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Guess these are my favorite pokemon. Feel free to post yours.

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I feel like it missed a few
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Pretty normie tastes on my part.
crappy tastes itt
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Was interested in how my favorites breakdown to gens.
I know gen 4 and 2 are my favorite dexes, but it is funny how weighted towards 4 it is. Also funny that there's technically only one gen 8 mon, the other is just goodra with a shell.
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Ogerpon keeps getting to the final pick of the round and losing. Like 5 times in a row now
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Did my Top 16. Seems about right.
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Stopped at 32 as asking anyone to look at more than that is a huge ask
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This is probably my most accurate top 20 I've ever done - not in any particular order but top 5 are definitely my top 5. Anyway, for each of you - I'll write a sentence or two describing the kind of person I think you are.

You are quiet, unassuming - but very impulsive in your own way. Perhaps people don't take you too seriously, but they should.
You are brash and abrasive, people think you're quite rude. You don't mean to be though, you're the kind of person who takes everything in stride.
You're a prankster, but also full of heart. I might be wrong, but I feel like you like the outdoors.
You're pragmatic and analytical to a fault. People might find you boring, but your soul has unplunged depth.
You are very controlling, in a not so negative way. You have darkness, but you are not a bad person.
I would describe you as a cool breeze, your presence is appreciated in others lives even though they might not acknowledge it.
You a jolly sort of person with a secret darkness inside of you. Only people close to you are privy to it.
agree man so shit
>having more than 6 favorites
I sure hope you guys don't do this
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You think that's normie? This is normie
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You have too many favourites
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My taste is objectively superior to yours.
That's what happens with so many pokemon
If someone asked your favorite animal would you rattle off 40 species?
than show your favourites.
I wonder when you'll stop picking some.
I didn't realize my favorites were so round
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Just for you I expanded my list to 100
But which one is your favorite?
these things put them in order
What's the point of posting in here if nobody is rating our picks and personlity based of it?
Be the change you want to see in the world
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>Pristine taste
Love to see it
Bugkeeper Anon
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I don't know why my boy Armando is so low...
you can manually move them if you feel they're in the wrong spot. Probably clicked one you like less over him at some point so got pushed down until they were out
11 of these are good rest are bad
It’ll missed a few, but this is mostly right
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Hello fellow bugkeeper
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bro getting out the barrio with this Celebi Pichu combo
Garchomp, Steeliox, T O X I C R O A K, Lapras, Cradily, Areodactyl, AND Clefable? Dude. Let's fr*ck*ing go!!!11
Dragonite might be normie but it's still based
Garchomp, Parasect, Shedinja uh bruh you goated
Starmie, Wooper, Golbat, Medicham, Staryu, Drifblim AND Banette, bro let's get a beer together
Lapras always at the top of my boat, y'all jelly, y'all jelly and you want this too
Celebi, Pichu, Eevee, Minun, erm based much?
Banette and Toxicroak talk about double trouble
Jolteon, yep. Garchomp, yep. Dusknoir, yep. Cool cool beans cool beans
Weavile, Starmie, Banette, Steelix uh yeah this is winning.
Weavile and Garchomp chads rise up.
Starmie, Koffing, Clefable thank you come again
Aerodactyl, Starmie, Jolteon, Garchomp, Alakazam, Steelix erm yeah I could get used to this
Lapras, Eevee, Jolteon, Garchomp and Dragonite means you're cool with me
And you've even got the OG (original Gengar) in there
just when you thought it couldn't get no better, bro hits them with the Sneasel, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORSEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAA, Weavile, Jolteon one two punch???
Murkrow CLAP Garchomp CLAP Growlithe CLAP Lapras BLAT BLAT BLAT
and he hit em with the Cloyster too
Dragonite Parasect Banette = ur cool :)
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and sorry about the weird >>56701194
formatting bros it marked my post as spam..............yeah..................not sure why I guess I responded to too many people uh well I've used this site since 08 never happened to me before.

it's giving a bingcoated swampbloat....yeahh.................
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literally a cool guy typed this post.
Didn't get too far before I realized that I, a 30 year old man, still have the taste of a 12 year old.
t. guy who still plays with action figures
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What the fuck does this mean
There is no harm in posting this I suppose.
Those would surely be on my list also.
Nah. That's pretty good tastes.
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pretty happy with how this came out
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luv me bats
luv me ghosts
luv me snakes
luv me spiders

'ate starters
'ate legendaries
'ate eeveelutions (not racist just don't like 'em)
Sup anon, >>56689999 this me and I just wanna say you got the best taste in the entire thread (barring me) ;-)
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more or less
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Around 250 was the point where I was only eliminating pokemon I liked, so I guess I like 1 out of 4 pokemon
Snakes, fish, bugs, and birds. Superior taste detected.
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I feel like I omitted some mons I would like to pick, so I might redo this on some other day
the only based one so far
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pretty accurate
holy checked
excellent poster
Top 40. Most of the top 15 or so shuffle around based on what I pokemon I've used recently.
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which part bud
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Top 40
I've done it every year, with the exception of 2021.
So I can see how my favorites shift.
The further down the list they go, the more they moved.
>>56714302 (me)
i guess I should hand out some (You)s

interesting that you don't like the middle evo of your favorite
Poliwhirl, Chatot, Koffing is a weird whiplash of designs. lol. Poliwhirl is cool though.
so many legendaries and mythicals. You seem to like ghost types though, which is cool
After Raichu, there isn't a lot of overlap between the 'mons we like. You like a lot of shit pokemon bro.
it mainly bothers me that you didn't end your list in a 0 or 5. You're a madman. ...But all solid picks. Good mix of cute and cool.
Volcarona. Chandelure, Hydreigon are all cool. Suicune is probably my favorite of the 'legendary dogs'.
theres a theme here. I don't know what it is, but they all feel like they belong together, if that makes sense. like, psychic/mysterious/weird/bulky? overall decent taste
Middle evos aren't bad, but I find that I just don't think about them as much. I guess I just have them for less time.
this is my top 60. my choices aren't too bad, right?
if you have kanto shit in your list please jump off the nearest building

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