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Where do you draw the line between "old" and "modern" pokemon?
Like this:
Old (stat exp system, no physical special split) - Gen 1 & 2
Intermediate (IV system. no physical-special split) - Gen 3
DS (IV system, physical-special split)- Gen 4 & 5
Modern (IV system, physical-special split, fairy type) - Gen 6 & 7
NuPokemon (IV system, physical-special split, fairy type, untogglable exp. all) - Gen 8 & 9
3ds was the end of retro pokemon. the end. /thread
everything after gen 2 is nupokemon
Tajiri/Masuda/Omori Era

Sure it's not necessarily "all of these games were directed by this guy" since Masuda's had influence on the franchise for most of its lifespan (at minimum 1998-2022) but it shows the design ethos was completely different between these games. It's less a hard line and more of a gradual gradient but it looks like this


Two // indicate era cut offs while one / indicates a drastic shift that doesn't quite equate to a new era but was still a noticeable shift to what came before
genwar thread
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>"Before handholding pacing, before goofy evil teams"
Anything before the physical special split is old Pokemon. Pokemon games are pretty consistent in core mechanics.
all these are dogshit nupokemon, those shitty legendaries from sinnoh are fucking garbage
I'd say Gen 5 because it's the last great one, particularly B2/W2.
team Flare was goofy but I think what the image means is that every evil team after has been "not actually evil"
yes, but ultimately it's this >>56688302
Anything after gen 3 is no longer classic
Anything after gen 5 is "nu"
Being Nu doesn't automatically make it shit though, gens 7 and 9 shit all over gens 6 and 8, but are themselves inferior to gens 5 and prior.
Gen 1-2

Gen 3-4

Gen 6-Modern

I think the question is really does Gen 5 have more in common with Gen 6 and up, or Gen 4. Personally, I'd say Gen 5 is more like Gen 6 in introducing gimmicks, out of Japan region, dumping old mechanics, being human focused, etc
1-3 and 4-9
up to gen 4 maybe, though i do like gen 5 for BW2, but the anime kinda went to shit there, i don't like most of the pokemon designs, and the spinoffs sucked.
Gens 1-4 and to a lesser extent 5 feels like they attempt to build on the last gen but each gen since 6 feels more like it wants to differentiate itself. I’d consider that lack of consistency to be the defining trait of modern Pokemon.
5 is a weird half step between building on the old and doing a lot of experiments so I’d call it a transition period if anything.
1-2 classical era
3-5 golden age (5 being a little worse off than the other too)
6-7 the decline
8-9 the fall
the lines are drawn via system and drawing them any other way makes you a gay retard
Gen 2 was the last time taijiri heavily worked on a pokemon game no? So anything after would be nu
>The artstyle change
>Having more detailed models than 5 years ago is seen as a negative
3-5 more like shitty era, gen 1-2 is the golden era
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Classic era - Gen 1 and 2
Evolution era - Gen 3 and 4
Revolution era - Gen 5 and 6
Modern era - Gen 7 and SwSh
Open world era - PLA and Gen 9
Actually there are three divisions:

