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The ""lore"" was done by a single person was never canon had inconsistency's and was just retelling of Japanese foke lore (foke lore is not history) so even if it was in the games (its not) It wouldn't be canon.
Are they just dumb or is it a forced cord meme?
Pokemon fans can be as autistic as Sonic fans, and they fucking love getting their rocks off to Amy fucking Rose.
kill yourself immediately putrid lillienigger
Seething redditer detected
>wouldn't be canon.
It's fucking fiction you retard.
The fact this shit exists and was circulating means it informed artistic vision for the series.
"Canon" means fuck and all besides marketing
>random scrapped lore that was never in the games and made by a single person on the dev team
>means it informed artistic vision for the series
Low IQ
The redditors are the ones crying about sex in Pokémon.
I guarantee that anyone actually from this same site that came up with Rule 34 either don’t care or are happy to see this development.

Go back
Pokemon cunny is canon. I call it Cunonny.
my ESL radar went off first, all lillieniggers are thirdies
go back to r/furry troon
What do you have against Amy Rose?
If it was obscure as you're suggesting it would have been deleted. It's as significant as design documents for characters that had details changed later.

The lore OBVIOUSLY informed and was part of the Canalave shit
Cope browns love fucking animals pajeet
Lillie never said that
Hints are dropped in all media. You're expected to connect the dots and I did years and years ago. Your fault for lacking comprehension.
Thats a lot of assumptions retard and a lot of shit they never used like OLD POKEMON were also in the leaks but at least those were in the games at one point there is no evidence of any of those stories being in DP
The point is the general implication was; the entire point of half these fucking things is just the "People use to marry pokemon" line.
If you can't tell Pokémon crave human cock you lack a lot of media literacy.
>"People use to marry pokemon" line.
That wasn't even in the western games and again its FOKE LORE (not history)
Huh? What's that? Can't hear you over the sound of me plapping Lapras.
>Translations take precedent over the original language
Are you actually 12
What do you think married couples do when they're alone with each other?
There are indirect references to them

Sinnoh Folk Story 2 is clearly a reference to the Typhlosion story
The Veilstone's Myth is a reworked version of the Lapras/Octillary story
Sinnoh Folk Story 3 acknowledges human/Pokémon marriage
And the Froslass encounter in PLA also bears a strong resemblance to the Typhlosion story
Even so its foke lore retard do you really think zeus is real
>That wasn't even in the western games
Something Gamefreak doesn't care about. Nor should anyone looking at it seriously.

The issue with drawing the line with folklore is the magical animals are the ones in the canon.
Additionally GF have shown they're willing to go with these sorta plots directly.
Look up how that word is spelled
I'm legitimately questioning if you're 18 right now
There is no "clearly a reference to the Typhlosion " anywhere in DP idiot and PLA proves nothing either, again all a bunch of assumptions.
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It's clearly diamond dozen foke lore.
Cause it's hot dumbass
Arceus is definitely real in the Pokémon universe

There's a pretty consistent pattern in Pokémon where things that are mythical tend to turn out to be real that's the premise of almost every legendary Pokémon.
Pokemons biggest audience is the west idiot the stories are still uncanon
A few of these old pokemon were indeed kept in the mind of the developers
Scraggy is explicitly built off the scrapped little fuck from gen 3, for example.

Again. This is fucking fiction. "Canon" as a concept is marketing and optics. There is no objective history to be argued. There is authorial vision, intent, and mindset, and if something exists in unreleased material, that has clear parallels to released material, then the unreleased material clearly and obviously informed the creation of the released material. Even if there weren't clear analogues, the fact that this stuff was kept and not immediately thrown out means it was part of the conversation. This lone employee was not immediately fired/transferred to pencil sharpening in the basement, and all their contributions scrubbed, their work was taken into consideration and used as part of the synthesis of the end product. That's how collaborative fiction fucking works you absolute fucking jackass.
Foke lore is not history is it really that hard for you to understand retard.
Yeah and Arceus is in the code I dont see Pokemon sex in the code
I think you are genuinely underage.
Jesus fucking christ, anon, it's FOLK lore, holy fucking shit, this is one of those fucking illiterate fourth graders that got fucked by covid distance learning or some shir
>There lived a Pokémon in a forest.
>In the forest, the Pokémon shed its hide to sleep as a human.
>Awakened, the human dons the Pokémon hide to roam villages.

