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Thoughts anyone?

TPC is freaking out is suing hard
they don't make you commit suicide anymore for dishonor, do they?
Centro is retarded for announcing this
I hope they do
oh fuck we're so screwd.
ay yi yi this is latinx discrimination
You could theoretically throw both Khuck and Centro under the bus right? You retards have dozens of screenshots of them talking about the leaks when they had their source months ago, kill two attentionwhoring birds with one stone. Fuck both of them
who do we root for in this
sometimes you just sit back and hope everyone loses
pokrmon presents: centro live execution
Wtf, this could work.
I'm pretty sure Centro got doxxed too, so it's not like he has anywhere to hide. They will send the ninja to get him one way or another.
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centro literally did nothing wrong, he's always been only reposting leaks you can't sue him
What's the email say?
I would love for him to take the fall for it despite that lol.
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He won.

Centro is anonymous. He leaked so much he'd get death penalty if caught. No one's just emailing "them", that means they'll know his location otherwise.
Fuck it drop the ZA shit now
Oh but you can; compromising the sales of a product is a legitimate thing you can sue over.
the guy literally gave away his own location
he's the face of the leaks right now, suing him for association is possible
As if his 500k followers meant anything and people weren't able to get the info from any other source
>implying Nintendo can do anything to a peruvian beaner
Only if they hire cartels
>laws don't exist in peru
dude is gonna get drone striked
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>it's tr
He's such a faggot about it, acting like he's a mastermind 4D chess player when he's just copy-pasting shit from here like the rest of us
they prefer latinx, chud
implying this is out of the realm of possibility
Fuck Centro always
Crazy how Centro forced himself to the top representative of the community
I root for TPC to move forward with something so the leaker can just dump everything in panic
Latinx actually works
They are all the same, euromericans consider themselves wHiTe lol
let him be the fall guy while leakers try and get shit done
I can't believe centro alone with hack nintendo and post all this stuff himself, no one else did it only him so he must be the only one punished!
Was this another beta Pokemon?
He takes it from the source and reposts and then you have peolle posting Centros repost in the same place as the source.
These beaners are fucking nuts
comrade it's 4chan, this is just how people talk here. this is containment at work just let it fester here and keep it contained
Twice the pride, double the fall.
centro has been a pimple in the community's thorn for far too long. anyone informed despises centro
Trying too hard
>he didn't get the irony
go back
>centro takes the fall for the leak
>we get actually interesting beta content
>pokefucking is canonized

total victory
>newfag trying to word police
>doesn't even realise the intent behind it
I smell latines
>somehow despite being basically a core pillar of pokemons online community everyone hates him
Yeah nah, centro is based
>core pillar of pokemons online community
Wasted digits. Centro is a reposting faggot. It wouldn't be bad if he credited others, but he hides behind supposedly "shielding" his "anonymous" sources when all he does is scrape shit from here and elsewhere.
social cues my bad, this was never my board I haven't been here in a few years. will go back to lurking
how's twitter this time of year
He credits sometimes you Bully
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>he only credits in moderation!!!!
Who on here should he credit?
hope you and your entire family die.
yes, I mean it.
a mexican friend busted someones eyes out because he called him latinx, btw.
fucking troon, kek