Gen 1-4 Retro Pokemon
Gen 5-7 is New Pokemon
Gen 8-9 is Modern Pokemon
gen 1-2 true pokemon
the rest nushit
Golden Era:
Gen 1, Gen 2
Refinement Era:
Gen 3, Gen 4
Soulless Era:
Gen 5, Gen 6
Experimental Era:
Gen 7, Gen 8, Gen 9
Gen 1 - 4 classic era
Gen 6 - ?? nupokemon
Gen 5 was a weird middle ground
Somehow I feel like Gen 4 is the end of "classic" Pokémon, even though really that should be 2. But I dunno, I feel like the level design, presentation, handling of the story, and other minor stuff is largely similar across Gens 1-4.
That being said, I liked Gen 5 and am the kinda guy who thinks Pokémon really went to shit once it went 3D.
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>Classic: GB/GBC
>Core: GBA/NDS
>Modern: 3DS/Switch
or Pokemania > Masuda > Go/Legends
Old goes up to gold and silver and modern is everything after you stupid zoomer
Before vs After Unova
Gen 5 is a fulcrum instead of being on one or the other side. like Yin and Yang. the best or worst of both worlds depending on perspective.
By stat exp. system, I meant stats calculated based on DVs and stat exp. system and by IV system I mean stats based on IVs, EVs, and nature (obviously base stats applies to both system).
I guess it would make more sense to call it DV system and IV system to be consistent, but I call it stat exp. system and IV system out of force of habit.
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bw2 is the big divide. literally EVERYTHING after it has been SHIT
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gen 5 was the peak of pokemon in terms of quality and soul
everything after it was trash and soulless and kept introducing wasteful gimmicks
Gen 4, any pathetic faggot who thinks gen 5 is still pokemon can't be considered human.
DS Era was arguably the peak of the entire franchise, specifically Platinum to B2W2. Everything after failed to meet their standards, some games were decent but failed to come close to the DS Era (ORAS, SM)
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Think the most telling thing about this image is that Gen 6 really had to stretch the idea of what made it different than Gen 7.
>before handholding pacing
literately the easiest pokemon game
>before family drama stories
not really, since gen 5 did that. More so that it just lacked a story all together.
>before goofy evil teams
"fashion, fashion, fashion, fashion, DEATH LASER!" is probably the goofiest team out there.
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Gen 1 and 2 take place in fictional IRL while Gen 3+ takes place in pokeworld.
Kanto is the only place named after an actual real life location doe
1-4 is old gen, 5 transitional, 6-9 nugen
Berry farming.
Multiple fishing rods and being able to fish in the campaign.
Poke Radar.
Being able to move faster without holding B.
A bottom screen that isn’t a waste of space 99% of the time.

ORAS also had to bring back contests and secret bases.
Old - 1 and 2
Peak - 3 to 7
Slop - 8 to now
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>Where do you draw the line between "old" and "modern" pokemon?

Pokemon Black and White was where everything started to fall off and visibly, dramatically, decline in overall quality.
Black and White were the first 'bad' games and the last 'okay' games, if that makes sense.

If you mean in a more literal sense: every game after Gold and Silver could be considered a 'modern' Pokemon game since Gold and Silver used up a lot of the content left-over from the 1st game that they couldn't include due to time and technological constraints. I would consider Ruby and Sapphire to be the "literal" first modern Pokemon games, but still very good entries in the series.
Gen 6. It had the last games with grid-based movement, chibi overworld, gym-focused storyline, national pokedex and directed by Masuda. I consider Gen 6 both part of the old and modern era, since it also had modern elements like the shitty shoehorned battle gimmick (megas) and the transition to 3d.
where I feel like it
Gen 1-2 > Classic era
Gen 3 > Middle Kingdom
Gen 4-5 > Renaissance Era
Gen 6-7 > Modern period (the collapse)
Gen 8-9 > Post-Modern dystopia
the humans look worse
No one will ever agree on this. I think people are trying to draw the lines at arbitrary places. What would make "nu-pokemon" is a complete change in game design philosophy, overhaul of the formula, and/or drastically different direction.

Thus, I'd say that anything past Gen 2 (Crystal) is "nu-pokemon". Because after the organization of TPC to manage the franchise, Tajiri distancing himself, going international. This all changed a lot of the philosophy due to getting locked into a demographic, having to consider long-term, having to consider international community, and absolutely growing to a multi-media/merchandise franchise than just a game series. Not all of this happened simultaneously, but it had all happened by the time RS would enter development, thus being the first games to feel all of this impact, and therefore the beginning of "nu-pokemon".

BUT - I think a lot of people are considering Gen 3 as basically the beginning and FRLG/HGSS is their Kanto/Johto games. In that case, "nu-pokemon" would be Gen 6/XY. My reasoning is just because of the simultaneous international release and going 3D. I would say going 3D is in this case only a visual element and not that significant, but for GameFreak's development cycle and the end resulting product it was extremely significant along with making international release.
DS and older are old.
3DS and newer are modern.
Full Adaptation of 3D, so for me oldgen 1-5, nugen 6+
include gen 3 retard so boomers can relate
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nice try
I think gen 5-6 is the in-between stage and gen 7 cemented the current style and trajectory of the series
The last point makes no sense because the artstyle and adherence to the classic design language if anything course corrects in S/V as if Gen 5~ onward never happened and 4's slight stumbles were just a mistake we're overlooking, or if you're a little kinder, you can include SuMo and we just pretend the starters and a few of the other new pokemon like Crabominable don't exist for that gen.
>1-2 old pokemon
-3-4 masuda's reign
-5 the fall of pokémon
-6-9 modern Pokémon
I agree with this, even though I'm a genwunner the 3rd and 4th gens are the quintessential experience imo. Gen 5 is when they started running out of ideas but they still manage to make a half decent game out of what little they had left
i don't because that's stupid. it's a gradual process not a binary one dumbfuck
NTA but what anon posted is by definition a gradual process.
A binary process is by definition a process that just changes between two states x -> y
Gen 5 really wants to be like 4, but it's closer to 6, Sinnoh had some design rot, but it was mainly messy evolutionary lines [the best way I know how to explain it is imagine if Taillow evolved into Staravia and Staravia evolved into Unfezant. That's the problem with a few of Gen4's lines in a nutshell.] and a few bad designs. It's got solid writing hat focused really hard on doing the classic formula well, and just taking the lessons of Gen 3 [Having real characters with an illusion of agency is cool and apocalypse plots make for an easy way to make both the legendary and the evil team plot mesh easily] and expand on them.

