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A thread died for this leafeon
And another thread will kill it, so it is written and so it will be.
grow up
Especially now. Things have slowed down somewhat these past few days, but /vp/ is still more active now than it's been.
Don't know if this precious little Leafeon will survive long...
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Leafeon's one of my favorites because its dex says it uses its tail as a sword. I fucking love swordmons. I fucking love swords.
Also I like to think Leafeon can both produce oxygen for underwater dives, retaining the oxygen in a bubble around its trainer, and can steep its tail in warm water to produce tea. This drains the tail of color, but it returns after a while. The kind of tea depends on the season.
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Oops, wrong image! kinda.
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And soon this thread will die too. Possibly to another bait, leak, coomer, genwar or typedo meme thread. Death comes for every thread on this site.
>Head to /po/
>Sort by creation date
>Head to the bottom of the catalog
>Check the oldest threads in the catalog
>Thread created 3074 days ago (8 years)
>Thread created 2911 days ago (7.97 years ago)
Some threads are eternal.
This is neat
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I really hate how these mouths are animated
This artstyle is such western goonerbait fucking christ.
Yeah, the point is to make you cum? It's not baiting you into anything weirdo.
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It's just shit if you're gonna post porn, post something that doesnt look like it was drawn by a14 year old with a 15 dollar drawing tablet.
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My favorite pokemon :)
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me too
good work leafeon
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Your thirst for blood is getting worse and you're starting to scare me, Leafeon
Don't be silly, plants don't consume blood
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Leafeon and Sylveon are the only Eeveelutions that can learn vampiric moves! (Giga Drain and Draining Kiss respectively)
what tune is Leafeon tooting
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But it's very good for the soil, which in turn nourishes the plants that grow from it. Thus does all that lives turn through the Great Cycle of Carbon, and thus do they all nourish the Leafeon in their own way.
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Huff... huff...
Huff... huff...
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Of course I forgot the pic :(
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hes so intelligent...
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>Leafeon and Sylveon battle
>Its just them making out trying to drain the other's life
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Waifu mon thread?
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I think it was the thread that said "cancel your suicide plans"
which means suicide is back on the menu
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All these threads are protected from whining haitians. All of them.
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how do you know it's not all just an act
I can put on a pair of fancy glasses and open a book with big words too... but it doesn't change the fact I'm a total dumbass
It is a whole series btw
You know you and cheese don't get along! It never ends well!
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