>The girl returned home and pleaded with her parents:
>"Please tell the villagers not to tease us. If we wear that fur, we'll surely turn into Typhlosions. We're already half-Typhlosion as it is."
>canon isnt real bro and a bunch scrapped fanfics = they really approved of it.
If they really intended that to be part of the games and lore why wasn't it in DP, well because they didn't want that in there games again 1 employee (a bad one may I add)
It's spelled folklore anon
Like folks
Like the English word for people with the same origin as the German word volk
Holy fuck dude
Lesson- Stop allowing corporate products to imprint on autistic children.

There should be a manual about this, using Chris-chan as a study, circulated to parents/legal-guardians.
Do you not understand what fokelore means you illiterate retards its myth and legends not shit that actually happened.
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>Multiple people calling it "folklore" in the thread
>Keeps calling it "foke" even after it's directly pointed out to him that it's not spelled that way
>Ignores the issue being brought up and tilts at windmills over "foke lore not being history"
>why wasn't it in DP,
But it was.
The Canalave Library stories are easily traceable as distillations of the messages of these stories, with the explicit mentions of sex scrubbed out and left to vague implications.
Folklore is just any set of stories or traditions passed down within a given community

They can be true or false
So this means the Little Red Riding Hood is now historical fact or the 4 little pigs.
You can lead a retard to water but you can’t make him think.
Yeah doesn't sound like Pokemon sex to me idiot
Yeah but its not true
>more assumptions
>We're already half-Typhlosion as it is
I'd tell you to use your brain but I don't think you have one
I think he's either trolling at this point or so caught up in his argument that he's not actually reading the posts that are replying to him, which is retarded.
Folklore can be true, and it can also be untrue
both kinds exist
>If you believe in my fanfic theory you're wrong
This is Pokemon you fucking retard, myths and folklore are regularly proven to be true every fucking generation thanks to cover legendaries.
>Yeah but its not true
>More assumptions
I hope it's bait but but Pokémon as a franchise is such a lightning rod for autistic retards that I have my doubts
Okay so Pokemon might have married humans if you take foke lore as history
>foke lore
Did you mean to say folklore?
You're using the wrong term, folklore is what you're describing. Fokelore is lore about iconic WWE superstar the Ultimate Warrior, like when he parachuted down from the waters of the sun to fight Hoak Hogan at Wrestlemania.
Holy cope
Where do you think half-Typlosions come from?
idk maybe some ultra wormhole I dont want to hear your retarded fanfic theory tho.
Folklore can be history

And considering most of the other legends and folklore we get in the games regarding legendary Pokémon and such all turns out to be true, yeah I think this is also true
No, they are aggressively and unflinchingly retarded
>Ignoring Sinnoh folklore that made it into the games
>Ignoring Machoke's bf
>Ignroing PLA Arceus
Yeah, just go back. You lost
There is a huge difference between a Pokemon marrying an human and Pokemon raping humans you brain damaged faggot, also the manga is not canon at all otherwise characters like Sabrina and Lance would be part of team rocket which they aren't in all the other medias
So it's the stork pretty much?
>it might be true
There is no indication outside of random folklore in some library I'm pretty sure its safe to say its not real.
>saying the coping animal fucker
Nothing is put in the games by accident
If the Devs put it in the game then they did so because there was some intent behind it

That's why all the myths in Pokémon all turn out to be true
Because there would be no point to add random fake stories to your fictional universe that serve no purpose
>Machoke's bf
Was a guy in a costume
Yes, pokemon raping humans is actually more reasonable and likely than marriage occurring, since rape is a pretty natural occurance in animals, while marriage is a pretty rare one, even if we generously equate life pair bonds as marriage.
Outside of the library you have the stuff in PLA
Then there's all the implications about N
*PLA Froslass
>dude that wants to fuck an 8 year old getting mad at animal fuckers
pot meeting kettle
>Sinnoh folklore
Retconned in the remakes
>Ignoring Machoke
Joke character, not meant to be taken seriously
>PLA Arceus
Froslass is a literal ghost and thus you cannot fuck it, you can marry it yes, but Froslass is literally just clothes haunted by a ghost which means there is no holes to fuck. Cope cumskull
Pokefucking is implied everywhere and not just in the manga. Everywhere. All media.

