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>A gamefreak folklore got leak! Your Typhlosion is a pedophile freak
Oh cool so you speak native Japanese?
>W-Well no but...
How was it translated?
>Someone used an AI translation to translate it but its actually really really close to the original please trust me bro

/v/ is not sending their best...
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get fuckin assblasted, typedo
Japanese people saw the untranslated leaks and thought the same as us. Next cope, please.
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>source: CentroLeaks
Don’t waste your breathe. They don’t care about facts: Most pokefans have always hated Typhlosion, even the johto fans who picked Feraligatr and meganium have always held a festering contempt for the badge just because people like it more than those two hangerson. They don’t care about the facts they just want Typhosion dead.
Reminder that the story also had versions with two other Pokémon. The fact that Typhlosion alone is being racked though the coals means all the people calling it a pedo are just talking about of their ass. They’re just trying to get typhlosion erased out of pure spite, because apparently being a ZU ranked one-trick wingless Charizard who wasn’t even allowed on to appear in the anime that is such a privileged position it needed to be taken down a peg or two.
>Most pokefans have always hated Typhlosion
>People like Typhlosion more than Feraligatr and Meganium
You retards just can't stop contradicting yourself
Trust in the plan
>Most pokefans have always hated Typhlosion
Literally the only reason people are shitposting about this so much is because Typhlosion is popular. I see almost no threads being made about Slaking or Piloswine compared the insane number of Typhlosion-centered memes, and they both appeared in versions of the same story that are just as rapey.
Actually at this point it's almost entirely because Typhlosionfags are weird, thin skinned autists putting on a public display like monkeys.

Nobody actually cares that much about any of this. Except them. Slaking has some memes, but nobody fucking cares. Octillery has some, but nobody fucking cares. And nobody would care about Typhlosion if it wasn't so goddamn funny watching pokemon adults sperg out in public
>1 million pokefans
>10 people like Typhlosion
>4 like Feraligatr
>the cartoon Tumbleweed that rolls around in empty spaces likes Meganium
Math can be fun!
>Nobody cares
Guarantee you TPC's PR department give a fuck, they don't want anything sexual being linked to their kid friendly franchise
>The writer's barely disguised fetish is a bit more disguised.
Doesn't change a thing. the perv behind this still wrote a rape story intended for kids.
even if was translated by AI, 20 different AI making the same misstake is unlikely, and multiple japanese boards having the same drama and losing their shit like we do? yeah sure.
>Typhlosionfags are weird, thin skinned autists putting on a public display like monkeys
This. These types and honestly a number of Johtoddlers in general have always had a meltie whenever their favorites were even mildly insinuated to be the butt of a joke.
No human beings actually care
Genuine question, if the only source is in Japanese, why does TCRF list an "English" and "Translation" version separately
Yes but this will affect how they go about their world building and will in turn affect the games.
>its actually really really close to the original
I mean, it is, as anyone who read the original text would tell you
Fucking and?
The world building has been shit ever since they realized they can excuse any writing they want with multiple universes and timelines. At this point there's nothing else negative they could do to it, all possible changes would be lateral, and it will be funny as shit if the pivots they make are blatantly obvious
This, that badger got shit tons more fan art ever since the leak and the "fans" still complain. While no one ever wants to draw my fav piloswine...
I'm fluent and typhlosion is a pedo.
they don't?
>AI made the story include rape, gaslighting and underage sex

meanwhile any usable un-jailbroken AI would rather remove this shit from any story, and give you a childfriendly licked alternative when translating it.
Shit is better than being completely sanitized and lacking any depth. I understand that it's hard for people to understand nuance these days but this will only further negatively impact the games. It can get worse believe it or not.
not to mention all the japanese boards losing their shit over this the same way. only difference is they accept the sex between pokemon and human more than we do duo cultural differences in folklores they are used to.
They don't sound like something perv at all.
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Typhlosion and its fans will literally never recover from this. You can still be a fan, but you'll need to either do it in secret or grow a thick enough skin to own up it, because it 100% will be mentioned every time from this point forward much like if you admitted to being a fan of Hypno.
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Oh, I am a dribbling retard, the browser was auto translating the Japanese in the page without prompt and for some reason changing "Japanese" to "English"
it's why most pokemon games are seen as bad, bland and boring.

clean and sanitized is not how good world building works.

this mind set is just...
if you do world building and include bad guys or negative things in your world I'm sure you're also doing the same shit IRL and support all those things. any hollywood writer is actually the joker in disguise.

people need to stop thinking that artwork and making stories is just about having your ideal world. it's about making it feel real instead.

people fap too often to pokemon pussy and they forget about it. not saying you should not. but it might warp your viewpoint about what "story building" should be like.