Both must lose


Gamefreak shill
>Venusaur at the top
He should credit us, /vp/, even though I did nothing more than see the post before he did
>latinx responds with violence
As per usual
>a mexican friend busted someones eyes out because he called him latinx, btw.
its just a word bro
What kind of attention-whoring retard on here needs credit? The leaks don't belong to whichever of us faggots posted them to the thread first. The problem is that Centro is an idiot that's constantly posting fake shit and hearsay, making things harder for the people who are actually doing the real work in sorting this shit out. Also not to mention the tourists mucking things up by constantly asking about stupid shit.
words hurt
Centro is making a gorillion dollars on Elons new twitter and it's all because of you guys posting leaks. He is literally cucking you out of monetary gain and you're doing it for free.
>leaker posts something here
>centro pulls it from here
>retards post centres post here like he found it
It's just so utterly bizarre. I don't follow this fuck but you cunts are obsessed with your stinky latinx eceleb
He's very clearly hanging out in the PPGX discord, as he's been consistently posting stuff from there minutes after it shows up, including fake stuff. I did see him say "thanks /vp/ for this one" on a singular tweet he posted, but for all the rest he's acting like he found all this shit or it was sent directly to him.
>look guys im not lying for once!!! here's proof!!!!
>redacted redacted redacted redacted
>extremely easy to fake
It's honestly kinda impressive how fucking stupid Centro is.
Twitter actually does pay people for a certain level of engagement, don't they?
They do and it's not just chump change. He's getting around 500k engagements on his posts atm.
To he fair to him, he did contribute to SV Dex leaks when it started to dry up here. He had a few person discord he was getting information from that no one else had. That's literally the only thing he himself has ever leaked first.
mutual destruction
>TPC is freaking out is suing hard
you do not know what that word means.
Who cares? Imagine posting pokemon leaks being your job? lol what a loser
Only a matter of time before they take some kind of action. This leak and it's consequences were unprecedented for the company. All of their game development secrets are out in the wild, and normies are cancelling Typhlosion!
Who the fuck is "us"
centro is fucked
nintendo already learned that they can bribe latin governments to arrest people they did that in brazil with ryujinx
They didn't arrest the brazilian macaco. It was someone from nintendo of america that went to where he lives to talk with him. That spooked him and made him stop.
Man Quentin's anti stoner posts did not age well now that we have industrial hemp and half the US legalized marijuana.

I still miss him. I wish he was still around to do posts about Switch players.
Who is centro? I mean, I've seen the twitter, but he's just looking into the leaked assets like the rest of us, isn't he? Or does he have more than what's leaked publicly?
Can't wait to see this spic get publicly executed and/or sued for millions.
Huh? Do you think having somone's email gives you GPS coordinates to their house?

More than likely Centro is a fucking moron and uses similar names/accounts on multiple platforms and it's not too hard to find a users email online. If you have their username, you can get their email.
They're going to turn him into a literal wage slave like that one guy hacked the Switch
Pretty based
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No. He likes to act like he does however.
He just had a huge spic following, naturally.

Was like fighting a fucking tide of retardation whenever he would claim to have Switch Pro leaks.
Pretty sure his first name (Joe,Jose) is known too.
Why? He hasn't done anything wrong. He's a journalist.
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Cannot tell if its cope given how based Xitter has been becoming under Elon compared to 4chan.

Your time is ending you faggots. Your weimar era is coming to an end.
Have the standards for journalism really fallen so low?
I get what you mean, but journalist is doing a lot of heavy lifting there
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he posted this, and then deleted it a couple minutes ago. either he found out it was fake and gay, or it's true and straight and nintendo is in the process of busting his balls
Yeah but Nintendo believes in scorched earth so they'll just fuck whoever they can hold responsible.
Yeah, and I write medical studies because I copy and paste them from the internet without crediting them so I can get internet clout. Centro has done NOTHING but repost stuff other people have found and translated.
He just private his twitter
They’re already doing takedowns on the twitter posts. Ishihara is probably throwing a shit fit, lol.
Literally zero proof it's real
For all we know somebody pranked him or he did this himself just for clout
one less attention whore """""leaker""""""
he's in trouble, surely he didn't think gamefreak would let him rake in the cash
curious if they'll take down youtube videos too
Nice doxxing you're going to be banned for this please be aware of that I'm so sorry this will happen
There is no precedent for Centro every making a mistake.
>he thinks merely smoking weed is as bad as the other listed things
>he lives in a cuck state where smoking weed is a crime
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>Cannot tell if its cope given how based Xitter has been becoming under Elon compared to 4chan.
What's even changed besides being jampacked with bots and gradually getting worse on a technical/functionality level?
Imagine someone makes a YouTube video
Now imagine another person downloads and reuploads all of that guy's videos on his own channel, including unrelated videos from other channels.
Now imagine that second person calls himself a content creator and has more views than the original channel.
pu$$y in bio
>What's even changed
algorithm no longer pushes tranny propaganda and no longer censors right wing posts
You can make a blank account and just get politically bombarded with trump materials, vs biden materials before
Lmao and anons in other threads were trying to tell me that TPC doesn't give a fuck about all the bad PR that this is generating as well as all the behind the scenes stuff leaking that they don't want out there. This is essentially corporate stealing to them
Centro is funny he posted it on Twitter for people defend him kek he is shitting their pants
okay libshit, why don't you ready your girlfriends bull.
>500k engagements
What does that mean? Not chump change? How much money does he even gain from this?
>right wing
so in 4chan terms that's like "libertarian caricature" i take it
Centro was started the rapist shit and Cyrus is an autist and the Roca Matsumoto thing, so no wonder
He lives in some south american shithole. Nintendo can't do anything about him. If they try to shut him down, the real leaker will leak even harder than before.
Nintendo is going to level all of Peru trying to get this guy lol
>all it took for Centro to get obliterated was posting stuff from an actual leaker with actual informations