>Nothing is put in the games by accident
>Because there would be no point to add random fake stories to your fictional universe
There are a ton of fake stories in Pokemon that lead nowhere, What probably happened is they heard DP was supposed to incorporate some folklore and just retold some Japanese ones with Pokemon that never got added
>That's why all the myths in Pokémon all turn out to be true
>Because there would be no point to add random fake stories to your fictional universe that serve no purpose
One, this literally happened with Kyurem in BW compared to B2W2. Two, these sorts of things are used ironically as well. For example, when an NPC talks about something they dislike or think doesn't exist, there's a chance such a thing could exist. Ironic NPC chatter happens all the time, if you want I can dig up some charts.
PLA is a shit game so idc
>N implications
fanfic theories arent canon doe
>Rape is a pretty natural occurrence in animals
Sure thing faggots, women irl certainly get raped by mountain lions or badgers
Just accept that your cut fanfics are not canon and move on
How is it possible to be this weak minded, nothing about this made me like pokemon as a whole any less. Seriously.
I've seen dolphin rape.
>so even if it was in the games (its not)
But it is.
There's a fucking story book about Pokemon marrying but humans in the library of Canalave city, and in Legend Arceus there's a quest about a man who married and had childrens with a Froslass. None of them were myths, they were real facts.
>Retconned in the remakes
It's still the same text in the Japanese versions
>folklore = canon!
Yeah no
Because they want to fuck Pokemon and the stories not being canon would break their fantasies so they autistically deny the facts so that they can continue fapping to Pokemon hoping that they will be able to have sex with one for real one day
>Retconned in the remakes
the game not even developed by game freak is canon?
but official gamefreak documents are not?
Dolphins have raped humans.

If we take another step back into just broad interspecies rape, sea otters regularly rape baby seals, often to death over the course of several days, and adult seals occasionally rape penguins before eating them.
>official gamefreak documents
>done by one person
>that were never in the games
I agree scrapped folklore is not canon.
Okay the fact that he stopped saying "fokrlore" basically confirms he's a retard

If he was baiting he wouldn't have stopped
>Retarded fanfic wormhole theory
>I don't want to hear your retarded fanfic theory
You gotta go back
And the circular logic is complete
Well done, now repeat this endlessly for the next 4 years on command for our entertainment.
Both have about the same credibility faggot
Have fun fapping to your non-canon fanfics then retards, Pokemon still wouldn't want to have sex with you if they were real anyway so why bother
>stop stating facts its ruining my animal fucking fanfic
but retcons made by a single person completely unaffiliated with gamefreak ARE canon???
expect the manga is magically still canon because it hurts the narrative
This isn't an ironic troll, it's actually someone this genuinely and unfathomably retarded.
They were so retarded they had to be bludgeoning with the correction multiple times for it to stick.

This is the average pokemon adult frothing about this shit.
Fuckin autocorrect making me look bad
This is how I know I won. ESL redditors only know swearing, slurs, and barely speaking English.
>yet he falls for the bait
Crabs in a bucket
I'm telleing you, there was no folklore.
Hell, we fought the fucking Froslass and the Snover childs she had with the man in LA. The game made pretty clear that none of that was just a tale of folklore.
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>not slurs
go back nigger
actual fanfic game right there.
Looks like everything is fanfiction unless you say otherwise.
How did you get Masuda to let you be the one that puts bugs in his anus, huh?
That’s because your whole personality isn’t built around what other people think of the things you like and do. If your favorite hobby had a negative stigma attached you wouldn’t shy away from it. This “guy” would
>actual fanfic
Anon, LA is a game from the core series.
Heh, anger. Typical go-to of the ESL redditor.
Who decides what’s “core” or not? The devs or the fans? Serious question
Just saying the games shit idc about your autistic arguments
The devs. Remember, nobody wanted to think about LGEP as core games but the devs didn't gave a shit about what the fans wanted and still say those games are part of the core line games.
>fanfic theories arent canon doe
They actually shared some of the early concept planning and "rumoured to be born of a Pokémon" is part of it