Gen 5 wants to double down further, causes a 40 car pile up with Plasma, and then smears it with shit due to bad pokemon designs that abandon most of the key design language of the series entirely and it's legendary/evil team plot doesn't click well due to its legendaries being a vague, uninteresting mess and its team, again, sucking dick due to like 4 competing concepts at last count, being PETA, with a King Arthur Messianic cult, with internal power struggles, Ninjas, refugees from a depressing AU, and also a JRPG Big Bad running a giant scam.

It's definitely the Gen where the rivals fell out the bottom. Barry is friendly, but he's also willing to be kind of a dick in tone, you can tell he's legitimately competing with you and wants to see you lose, IE a real rival, rather than just hoping he'll win. Plus, he's also willing to talk some shit. Gen 5 had Cheren, who's just a cardboard cutout with a poorly drawn Brendan/May on it with a scowly face and Bianca who's narrative arc is accepting she sucks.

Small aside, more Bianca porn, please. It's something she'll always be good for.
I always describe it as "4 is the pinnacle of a Pokemon Game, while 3 was where they really defined what you could do and still have it be a pokemon game and where things turn into a game that is about Pokemon" Because R/S's gimmick of having you join forces with one of the evil teams was pretty unique, but still a core experience, while Colosseum/XD more told a story in the world that has a very different structure than a regular game. Emerald went for a very strong core experience without much experimentation, and then in Gen 4, Platinum just polished the fuck out of Emerald's entire structure and way of doing things to, maybe not perfect it, but we've never had a better "It's a Pokemon game" before or since."
Gen III was the generation when they needed to make new games from whole cloth, gen III is new Pokemon. I would argue there is another new era with XY and then another new era with SwSh.
t. Started with red in 98, then silver in 02 and sapphire in 04.
No one praised any game post BW2 kek. Wtf is this shit
Black and White, it was a shitshow, but it was incredibly entretaining, from the memes of not knowing the names yet so we made shitty names like smugleaf to the game getting leaked a week earlier and patch translated in a day, it was fun.
Personal opinion, Gen 1-7 is one era due to the battle system being iterated over time. Gen 8 with Legends is the start of a completely new kind of game.
>sinnofetus saying pokemon is from classic era
lmao even still nupokemon trash those legendary designs are an aberration
The only post-Platinum games worth anything are the R/S remakes, PLA, and SuMo/USUM and they're either remakes which feels like cheating, or games with their own problems that are also kind of "Games About Pokemon" like what this fag >>56690645
is saying, SuMo/USUM and PLA have more narratively and structurally in common with Colosseum/XD in how they really don't give much of a fuck about how the core pokemon plot or gameplay experience is structured and kinda do their own derivative thing.
>BW is not an official work. There is a feeling of gay people, and it is not integrated into Pokemon content rather than DP.
Kek. God bless Japan.
what is that?
I dunno sometimes "Gas the Uggos, Fash War Now." is pretty relatable.
My built in autotranslator being worse but funnier than yours I guess.
Didn't XY have a postgame with looker?
1-5 are old
6-9+ are modern
This is well established and accepted by all of the leading scholars of the field
1-2 | dexit | 3-7 | dexit | 8 | dexit | 9
You are supposed to ignore the legendary hunts, battle facility, pokeradar, mega stones, looker quest, everything in lumiose and just parrot that it has no postagame.
Classic gen
>constant improvements
>no generational gimmicks

Nu gen
>Less focus on single player content
>removal/downgrades of major features
>extreme handholding and little to no optional exploration