Remember this the next time you give interaction to dumb "leakers".
Mistah Merriku sends his regards
Stop crying centro
The Rica thing is actually real and is in the files
>Rica acknowledging the leak
>"Source? Trust me lol"
Not only adding a lie on top of her diva track record, but also risking a bad rep once a lawsuit is happening.
this confirms the leaks are real
Nintendo got the brazilian Ryujinx dev to fold before they even had to take him to court
See >>56677391
He's fucked if he's not lying.
Mario got leaked as well lol
Joe faked the email
Search rica Matsumoto Twitter
The real leaker said they'd release the Legends ZA build if Centro is "done for"
Thanks anon
She is directly contradicting a confidental file. That's not a good look for her.
>South American Shithole
>Nintendo cant do anything

One or the other anon. Not both. Do 3 minutes of research on how corrupt South American politics are and how easy it is to pay and sway for their needs.

American companies have blocked latin american courts from proceeding and force extradition for trial. If you don't think Nintendo/GF are capable of writing a few checks, I have some land in the metaverse to sell you.
Centro RUN NOW!!!
How do I delete my 4chan account? I reposted some of the leaks here and don't want to get sued.
She's cooked as the kids would say
Vote for trump he is going to save us
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I should have read the whole thread before posting
Who the fuck is she? I'm confused.
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Centro is just a stepping stone to them finding the real culprit but Nintendo wont spare him. There will be a Pokégenocide from this and many will fall.
You have to send an email to Moot and ask him, probably
>”Hey Peruvian Government, do you want a gazillion dollars out of our gorillian dollar franchise in exchange for having this bum arrested on our behalf?”
>”Yeah sure dude give us some money lmao”
Centro’s fucked regardless.
Lenora says lesbians right
Imagine if Centro becomes the scape goat of this whole ordeal.

TPC calms down after "the evil has been punished"
Centro fucking dies.
Casualfags think things are over.

I see this as an absolute W
They're not retarded, they know he's not the source of the leak. Everyone knows it
Just dm'd you, hope this helps
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Its funny cause the TPC is likely to get him one way or the other or... they'll go through the Japanese goverment and then send Perus government a mail like the Toei did with Japans government to Mexico and South America during the Dragon Ball Super 131 public stream,

