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And fight other people's gyms.
say it with me: WE
>falling for fanfics
They probably realized that everyone would just fill them with legendaries or stupid shit like 6 minimize blisseys
this is just ORAS secret bases.
You say that like it’s a bad thing. Plus you could make it a lot more gym like than the secret bases allowed for.
Custom badges, better puzzles, more npc trainers, better gym themed decorations.
ORAS was AZ all along.
>Custom badges
You let people draw badges and IMMEDIATELY you will be overrun with Penis and Swastika badges on your E rated game.
"Pokemon Gym Maker" as a separate game would be a best seller. Each gym could be like a level where you're given a set team to beat it with. Would allow people to either go the decorative route or the puzzle route. This idea is an absolute goldmine why have they not done it?
Back in Gen 4 you could have a team you sent to people's games. Maybe it was with the Pokewalker? Or Mystery Gift. Either way you could fight someone's team in Viridian City so my friends and I made hacked challenge teams. Not just Wonder Guard Spiritomb, but also stuff like Sturdy Shedinja or No Guard Sheer Cold Ninjask. Technically they were all beatable by legitimate Pokemon, you just had to approach them the right way.
this was in ORAS, its not unused
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As a gym leader, what type would (you) specialize in?
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Bug, of course.
hey buddy i think you got the wrong door the team rocket is two blocks down
do we know what was the original plane before the safari became just a single square area? This was clearly abandonned content
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Fighting is my favorite so probably that.
>click swords dance
Yes they wanted friend code dungeons
Why are fire starters like that?
I love them in real life, so my girl tastes would probably carry over
fuck you autocorrect, I meant "IRL"
stfu faggot
Sun and Moon delivered lots of awesome mons and characters. Alola is peak Pokemon.
if no natdex and tons of handholding are your idea of peak pokémon, then you probably made the franchise worse
Fire from their loins
im actually going to fucking kill myself.
Where's the source for this?
If BW2 didn't exist XY would have had more content. BW2 was a mistake and didn't set the series forward at all
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XY was screwed because of 3ds + anniversary.
Game freak has a strange hatred for new hardwares
Where's the source for this?
Was there something in the leaked XY files that isn't kino?
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They have a need a need to breed
Probably Electric.
Currently studying computers, and I would like to get into game development someday. Plus I mainly sit in front of a screen anyway, it'd be perfect.
Where's the source for this?
We were robbed
Still better than B/W
Psychic or Fairy.
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>people thinking standing in one room and doing really poor quality animal crossing decorating would be "good" gameplay
>opposing trainers would be handholding levels of bad
>would have a 3 hour long tutorial where you spam A
>would have most likely required streetpass to get certain furnitures/styles
It's better than literally anything in the actual game
in other words, they wanted to do secret bases
pokemon legends fan detected
...fuck you
That a hard one but probably Ghost so I can use my bro Jupetta
Are we sure Centro didn’t just take this from an ORAS part of the leak like the retard he is? This is literally just what Super Secret Bases are.
>brings up annoying handholding GF has been doing since B/W
>"must be legends fan!!!!"

Did you miss the part where I lambast the series for the shitty thing it still does?
u good bro?
So monotype in showdown lmao
>alola is peak
>just a bunch of tranny characters and furrybait
Post the source and I will be.
Honestly, I don't know why people think it would have been anything other than just what ORAS' secret bases were.
So this is what the secret bases became in the end, makes me think that the mock gym in SM was supposed to be used by us too
I would love for them to explore this feature again
Half the game was robbed from gen 6 lol
There was also a egg hatching facility where you could instantly hatch any eggs you have.
Where's the source for this?
the leaks
Where's the source for this?
Is this guy a bot?
Is this guy a gullible retard who falls for fake leaks and then seethes when people ask him to back up his sources?
the leaks
Probably nigga made the same post 6 times
Where's the source for this?
Was Morimoto the one who wanted it? I think I saw him asking for it in one of the earlier gens
If they were smart they would probably have a species clause like in Smogon
Meant for>>56675470
I liked this feature in Fire Emblem.
That's not the only thing the game could be overrun with...

Pride flags too
>muh natdex. I heard the word natdex once, it felt like pro language. I am really important now
Doesn't Pokemon Go have this?
I always thought it was weird we didn't have the option to be the champion like the rival and fight challengers after they beat the E4. Had a similar idea with gyms back in gen 2.
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Beats me
So... ORAS secret base. But Gym themed.
Would have been based.
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Reminder: OP is a faggot who makes useless, time-wasting threads about a shitty pic made in MSPaint to slide legitimate discussions off the board while never posting any links to sources for the claims in their shitty MSPaint pics.

OP relies on unknowing anons to keep bumping these shitty useless threads, which allows OP to shift the blame onto the anons for killing legitimate threads. Learn to use the "Options" field while posting, you can combat OP's threads with a specific option.

Source: https://www.4chan.org/faq#what4chan
The OP pic is not an edit, but legit and from Centro very obviously, are you retarded? Is this your first week on /vp/?
>thinks Centro is a reputable source
>while accusing others of being newfags
KEK this has to be bait
You are the one who apparently had no idea where its from for 22 hours and thought its some madeup edit lol.
No one in this thread know’s where’s from, because no one is posting a source. Centro isn’t a source. Are we ignoring that not even a week ago he fell for an extremely obviously fake “WAAAAH GF LOST THEIR PASSION BECAUSE PEOPLE HATED GEN 5 SO THEY PUT KANTO POKEMON INTO XY” text fanfic?
...Because everyone realised right away where the screenshot is from except you, retardbro.
I mean it's really easy to BTFO him by posting the file path, like people BTFOing Yawnfag by posting the Kalos map that actually has a post-game.
Nobody fell for that, it was just some retard who kept spamming it several times a day.
>...Because everyone realised right away where the screenshot is from
Post the source then. Give me the file path in the leak where I can read this info.

