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A lesbian couple
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Mmmm yes, those child bearing hips...fantastic
Need to breed that bird nerd.
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too old?
Get pregnant get raped
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sex with Hoenn girls
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These two became way hotter after their ages were revealed.
This, unironically
Yes. Sex.
That so
How old are they?
Roxanne is 14, Winona 16.
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It still gets me that Winona is that. I always thought of her as an older and more mature woman. Her bird autist trait in ORAS makes sense with that in mind
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And I hope more based artists will start drawing them in a way that reflects those ages
It just moved.
no one cares about those literally who's
Such as? Roxanne hanging around with older trainers?
So Roxanne was larping as a teacher this whole time so she can get fucked? what a slut
If this was her default outfit it would save the anime(lots of ass shots)
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>These two became way hotter after their ages were revealed.
As usual, I'm largely disturbed by the way that modern fandoms treat characters like they're actual people
I don't remember this shit being this bad back in the 2000's
Only underagefags say that so fuck off
I don't think anyone ever thought Winona was that young before these age reveals
By who, her students or the other teachers
they can be whatever age i want them to be because they aren't real
Yes, sex, something you will never experience. Also you must be atleast 18 years old to post here
the flying bitch literally dresses like a toddler, she's a mediocre design and why she gets zero fanart and the other one is only relevant because she owns nosepass
>and the other one is only relevant because she owns nosepass
That was an anime-only change
I'm surprised by how many people on this board assume she's a teacher in all iterations, I mean I know she's not exactly popular enough for people to care but the sign outside her gym outright calls her an honors student
how old is wallace supposed to be? hes involved with winona in the pokespe manga
The same with Candace
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How about Roxanne getting pregnant?
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Can it gen Winona well?
We want straight shota anon
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Why did they turn Roxanne into a loli?
I wish. Unfortunately artists have shit taste and there's no enough reference material.
She was one this whole time, sorry to break it to you
Shame. Can you do /ss/ Roxanne?
You know what, I'll draw her
Do you take requests?
Bring home the straight shota
No, sorry
Not right now, anyway
I don't like doing quick rough stuff, if I'm gonna draw something I'm doing hard lines and breaking out the airbrush
Can you use novelai instead?
No worries, I'd like to see what you draw though with Winona in mind!
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I wish there was more Roxanne or Winona straight shota too.
God I had always known Roxanne is perfect fucking sex
They're 17 and 14 you sick fuck
Nice! enjoy drawing her
If you have a baraag or pixiv please drop it
We all want the older woman take advantage our protag and make him overwhelmed
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AoC in the Pokemon world is 10, read a book
Based TyphlosionCHAD
Are there any older women you want to see overwhelm our protag?
Phoebe, Glacia, Hex Maniac, Roxanne, Winona, Flannery, Dendra, Miriam, all that GOOD SHIT
Well, I have this
Honestly I doubt this thread'll still be up by the time I'm done
Gooood shit, anon. I'm with you on all of them. Especially the Hoenn girls. Winona and Roxanne, and even Flannery. I just know she's just made for shotas. How would you imagine Roxanne and Winona doing it with a shota?
the plappening
Taking turns and encouraging him to do his best and not letting him go loving him up.
The net was completely flooded with normalfags in the late 00s and this was further cemented throughout the 10s
What loving women. I wish I was that shota. I would love to be encouraged by Winona telling me to continue pumping into her as best as I can. Two of them at the same time overwhelming that shota would be amazing. Winona guiding him while Roxanne would feel the shota up and whisper encouragement into his ear.
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Ttried drawing something with those two since I share that sentiment. Nothing explicit obciously.
Nice one! Thanks! And based taste too, straight shota is awesome.
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Do not bonk the model cum teacher
Hoenn takes place during the same time as Kanto. That means Roxanne is two years older in this pic than she was in RSEORAS. It means she is at least 16.
How old is Whitney? The anime depicted her as being taller than Brock.
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Yeah I'm definitely not finishing this anytime soon
Here's a rough sketch though
If there's some manner of Hoenn girls thread tomorrow I'll post the finished piece there
That is so fucking cool
Technically wouldn't Roxanne be 16 and Winona be 18 by the time DPPt happens?
Suddently I like Winona now
Like em young?
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What outfit should I make her wear?
R/S/E one maybe? For starters.
Slingshot bikini,
Magma grunt outfit
breed tslutsuji
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I like the way you think. I'll do ya one better
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Absolutely based. Love it.
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I love children dude.
I liked Winona before it was cool
Do you know what's sad? They won't make waifus this good anymore. In the next titles we'll see only DEI trannies
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I want to teach Roxanne sex ed with practical lessons.
No outfit whatsoever!

