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Public Enemy Typhlpsion Edition

Previous Thread:

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Do you regret waiting?
What’s this?
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why is this card so expensive? I thought most people didnt give a shit about sneasel
I bought the biggest binder on Vaultx thinking it would at least hold a couple full sets, but it holds less than two sets worth of unique card arts. What do people who collect full sets usually use? One binder per set?
Slowly talking myself out of buying a Surging Sparks box. I really love the lake trio and the pikachu, but there's so many cards in the set. I wonder how much it would be to buy them individually.
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If this is the full list, then I might not get it. There was another Jasmine card that I saw in JP that's not included here.
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Riribros here we go again
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Better view.
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My JAP cards collection.
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Not holo and banned.
What modern cards do you guys think will appreciate hardest? The waifushit?
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Indeed the only modern cards that is worth investing.
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I was so sad I forgot to post
Vintage is easy, you just throw a couple of sets in the same binder. Modern is pretty much a binder per set due to the amount of cards. Especially if you collect reverse holos too.
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I'm happy tcc is back despite the leaks. Haven't created one myself since I'm a phone poster.
Haven't even started with the collection I bought a binder for, yet here I am planning my next collection already.
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>still buying modern
Is 35usd/50cad about what I should expect to pay per binder?
Prices vary a lot depending on quality. There are special "elite" versions from some Pokémon sets that go for €70 roughly, all the way down to €10 for cheap no name binders on Amazon. I have know idea how good/bad the cheapest ones are, but I'd say $35 USD will probably be a good guideline. Go for Ultra Pro or whatever that's known to be good.
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You talking about this one?

I don't think they've 100% revealed all the english cards yet. We've already got a Jasmine's Gaze in the set, why would they not include the same card's SIR?

Either way, I was on the fence on Surging Sparks too but the things that pushed me into preordering it were the Skarmory, Feebas, Milotic, Lake Trio and Latias cards. Too many good art cards to not try and roll for at least one of them
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Actually on this point, just getting back into serious collecting myself and I've got a question:

If you're buying a factory sealed booster box, is the amount of certain rarity cards locked for each box?

For example, are you guaranteed 1 Secret Illustration Rare and 2 Full Art Rares per box, no more no less? These are just example numbers, I just want to know that if I pull for a certain SIR and one of the first packs gives me a different SIR, that the rest of the box won't have any more100%
I think so, but someone else will have to confirm.
I remember reading that a box was better than ETBs because you're guaranteed good pulls.
Comfy boi
very nice
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>buy Iono premium collection from amazon.
>Also buy another one from a local store thinking in keeping it unopened for display.
>Second box comes already opened (it still has everything on it and even came with two gift cards from the shop itself) but the second box is still in better condition than the Amazon one so still gonna display it.
>Get a penny card from the boosters
>Rip it apart
>Got neat cards to add to the gardevoir V pre made deck.
>Take out the four Hops.
>Rip them apart.
Do I have problems? Destroying a card just because I hate the character can't be healthy, hell, it could be the secret rares of them and I WOULD STILL RIP THEM APART!
>do I have problems
For ripping the cards? Yes. I get having an irrational dislike of certain cards even though they are valuable or part of the full collection.
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Is not the card itself what I hate, is the character, I hate Penny because she is DEI personified inserted into pokemon and I hate Hops for the same reason I hate Hau: super annoying "happy as fuck" pathetic "rivals" who fucking share the same animations.
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of fucking course it's that
Nope, I have a 151 ETB and UPC sealed I'm gonna sell in 50yrs to buy new cybernetic enhancements.
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>POV: You just bothered Jasmine at the Olivine Cafe for a rematch
Pretty sure this card is showing her stuffing her face at the cafe and turning around as you ask her for a rematch
>she is DEI personified inserted into pokemon
Are you sure you know what you're talking about? Because this makes it seem like you REALLY don't know what you're talking about.
Also, yes, you have problems.

That's exactly what it is and exactly why I love this card
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Shame on me for expecting a reprint/restock in Australia when it's constantly sold out everywhere I look. I just wanted to complete my set.
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Third times the charm, right? Bump limit here we come.
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Should be fine actually.
The tcg threads usually can't survive a ppm of 14 or more, and today's peak was 13.
Unless something else from the leak suddenly pops up, there shouldn't be any issues.
Mcdonalds promo when?
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Opened 3 boxes if v max climax and got some pretty good pulls.
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Nothing better than cute pokegirls

GOD I hope the Trainer's Pokemon set in 2025 look half as good as these cards do
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Base waifu collection
I kneel...
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This is basically the extent of my collection
more cards need fun interactive actions like this
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I wish this one wasn't super obscure, look at her design, she deserves fanart.
>no cards
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im up 1000 bucks on booster boxes
im up 1400 on a graded card i purchased 3 months ago
feels good man. INB4 something about making money being bad.
Didn't we get one recently? Not really a fan of McDonald's collections though
I need a Melony
Her breast size should be a felony
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when the fuck will I get a full art card!
We have a high res scan of the artwork for this card now
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I love the mystic/archaic setting of skyridge trainer cards. I'm trying to collect 9 cards from all the good sets. skyridge cards are too expensive tho, so I gotta settle for these. still very happy :)
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Had gotten about those stadiums. They were fun to use
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>October 2024
>still no s/v set i want to open and enjoy
It's been like that forever. I bought just couple of Binder collections of 151 back in December 2023 but that was it.

Is Surging Sparks worth it?
I like cards that it has. I like regular cards and i want to get Latias and Latios - those are cool.
pic card looks fantastic.

i guess SS will be the first s/v set i will start buying
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>Modern is pretty much a binder per set due to the amount of cards
I have a full complete Lost Origin set and i could barely fit in everything
I-i think im gonna start collecting waifu cards.... dear god please stop me....

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