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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.

>Thread Question
Have you ever ended up reusing old ideas from stories you reworked, abandoned, or never finished?

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>Have you ever ended up reusing old ideas from stories you reworked, abandoned, or never finished?
My current AU Series, TSN, is a rework of a huge AU I had about ten years ago. Now I'm back with far more experience and sense of scale lmao.
Speaking of which, book 2 is dropping soon!
If someone is accepting requests - would love to see a short lewdic with the premise that god is a slut appaprently
It's not "realistic", no, but this is an idylic fantasy world we're talking about. Plus, I feel like my hastily put together explanation is internally consistent enough to work even under light scrutiny, as well as being able to be developed into something more complex if needed.

Not every fic needs to be grimdark realistic and the fact that we're talking about a world with a wildly different history that's accustomed with coexisting with magical monsters means their common values/morals don't have to be a carbon copy of ours. Hell, for SI fics this sort of values dissonance can be a plot point in itself.
>It's not "realistic"
and that's my point. People should just accept its not realistic rather than try to justify it.
I hint at the idea in one story, maybe write about it later, and if I do I make it look like I have a master plan.
My point was that it's realistic *enough*, plus the concept of realism itself doesn't necessarily apply to the Pokémon world. The same way that you wouldn't, for example, apply our rules of realism to Warhammer40k, or a Ghibli movie or even something like a DC/Marvel story.

Superman flying in at supersonic speeds to scoop someone up out of harm's way is an affront to physics; totally unrealistic. Yet we still accept it in that context because those are the rules of those particular worlds/stories.
Physics are one thing we handwaive with magic, nobody sane is trying to argue that Superman is actually vibrating at lightspeed to offspeed his speed differential for non-lethal delta-v's because we all agree it's just magic.
Why not also handwaive trainer-targeting? It's just as stupid trying to justify it. Hunter J would absolutely attack a trainer since she's already one of the most wanted criminals in the world.
If my villain wanted to kill someone he would do it, he's an evil person already so why give a fuck about "muh escalation"?
>he's an evil person already so why give a fuck about "muh escalation"?
There's various kinds of evil that may choose not to kill for practical, arbitrary, or even empathy-driven reasons. You can do better than "he's evil", think about what he does that makes him evil and think about what would best satisfy his desires. If that's killing, neato, but if it's something else why not explore that
"Arceus made humans with an inescapable moral compulsion to never target another trainer with their Pokémon". There, handwavable by magic. We do agree Pokémon powers are magic, yeah?

I feel like you're applying two different measures to things that or aren't acceptable in the same magical setting, but if that's how you feel, then that's how you feel. Agree to disagree.
How does one write romance? I can understand opening up to one another and becoming friends, but what causes that line to be crossed? Why does one start seeing another in a romantic way - or does it just... happen?
I think you're getting lost in the argument.
My post opened with an example of BoC handwaiving the lack of nuclear weapons with "magic kept them from even considering it", and I wondered "why don't people do that with targeting trainers as well"
Kira from A Jojo Reference Part 4 is a good example to look at for writing villains that way. He is *a* killer, but he has very specific circumstances in which he does it, and otherwise his wants and needs drive him to avoid making himself noticeable by society at large. He's very much a danger in the context of who and where the heroes are, but he's not a wanton murderhobo either.
I agree that that's a very dismissive explanation and if you're going to explain stuff, it should remain internally consistent, but I wasn't arguing about the BoC example specifically, but addressing your stance that "The lack of targetting trainers in fics is dumb". I don't think it is and gave you a general encompassing example, underdeveloped as it was.
I think it can be done, and even done well, as long as the author builds up their world so that it makes logical sense in that setting. It being compatible with our world isn't prohibitive, because their fictional world isn't ours; the way things develped there are necessarily different given they have walking natural disasters in every corner.
>else why not explore that
Most of the evil team plots aren't about killing but rather genocide after looking at their plans along with their retarded reasons, empathy is useless when at the end of the day their goals align with killing everyone
Then why not have a villain who isn't necessarily out for genocide, but as his/his team's plans gradually progress further, has to grapple with the slipping of his ideals and the fact he's losing his own ability to justify his actions and what they're leading to? Bonus points if it doesn't lead to a generic redemption
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Heya everyone, happy 11th anniversary to Anipoke XY! Thought today was a great day to begin publishing book two of my AU series— Finding Something New!
I hope you all will enjoy Serena's first foray into her Gym Challenge
>Ash has changed. Serena has chosen.
>Our hero's journeys diverge, as Serena begins her quest to conquer the Pokémon League and Ash sets out beyond the lands of the Kalos Region. Yet, even apart, their hearts remain connected— For they now have the same goal, to Find Something New.
>Follow our heroes as they struggle, persevere, and evolve in the 2nd entry to the Trying Something New series.

AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59830117
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14402750/1/Pok%C3%A9mon-XY-Finding-Something-New
Well, that very much depends on your setting and how in-depth you want to go with inner character exploration. Romance can happen in quite literally thousands on different ways, limited only by the author's imagination and their writing chops.

Maybe one character really admires a certain trait. Along comes another character that displays said trait, so they start paying notice to them. The longer that goes on, the more they discover other things they like about character B, until that turns from curiosity into acceptance into infatuation.

Maybe a fateful encounter between them leaves a strong enough impression in character A that they can't help wanting to become closer to character B. Over time, those feelings turn romantic in nature.

Maybe the two are just very comfortable in each other's presence. They've been together (as friends, travel companions, etc.) for so long that they just get used to life with the other around. And the notion of NOT being around the other becomes uncomfortable, even unthinkable, which leads into the mushy stuff.

Could simply be a case of one finding the other hot, which is very superficial, and after getting to know them better, discovers they're beautiful inside and out, which causes them to catch feelings.

If you want a more comedic or less serious route, a training session sees one trainer accidentally get hit with a charming move and, when the other side gets their attention to snap them out of it, they imprint that infatuation onto the opposing trainer.

There are frankly too many scenarios to list them all out, but the important thing is that the deeper you explore the characters' mentalities, the more complex and detailed you can go with it, but it doesn't HAVE to be. Sometimes a simple childish crush can turn out to be a person's motivation to go journeying and they meet their crush later, which makes stronger feelings to blossom.
Bumping for fic recommendations with good worldbuilding. I need something to read.
frequently and often
If he's a serial killer go ahead.
If his goal is just to steal money.. what's the gain?
The government spends tax money on its people. Therefore, the solution is to kill everyone else so that the government has no choice but to spend that tax money on HIM.
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>supposedly 150 years ago
So yeah, I still think humans are fallers or simulations like in Star Ocean
It seems PLA takes place only 150 years before the main game
How does that back up fallers/simulation theory?
Fuck it I'll shill myself.


Only about 20k words in so far, but updates are roughly weekly. Setting is meant to be a timeskip past all the currently released games by a moderate amount, and in addition to the actual main plot I'm trying to do a slow drip of what's changed in the background of the world and what's become of the different characters from throughout the games.
Why did Lysandre bust out a Dr. Octogonapus cosplay? Has anyone tried explaining this in their fics?
I've written so much and I still have so much to do

I'm so tired
If you don't write your story, who will?
Probably cameras able to analyze in real time to give the best strategy through his glassess
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Is it fair to shill translated fics here? I'm translating one of my old works while still doing the other shit I shared here.
Their fear and interactions with Pokémon, the ridiculous leap in technology.