People forget Peru had a ethnic Jap lead their country for a while as a semi dictator and his daughter ran for president 4 times and almost won so theres some connection there
He espred the information and misinformation
TPC knows well that's for sure but the masses don't.
Don't overestimate the inteligence of the average pokefag anon
I don't like the guy but he hasn't done anything worth going after him for that wouldn't include thousands of others.
Journalists are click-chaser at best (Centro goes here) or minimum-wage paid propagandists at worst.
The era of journalists being people who actually work hard to give you vaguely useful information on the world ended nearly a century ago.
Mistah Merriku…
So this is a big brain move from TPC to lure out the leaker because he'd be pressured by the same crowd that gives him attention to fulfill his promise
>like the Toei did with Japans government to Mexico and South America during the Dragon Ball Super 131 public stream
Mexico didn't give a shit about that though
The silver lining of this fag trying to claim credit is that he put his ass in the crosshairs
Now the leaker is going to stop leaking for this dumb spic fag
Where is Joe's collar?
A million is enough to put centro to the ground but it's not enough to sway corrupted government.
It was other countries as well

It was Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, a few of them, and it was an actual huge deal
I sometimes forget that the mass intelligence of people discussing this shit equivalent to a 15 year old
True. These are the same people that didn't realize that the lore documents were from fucking 2005, older than most of the retards pearl clutching, saw so many people think it written recently
What's Joe's statement on the leaks?
He's on holiday
He's probably sicretly the biggest fan of the leak because there's so much information we have from it.
He can't make a statement on the leaks since he's now an official Pokémon partner
It literally doesn't matter if the public thinks he's source of the leaks or not
The average normalfag isn't going to take a look at the leaks themselves
He's taking the position of a superspreader in this case, so getting him to stop ASAP is the obvious thing to do
He's not even allowed to imply it exists or Masuda will get out the bugs again
porn when
Of the Presents guy? Lmao
Pretty he shouldn't say anything about it if he doesn't want to get the beating of his life
Of who?? Centro? The present guy? What
They PAID him to stop working on ryujinx. By all means, if they want to silence centro, they can pay him to stop using Twitter.
they should go all in and steal more documents to leak
>They PAID him to stop working on ryujinx.
Source? Proof? Explain?
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>the presents guy
People hate Centro but Centro helped me get the TLDR on the leaks meanwhile all the poketubers are just grifting for engagement and pay for views
why do people hate centro? these leaks are based
Sometimes it's better to controlled a known evil than to create a power vacuum
I will include this post under "faggotry"
Fuck off centro
One of the documents about Journeys mentions a strained working relationship with Rica. Combine that with her getting accused of embezzling Covid funds back in 2020 and you can get the idea.
he's a no good reposter who doesn't credit anyone who found things first
Does someone have that pic where Joe was caught red handed playing an emulaton of Pokémon BW because he stated that the starter didn’t take exp in the first fight?
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He’s on NDA
TPC is nothing but a haven of retards and moneygrubbers.
Kek thank you anon
But he's giving a quicker tldr and explanation, gamefreaks dumbass got hacked and now we have the files and source code and artwork/concepts

