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Based on the recent leaks, what do you believe to be the EXACT moment that Game Freak stopped having any sort of passion put into their games?
I'm not just talking Pokémon here, I'm referring to their other games as well (e.g. Little Town Hero).
When game development became more costly and time consuming around 2012
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XY and was there any doubt? They had to rush half a game out to meet the deadline for a GLOBAL release instead of general release and were outright praised for it. They were the best selling games behind the original Tajiri games until SwSh doubled down on this shitty new methodology and those were met with even more success

This franchise gets what it fucking deserves
Mid XY
gen v is soulless so I'd say that
I think the fans are far more to blame than Gamefreak just because they keep funding Gamefreak's laziness to the point they know that the fans will buy anything with a Pokéball logo.
I agree. I'm stillhere for the old games, the pre gen IV Pokemon and all the sexy pokegirls even the ones after gen V.
XY. Look at all the shit they originally planned for it
everyone on the planet knows it's XY
It's got to be XY. Even with the new information we have that illustrates they tried, in the end they put out an underbaked product and repurposed ideas into SuMo. I think a tremendous amount of time, effort, and passion were put into the gen 5 games (for better or worse), only for them to sell terribly by comparison to other Pokemon games.
I think incidents like LTH show that even GF want to break free of the Pokemon formula from time to time, but have been doing it so long that the old guard don't know how to make anything else competently.
It's such a shame. Quinty, Pulseman, and Drill Dozer were wonderful, fun and charming games.
After B2/W2 didn't sell so well- so, X/Y was when they gave up imo.
More powerful hardware and larger scope with each new entry gives them less and less time to make a decent game, yet TPC keeps pushing for constant releases.
You can call them incompetent but the workload must be maddening. And it's the same fucking thing over and over, because anything non-Pokémon they put out flops. I'd give up on putting in effort too, especially since millions of people eat it up no matter how bad it is.
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Start of gen 6. the transition to 3d alongside worldwide releases put way too much pressure on them, especially since they keep the schedule of a new game once every 1-2 years.
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XY is such a shame because I think most were hoping the jump to 3D would spark inspiration and excitement in them like it did for retro franchises jumping to PSX/N64.
>muh passion
The 3D games have been more ambitious than anything were doing previously. But passion doesn't always make a good end product...
You may or may not have creative differences with what came before XY, but there was an undeniable shift with and after it. Some combination of being wholly unprepared for 3D, shifting management, or who fucking knows culminated in a product they should have taken a hit on the chin for, but were instead met with a bunch of old fan nostalgia. There was never a reason to actually do anything real again, especially as the industry shifted, and pokemon began to make more off of merchandise than games.
ORAS but the seeds have been planted since BW1
>gamefreak is disappointed by the poor reception of bw and bw2
>not only that but they are sick of making pokemon games so they make gearbox to try and make a new ip (and fail)
>they still give their all on xy even if they are busy with other games, the effort in moving to 3d is unmistakable
>they are aware that xy are unfinished messes
>they sell anyway
>realize they can sell a half assed product
>try it by shitting a half assed RS remake
>it works and they stop trying altogether
>They had to rush half a game out
ORAS was peak its just babies who think the BF was ever good seething over its removal
Nothing in the game indicates they were unprepared for 3D.
gen 8 is so ugly
I think that was when they stopped trying
Even without the bf oras is fucking shit compared to the originals
>contest are shit now
>character designs are completely shit now
>simplified dungeons
>exp share trivializing the whole game
>and a fucking free legendary mid game
ok but what if my IQ is higher than 50 so I don’t notice this
>exp share
you are right only with the last and third one
The guy in the middle wasn't by Game Freak though
It's by those Hydlide hacks.
When The Pokemon Company was reformed into TPCi in 2009 and Game Freak lost a lot of their power as stakeholders in their own franchise. The initial Tajiri/Masuda game roadmap was completed after HGSS's release, and BW were a sort of experimental 'last hurrah' while the formation of TPCi was happening. The initial blow happened when Nintendo, through TPCi, strongarmed Game Freak into making sequels to BW instead of a Gray version like they intended. Then as others have mentioned, XY was rushed to meet the international release deadline. The usual pattern was interrupted and ORAS was released in 2014 which was way too early, and once again instead of a polished Z version GF were pushed to make SM in time for the 20th anniversary. By the time SWSH was in development GF was resigned to the fact that they were just expected to churn games out on a regular basis.
after Tajiri stepped down as director of Gen II and Masuda took his role. but even earlier, by the time the Porygon incident happened, the series had become monstrously big and out of control. let alone when pokemania took over the West around 98-99
all the gen 4 lore leaks made me realise that was the last time the games felt soulful and the pokemon world felt expansive and mysterious.
THE MOMENT IT BECAME A HIT THEY REALISED THEY COULD MILK IT FOREVER gen 2.. as good as 3-5 is it stopped having as much passion in gen 2 as soon as they realised this could garner so many sequels and money by making 2 games then a third one or nowadays 2 games then 2 more games or dlc addiction.
gen 2, every game was the same carbon copy game with zero innovation
I think the overall shift to 3D really fucked with gamefreak and exposed how truly incompetent they are as developers. They are unfit for modern game design and nintendo are hypocrites to allow this shit to continue with their focus on good game development.
Their absurd number of bizarre stylistic choices early on suggested it.
Gen 3 Everything is satinized
Based on the current leaks I don't see a change in their attitude. They clearly wanted to do a lot with the jump to 3D it just didn't all work out. I'm hoping there are some documents for switch era so that we know what happened there.
It's such a fucking shame too. At this point in the leaks, I'm convinced if XY had released with that dynamic battle camera, more new pokemon, the cut areas, and all the other shit never featured, it could've seriously been a top tier game.