Granted that's only my headcanon
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How does the history of celestica, johto, and the diamond/pearl clans factor into this
I'll be honest, as fun as all the information there leaks have given us is, it's all pretty much unusable on normal day to day type things. Basically all of it is just higher-level type things involving gods and mythology and stuff,
Like, okay, cool, Aus and Giants and shit, where the fuck do I use or add that to my normal isekai journeyfic in a meaningful way? You can't. The only way you can use those things is on the endgame or climax of your story.
There's barely anything good or truly meaningful for the modern Pokemon world or the human characters of it. Unless you wanna say that now having Skyla randomly insert spanish words in her dialogue in your Unovafic is meaningful content, I guess.
It's all really cool lore but on a normal fanfic level it's nothing really useful.
>Oh my Adonai!
>Yahweh damn it all!
This is what you're doing when you write Arceus in place of God. Nobody speaks like this. Just stop.
It does feel like a
>"How do I make it feel like this is a different world? Oh I know!"
kind of thing. It can be done right with certain phrases (By Arceus, May Arceus smite you, etc) but Oh My Arceus has got to be the worst yet it's so so common
By YHVH's beard, anon!
This. I do use Arceus in place of God sometimes, but only in stuff like "Arceus, you look like shit" or "By Arceus!". I keep "God damn it" and "oh my God" the same. I also add other phrases depending on the mythology of the region.
>Unless you wanna say that now having Skyla randomly insert spanish words in her dialogue in your Unovafic is meaningful content, I guess.
Random non-English words is always shit no matter the language, but in general the stuff we got from the character bios / settei leaks is fun. I look forward to many Mays with reading glasses and 15-year-old 6'3'' Elesas with no pants in future fics.
"Certain phrases" is still too much. Nobody uses Arceus's name as an oath even in the game literally named after it where half the characters are turbo-religious. If your fic is set in the modern world, barely anyone should even have heard of Arceus, let alone well enough to use its name in casual speech without any religious intention.
Something that operates the weapon?
Reminder that Arceus' existence is not common knowledge at all only select few like Cynthia even know what the fuck an Arceus is.
Even Giratina's existence was an unknown.
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>If your fic is set in the modern world, barely anyone should even have heard of Arceus, let alone well enough to use its name in casual speech without any religious intention.
lol. lmao.
SM/JN take place after DP.
That said I get the feeling the mystery around Arceus is being soft-retconned, but they didn't want to spend any effort updating the DP remakes to reflect this
Pretty sure neither of those places ever use Arceus's name (RKS system doesn't count, it ain't named RKS). Even if one does, the point still stands that it's almost never used even when we can tell from context that Arceus is obviously the topic of discussion or subject of a myth. People don't go around saying Arceus all the damn time.
Arceus is a God, you can just say God. No need to name it and like >>56690739 said, normies are not supposed to know its doxx.
You realize technological advancement is exponential, yes? The moment new tech is discovered, the speed of new discoveries goes up by a lot. Now put Pokémon into the mix; imagine a rural setting, with at best steam-powered tech, suddenly having access to super powerful and smarter-than-human creatures.
Pokémon powered tech would quickly take over the old steam-based one and humans would focus on improving said tech to not be dependent on Pokémon. Plus, things like their innate ability to shrink would be studied in order to make their hammerspace tech, giving rise to Silph, co. and other such companies.
Right off the bat, one potential use for the creation mythos is the composition of humans. Humans in Pokémon are made by Aus, so they have common ancestry with Pokémon, but real world humans don't. What if that difference is significant enough? What if the world of Pokémon, due to it's magical origin, has a distinct chemical composition and transporting a real world human there causes some sort of odd reaction? What if Arceus takes note of a "Faller" and, in an effort to seemingly integrate them into the world, causes certain abilities to manifest?

