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yes, current gamefreak is shit, we know
>cuts this
>includes aromatisse

what the fuck has been going on at GF hq, i seriously want to know.
Robbed, again.
>generic bird
>actually clever balloon design
flamigo>generic bird
Somehow, Gamefreak is even more inept than previously thought.
it's not clever, it being original also doesn't make it good
>balloon design
Oh is THAT what it's supposed to be?
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you wanted cool well you are fucked
I'm glad I lived long enough to see /vp/ go from "these pokemon are too sexy" to "please bring back sexy pokemon!",

How do you make that bird so pretty and fuckable?
first design not use the basic shapes in our 3D modelling program and I don't know how to use more than those, prease undastando.
I like the dodo face
it has a dex entry stating the tied knot at its neck helps it store power in its belly that would otherwise release (like a balloon losing air when not tied off), the leg is like the string of the balloon.
but some people also say its based on a punching bag (learns counter) or punching glove (flying fighting typing and japanese name "karamingo"). its so unclear what its supposed to be because the design is too bad at conveying that.

I personally think the silly balloon bird idea could have been cool if it was actually applied to the design, imagine it flying by thrusting out air and having a floaty wobbly nature, sucking in air before an attack for a bigger fist effect. theres so much you can do with that but none of it is actually put out there
ftm's be like..
I thought it was supposed to be like a boxing glove, explaining the Fighting type.
If it doesn't change color from eating Poke-shrimp, then sorry, it's still garbo
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>pink high heeled feet
They're both shit
man of culture
I am sad that these got cut. The details in these concepts kinda reminded me of the first gens, where even though we got shitty designs, at least they were a bit more interesting, and not something that clearly was designed to be sold as a toy.
based gf for once
Reminder that that's a male flamingo
it isnt
what about it looks female? your societal standards bs about whos allowed to "wear" high heels dont apply to a birds damn talons.
unless you have some biology facts to tell us, this bird could be either. and my gay turned on my flamboyant dominant femboys wants to say male
>make an actual design
>throw it away in favour of quirky meme design for le viral marketing
First of all, there is no mention of the fender in description, it is referred to as neutral "it"

Second, the redesign named Flamigo that made into the game is 50/50 gender ration

Third, japs dont have (but hate) trannies. If it looks female - it is female. This is an original jap design. Do note that there ARE westtern designed pokemon, but not in main games/shows
>japs dont have (but hate) trannies
The bird is much better because they made it reference human appearance without going anthro. The hair bob and heels are well done.
>Third, japs dont have (but hate) trannies. If it looks female - it is female.
lmao even
what about the wings design/the way they are drawn? Look how pretty they are!
Where is the Art dump that happened anon?
No, that's just what a lot of SV designs are like.
When you analyze them it's clear they're on average very simple geometric shapes--something probably designed in 3D first.
Left is overdesigned
I love the ballon flamingo I just wish it was silllier.
Maybe give it a pre evo that's just a long sausage balloon, then 3 evos like a dog, the flamingo, and maybe a sword.
>I don't play the game, I will still lecture you how my frustrated feefees are better than reality.
It is just a bird. The opposite of overdesigned.
Too dramatic for a Pokémon concept
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Prease trash this, i said notto too cooru
Type X gender on google.

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