Basically, 1 to 5 = classic, 6 > = Nu.
XY has no postgame.
Kind of, it was just a short story and a copy and pasted "dungeon".
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>legendary hunts
>3 legends is a hunt
XY doesn't even have real roaming pokemon.
And thats a good thing.
2D to 3D transition, Pokemon died with XY and I will never EVER forgive them for ORAS.
Modern Pokemon is when they started adding niggers for western audience
It's easier to just classify it by console
Gameboy Era
Advance Era
DS Era
3DS Era
Switch Dark Ages
Majority of the human characters look fucking terrible in SV.
>no content is a good thing
Case in point.
>Switch Dark Ages
Eh, the switch gen has been better than the 3ds gen as a whole
That doesn't even make sense as a response
I don't really like either honestly but I dislike the switch period more.
Yah, but it was way closer to fictional irl than Pokeworld compared to Gen 3.
gen1-2 - peak
gen3 - weak
gen4+ - ridiculous
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Y'a'll can't refute this.
Yes i can.
Go back.
the moment hyperbeam and thunderbolt were reduced to looking and sounding goofy was the downfall of pokemon.
pokemon died when palword did a better game and outsold every pokemon game a d they are suing them lmao pathetic
this guys salty about the inability to transfer gen 2 to gen 3
[ ( 1, 2 ) ( 3 ] [ 4, 5 ) 6, 7 ] ( 8, 9 )
xiang cheng glory to china!
This. so much this.
and dont forget during gen 7 was a blatanty copy of yokai watch, pokefags are so hypocrite
no, trading pokemon was always soulless. every pokemon should be available and every region needs to exist.
the real reason gen3 sucks is how it's more like a reboot.
gen2 was a continuation of gen1 and included the old map. it was better in almost every single way.
gen 3 deconstructed the series. gone were your access to existing regions. gone were hundreds of pokemon. gone were the day/night cycle, the phone, and a bunch of other things. beautiful and iconic attacks were left looking and sounding goofy. it was only getting worse if you cared about any of that. gen 3 is only good in a bubble where gen1-2 don't exist.
gen 4-5 somehow managed to be worse but in other ways. the pokemon were already starting to get ugly in gen 3 but this is where we saw really stupid designs thanks to them messing with existing evolutionary lines. I don't need your disgusting looking Rhyperior and all this other shit ruining iconic looks.
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don't even get me started on how fucking slow gen4 to play is. it's like everything is in slow motion.
>Gens 1-4
Major transition point
This guy gets it
Feels like Pokémon:
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7

Feels like a preschool art project:
5, 8, 9
I split the series into before and after RS because that was the first good game.
Team Flare were retarded but they still tried to commit honest to god genocide
That Charizard looks Gen 5, not 4.
that charizard and garchomp have swapped traits
Gold silver and crystal are the old ones
Ruby sapphire onwards is new
>Lazily slap a fur texture on a shitty blobby nu-gen design
>"omg so detailed thank you game freak"
>Major transition point
Eh, not really.
Gen 5 is a lot more toned down than 4. The most extravagant design is sigilyph and that's the point.
Anon that meme was made before gen 5 came out
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To think Gen 6 could have been kino had genwunners not thrown a nuclear bitchfit at BW.
Retro era was generations 1-3.
4-5 were the tail end of the 2D era, 7 ended the handheld era.

8 is when everything went to shit but XY was the start of the decline
Gen 2.
Gen 1-2
Gen 3-5
Gen 6-7
Gen 8-present

