be a bot, or at least I hope so because this person is seriously ill
Nobody wants to use your schizo thread faggot.
fuck off yurinigger
No matter how many times you spam this we're not going to your thread.
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>centro gets phished by a random posing as TPC
Wait until we're at page 10 before making 47
Poor levels of education in Latin America
>yfw centro dies for real
Now if we could just get rid of Khuck.
Surf bitch
you need to go back to /u/
They were working on Gear Project at the time, IIRC there is a detailed video from Did you Know gaming that goes deep into it, I think they never even took Z in consideration, just started doing their own thing on the side lines while working on SM, 0 fucks given about XY sadly
Hey Centro since you're here and reading this thread do you maybe wanna check the headers of that email to make sure you aren't being trolled by a basic ass spoof.
if any TPC suits are reading this, Centro has posted every leak here so far, we're just onlookers
>Centro pretending he knows what this means
Shh. Let him get phished.
hurrr durrrr i believe youtubers durrrrrrr
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khuck is protected by chyna
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Yeah he literally just copy and pasted what the leaker said in his discord
>when all the repos so far are svn
>doesn't explain how someone would get access to LDAP in the first place
hearty churtle
Based on what we know it definitely wouldn't be beyond like, pitch documents yeah.
I said crumbs for a reason; there definitely isn't much even if it exists.
Someone ask him what does 777 in chmod means
that's straight from the hacker's mouth. centro just copied it.
uhh bros those statues look familiar...
>he forgot the part about Gitlab that allows RCE on the credentials.txt under /etc
If he actually knew what he was talking about, he'd at least clarify that. Kinda important.
>how do we justify making the surf animation a tiny circle
or Ctrl+E
he's a fucking moron, what do you expect
probably doesn't even know what a CVE is
777 is global access and chmod is file permissions.
If you mean Beta Kyurem, I checked and while i thought the same thing, yeah they're very different. unless you meant something else?
Why is he letting GameFreak know this?
New thread when?
anyone with half a brain knows this, but this is high level hacker shit! IN ENGLISH GOD DAMN IT
Wrongamundo, buddy! Try again.
coz it makes that nigger sound smart in front of his braindead followers
> Anonymous 10/17/24(Thu)21:18:57 No.56676459▶
>File: 1729153974887851.png (445 KB, 500x500)
>Man... XY was one of my least favorite Pokemon games...
>but had they gone through with some of the ideas they had, it would have been some of my favorite games ever, period.
>we were so robbed
centrofaggot doesn't know, that's the whole point. Nigger can only copy what others do, not do his own brain computations.
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>Centro is Peruvian
Go back.
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>kills Centro, Khuck and the discord leaker
Jobbu werru doneu, Mistah Merriku.
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Battle Frontier was planned for ORAS

One of the new facilities
Limited Dress Up Mode: Dress up and battle with your Pokemon in a facility a part of the Battle Frontier. If you trade or communicate with your friends via online, your dressed up Pokemon can appear in their games.

Sauce: Pic related
Likely when we hit page 10
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>BF for XY
>Gets cut
>Gets moved over to ORAS
>Get cut
Bugs status?
It would've been soul if they carried through with it. Maybe they were already considering scrapping HMs.
Yeah, it fucking sucks.
yuritard fags cant grasp the concept of heterosexual relationships
Dumb fuck is doing a bang up job of making himself the fall guy.
the phone game thing was a lie from masuda the whole time
fall guy? amogus?
could easily just be a general vague dragon but the head shape is pretty similar to flygon, this would've been before much of the ORAS drafts but it might've been an early loose idea they had at the time for megas.
is he really this stupid or am I tripping balls right now
Not him but thats pretty close.
chmod is a command used to change permissions in unix oses, 777 isn't in fact 777 but rather 111 in binary 3 times, 111 sets the flags for rwx (read, write and execute) to true and you do it 3 times for each permission "level" (can't remember the proper term), which are owner/user, group and other
so basically chmod 777 just spreads the asshole of a given file wide open
I din't know that by myself btw that's from a earlier proto thread.
Mega Flygon doesn't exist, you can stop coping now.
In hindsight it's kind of fucked that they went with THAT as their excuse of all things.
Obviously they couldn't say "yeah we wanted it but Nintendo forced us to shit this game out ASAP" but could they really not have come up with a better reason that doesn't make them look like assholes?
he posted a pic of the gen 5 betamons that had some text saying "centro is a retard" on it, and only deleted it when this thread pointed it out
he's dumber than you think
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Perunegros, ¿su respuesta?
>you do it 3 times for each permission "level"
I meant you do it once for each permission level for a total of 3 times which is why there are 3 7s
>nobody cares about copyright in peru lol
this nigger is soooooooooooooooo retarded it hurts
It was said in another thread but I think the phone game bit was just masuda going full mask off for that moment, there's like a millions different things he could have said but he picked that one
User, group, other. Also, chmod is "change mode" - it's the file mode bits.
You get 80% credit, good job.
>omits the specific folder, of which there's like 10 of
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The truth comes out
>You get 80% credit, good job.
hey I'll take it, thanks
new bread before OP has the chance to fuck up the numbering again

Good. Get fucked, hopefully he gets tricked into downloading something with nigger again
Mistah Merriku himself will be the executioner.
the dream
Finally. thank you
Send him to the gallows TPC!
Sound fine to me. Using SVN is fucking gay and it makes sense they would swap to git eventually.
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>he's getting the bugs
we already have a git repo for USUM dumbfuck
Isn't that just Canada?
In anus sir
missing the leaf
the most important part of canada
What is funny about this? "LMAO".
where do i get these i have tiny feet

i think they have adult sizes too? i don't know how croc sizes translate to normal shoe sizes
i have kid size feet. im so glad these are not adult only
TPC doesn't care about Khu because he is not a real leaker.
All it took for Centro to get ninja'd was reposting stuff from an actual leaker, this never happened with the chink's retarded "riddles".
Good work.
>Centro is peruvian
Of course he is a giga third worlder
>BF for XY
Never happened retard
Post a source or fuck off.
I think he was in another thread, and yeah it's a mentally ill dude.
Retard, it was over in the last threads

Kill yourself
No it wasn't.
>arguing in a dead thread
What's the point you two/one, shit up the new thread won't ya
Never been to /vg/?
Aren’t pentagrams a Taoist thing symbolizing the five phases

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