Joking aside, I kind of want to see what her hair looks like under that helmet.
What kind of lessons will you show her?
Well, there's this
Mating press
She looks a bit like an adult Jasimne.
Can Roxanne take constant Mating presses?
piccolo is only 4 years older than gohan theres your fun fact.
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She is a sexy Goddess.
Roxanne's pussy is for Winona.
Very sexy.
Thing is, Jasmine's probably already an adult if she's taller than Brock.
But yeah their hairstyles are pretty similar
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Is that the anime height? Whitney is also much taller and more mature looking in the anime.
I imagine game Whitney to be 13, two years older than Gold, Lyra Kris and game Jasmine to be 11-13.
Maybe they are just very tall girls for their age?
>cries about DEI
>while half of the thread is crying because people don't draw those ugly bitches
do people here has some kind of self awareness?
It's just, all these character sheets were made by Sugimori (Technically Game Freak which is why they were leaked) and then sent off to the anime staff for them to use as reference material,
I mean Roxanne's sheet says she's a 14yo student which is accurate to the games but then the anime staff went and changed that.
So I dunno, either Whitney/Jasmine are adults or they're just really tall
Oh god Whitney's huge
Imagine how deep that fucking voice is, as she bursts into tears after being defeated
>Oh no! It's okay Whitney, don't cry!
>Look, guys, we're really sorry about this. She just gets really emotional after a battle. Could you maybe come back for your Badge a bit later, after she calms down?
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How huge is Morty?
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As tall as James (I think that's supposed to be James, anyway)
Now we need to know how tall James is.
Then we know Morty's height and we can
guess Whitney's height.
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Cut out the middleman, here she's slightly taller than Brock, but even then I dunno how tall Brock is supposed to be
Whitney is like 1.25 Ashes. Also, holy shit, her waist is level with Ash's chest.
Jasmine doesn't have a posted age, she could be the same age as Candice and Winona for all you know
>It's another pokegirl thread which consists only of retards spamming lewds and cumskulls gooning to it
Just nuke this board already
Candice is 16?
>it’s just another pedo thread
You're on /vp/. That's like saying "it's just another Linux thread" on /g/.
What kind of threads do you visit on /vp/?
Or are you a tourist?
Concept art of her with her age?
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Not only does it specifiy this version of Candice was 12 but it also points out her height difference and features that change or grow when she's 16.
Now show her as a 16 year old concept art.
Is there any height mentioned?
That's the only page where the age (16才) is mentioned.
But you have the concept art of her 16 year old self?
Sexy girl that didn't changed that much with her face but her boobs became a bit bigger and she became thinner.
The anime is intended for children, so Ash and crew are supposed to be shorter and less mature than the cool older kid (16 and in high school)
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Alright, here's the finished piece.
Truthfully, I'd really like to make a romantic VN with most of the Hoenn girls, so I designed this as a form of key character art for that. However, I already know I'd never be able to complete something of that magnitude.
That being said, eventually I'll probably also make art for Roxanne, Flannery, May, Brendan since he'd be the protagonist, and Liza, just for the hell of it
Probably not gonna post those here though
That's a really good drawing regardless bro, good job.
Make one of Roxanne with Winona together.
Most art is of Roxanne with Flannery or Winona with Flannery or all three together. There are very few pictures of Roxanne with Winona and without anyone else and they are all nsfw from what I've seen except for this one>>56681033.
Winona, Roxanne and RS May or E May would also work.
That's an amazing Winona. Nicely done, anon!
>I'd really like to make a romantic VN with most of the Hoenn girls,
Have you thought more about it?
>Can't draw them any more because both pearlclutching and now on model fags being on the same team: canonfags and "what's her age? she better be 18 or older fags" for something that is stolen concept art and isn't confirmed canon
This is beautiful. Thank you so much for my request.
The age in the documents isn't real, since they were made at conceptualisation. For example Elesa is married to Clay in game, who is like 50. That wasn't listed in the document. Therefore we still don't really know their ages. Lenora is clearly not half white.
Hello tourist anon
>Elesa is married to Clay in game, who is like 50
55 actually.
I mean, art and music would be no problem for me. Actually, it'd be a great opportunity to make some more original music with the RSE soundfont.
It's the writing that's the issue. Not only would something decent take ages to make, but I've never seriously written any kind of story before.
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>They aren't real

>ORAS ages are the same as the RSE ages, no changes, because there would be zero reason to "update" information like that
We all have to start somewhere. I'm far from good myself in terms of writing, but practice can go a long way. You could dabble in short stories before tackling on a scenario for a Romance VN. You could also have someone help you with the writing scenarios too.
I suppose. Besides, it's not a good idea to work on art or music (the supplementary aspects) before the writing is finished.
The bigger problem is time, really.
That was someone's troll post.
Everyone freaking out about bullshit folklore really obscured all the actual canon large age gap relationships.
>The bigger problem is time, really.
Yeah, I agree so much on that. Still, there's no rush, and there's always just the fun in imagining it for the time being and drawing some art of the Hoenn girls from time to time.
Elesa is based off model Gemma Ward. At the time they made the concept document in 2008 she was 17 but had debuted as a model at age 15. Elesa's age was revised downward in later revisions to match her debut age.