Gen 3-5 because there was a lot of iterative change in these generations to refine the gameplay, but they feel roughly the same to me. Gen 3 brought in IVs, Gen 4 gave the Physical/Special split, and Gen 5 improved on the story and general presentation of the game
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Gen 1-2: Classic era
Gen 3-4: Golden era
Gen 5: Magnum Opus era
Gen 6-7: Silver era
Gen 8-9: Yawnfag era
Gen 4 was prime. It all went downhill from there.
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I don't care how its split up but I'm calling it now that takes itt will get taken out of context and turn into revisionist history as if genwunners liked hoenn or were cool with the series until it left japan or some shit.
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Fixed that for you.
Nugen starts when they removed the National Dex, so Gen 7.
XY is the start of nu-shit modern garbage
way too many people got rose tints for the 3DS era
When I was a child, and when I became an adult.
everything past gen 2 is no canon
>every conceivable change made was a bad one
retard sub 80 iq image stopped reading there
PLA was fun
lol no it wasn’t.
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>the humans look worse
>Majority of the human characters look fucking terrible .
>shitty blobby nu-gen design
so gen 8?
this is the correct answer, and what everyone agreed upon before /vp/ was infested with trolls and contrarians
What constant improvements did Gen 5 have?
>hoennbab thinks he's part of the club
hi yawnfag
>and Gen 5 improved on the story and general presentation of the game
This is a massive reach that you’re forcing because you’re trying to make gen 5 fit.
Started with Yellow but the first game I finished was Gold, nugen started with XY and the franchise has never been the same since with the sole exception being PLA. How the fuck they managed to make such a soulful game after so many gens of pure trash is astounding.
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go woke go broke
gen five killed the series
Ironically enough Phoebe was a Manchu.
Ik some niggies tried to blame it on Gen 3 and her introduction.
Gens 1/2 (Classic)
Gens 3-5 (Growing pains)
Gens 6+ (Multiplayer focus)
>new battle modes
>hidden abilities
>habitat dex
And a bunch of qol like a register menu rather than just a single button and repel

After that gen 6 and 7 started gradually removing important features.
>new battle modes
gen 6 and 7 did this
gen 6 and 7 did this
gen 6 did this
>hidden abilities
“we’re going to take a feature gen 3 added and make it less balanced” isn’t an improvement and gen 6 added an entire new type
>And a bunch of qol like a register menu rather than just a single button and repel
Meanwhile gen 6 made breeding drastically better, EV training drastically better, and finally let you change your Pokemon’s ability, while Gen 7 removed HMs and finally let you change your Pokemon’s IVs.

>After that gen 6 and 7 started gradually removing important features
What important features did Gen 6 remove and how is it worse than Gen 5 removing contests, secret bases, berry farming, poke radar, battle frontier, fishing rods, and a useful bottom screen?
Nah 6 was hot harbage too
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Gen 8 has the hottest adult female.
I do find it funny that starting with Gen 6 each gen has some kind of big feature to market itself with in order to stand out, and yet the games with the widest appeal are all the games they did before that design philosophy
The gen 6+ games are more popular than everything since gen 1, so evidently not.
I don't want the sloppy seconds of a pajeet
if you ask most ppl what the best games are it'll probably land between gens 2 through 5. You'll only find people saying otherwise here, because this place is full of literal trannies.
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>if you ask most ppl what the best games are it'll probably land between gens 2 through 5
Evidently not.
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Gen 4
Gen 5 and 6 are a transitional period
Beyond is modern pokemon
Not fake.
It's fake, shill. You're a pathological liar.
True. The best games are actually KANTOOO.
No one cares about Kalos and Galar and Paldea have their fair share of controversies. Alola is the only really liked one out of that batch of games.
>No one cares about Kalos and Galar
>no one cares about the best selling Pokemon games of all time
>gen 6 and 7 did this
6 only added Hordes which was single player only SOS was just doubles so no they didn't. The next game to add a new battle mode was gen 8 with raids.
>gen 6 and 7 did this
Neither game had co-op at all.
>gen 6 did this
Yeah? It was introduced in gen 5. It's not a feature Gen 6 added.
>“we’re going to take a feature gen 3 added and make it less balanced” isn’t an improvement and gen 6 added an entire new type
Which is funny since hidden abilities were more balanced than fairy and megas. They also gave more relevance to mon that weren't good than Megas as well as a more varied metagame than just Mega khan.
>Meanwhile gen 6 made breeding drastically better,
It added destiny knot but that's also coming off the backs of Gen 4 improving breeding with the power items and passing down natures with an everstone which BW2 turned into a guaranteed passing.
>EV training drastically better,
Technically via hordes but that was better in ORAS than XY.
>and finally let you change your Pokemon’s ability,
That was gen 8, not 7 or 6.
>while Gen 7 removed HMs and finally let you change your Pokemon’s IVs.
And that's one. Rides acted as the HMs of the game so they weren't removed at all, that would go to gen 8.

