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All this new data and we still don't know what the fuck this is supposed to be
It's clearly not a lighthouse or bollard
It's a thing boats hook their anchor around.
On the beach?
Yes, the small ones just use a rope.
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That would be a bollard. And it wouldn't make sense. First off, it's not even next to water, unless we are to believe the bay fills with water during high tide, which is never seen. Even if that were the case, the path leading up to it does not look like it's ready to receive ships. Even if it was a bollard, why is there only one? Why is it shaped that way? What is the yellow orb on top? Why is there only one? We've seen bollards before in Pokemon games and they look nothing like what is in Lilycove.
Furthermore, the actual fucking harbor that the city has is nowhere near this thing. It's on the other end of town.
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oddly enough, it was replaced with a lighthouse in ORAS, the same lighthouse that's in Slateport. but, in RSE Slateport clearly uses a different tile for its lighthouse (bottom right)

so, who knows.
So it is a small one
Gen 3 is fanfiction
Yeah, it makes sense that they'd do that in ORAS, because the location is a logical one to put a lighthouse. But in RSE it's way too small (barely larger than the player) and really looks nothing like a lighthouse.
At the top of a cliff?
Where would the theoretical boat be located on the OP image, according to you?
I always assumed it's a fixed navigation marker like pic related, specially since it has a yellow top.
yeah I agree, was just pointing it out.

I almost wonder if it was their first attempt at a lighthouse sprite before they made the Slateport one, and they just forgot to replace it? but then it probably would have been replaced in Emerald so idk
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I think you might be on to something - I had a search after seeing this post and found out that the manmade walls you often see constructed perpendicular to shorelines are called groynes. The wall our mystery protuberance sits upon definitely looks like it could be a groyne. If we assume that it is, then the object in question is probably a groyne marker, though I'm not seeing any that look like the one in the game. Some are lit, some aren't, but most seem to be taller and thinner. I wonder if Game Freak went somewhere for research and were inspired by a specific groyne they saw?
Lilycove roughly matches up with Kagoya in real-world Japan.
Kanoya*, in Kagoshima Prefecture.
When the tide comes in, just near it.
It's for non-commercial boats also, which is why it's not near the harbour.
yellow orb
Why does the tide not come in, even though such a mechanic exists in the game?
because it's a reflection of reality we just don't get to see in game.
that's a mechanic to add interest to a dungeon, not to simulate every coastline in the game.
>why doesn't everyone in the game grow old and die even though there's a real time clock implemented
There's no reason it can't just be a weird shaped lighthouse.
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We still don't have any information on the white rock either
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After a little research, I think I've figured it out, maybe. The object is either a unique groyne marker (the path leading to the object certainly resembles a groyne) or it might be an ornamental reference to the Satamisaki lighthouse in Minamiosumi, in Kagoshima Prefecture. Lilycove is geographically closer to the real-life Kanoya (also in Kagoshima Prefecture), but this object we see in the game - later turned into a lighthouse - is at the very tip of Hoenn's mainland geography. Similarly, the Satamisaki lighthouse exists at the extreme southern point of Japan's mainland geography. Moreover, the shape of the lighthouse more closely resembles the object in-game, though this changes in ORAS, where it looks like the Slateport lighthouse instead.
That would be an equal comparison if there really was one NPC who ages. Actually there is a guy who dies of old age in Gen 6, though not by RTC
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The groyne markers make a lot of sense.
Well that mystery was solved quickly.
good work team. that's what happens when you put your mind to something!
nah it's a thing that boats tie their anchors around and i'll prove it here;
"Solved" might be a stretch, since it's not definitive, but it makes the most sense out of any explanation I've heard. And I've been confounded by this thing ever since I played Sapphire 20 years ago. I've made threads about it before, but never thought of markers for jetties or groynes, so I thank the anon >>56687243 that mentioned them.
Now I'm really curious, though, if that's truly what it's meant to be or if it's to do with the Satamisaki lighthouse.
You'll have to do some real heavy lifting to demonstrate it's more likely to be a bollard than anything else.
Heh, I'll prove it in my next post.
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I look forward to it
It's coming in my next post shortly...
It could be column a & column b, as in, they wanted to make the lighthouse but were limited so they just set a groyne there and on the remake they had more capacity so they put the lighthouse.
Yeah, you're probably right
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>white rock
its clearly a lighthouse
>they wanted to make the lighthouse but were limited
they did have a lighthouse sprited though >>56687141
Modern lighthouses don't necessarily have to be big, a lot are unmanned these days and consist of just the light itself on a scaffold
A dumb prop, now kys
It's a white rock.
But enough about your cock prosthesis you fucking troon
It's a thing you tie a boat around and I'll prove it - in my next post
Okay, looking forward to it.
5 minutes until anon proves it's a bollard
I told you I'll prove it, just wait until my next post.

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