So the idea that N is a human/Pokémon hybrid was always intentional
I see. Makes more sense now
the most low IQ shit is faggot trying to pick and choose what gets to be canon
skyla WILL be a latinx queen and all the cool arecues and regi back story gets to be canon but all the pokerape from the exact same leak is not allowed to be mentioned

people need to pick right now, its all canon or its all nothing
because it's funny you retard
If its not in the games its not canon simple as
So angry
>Single person
>The lore director
Stop overdosing on copium.
Well then the stuff in PLA is canon
B-but it was just one employee's fanfiction, he wasn't even there for long, nobody ever saw it, NOT CANON, NOT CANON
PLA has so much contradicting lore its not funny game doesn't exist in my head canon
Then people marrying pokemon and a guy having Snorunt babies with a Frosslass are canon
>just one employee's fanfiction
Well it is so its not canon
But it does exist in canon.
>out of context folklore = people married Pokemon
Nah I dont think so if you show me an actual case in the anime or games where somebody actually marries a Pokemon you got a point
Your head canon is obviously less important than the actual games and the lore written by the games chief scenario planner
Who cares Pokemon has been shit for a while.
Guys I'm starting to think that OP might actually be underage
A guy marries a froslass
Well clearly you care
if you didn't care you wouldn't be throwing a shit fit about the game's lore
I'd say it's about 50/50 whether he's a 12 year old kid or a 35 year old manchild with type 2 autism
I dont care if a bad game had Pokemon sex in it or whatever I only care if its a game I care about had it.
But whether or not you like the game it's still canon
Pretty sure thats a Joke
Also not made by GF
you know what would REALLY make redditors mad, if someone made another lapras thread!
Well after PLA I guess
T. Mentally retarded meme regurgitating teenager who still unironically finds the Vaporeon copypasta funny
>If it's inconvenient to your point it's a joke
Honestly, this is just depressing. You're just in denial, in public.
>random dialog in a side game not made by GF
Okay bro
>calling anyone a low IQ reddit"e"r
we like it because it's funny and normies are freaking out over it
also you need better taste in cunny, I suggest dawn or braixen



what did he mean by this?
it looked cooler before I posted it ;_;
Still haven't addressed frosslass
pokemon is literally made for people with marginal reading comprehension and child-like brains. It makes total sense that the majority of the fanbase is too retarded to understand what the writer was going for there, or that it was not made to be a canon part of pokemon history, not even as a folk-lore story.

I'm not even suggesting it was smart or deep of them, you learn about the difference between folklore and history in middle school. the fanbase is just THAT retarded.
Froslass is supposed to be a womens spirit or something right?
Sure, but being formerly human is hardly unique to Froslass
Lots of pokemon, even non-ghost types, have that as their backstory
Pokefags are routinely worse that Sonic fans. Sonic fans can admit their games fell off and what do they do about it? They make their own games and they're actually good. Shit like freedom planet, rollin rascal, spark the electric jester, and Sonic Mania shows that Sonic fans at least know what they're talking about, and you can't say that sonic porn is bad when there is an infinitely larger pool of Pokemon porn. Just about every human character and every individual pokemon has a wealth of smut art to go with them to the point where the term "pokephilia" actually fucking exists. They literally had to make a term for porn addicted pokemon fans. Pokemon fans are the worst of the worst and I'm tired of pretending like sonic's so much worse. People point at Chris Chan as an example of a sonic fan but need I remind you of the wall of originals and the fact that Sonichu is half pikachu? He's a total pokefag too. Pokefags are the lowest of the low.
Besides, the Typhlosion story itself posits that Typhlosions are part human, so it would make it extremely similar to Froslass
>Cunnybros has a gallery of lolis to pick from including their own player character
>Pokefuckers can ride or die on the "lore" that was just released and the dozens of jokes that imply pokesex

Alienfuckers, what do we get?
That story isnt even canon and Typhlosions arent human it was clearly just some Japanese folktail he inserted random Pokemon into
Let's just disregard how folklore usually turns out to be true in the games. The folklore argument only works for real life, not some fantasy setting where these sort of surreal experiences can and do happen on a regular basis.
*folktale autocorrect
Phoneposter moment
A lot of pokemon is just "[thing] with pokemon"
So that's hardly unique