As for other stuff, maybe the Pokémon themselves react different to a real world human because they can sense they don't have that common factor with Pokémon. It might be a good or a bad reaction, or both. Maybe the isekaiee is capable of something the people in the setting aren't specifically because they're unique.
I could see some remnant of the giants reaching out to a fellow not!son of Aus.
I agree that Arceus specifically isn't really everyday use, but I do chuckle at some other common phrases like "Tauros dung" or "when the Tepigs fly". I dunno why, but dumb stuff like that hits my funny bone.
NTA, but real world humans are animals, and pokemon are just the animals of the pokemon world. Generally I think pokemon are too generalized, when certain traits would apply to some types, egg groups, species...etc and not others.
I'm not too sure. We have had mentions of real-life animals in the past in Pokémon games. Sure,some of them have been changed, but I think the theory that there *used* to be animals and Pokémon took their place gradually isn't the most outlandish around.
Plus, even if Pokémon are and have always been the animals of their world, that's still not the same as the real world, so being transported from one to the other would still have some weirdness involved.

Also, even if you go with the most intermingling option - Arceus simply takes a person's soul and makes a brand new body that respects all the metaphysical aspects of the world - that's still a brand-new person quite simply popping up out of nothing. That's bound to get the attention of other deities (and now we know which would be more likely to take notice of such a thing) and the fact that body and soul weren't made at once, from the same source can still cause shenanigans (though that last part isn't as mythos dependant than the other options, of course).
>real world humans are animals
Real world humans are a virus
That has probably been retconned at this point.
Kalos had humans 3k years ago didn’t it
There's also Celestica, Sootopolis and such too so shit's weird. Maybe they have been pushing the reset botton after a big war or something
Since only humans have pattern-seeking brains, animals neither enjoy nor understand music.
Because of this, since pokemon arre animals then they too would neither enjoy nor understand music.
Even animals that use music-like sounds, like birds, do not truly understand music. It simply stimulates a very particular part of their brains that are linked to mating--since that's all music is to them, a mere mating call.

Something to consider when writing your entirely theoretical scenarios, fellow scientists.
should i bite the bullet and make a ao3 to post degeneracy
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Anomalous and trained behavior. They don't understand or enjoy the music any more than they do the teachings of the Orrean philosopher Greevil, who espoused the virtues of taming animals by harnessing their natural mindless desire for violence and directing it towards humanity's will.
i havent posted in like 2 years, this guy is seriously still at it?
I’m not sure of the time between histories in Johto or Unova either, but it’s possible ancient Unova (Time of the two heroes) and the creators of the Ruins of Alph were also older than PLA’s events.
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Ruins of Alph predates Celestica settling in Sinnoh. The celesticans came from Sinjoh, and the Sinjoh people are the ones who made the Ruins of Alph.

I can't remember off the top of my head if Unova's ancient history can be squeezed anywhere chronologically.

PLA wasn't even that far back in the past considering we know the history of humanity dates back well over 3k years.
If you're reaching for that hack Greevil, you've already lost. Countless examples, both academic and on the field, of friendship and affection having a significant effect on a Pokémon battle prowess show that that lunatic's work at best incompetently misguided and at worst maliciously misleading.
Trying to justify your own inane theory by basing yourself on him is a recipe for disaster and you'd be laughed out of any panel of your peers. Do yourself a favor and go back to the drawing board.
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Also, an interesting thing to note is that in official media AZ was depicted in these ancient murals. Another suggestion that the Z in XY Z was going to tie the two games together and link AZ with Hoenn's past even further, potentially even further than even Zinnia and Wallace let on.

I can't wait for gamefreak to completely disappoint with ZA and touch on none of this.
Wasn't there an aurafag in PLA too? Riley's ancestor I think who looked as if he knew a lot of things

