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This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to make their own Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator. Opus tier users have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations, though editing tools require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is free using its ‘buzz’ currency. You get about 50 every day plus more for liking models and gens.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation. An ad watch is require between each image generation unless you pay.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:
Other Stable Diffusion threads are on: /h/, /e/, /d/, /b/, /vt, /aco/, /trash/

Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed) (embed) (embed) (gotobed) (embed)

Characters with under 300 images will require more tags to have them look correct. This is a list of all Pokemon characters with over 300 images:

If you plan on sharing multiple images together, we'd recommend posting just one, and give links for the rest. This way we can conserve space.

This is a locally run html tool provided by ThatOneAiAnon. It keeps track of all artists you like and turns Danbooru's entire tag system in a collapsible list of buttons. You can edit all the js, css, html code to modify the tool.
>mega .nz/file/67xwTRSB#m0fPUmJRaWd3oh47gt6nw2LKNMe820TaiKdXTAhx8tI

Previous thread >>56649118

"Defeating you takes less effort than smacking a baby. Not that I'd ever do that!"
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Glad I check the catalog before making a new thread
Did kimono for the middle two.
Honored to have been made the OP image ;)
It's very cute, I just had to.
Option 1 and option 3 looks great.
the princess dress option 4 looks amazing.
Option 2 is cute.

What about Hilda (a taller hilda would be great too), a battle dress with Reshiram-inspired?
Posted my reply in other thread by mistake >>56684642
Last one from me for now, it's already 2AM here.. gnight all!

In case anyone is interested, since I can't post everything here, I'm normally on /b/, so you can search my username in the archives if you want to see more ;) It's not all Pokemon tho, and some people started posting shit under my name, so be wary of that as well...
Goodnight! Iono is very adorable.

I don't think I'll ever touch /b/ with a 10 foot pole, sorry.
Yeah that's fair xD The only reason I'm on /b/ is for the AI image threads lol, since most other boards like this one are blue
Arcanine fused with Bugs Bunny

should have removed the orange and beige part, so it wouldn't be biased
So Bugs Bunny was a magic bunny all this time, uh?
Shall I buy NovelAi or shall I just wait for v4? Thoughts bros? Got spare money this month so thought I'd gen official art to my hearts comtent
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Somehow more difficult than the May one.
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and failures
Nah, it's the toon force. You can do stupid shit with the toon force.
I was gonna stop my requests last thread, but then I saw the image limit was near. So... How about continuing that guy's theme and have Kris in Ho-Oh styled clothing?
Bumping my request >>56683250
option 1 looks great.
option 2 looks awesome, until you go down and see her 3rd leg.
option 3 looks great as well.
option 4 makes it look like she's a princess, its not bad.
option 1 : The ai really wanted to give her a onesie.
The rest look great.

They can't give her battle gear though?
One day I hope to gen in this artists style! Let's hope bros >>56684913
3rd one is pure kino
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I now have about 9000 images of Kris as a bird girl or standing next to Ho-Oh...
Ahaha, cute.

i just noticed the kyogres just flying in the background.
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Since we're going with theme of pokegirls in Pokemon-inspired outfits, may I ask for Phoebe in a Banette-themed dress?
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Let's continue down the line with a Lunala Selene?
Do you think it shares the same thoughts as a falling bowl of petunias or the same thoughts as a falling Wailord?
How the fuck are people viewing these links?
The issue I'm having is that the extension isn't given and no matter what I enter it's not working
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Four options.
1). Your ISP has blocked Catbox. Use a VPN.
2). Use 4chanX. You simply have no excuse.
3). Highlight, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V into your address bar.
4). Lurk moar newfag
wow that option 2 and 3 looks great.
Option 2 feels like Professor Kris if she aged up a bit.

requesting a Serena with a ponytail running.
Requesting erika wearing his dress
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We don't know when V4 will drop, so it's up to you if you want to wait or do it now.
Define battle gear. You mean just an armored dress or more stuff like a sword or mace?
Yeah, there were a lot of flying Kyogres for some reason lol
Tired to go with a haunted doll theme, still cute.
Doing number 3 directly did it. I had no idea that you can make galleries in Catbox. What model was that guy using?
After seeing some beta sprites from RS and all these requests with girls dressed as Pokemon, i would like to request Dr Eggman dressed as Walrein
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Can I get Hex Maniac as a living doll drinking tea?
battle gear, like bracers, knuckler dusters, etc.
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It sure does look cute, thanks Machine.
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Any chance for a Gen 3 Hex?
I'll actually bow out for tonight by trying to correct the heinous transgression committed on Sabrina at the end of last thread by requesting that you generate her as the pure, long haired angelic maiden she is. Winged battlemaiden Valkyrie Sabrina please. Hime flavour if you wouldn't mind.
>What model was that guy using?
Ask him if he comes back. See Option 4: Lurk moar newfag.
>Lunala has 100 more pics than Solgaleo
not fair
Who's more popular?
Batman or Mufasa?
out of curiosity, can you try generating the nativity scene but in the ken sugimori style?
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It can make Eggman, but not Walrein, sorry.
Hex imbued a doll of herself with a copy of her soul just for the hell of it. Her spooky shenanigans are getting out of control.
NTA (It’s Hex) but that gives me an idea for a gen

>Ghost type Eevee
I'm shocked... The walrus isn't popular enough, uh? Well, how about Skyle dressed as Rouge the Bat? Since they both take inspiration from Jennifer Lopez, it seems
i've been hooked on misty x big sweaters
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oh, there's a thread for this here.
Those are funny, great job.
Rika from Digimon vibes here. Good work
somewhat fused with Snorlax
sometimes art != actual popularity, they're almost 50/50
That's a good answer
If you hadn't said anything, i would have no idea this had something to do with Snorlax. Are you interested in trying to make it more Snorlax-like?
Any kind of art of Typhlosion groping a female trainer possible?
We had loads of those in the previous thread, if you're interested.
It didn't work in Sugimori's style, I don't think the reverse prompt would work in Warcraft style either.

Snorlax + a well known copyrighted character would be more interesting.
Would this well known char be Majin Buu?
It does look good, however. Do you keep a folder for all these canine gens?
I did have a look, and while it's pretty based, I don't think it's enough...Still appreciate what's been generated though.
why do I....
I need to calm down.
>Do you keep a folder for all these canine gens?
>biped gens
>quadruped gens
>wrestling gens
>"failures" (creatures that look like a generic fox or a wolf)
Some of those could work as original characters just fine
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Sorry about that, I'm back.
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>heinous transgression committed on Sabrina
Can I get Misty being pouty in an Alice Dress please?
awesome thanks!

think you can do beta hex maniac?
Its basically current hex maniac, but deshuffled short hair.
now that looks awesome.
option 4 almost looks awesome until you see her right arm is missing.
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Nativity has one image so without an image to put into the AI probably not.
Remind me to post all the Eevee hanging out with ghosts.

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