They've been like this since Gen 5, the quality has gone down after gen 7, the DLCs are fucking absurd and the gimmicks are worse than any genocide in human history
convergent species of shinx
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Many will fall but the community won.
Centro doesnt have the data so hes safe
I hope they fuck Centro's Peruvian ass.
It depends on where he lives. If he lives in shits Venezuela good luck Nintendo
I'm actually surprised by how low res the box art and manuals are in the leak.
That is not the original from 1996, it's probably them making a recreation for the virtual console versions.
The way centro is trolling all of the burgers of this board. CENTRO literally stands for Centro America, everyone knows he is from a country over there, I ever remember he revealed the exact country back when he used to have his FB page before twitter.
>He's not from peru he's from Panama! Trolled!
Rica Matsumoto is Ash's Japanese VA
A few files were leaked saying she was part of some production-side drama with the anime crew. Most notably saying that she and Ikue Ohtani (pikachu's va) had very bad blood between each other and that Rica used to harass other anime employees.
You're getting two things mixed up and exaggerating a bit. Rica Matsumoto (Ash) and Ikue Ohtani (Pikachu) apparently didn't get along, they don't go into any detail over why or to what degree, nor do they mention their working relationships with anyone else. However, the meeting does bring up that Rica Matsumoto's recent checkered reputation. The meeting was from May 2022, and 18 months prior in December 2020, she had been accused of embezzling money from struggling voice actors (and her assistants) by her former assistant. That article stated that she was hard to work with and would speak like Ash.
God i hope so. I fucking hate centro and all the other twitter trannys
>He's a journalist
Listen, I hate Centro too but that's going too far.
>Ash shit talking his coworkers with that voice
Psychotic yet hilarious
A Jap they imprisoned for human rights abuses (among other things) and whose Head of Intelligence was caught bribing political opponents and news stations. And this was after he hid out in Japan for a while.
They ain't doing shit.
people unironically rooting for corpo dick should choke on it and die
The Centro obsession here is crazy, I liked using his Twitter during SV leak season as an easy centralized way to keep up with all the shit. Chuds are crying because he's south american?
This he's just a simple latinx
People don't seem to understand how stupid they are to be publicly sharing this shit on twitter and discord. You are dealing with multi billion dollar companies, they are going to sue the ever living shit out of everyone they can.
I actually want to see him do it. I'll also laugh when he "suicides" in prison after getting caught.
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>Centro is anonymous. He leaked so much he'd get death penalty if caught.
he has literally never leaked anything what the fuck are you talking about, all early stuff from game releases he gets from here when people are posting screenshots from when games dump early, all stuff hes posting on twitter atm hes just reposting from the /vp/ discord server, hes not even datamining the leak himself
doesnt it take money to start sueing if they sue enough people..
This hack is no journalist but I don't see why they'd go after him instead of the real leaker, expected them to send DMCA's to Twitter at most
Being one of the most well known leak repost accounts is probably enough for Ninty's lawyers to come up with some bullshit about it damaging the brand, and especially hurting future sales if we get anything about ZA and he posts it.
Centro is just a fucking twitter account that compiles leaks. Also anyone rooting for a giant corporation is an idiot.
People who hate on Centro or any twitterfag are social parasites that love drama no better than normies watching reality tv.
just like the middle east
i doubt theres anything they can even do
>People who hate on Centro or any twitterfag are social parasites that love drama no better than normies watching reality tv.
hes a fag because he just reposts shit and acts as if hes an actual leaker
>yfw the poke' mafia shows up at your house
posting leaks on twitter is solely for attention and clout. If they cared about the leaks at all they would be documenting them in a more appropriate way and not using ELS theater kid sentences to drop leaks.