Though like you say, a shame it will never go somewhere
You're black? For some reason I always thought you were a jew
How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?
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Anyone reading Pokemon: Apocalypse?
I like how it essentially turned Earth into a deathworld because there is no working coexistence (yet) and how people try to organize and survive.
Makes sense if the Aura trio was the tree of life those three fucked up in the past.
He's one of those black israelite dudes, strange fella.
Is that the one where pokemon appear in real life and it goes as bad as you expect, that I saw mentioned a couple threads ago? I've been meaning to read it, I've just been busy.
>SI learns aura
>Just a punch harder retard that now can understand Pokémon
Eh, at least he SI'd as Dawn
>learn aura
>instantly able to understand pokemon and fight them too
right up there with "all psychics can speak telepathically and slow down their perception of time"
No powers SIs are a rarity. Disappointing.
>aura literally allows you to create energy bullets, shields, read minds, sense presences, and even communicate with ghosts
>"ayy Imma just punch harder"
Waste of superpower.
>energy bullets
Aura sphere? Isn't that really hard to master with that being the reason is used only by final stage evolutions?
Not necessarily if Clauncher, Mienfoo, and Squirtle are anything to go by.
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>he as Dawn
From the latest chapter of BoC:
> When night falls, Ninetales would retire with Lee, often spending time meditating with him. Recently, they've taken to sitting and pressing their foreheads together, eyes closed. What goes on between them is anyone's guess.
The fugg isn't hiding it anymore, is he?
Mind sex, the leaks have encouraged him.
Why, hiding what, dear anon? I assure you, only the most puritanical of thoughts are running through their minds.
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Huh? They must be really good friends I guess!
Is Dialga the only Pokémon that could be intepreted as having the ability to stop time? I really like that power.
Wonder if there is still someone who doesn't see this for what it is. At this point it's just like that kind of metaphors used before due to censorship where basically everybody knew what it meant but still pretended due to stupid (SB) rules.
Dialga, Arceus, and the Unown when working in unison. Maybe Celebi, but she's always seemed more like a time traveler than a time controller.
>At least I'm fifteen…if that could be considered an advantage considering I was an adult before this. But now I have to relive puberty…as the opposite sex. Maybe I should just give up and fail tomorrows test? Get thrown out of the village and just die out in the wilderness…


It wasn't a joke
Why do people do this? It's just retard drama for the sake of it.
>And before he can finish, I fill myself with as much Aura as I can and punch him straight in the face. Holy shit! I didn't even move his head with that hit and it felt like I was trying to move a mountain. He didn't even change type! Am I that weak compared with my Pokémon…or was he just pretending the whole time?
Should have used a sword
I've read this story as well as it's in-progress sequel and this is something I memory holed so quickly that I genuinely forgot it was even a thing. Fuck you for making me remember that part lol
NTA but SB has a hardon for teenage girl lesbian fantasies and Genderbent SIs tend to make that an easy niche, particularly since it allows for way more easy ways to make it seem organic or coincidental when you do fanservice shit and because historically the mods are willing to let way fucking more slide between teenage girls than any other possibility. Gay men probably would get as much slack but thankfully despite the sheer number of fags on that site, blissfully few of them write.
Maybe the author has no experience writing a woman MC, genderbending a guy is an easy way to do that since it's literally a guy mentally. More recently it's usually to live out a fetish they have.
Is this the only place on the website to talk about fanfics? /Lit/ doesnt allow them for some reason but I don't know if /vg/ has the culture for it.
I know JP publishes fanfic in some Touhou threads but the board is mostly dead thread image spam even for threads that people talk or post about fanfics in.
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Damnit, why are fanfic chads persecuted?
Actually I think ink ownwhy they're not allowed on /lit/, having the majority of the board be about fanfics would ruin it and open the floodgates for weirdos to spread fanfic drama.
/vt/ has a writing/fanfic general
I think I read that one, she's traveling with Ash and Brock but she's the chosen one with legendaries calling her master or something while flexing just how much better she is
3 months for an interlude chapter.
It was okay, Courtney's part was the only one moving the story and the finale of Andre's.
The powerscaling is something that takes my away from fics nowadays - everymon has to have a super special custom move so much stronger than anything achievable in the games. Really feels like the authors are trying to compete with the Pokédex entries on the bullshit-meter.
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I'd take dumb fanfic drama over /lit/'s pseud philosophy bullshit desu
The novelty was interesting to me, but it's been getting distracted from the premise that interested me in the first place: watching the hero reappear in the present and flex on everyone.
Right now it's wasting many many chapters on training up Ash and honestly I really don't care for that part, it's something we see in just about every fic that has Ash appear
>it's something we see in just about every fic that has Ash appear
Really? The few I've seen barely mention him.

