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1000% better than that stupid as fuck flamingo
cool cartoon, what nickelodeon show is it from?
go back ariga your designs are trash even the scrapped fossils were better than your fossils
Nice Lady Gaga bird, OP
Its actually Sia not Lady Gaga
from pokemon, imagine believing pokemon is a cool anime lol pokemon is dogshit cartoon
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you are contrarian and stupid. You don't know what you like and deserve the garbage GF put in your mouth like Aromatisse. Kiss my ass
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birb wife
ugly and shit fetish
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Which flamingo? the one we got in gams or the leak one?
the leaked one is a slut that wears high-heels, it is fucking amazing
this bird is so cool
>a slut that wears high-heels
>fucking amazing
pick one only
I really like this pokemon. it looks cool.
i want her to rape me
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>smug slutty bird
They really made the same Pokemon three times
someone post the leak flamingo
she is very pretty and also HIGH-HEELS
i want her feet on my cock
lmao mad

but yes aromatisse looks even worse
>smug slutty bird
>smug slutty bird
>smug slutty bird (MALE ONLY)
no but really, WHAT did they mean by that?
is clearly evil.
Fedandipiti is clearly a slutty femboy though. You have a point there
Who has the link to the doujin where the girl mates with an ostritch
i liked it enough to have it on my team, but Flittle fuckin sucks, why does it look like that?
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where do it's feathers start and it's body begin?
Better than 90% of the crap in Scat and Vomit.

Nah, he's right.
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There's basically no added visual bulk from the feathers, apart from the tail. The dump truck ass is real.
>Scat and Vomit.
Nice fetishes you got here
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look how pretty she is!
you all say shit like this, but real animals with sex appeal out the ass (like the peacock for example) you would NEVER fuck. same with pokemon. the pokemon would KILL you once you put your little shrimp cock anywhere near it.
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Also, most people who think birds are hot don't know how avian sexual dimorphism usually works.
Are you saying you wouldn't fuck a peacock because it's male? Fag.
I mean sure but consider this pretty thing, female heron:
10/10 if the pallet had more contrast
why the fuck would i want to fuck an animal
the hot part about this stupid sexy bird is that it would rape me and mindrape me at the same time
dumbfuck animals can't do either of those
still wondering what EXACTLY they meant with that censor there
peaheans are pretty though, dont know why they get slandered
Looking at the way the layers are arranged, they probably deleted that part just so that it wouldn't appear on the image. (as for why the brush gets cut off, photoshop, and end of explanation)
They are pretty—the issue is people who gush over a peacock or secretarybird (male) and don't realize that they're bird-gay.
based degen anon
Whats happening gen9 simp?
You mad your design are so fucking garnage people rather draw beta draft pokemons than your ugly ass yokai watch rejects? I'm feasting, the more the leaks get revealed the more gen9 cucks will seethe in fear of how fucking dogshit their dex is even scrapped ideas are given more love.
poop vs pee
its kinda cool i might use one next time i get a chance to use it

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