Still, not even a fucking Z version. Fuck man.
/thread, especially the point about SwSh
Sword and Shield, it's the first time they really challenged by the fans (dexit drama)
Gen 7 when started copying yokai watch
They already were in their PSX renaissance with Gen 4 and 5 which were in 3D. Gen 6 was them jumping to GameCube tier hardware
Don't forget how they didn't even get a second chance to patch-up XY into their original vision because they had to rush SM to have a new Gen release for the 20th Anniversary for the sake of marketing and nothing else.

And anons here have been saying this for a long time. It's not a nice thing to acknowledge since it implies the games will only get worse but it seems to be true. Gen 10 should only confirm this as they face another jump similar to the one they faced with SwSh. But now they're jumping to PS4 tier hardware
The second Pokemon became Global.
When Pokemon stopped being a Japanese Franchise for Japanese by Japanese that baka gaijins could also enjoy and that they enjoyed because it was Japanese.
The second Pokemon became a franchise for "Everyone" everything was lost.
>little town hero
Even off leash they're shit so stop defending gamefreak. They are incompetent
Mainline lost its passion at XY however I want to add that Legends Arceus was the first genuinely great and passionatr Pokemon game since the jump to 3D.
I dislike 5 but its gotta be 6
It was really close. The character designs were stupid and the story made me want to pull my eyes out and slam them them in a piano cover but it was a very good time.
Surprisingly the thread has had nuanced takes so far, surprised no ones tried to derail it yet
“XY was rushed because I said so” isn’t a nuanced take, it’s just genwar shitposting.
Yawnfag is here >>56687850, here >>56689210, here >>56689218, here >>56689321 and here >>56691951
their non-pokemon games tend to be pretty good. Too bad normies don't care about them. In the public's eye Gamefreak (if they can even bother to remember gf and not call them "Nintendo") exists for Pokeslop and nothing more.
so 1998?
>I'm convinced if XY had released with that dynamic battle camera
The game already has a dynamic battle camera. Did you actually play it?

>more new pokemon
It has 102 new Pokemon. That’s more than Gen 2 and close to Gen 4. From the beginning they planned on making 100 new Pokemon. Not counting Latios and Latias (which were made for ORAS) they hit exactly that number.

>the cut areas
Tell us precisely which areas they cut that weren’t moved or repurposed.
Yep you're right, but no one's feeding him to be fair
>for changes are new Pokemon

it's 2013 cope again
Such as?
>things with new designs, new stats, new abilities, and new types aren’t new pokemon because I need it to force my narrative
it's redditor cope again
isn't it great that deoxys is five pokemon
X/Y and Sun/Moon were genuinely dogshit unfinished games
There's a reason they avoid modern ports of Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, they'd blow modern game freak slop out of the water
>X/Y and Sun/Moon were genuinely dogshit unfinished games

>they'd blow modern game freak slop out of the water
Between all the art, game concepts, lore and everything else these leaks have show, I don't know how anyone could come to the conclusion that there's no passion left. If anything, all these leaks show is that the creative department at least ie. the ones we should care about, are very ambitious and obviously wanted to put out something good with every iteration they've worked on. It's never been more clear that it's all just sadly a classic case of retarded CEO and execs fucking everything up.
sun and moon are finished, finished products can be bad
Gen 2 was the last time, gen 3 was the beginning of the end, gen 4 was an attempt at a return to form but it was bad
Gen 2, when Satoshi Tajiri left.
Mind you I still liked Gen 3~Gen 5, but I lost it at X/Y and later games. I especially despise BD/SP.
No one in this thread is being nuanced, it’s just people parroting the same genwar takes they’ve already had and trying to force the leaks to reaffirm them.

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