If they cant do it right and care more about putting their name on it, then they deserve the heat.
is this retard underage? he's fucked lmao
That happens. It's why reaction content is controversial.
>but he's just looking into the leaked assets like the rest of us, isn't he?
hes not even doing that much hes reposting from other people who are looking at them
Not even anonymous
Ok Anonymous
It makes him feel like a big boy. TPC contacted HIM, y'know? He's kind of a big deal.
No, he's just a retard
Centro about to leak the Nintendo dm's... that's when GameFreak snaps and ends us all.
Centro leaked it. He told me so.
I'm pretty sure he's breaking out the bugs regardless after this last week and using them on whoever is nearest.
What an annoying little prick.
i think that was shopro acuused centro with tpc
This is bs
They can’t go after anons so they’ll make him the scapegoat, all the poketubers are getting this info from him too after all.
>he doesn't know what extradition is
A lot of countries don't allow extradition of citizens
"Y-yes, Masuda-san, that's Sprig-I-I mean Nyahoja, sir"
"Uh, yes sir of course, it's Meowscarada, I mean Mascanya"
"Oh, h-haha... I guess I kinda see that"
"Huh? W-well it's a Grass/Dark type so that would be... (oh god fucking damn it)... uh, bug type, sir...?"
"sigh... yes sir"
Also I'm latinx
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Just some music to set the mood.
>GF are so incompetent they think Centro is the actual leaker and send him a cease and desist
Bro, if true, you can't make this shit up, they truly are stupid and incapable of doing things right.
And, in before "but anon, maybe it's just because he is a prime source for the leak that they only targeted him", no, or every other big Youtuber/Twitter account would have received this shit too and we would be quickly aware of it : every single video or post is linking to him specifically as the source and they didn't dug deeper, the end.
nice try centro, we know it's you trying to do some damage control and act like many here like you
fuck... it makes too much sense, after all the leaker got everything because their system had basically no restriction in accessing all the data once in the system
>Yes, they fucked
Hot, Centro gets his twink ass fucked by that twink old japanese man
Also OP >>56676603
is FAKE and GAY
>Still Setthing beyond Lunacy
Yikes and Cringepilled
Nintendo niggers are the worst for giving us such shit games
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>Joe is at best 5'6"
>It was Argentina, Peru, Ecuador,
Only heard about Mexico thing
They actually aged just fine. I live in a place where recreational weed was legalized and everybody hates stoners now despite being cool with them back when they kept to themselves and smoked in their own homes.
Explains why he became obsessed with pokemon. Short dudes simply aren't gonna make it socially unless they manage to get rich and famous somehow.
TPC by a longshot
Centro and khu are far worse than Elon's Twitter sexbots
you trannies realise corporate espionage is illegal, right?
There's no god given right protected by law to hack people's computers, steal private documents and then publish them online
Yes, and…? What are you gonna do about it cissy boi?
Just making sure, judging by the posts itt you and others are literal drooling retard ESLs who think gamefreak is wrong for going after people for this
A jap prison is 100 times better than living in peru though he'd see it as a reward
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>He's a journalist.
He's more gullible than the people who actually believed that JFK Jr faked his death,and was going to revival he was still alive and supported Trump at a big event.
Either way, he's a fucking moron.
Crossing my fingers that this attention freak gets deactivated finally
Silence. He can't talk about leaks anymore. When was the last time he posted leaked info? XY?
Japan and Peru have signed several bilateral agreements/treaties such as a Trade and Financial Agreement (1949); Agreement on the elimination of visas (1971); Technical Cooperation Agreement (1979); Cooperation Agreement on Agriculture Development (1987); Agreement on the Promotion and Protection of Investments (2008); and an Agreement on Japanese donations on the protection of Peruvian Archeological sites (2016).

In 2013, trade between Japan and Peru totaled US$3.5 billion. Japan's main exports to Peru include: automobile, auto parts, tires and steel. Peru's main exports to Japan include: copper, fish meal, silver and zinc. That same year, Japanese direct investment in Peru totaled US$238 million. Several well known multinational Japanese companies such as Honda, Sony, Toshiba and Toyota (among others) operate in Peru. In 2010, Japan and Peru signed an Economic Partnership Agreement. Both nations were party to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

he's male
Centro is one nigger, not many
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i lol'd
they is what you use for informal third person you ESL
I will certainly NOT root for the leaker who tarnished the reputation of my HERO and BEST FRIEND ty.
TPC unironically.
Except he isn't.
>Also anyone rooting for a giant corporation is an idiot.
I'm rooting for Centro to get shit on, doesn't matter who does it.
Centro and TPC should burn
The message:
"You think you're funny, do you? I know your IP, i'm gonna find you and i'm gonna kill You."
>its just a word bro
And so is nigger but your country made a big deal about it.
You can be 100% be held accountable as an accomplice of operations in the eyes of the law for distribution of legals documents that were meant to be private.
No real latino nor latina will ever call themselves that maricon
You guys are being delusional here:

>He's Peruvian, so good luck either extraditing him, suing him, charging him or getting any sort of money from him
>He isn't directly responsible for leaks, he's just a leech reporting on them

TPC can kick and scream all they want, but they have no power here. Even if they go after Centro successfully, it will not stop the leaks.

