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what kind of trainer are you?
judge people based off their team screenshots
Spooky, for the most part.
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Get some evo stones and evolve your bear. Consider this your last warning
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Classic one I guess. I always use Grass, Fire, Water, Flying and some other types depending on the gyms/elite four
schizophrenic, you base your life goals on dreams you have while asleep.
First of all, you would save time if you just combined those four images into one.
Anyways you got in trouble for wearing your sisters underwear.
You won't play any game without a walk through.
Magnazone is like
"listen here you little shit"
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someone likes delcatty/ten
You havent done gen 9 yet?
Honestly, i wish you were a youtuber so that i could watch your playthroughs
>Evo stones
kill yourself faggot
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I knew they could do it
thread says judge and couldn't come with something else desu. You ran multiple runs with Delcatty and you seemed to enjoy it, that's what maters i guess
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It's been a while since I beat a game, but this was my last HoF.
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Wouldn't let me post my team/trainer ratings because it looks like spam, whole time I'm just yapping away off the za, smdh.
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I'm catching a Ho-Oh right now if it makes a difference. This is the team I beat FireRed with today.
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>No one else is rating teams
Guess I’ll step up again to keep the thread going
You ghost your friends when you think they can no longer benefit you.
You were the fat kid in school
You get very insecure when people call you a furry
You spend too much time playing video games. You are a compulsion to complete every side quest.
Just noticed you actually tried responding to people in the post below yours.
You have a discord account and always ask people to mod you.
You have multiple fake personalities you switch between depending on who you are talking to. You aren’t really sure what kind of person you really are.
You have* a compulsion
You've been diagnosed with Toxoplasmosis
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On the 8th gym. Will be grinding a little before the elite 4.
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>no names
You don't love your Pokemon

catfucker (based)

I'm compelled to use a grass/fire/water core too. Fucking hate kalos because all the good grass types in the dex I've used before in previous games and despite being the fairy region kalos doesn't have whimsicott in the regional dex

>five female mons
YJK (based)

you also just know
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Too many repeating types and somewhat weak pokemon? I guess you like a challenge?
You like cute and sometimes goofy pokemon, you are either a girl or a massive pokephile
You are a cool guy
You actually have a favorite pokemon
You really like strong pokemon
Kinda furry
>no names
You also don't love your pokemon, which is strange considering the odds of two female starters are low unless you specifically rest for them
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I find nicknames kinda cringe plus almost no one does it in the games so it's kind of immersion breaking too
>the odds of two female starters are low
I didn't reset, it did help with the Miltank and Attract Typloshion saved me a couple times
Sinnoh fans ain’t beating the allegations.
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From one Anon to another if your post has 10 or more quoted posts like this it'll trigger the spam filter. If you instead post the same text split over 2+ posts and neither have >9 tags then it should go through. You can test this by cutting out each part one at a time until it goes through. I promise it will. Good luck fren!
Thanks for the lesson anon! Still a bit of a tourist I guess haha, I appreciate you.

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