The 17 year old version of the document also had Skyla as a 22 year old Latina Singer/Dragon trainer, while the ones where she's 15 have Skyla as the "sexy pilot onee-san"
You can’t plap 14 year olds, that’s wrong!
I earned Roxanne's badge so it's okay for me to plap her until she gets pregnant.
I'd love to see something like that. You could talk to the anon that made the dawn vn and maybe collaborate?
I plapped to less.
While I appreciate his work, I'd rather it be something wholly my own, regardless of the workload.
That's fair. Even if it's short I'm sure we'd all love to see something with liza
NTA but Liza would be difficult to date as that means having to deal with her brother.
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Even better.
Interesting, wanting to feel twin power? What ideas do you have lurking in your mind with them?
Truly, truly excessive hand holding
Well, eventually he has to learn that he can't always be by his sister's side.
Woah anon... Cute. Holding hands with them and walking together sounds pretty nice.
No never
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I also want to have so much sex with them that they forget which twin they are
Umm. 14 is still a child.
Pretty cute, enough to the point that it doesn't matter who they are, as they would worship one cock together.
And you being balls deep in one twin's tight hole that both would be feeling the pleasure no matter who you're fucking.
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Genuinely though, one visual novel of going to pasio and fucking them constantly, please
I bet Tate gets jealous of the attention Liza gets so he practices his heart out and now is the best blowjob champion in all the realm
That's a nice idea. I am not an anon writing a VN but the idea is cute enough to humor for smut. Master Sex offers a lot of good ideas for fun.
And it would grow into a stiff competition to see who gives the lucky Trainer the best head in all of Hoenn. Maybe it evolves into other challenges too.
I know Masters isn't the most accurate with scaling, but there is absolutely no way Jasmine and Whitney are in the same age range as most of the protags or other child characters like Bugsy or Marnie for example. Their bodies definitely seem a lot more developed than Lyra's and May's. You can look at shots of them in Masters, Jasmine and Whitney are definitely not small children, late teens at earliest
they can literally psychically tell how to best please you, god i want more porn of them
Favorite porn of them?
Seeing this ruined my day bro. I need it straight.
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how you gonna look at this face and tell him he's not allowed to suck your dick, that's heartless
He'll be okay with no grooming. Sure of it.
Post manga Winona. She looks gorgeous there
Imagine a pokemon isekai vn that deals with the jarring culture clash. Coming from our world into theirs, where it's normal and expected.
what, to fuck cute twins? is that normal here or there?
No, the age thing. People are considered adults at 10 in pokemon, Liza and Tate are adults.
Time is a bastard. But if you feel the itch to make an VN or something and you can already draw, I have good news because that puts you head and shoulders ahead of everyone else trying to make a pokemon VN. All of the rest of us are writers or coders or whatever and we're always looking for someone to hire or collaborate with for art. It's hell, and it's expensive.

If you're serious about wanting to make a game, Ren'Py is incredibly easy to learn (seriously it takes like an hour to go from "I know nothing" to "I know enough to make the entire game") and as other anons have said, the only way to learn how to write is to start somewhere and practice. Otherwise, if you want to team up with a writer or something, me and the guy who made the Dawn VN made a discord server for Pokemon VN devs and fans. It's a good resource to get feedback and to find people to work with. Only like 10% of the members are autistic and/or pedophiles so it's not as bad as the typical discord server.

She is Rei Ayanami's age.
Footjob with tights under the guise of tutoring....
Skyla fit
She looks very mature with that design.
Thanks. I think I'd prefer to attempt to write something myself, but if I ever feel the need for feedback I'll get in touch.
I mean, the one I posted is hard to beat, but there's not enough of it
Oh, don't get in touch with me. I'm a pain to work with. But please do make a pokemon VN. It's an untapped goldmine. There are, what, a hundred major female characters in the franchise? They all have a dedicated following and like four of them at the most have a VN where you hang out with them.
I see. Well, I probably won't share any writing until I have something substantial (which will most likely be a very long time from now), but I'm definitely gonna make more art and possibly music in the meanwhile and post that wherever it is that stuff goes
Where are the character sheets where this is revealed?

I'm also assuming it's for the anime versions of them and not the game versions

We need a thread addressing every character's age based on the leaks
Pretty sure they're based on the games, as reasoned here >>56693210
What does Winona's hair look like without the helmet?
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