>Nobody fell for that,
My guy, /vp/ has an archive. Trying to revise history this early doesn’t work.
^This guy is actually retarded for real wow.
This has to be the worst week of yawnie's life lol, the cordie #vent channel has to be POPPING OFF L3L.
>Sun and Moon delivered lots of awesome mons
>Literally a bunch of Kanto Pokémon recolors
>Schizophrenia: The post
>he still won’t post a source
There's literally a fangame for this and I'm pretty sure Nintendo is on a crusade against fangames rn.
>My guy, /vp/ has an archive. Trying to revise history this early doesn’t work.
You're right, let me rephrase that, nobody who wasn't retarded fell for it (and a lot of those posts "falling for it" were definitely OP samefagging). I'll even go a step further and say way less people fell for it than the fake alien shit, which again you can check in the archive. If you could kindly point me to somebody who wasn't retarded and wasn't Wacky Deli fag, I'd like to see.
>nobody who wasn't retarded fell for it
This board is 90% retards as evident from this thread, so this doesn’t mean much.
Sounds like a feature that's somewhat similar to the Secret bases featnrhtsure in ORAS.

Swastika is a peace symbol of Hindus and Buddhists which often gets confused by the actual nazi symbol which looks like a inversed swastika with the name "hakenkreuz" but it's not swastika

Both are different

Hitler fucking stole it's design and made a bad rip off
Don't call his design swastika
That's an insult to the religious symbol
It’s almost like it’s a feature that was planned for ORAS to begin with and Centro is full of shit.
Hell, the Japanese people even people call it ‘ハーケンクロイツ’ (hākenkuroitsu), and generally don’t confuse with a Kanji for their Manji (卐).
Albeit the hooked cross was found everywhere in Europe, including the Germanic countries, where it was originally known as cross pattée (in Anglo‐Norman heraldry at least), I have no idea why it was replaced by the Sanskrit term later on.
The symbol similar to the proper one was also used by the nazis, see: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Flaggen_Nazi-Deutschlands , on their service flag.
t. Pixiv tags pro.
>I mean it's really easy to BTFO him by posting the file path,
And yet no one is doing it. Curious.
Gen3 fag here

As a kid, I always found Ice types the coolest because they were so rare in Emerald and FireRed, I never got that Snowrunt Pokemon btw

So I'd run with that.
>ad absurdum
concession accepted
I would just fill my gym up with Ys.
Ghost, Steel, and Ground
Fuck you it's my gym, if I want my gym to he about robot skeletons, it's fucking about robot skeletons
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would it look like this?
I am pretty sure that BW have more cut content so I don't see why you would take this as a win
I would simply focus on the human-like egg group
In emerald there was secret bases and after mixing records, you could find your friends base and challenge them as an npc
>That's an insult to the religious symbol
Oh no, someone's being mean to a religious symbol on the internet. You aren't even that religion you weird faggot.
So essentially ORAS bases?
It literally was. Alpha (First letter - A) Ruby and Omega (last letter - Z) Sapphire
F-Focus in what way haha...
Robbed, betrayed, trapped. Gen6bros I can't tae this any longer.
You literally made this entire thing up inside your head. This is actually crazy.
Most Robbed Gens in Order of Most Robbed to Not-At-All-Robbed-Good-Day-Sir

>Gen 1
>Gen 2
>Gen 4
>Gen 3
>Gen 5
>Gen 8/9
>Gen 7 least robbed gen. entirely unmolested
Where's the source for this?
missing entire lower region, story/Zygarde plot, etc
>gen 1 and 2
was originally suppose to be one game with all of japan.
>gen 4
missing Aus lore, many pokemon/human lore/typlosion, regigas
>gen 3
supposed to have had an even more complex/indepth story but was scrapped. frlg had 27 islands instead of 7.
>gen 5
was suppose to have more evolutions but scrapped in favor of 151. not robbed as much storywise because of black/white 2. no leaks of the original Dragon so they never had plans on what it was suppose to look like to begin with.
>gen 8/9
if they wanted to add more to these gens they could have with DLC.
>gen 7
so trash that you just know they had no ideas that were scrapped. the fact that there are no sun/moon leaks proves they barely put together a story.
>missing entire lower region,
What in the lower region is missing?

>Zygarde plot
Why would the game need a Zygarde plot?
>what in the lower region is missing
a train was suppose to take you to a lower region that was about 2/3 the size of the main region. we can only guess the contents. its so large that battle frontier wouldn't be enough it would have to contain several new towns, many routes, a real safari zone

>Why would the game need a Zygarde plot?
why would any game need a post-game?
just because you yourself don't need 1 million dollars doesn't mean you weren't robbed if its stolen from you.
>we can only guess the contents
…so they didn’t actually cut anything?

>why would any game need a post-game?
Games don’t need post-game and many of the best games ever made don’t have post-game, so yes, that’s a good question.

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