Do you truly believe that individuals smart enough to hack TPC would be dumb enough to dox themselves?
>He doesn't know how international business law works
>He doesn't know that he can still be held accountable as an accomplice of operations just because he decided to actively distribute private information, even if he wasn't the perpetrator in question.
centro is husbando
> He doesn't know how law works in Latin America

This is not the US or Europe, nobody cares about copyright here, there has never been a case of a foreigner company suing someone for copyright here in a local case and winning, look it up
Just upload the entire leak you fucking niggers
>This is not the US or Europe, nobody cares about copyright here, there has never been a case of a foreigner company suing someone for copyright here in a local case and winning, look it up
Does it have to be international? A quick google search shows that a Peruvian company owns the rights to distribution of toys and the show in Peru. I imagine TCPI, if they really wanted to and couldn't reach someone in Peru, would just tip off that company who would 100% get pissed the fuck off about the leaked anime content.
International Business companies hold local level business to manage operations of larger scales, nintendo is among these companies, TPC is a subsidiary of nintendo and has headquarters in latin american countries including peru where it can sue representing TPC.
Even if that were not to be the case you are incorrect, Overseas disputes are depend on various factors including the nature of the dispute, the jurisdictions involved, the specific laws that apply, and the treaties or agreements between the countries in question, but one thing remains the same, accountability can be set due to the level of interaction the person in question has.
So yeah, centro can get sued.
>9 hours later
>his account is still up and posting
bros, he might really be untouchable...
Yeah? He's an aggregator. I like his work. It saves me the effort of going through dozens of other shit sources.
this. fuck gf but also fuck these attention whores behaving like vultures and drip feeding shit
How delusional do you have to be to look at a woman who is canonically married to a man and claim that she's a lesbian?
I hope TPC learns their lesson after fans mocked them for banning killer designs and concepts (they won't) and decides to slow down to make better games (they won't)
Mentally ill enough to chop your genitals, which they probably did.
There are gay men married to women though
How do you manage that though? Aren't you repulsed by her?
>Send perru my regardo
You faggots still selling Khu as credible?
A literal ex-TPC legal beagle quoted this and said they do lol
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>Trans-Pacific Partnership
I thought Trump killed your ass.
Fingers crossed
You reap what you sow, you present yourself as THE source to check for leaks even though you're just stealing shit from others, you get sued
Elon will gladly doxx them out for cheap cash too
in terms of the "law", then yea. but as we spics know, in these countries that matters little when you have cash, you can pretty much pay for protection or to place a hit on whomever you want. if nintendo/TPC/GF wanted to, they could spend a trivial amount to make the lives of whomever they want.
back when the original gigaleak happened, there were documents that revealed they quite literally hire professional men in black to stalk people and spook them: https://www.millenium.gg/noticias/31042.html.
and that's in a civilized place like Japan, imagine what they could do if they wanted to in some third-world shithole.
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iirc one of the admin of the old latin forum 'Centro Pokemon' was a costa rican guy named Joseph Vargas.

I bet one of the people behind the account of Centro Leaks could be Joseph.

it seems that the guy became famous years ago for banning too many people from forums and facebook groups since he doesn't tolerate others having an opinion contrary to his.

The boy seems to have always tried to be enthusiastic about the internal data inside the pokemon games since he has an old account on gbatemp forums but he never had a moment of glory because other people like SciresM or Kaphotics have overshadowed him in terms of leaks and secret internal data in the past.

I think you can easily locate him in social networks with his real name and the spanish term for people from Costa Rica known as 'Tico'

Well... just sayin' lol
You're underestimating Latin naming conventions.
Some Colombian dude is called 6
Is this "dude" six midgets having a laugh?
>Thinking they can sue someone in Peru
You'd have to prove Peru exists in order to do that. Centro has nothing to fear.
If anything they should be going after the person who leaked all of this rather than the guy on twitter whose just screenshotting a bunch of 4chong posts
I mean, it doesn’t take much to debunk a retarded statement like “this country doesn’t have any laws”
Trump didn’t accomplish anything tho
Game Freak probably installed the Fujimori dictatorship in the 90s knowing that one day they’d need Peru to do their bidding to extract Centro… it all comes together…

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