Would be funny if by every possessor there's at least one native regressor
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Seems the power suits were actually gonna be a real thing
Essentia already exists though.
Eh, I don't think they're the same
>Something that makes you move better
>Something that lets you survive in a hostil environment
That reminds me: what makes Zygarde active? Is it not strong enough to handle Groudon/Kyogre? Or does it already know fug has it in hand?
Have to keep battles and training interesting somehow.
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I don't think we've gotten much lore on Zygarde. I was kind of hoping the leaks would give us insight here, but I haven't seen anything for it yet.

My crack theory however...
Perhaps the plan was that AZ and Zygarde would get involved where Rayquaza would fail?
>When Groudon OR Kyogre go primal, Fugg has it well in hand
This matches with the first two murals: the Delta appears over the people of the world and uses their wishes to mega evolve
>When both Groudon and Kyogre go primal, Fugg might not win
This would match the third mural, where the Delta is entirely absent. But instead of the Delta, we see AZ in a ruined world. He's alone, save for that one body just above Groudon's head(not sure if that was an artist mistake, if it has some meaning, or if it really is just some random dead fucker getting launched through the air). Zygarde isn't present, but perhaps that's something they were saving for Z.
Gamefreak issue.
I think I'll have Zygarde break up Groudon and Kyogre instead while Fugg is busy (maybe fighting Deoxys,) should be interesting.
Strange I remember discussing snekguys monsterfucking fics and lightnovel slop on /lit/ before without the thread being deleted. Guess it depends on the janny online and how dilated they are.
I wonder if this means we might see primals again in ZA.
Zygarde cares about the balance between life and death. The world needs to live, but for that to be possible, life must also die. If that gets out of whack, Big Z comes out to beat someone's face. Groudon/Kyogre were messing with nature and would have caused a bunch of stuff to die, true. But ultimately their changes to the ecosystem wouldn't have affected the overall cycle of life on the planet. It wasn't anything he cared about.
Some more interesting things related to this ORAS/XYZ discussion:
In the Sky Pillar mural >>56696893 there is a meteor headed to the planet that looks like Deoxy's face rather than a Delta. I'm not sure what that weird barrier of triangles and circles it's smashing through is supposed to represent.
Also interestingly, Rayquaza's body isn't one clean line, and very interestingly each segment of his body even looks sorta like the cells of zygard. The way they link up even sort of matches the kind of malleable and combinable them Zygarde has going on.

