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Legends Arceus confirmed to take place 150 years prior to DPPT
Okay but just how clear was the boundary between humans and pokemon at the time?
Cute pic
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Also the game was made to be the first Pokemon game to focus on mythology and folk tales
I thought that was supposed to be D/P/Pt's theme
Pretty clear. We were a hundred years late for the unclear part portion of history. My theory is that it was part of Celestic culture centuries ago.
Feel so disappointed looking at this image.
>Human Civilization dates back at least 30,000 years
>Set a game 20 seconds in the past
Still mad
Unclear, remember that a man have offspring with a Froslass in this game
We sort of knew that from the Meiji Restoration stuff going on in the setting, but it's good to have solid confirmation especially with the slightly anachronistic design of the camera in the game (but the Pokemon world has always been more technically advanced so that was always an easy handwave).
>Hokkaido governmental buildings destroyed in a fire and rebuilt with a red bricked facade in 1888
>Galaxy Building is a direct homage to the old governmental buildings in its red bricked facade
Impossible dickhead. Cry more.
Pity you didn't know the lore of the series at large was established 1925 was when the pokéball was first invented and that L: A was situated roughly around that, borrowing from the early Gen 1 lore to establish the creation date of pokéballs (Laventon describing them as a recent invention from the events of the game).
Source for the image? Google failed to find it
man, that sure is a long time. I hope Arceus will let Dawn and Lucas go back home
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>Ivysaur was supposed to be in PLA but got cut together with all Kanto starters
I really want to beat the fuck out of someone at Gamefreak
where is this from?
Kanto was already getting pandered to death for close to a decade at that point. It's okay for the starters to take a break for one game.
I didn't mean they should have shilled them, just left them in the code or something so we can use them
>just ignore the whole concept of the game to let me wank myself off
>franchise about collecting monsters
>zoomy wants 90% of the monsters removed
I know you just want to fap to Dawn and Alpha furbait mons, but don't treat your opinion as valid
>NOOOOOO! Muh geewun starters that don’t fit in sinnoh!
just play swooshi retard.
Good. kill all ivysaur
>got btfo so hard he went to reply to older replies to cope
Never change, losers
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>NOOOOOOO, just ignore the concept of the game to let me wank myself off
I'm glad as fuck they didn't take your incel mindset into that project. Hint: This was what Dexit was made for. So they DIDN'T have to shove the same shit in every game going forward.
>30,000 years
>he fell for it
first time seeing concept art anon?
And I was p[laying pokémo0n before you were born, you young little cunt. Which means I've accepted as long as retard fuck kids like you come along, Game Freak will never listen to adults. And when retard fuck adults get replaced by retard fuck kids who didn't grow up 20 years ago, shocking theretard fuck kids don't like the exact same shit the retard fuck adults loved as kids.
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thank fuck it wasn't. would've ruined the game even further by being fucking ugly as fuck
Crystal matches that description better.
the image in OP is a concept art, retard
check the file here >>56687680
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>Ivysaur in the front with Pikachu
glad to see that Gamefreak treats Ivysaur with such respect and relevance, unlike Flopxen
kill yourself nigger
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>PLA leak thread turned into genwar
this board is really full of /trash/ tourists who don't like Pokemon
No, it's just yawnfag and his groomed discord brigade
should have known
Genwunners get the rope
Wow Sinnoh was a primitive shithole if that was what it looked like 150 years ago. Compare the fucking US to it wow.
CHARIZARD is the only gen 1 representation you ever need. Genwunner. Crying about it in gen 5 got you this far

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