Point here is we have an in game case that matches the story, as well as the actual references to the story
Yeah but its still not confirmed and there are inconsistency's in the folktales themselves like Slakoths not having ears or typhlosions being able to shapeshift
Or Lapras showing up the next day instead of the next Friday.
The scrapped folklore has nothing to do with Pokemon designs "being a thing" idiot, the stories that he wrote weren't even original
They are endangered now, okay?
I don't care what copecucks think. I will fuck female pokemons and I will fap to female humans being sluts to pokecock
You think the stuff that makes it into the games is original? The whole series is nothing but remixed yokai stories and unliscensed Ultraman kaijuu, that's all pokemon has ever really been.
That's not true!
They also stole a lot of the worldbuilding and visual identity of Akira Toriyama, down to just stealing the capsule system from dragonball wholesale
The capsule system is also from Ultraman, that's also where Toriyama got it from
But yeah generally speaking they did also rip a lot from Toriyama
Skyla is not spanish
Pokemon rape is not canon
Elesa is not 15
May doesn't wear glasses when reading
Etc. Want to know why faggot? Because beta content that was either removed or changed in the final product is not canon. If you believe otherwise you are just coping
Its not the Pokémon that bothers me. It's the fact people think modern humans and Pokémon can reproduce together.
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Oh but they definitely can
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Explains Psychics.
Psychics exist in real life as well
>psychics exist
DIscord troons desperately want it to be canon so that they can pretend that having sex with plushies is legitimate

NOrmalfags have never actually read any of the leaked data and just assume that WOW GUYS LATEST LEAK JUST DROPPED, shortform content crators are telling the truth.
Humans in the Pokémon aren't homo sapiens. Things like psychic powers, super strength, asexual reproduction are perfectly possible by their 'humans'
Of course, they have pokemon genes mixed into their bloodlines so pure humans are indeed rare.
Yeah, reading the thread he really died on the hill of misspelling that word
Nobody wants to hear your retarded fanfic theory cuck
there are no "pure humans" pokéhumans are the children of Palkia.
Psychic Pokémon actually got their powers from humans
Then explain Arceus's husband who was Palkia's dad.
Aus, not Arceus
Same reason why people have pushed 'muh vaporeon sex'.
The pokemon fanbase is filled with people who unironically want to fuck pokemon and unironically want to fuck the characters.
The leak has emboldened them until something new comes up in the news cycle.
There's two different versions of the pokemon creation myth in th leaks

Version A: Arceus is born from the cosmic egg and creates Giratina to hatch it. In the process of being born she creates the world and with it humans and pokemon. Later, to defeat Giratina she has kids with a human, giving birth to Palkia and Dialga

Version B: Arceus is born from the cosmic egg, and the shards become the original Regis. After deafeating them she divides her body to create Palkia and Dialga, and they two of them fuck and make lots of kids who become humans and pokemon.

Version B was the more recent of the two based on the version numbers of the documents, but it's not like we know which one they chose as the final one. But the fact that Giratina is present in version A but not in version B makes me believe Version A is the one they ultimately went with.
>The pokemon fanbase is filled with people who unironically want to fuck pokemon and unironically want to fuck the characters.
The kind way to say emotionally stunted adults who've formed parasocial relationships with animated characters who they see as being familiar to them, to the point they want to form actual relationships with them
They designed the female protagonists to be as appealing as they could. GF unironically groomed all the hoennbabies and sinnohfetuses.

May (12 yo)
Dawn (12 yo)
Hilda (14 yo)
Serena (16 or 17 yo)
>ignoring canon examples
>muh canon
Why do you pretend you have a basis? Go back to r/pokémon
and this is why chris chan's autism a level beyond normal autism.
Do you retard realize that this is meant to be a joke and not to be taken seriously right?
Marrying a Pokemon and Pokemon raping humans is not the same thing you brain damaged brainlet
Pokémon World Humans can't consent retard.
>all those hags
Typhlosion was based on Canadian mythos.
Everybody is evil trying gaslight you into believing pokefucking is canon. Reason? Porn addiction. That's literally all it is. Pornography addiction for years and years of jerking off to hentai. These peoples brains are fucked. It's like trying to tell an anorexic person they aren't fat and that they need to eat more. Their brain automatically goes into gaslight mode and tries to gain control over you.
Pokemon have more in common with humans than animals. There's nothing degenerate about liking them.

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