Perhaps there was going to be some dope-ass fusion form between Rayquaza and Zygarde to combat the dual primals? Perhaps that's even what Zygarde did in the ancient past, but none of the natives were aware that Zygarde had lent Rayquaza its power?
>The world needs to live, but for that to be possible, life must also die. If that gets out of whack, Big Z comes out to beat someone's face
Huh, for some reason this reminded me about cultivation novels and heavenly retribution when advancing to a new realm where they expand their lifespan or become immortal
That seems a bit off, every time Groudon and Kyogre awaken the games and other media really like to stress that the world is DOOOOOOOMED. Outside of RS' opposite version dex entries, I think.
>the games and other media really like to stress that the world is DOOOOOOOMED
And yet, the world wasn't doomed and everything turned out ok.
Zygarde is too high-IQ to fall for such basic fear mongering. He's too busy jacking it in his goon cave, getting off to how proficient his world's ecosystem is at self-correcting. So many "doosmday" events happening back to back, and each one solves itself? He's zygoooooming
I always assumed such things are more or less common in the Pokémon world, just not talked about in polite company.
>and each one solves itself?
But that's mostly thanks to Arceus's Childs of destiny tho, the world itself makes sure of that
If I were Zygarde this post would have made me zygoom so many cells that I'd shrink down to my 10% form.
The very god herself is part of the ecosystem? It couldn't get any better than this. In fact, if I were Zygarde I'd be so confident in the ecosystem that I'd probably sleep through the very gods themselves being shackled to the red chain.
Protagonist plot armor, mostly.
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If my crack theory is right, then Zygare was literally Rayquaza's plot armor when Groudon and Kyogre both went primal.
Poor XY Specials Rayquaza, he didn't get his own personal Zygarde plot armor. Had to make do with just a Mega form and some stupid locals
Don't worry, we're getting Mega Zygarde-Complete. It'll have just as much BST as Eternamax Eternatus!
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>Officer Jenny in a mission as an undercover cop into a case of traffic of pokephilia
>She pretends be a pokephilic woman and is trying to infiltrate into this network of illegal underground pokephilia video producers
>Arrest this particular gang will lead to the big fishes of this illegal and inmoral pornography producers
>They don't trust on her so she still without infiltrate into the core inner circle of this gang
>She has to prove that she is not an undercover cop.
>So she must pretends be actually a pokephilic woman so to prove it she start to give a blowjob to the gang's Growlithe and pretends be horny and can't control herself
>The low rank gang memembers that are witness of the lust of this woman don't waste this chance and start to filming her
>Days later a high rank gang member watchs the video of how this woman was able to insert into her mouth the knott of this Growlithe.
>Jenny knew this video would be her ticket to get in into the inner circle of this gang, so she did her best performance for the camera: she didn't let a single drop of the seed of this Growlith touch the ground in order to prove that she was a legit ninphomaniac pokephilic woman
>The high rank gang member was plased watching the lust and lack of self-control of this woman
>Now he wants meet in person this potential actrees of pokephilia porn videos.
>Jenny did it, but this was a bittersweet victory: now she is a step closer to give a big hit to this illegal and inmoral industry but she knew that she only will be able to reach the big fishes only if she is able to perform in front of a camera the must disgusting, inmoral and degenerate sexual acts of pokephilia with pokemons, sexual acts that even could put in risk her reproductive organs and genitals: the girth penis of some pokemons are so thic like her own leg and someones curved like a hook, so a sexual intercurse with such beasts will be definitily something that will make her end up in the emergency room...
>Jenny knew what she was talking about. During her career as police officer she had cases that were cataloged as "accidental death": people that die by internal bleeding for having sexual intercourse with pokemons with large genitalia. Due anatomic differences, were women the ones that had more chances to survive but with permanent damage, like this pokephilic woman in her 30's that was found aside the road near of the forest, aparently she was able to find a savage male Rapidash in heat. She end up with a prolapsed anus and with her cervix destoyed and her uterus pierced. She die for lose of blood.

Now the reader would ask how is possible Jenny knew who pokemon killed this woman? The answer is easy: because this woman was found still attached to the beast, because the equine penis of this Rspidash was 100% flared up so their glans worked like a kind of canine "knott" that got stuck inside the cervix of this woman

>Jenny knew pretty well the risk of this undercover mission, but her duty for the law & order was bigger.
tfw the woman's name was Mrs. Hands
Question. Can Pokéverse natives read the unown language or is it only the player that can understand it since its like earth english?
I assumed it's mostly just researchers that can read it
Speaking of language, do they have a common tongue? I remember Looker learning Kalosian being a thing along with Alola's stuff
I mean, I think the biggest difference between real world animals and pokemon, excluding the legendaries and myhticals of course, is the super powers and the ability to learn to speak human languages. Animals can be pretty smart, although not as smart as humans, and I imagine most pokemon are as smart as their animal equivalent, and then from there my opinions vary on a pokemon by pokemon basis.
It's inconsistent, as for obvious reasons, everyone ends up knowing the same language. But, there is a small precedent of other languages existing in the Pokémon universe with Salvatore, a language teacher in SV (he's portrayed as a native French speaker in English, don't know about other languages).
The boring answer is only dedicated researchers can even start making sense of Unown scripture, mirroring things like Egyptian hieroglyphs and such from the real world. The cringe answer is some people (the protags, for example) are special snowflake Chosen Ones and are granted the knowledge by Arceus itself for that much desired Protag Diff.
The fanfic-y and SI-esque diference is that nobody does and the SI, having come from outside of the games, is the one with the foreknowledge and causes a stir by actually being able to dicipher it.

