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>human boy gets groomed by female typhlosion
If the genders were reverted would it still have causes as much of an outrage?
can you weird furries fuck off already

gamefreak has (had) a wholesome image

rape is still rape
outrage would've been outpaced by the hmfa furry porn surge
People are freaking out because it's a rape story made by GF, they would still react to it
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>can you poképussy paragons fuck off already
We used to be an orange board and people like you weren't welcome. You still aren't.
Men physically can't be raped.
>Men physically can't be raped.
What about mentally?
Mentally yes. I can happen.
Well, if you're a boy a girl rapes you, you get to pee inside her, but if you're a girl then you're gonna get peed in, so it isn't the same
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So psychic types are truly the most terrifying pokemon...
unironically, no
Probably yeah.
We're here forever. Muahahahaha!
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did salazzle get an outcry for luring males with her hypnotic pheromones?
No, if anything people would've basedjakked over it and spammed porn

Still would
>If the genders were reverted would it still have causes as much of an outrage?
>That is literally the lapras, octillery, rapidash, ursaring and arceus stories
as if people would answer this honestly.
ofc not.
>Men physically can't be raped.
anon, there are no physical typhlosions either. it's a fantasy setting and the author makes the rules.
if lapras story had her making him forget about his memories just so he'd keep coming back to the beach and fucking her like groundhog day then maybe
but it'd also require the man to be described as a boy
Men in anything cannot be raped. It's a rule.
Trainers of both sex deserve a daddy Typhlosion and mommy Typhlosion.
thats basically the ursaring story
Arceus' gift to humanity.
Can confirm, I would have made several jaks.
Females are the grooming gender. Get over it.
No. No one gives a shit if a female rapes so there would have been no outrage. But the entire point of the story was to get typhlosion canceled so they would have an excuse to remove it from the franchise which is why they used a male.
Nice conspiracy theory.
How many female rapists you know of? Without google of course.
All the women on /vp/.
There are no women on /vp/.
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Wouldnt be as funny
What about in prison?
no. people would say it's hot and make porn of it
they'd call typedo the new gardevoir and shit
If you let yourself be rape, you're a woman.
youre on a pokemon board
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Only Twitter would be getting upset, because Twitter always finds a way to get upset.
Everyone else would just be picrel.
Anon, that's not what I was calling a conspiracy theory. Do you really think they'll just flat-out remove Typhlosion over this?
Considering they put eyelashes on a thyplosion doodle I'd say that they do envisioned the hisuian variant to be more feminine
Where do you think we are?
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Twitter zoomers and redditors would cry about it, but the backlash wouldn't be anywhere near as intense. Adult woman/young boy relationships don't carry anywhere near the same sort of negative stigma that adult man/young girl relationships do, and plenty of grown men would look at the boy in the story and think "God I wish that were me".
And I wish it were a female Typhlosion in the story because the Hisui version has the perfect design for /ss/ art.

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