excuse me I have to take care of my pokemon now, it keeps bugging me for sex.
Steven universe was a rape story for kids and it did great
About that
>Oh cool so you speak native Japanese?
Yes, typhlosion is a rapist only liked by homos and animalfuckers.
the rape is not explicitely mentioned. It could also have been that they spent a lot of time together and fell in love. Everyone somehow seems to think the berries were sleeping pills, when they were stuck in a cave in winter "hibernating". Even the girl told her then husband to go back to sleep.
Also underage sex is just a weird thing to call it considering we're talking about ancient folk tales. What was the age of consent for pokemon-human relationships "back in the day". Also how old is the girl being referenced? 6? 12? 19? Literally all of those can be referred to as girl.
>having this much of a victim complex
Even unovafags arent as pathetic as typhlofags holy shit
Unovafags aren’t being called pedophiles
You guys are taking this shit way too seriously
The only people that have a problem with this situation are those that completely lack understanding of the creative writing process and world mythology (aka sanitized, uncultured westerners)
>t. Tumbleweed

why do you retards care so much?
I'm trying to think from the perspective of TPC anon
Rape isn’t creative, it’s the laziest trope ever
>Hmmm how we make people hate this character Make them a rapist out of nowhere. Fuck consistency or internal logic or any organic motivation
Only stupid teens in their too-edgy-4-life phase and man-haters use it unironically. As well as game freak apparently
Rape is a serious issue. Smear campaigns are serious too.
99% convinced the people saying that it's a smear campaign are false flaggers
The sanctity of a cartoon badger is at stake
any remaining typhlosion fans after this should be on a list

>it’s the laziest trope ever

You mean one of the oldest, anon.
We live in a world with rape. Especially way back in early history in which these stories were supposed to mirror.

This is exactly what it means to be sanitized. Just because it makes you uncomfortable or you think it is overplayed doesn’t make it any less historically accurate.
Meganium CHADS we WON
AI has better translation than your localizer tranny friends
Name one person irl who has been raped by a typhlosion

Holy autistic batman. Name one pokemon that’s actually real.

Rape on the other hand IS real. And quite possibly so common in the world that it has inspired countless works of fiction since the dawn of man.
Get a grip you spineless bottomfeeder
don't get me wrong, I could not care less about a non canon myth people in the pokemon world tell their kids so they don't go alone into the forrest.

just pointing out flaws in their reasoning.
Finally someone said it.
Typhlosion spergs will always be victims.
meanwhile on a furry convention
Cope, you are wrong
Anon, the typhlosion defense force tried translating the text themselves and it only got worse. Typhlosion is never gonna beat the allegations
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>"It may look like Typhlosion is hypnotizing and taking advantage of the young woman, but losing your memory is a common trope in yokai stories"
>okay fair I guess
>"why don't I go get the original japanese and see what it says myself since twitter guy doesn't wanna share it."
>open kanji dictionary
>learn japanese sentence structure
>learn i-,na-, and no-adjectives
>crack open a mountain dew and play sounds of explosions to keep myself from becoming too much of a weeb
>learn particles
>start translating the section
>"The man let out a big yawn and tapped the girl on the head. She then forgot about her family and home."
Forbes just called it a rapist, anon. If that;s not a smear campaign what is?
Forbes can lick the shit stains of my butthole and lick my hairy balls clean.
You've come this far, might as well go all the way, anon! It doesn't make you a weeb, it just makes you more educated. Japanese is a very rewarding language and, in the process, you'll actually come to understand quite a bit of Chinese as well!
that's pretty gross of you to have shit stains on your skin, anon. my butthole is squeaky clean and pink
Anyone who can read Japanese knows the Typhlosion Defense Force is lying. There is clear child abduction and heavily implied rape in the story. The text isn't even complicated enough - in content or syntax - for a machine translation to really fuck it up anyway.
nta but Game Freak slandering Typhlosion by having a deranged pervert portray it as not just a rapist but the most disgusting type of rapist, is much grosser
Those are actually the LEAST terminally online and perpetually seething Johtoddlers you're responding to.
>Terminally online
Those are the ones who love the memes. Only someone who is entirely disconnected from reality would find jokes about rape and pedos funny. Calling others terminally online for getting upset at that (even if it retarded) is the pot calling the kettle black, arguably
Oh yeah?! Well... Good for you!!
>retard is actually blaming Johtoddlers
The only Johotddlers in the wrong are the Feraligatr and Meganium fags dancing on Typhlosion's grave out of spite because it used to be the most popular Johto starter before this shit happened. as if most popular "Kanto's backyard" starter meant anything anyway
I do feel like I crossed a big hurdle! Maybe I will.
>Random screeching seethe over a light barb
lol. typical. Johtoddlers are so delicate. Fragile even.
>the entire pokefanbase, Twitter, and most media outlets treating us like accessories to pedophilia, the most viscerally hates crime in human history, slandering Typhlosion with the most disgusting claims, trying to get it cancels so that game freak blacklists it is “light barb”
Stop talking like a white woman

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