Whatever your feelings about the Fugg might be, I like the approach of treating regions in the games as the world's counterparts, down to language, so Kantonian would be Japanese, Galarian for English, Kalosian for French, etc.
What happens if a Pokémon is wearing an accessory when it evolves? Does the accessory stay the same size, which can be harmful or uncomfortable to the Pokémon as it evolves into a larger form? Does the accessory magically resize itself? Does it get vaporized by the energy of the evolution?
>Does the accessory magically resize itself?
I wouldn't doubt this with how advanced is their tech
There's a reason many fantasy settings do the whole
>magic items automatically resize to fit its wielder
>reflavoring Confide as whispering forbidden knowledge to the target, lowering their special attack due to the mental corruption from hearing it
need it or keep it?
I can't get the image of Mega Fugg wearing Zygarde as armor out of my head now.
Same. It's even something I'm planning to include in my extended fic universe, but it could be years before that part happens.
>Confide being Pokémon-flavored Vicious Mockery/Dissonant Whispers
I like it.

I found a new auraslop, bros.
Am I the only one who hates auraslop?
Nah, most of the time the fuckers don't even know what they want it to be. Even the fucking anime did more varied stuff than most fics where its mostly used to talk with Pokémon but at that point just write a psychic
>borne of haitus gets 2 updates
discordtranny donations getting a bit iffy? I guess approaching 4k a month instead of 5k was starting to hurt.
The best things on /lit/ are when some autist or another comes in at random to rant about some random work or academia being retarded about something to have something other than a void to scream into. I remember a really fucking great schizo rant by a guy ripping apart the obsession with "OMG LESBIANS!!!" in discussion around Carmilla because he was sick and fucking tired of retards refusing to discuss anything else about the book just to turn it into their girl power lesbian strawman fantasy.
Nah. I don't like it either. Especially if it's an SI. Aura doesn't exist in our world, so they shouldn't have it or be able to use it.
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Looking for any and all quality Altoshipping stories or fics where a human male enters a relationship with a Latias.
>Aura doesn't exist in our world, so they shouldn't have it or be able to use
I don't know, they always end up in a native's body right? Them going for aura when that's supposed to be harder if you don't have enough reserves when there are literal psychic schools is weird tho
Born of Nutrition is probably going to have Brendan bone Latias.
>brenden misses out on may
>brenden fucks latias
>brenden fucks rayquaza
>brenden fucks creation trio
>brenden becomes dragon fucker hero
I'm against all middle-school power fantasy super special SI donut steel bullshit, whether it's aura or whatever else. Being good at Pokemon is already a main character level superpower (see: all the actual main characters in the games), you don't need added snowflake powers.

I did like Eldritch, where the bullshit superpower WAS just being the game protagonist in a world of NPC trainers with 2 or 3 Pokemon... But one exception doesn't mean other fics can pull off the same thing even half as well.
It's anime May, so she gets Drew instead.
>you don't need added snowflake powers.
True but what if they take the body of someone with snowflake powers? Like PokéSpe Yellow
What if a radioactive riolu bites them and gives them aura powers?
You can dress up the delivery mechanism of the snowflake powers however you like, but slop is slop.
>What if a radioactive riolu bites them and gives them aura powers?
Kek, there's actually one but it was a Joltik
sorry quads, yellow powers are side character abilities to help them catch up with the MC so they aren't entirely irrelevant

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