>What important features did Gen 6 remove
I was going to list important features but your list of gen 5 "removals" aren't so I'll follow your lead
>hidden grottoes
>non battling multiplayer aka WiFi plaza/funfest missions
>join avenue
>PWT(rentals, mix, type master)
>black and white tower mazes
>bottom screen customization which both gen 4 and 5 had
>wonder launcher battles
>transfer minigames
>the ability to register more than 4 items
>the original exp share
>trading emoticons
>a stable framerate
sup sagie
XY anybody who says anything else is coping about their personal fav gen being the peak or whatever
Old era: Gen 1 - 3
DS Era: Gen 4 and 5
Modern Era: Gen 6 to current
No one cares about Kalos. Galar and Paldea are controversial.
>definitely not like me
>passing down natures with an everstone which BW2 turned into a guaranteed
this is wrong. it only passes down natures sometimes because BW2 is buggy
First game I played was Y back in 2014
XY discussion's been dead for years, no real appreciation for it. Galar has dexit and Paldea has its performance dragging them down.
This is false, HGSS intentionally gave the everstone an increased chance to pass down a nature, Black and White 2 made it a 100% chance.
> mXY discussion's been dead for years,
Evidently not, since you keep making threads about it on a daily basis.

>Galar has dexit and Paldea has its performance dragging them down
And yet they still sold more than your favorite game.
>Evidently not, since you keep making threads about it on a daily basis.
Would you call these threads "I" make full of riveting dialogue and great appreciation for XY? No, XY discussion is dead.
>And yet they still sold more than your favorite game.
And so? They aren't respected at all, they spawned shit like "Memes and Porn". I'd never play those games in public lest I look like some subhuman.
>since you keep making threads about it on a daily basis.
The problem is that no one does we just have yawnfag trying to force Kalos discussion every thread, which more often than not usually ends up as more of a unova discussion anyway, and when he leaves everyone stops talking about Kalos.
If discussion requires people forcing it in then it isn't being discussed.
I don't do that because it's a worthless distinction with no utility beyond bitching and genwarring
>Would you call these threads "I" make full of riveting dialogue and great appreciation for XY?

>And so?
So they have more mass appeal than your favorite game. Pay attention, sagefag.
Gen 4 was the last overall good one. Everything since has had something major that soured the rest of the experience.
Gen 6-7 because that's when they really started to pander to coomers with trainer customization, full art cards, and figures.
>The problem is that no one does
Why blatantly lie? It just makes you look desperate.

>If discussion requires people forcing it in then it isn't being discussed
…what exactly do you think discussion is?
Discussion is when i pick random boxart and type "the last good game".
New as in they ditched a lot of the anime style hallmarks and went with something Pixar-esque.
>Alola is the only really liked one out of that batch of games.
and it's not even good
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Who's lying? When was the last time anyone naturally discussed Kalos?
>what exactly do you think discussion is?
Not some idiot going
And no on and so forth. Even you don't think there's anything worth discussing which is why you don't try.
Even the "fans" of XY only ever bring it up to shitpost other games. No one actually cares about XY outside ragebait, including yourself.
>So they have more mass appeal than your favorite game.
Are they more respected though?
Real victim complex here.
My favorite XY bait is when there's a thread for Gens 1-5 playthroughs only and the Kalosfag rushes in to post a screenshot of his playthrough but it's the same screenshot of an early area every single time because he's obviously not playing XY.
>Who's lying?

>When was the last time anyone naturally discussed Kalos?

>th-that doesn’t count as discussion because it makes me feel bad that I like a low quality game
>d-definitely not like me who can’t discuas gen 5 without perpetually shitting on everything after gen 5
gen 6 is the cause of everything wrong in the franchise now.
Seems like it worked since he lives in your head rent free no?
And the shit that came after that
>Even the "fans" of XY only ever bring it up to shitpost other games

>No one actually cares about XY

>Are they more respected though?
Aaaand now you’re moving goalposts. I’m glad we agree Gen 6+ has more mass appeal.
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Stop samefagging, sagie.
That's not what a victim complex is, we don't feel attacked by your screeching, it's just screeching. It's annoying.
Even with the leaks Kalos didn't spark as much discussion as gens 3 to 5 so no.
The archive.
The archive.
>Aaaand now you’re moving goalposts
Are you stupid?
>Galar and Paldea have their fair share of controversies
>They aren't respected at all, they spawned shit like "Memes and Porn"
Read retard. I'll say this, still has more genuine fans than XY.
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Not a source, sagefag.
>Are you stupid?
Are you? Why are you trying to change the subject to “respect”, sagefag? We’re talking about mass appeal. The fact that you’re moving goalposts indicates you lost.
The fact that no one is discussing it is the source.
Gen 7 because it was the first gen with Ohmori taking over. The Masuda era was basically the same game structure that had the same feel. Gen 7 went against tradition with no HMs, trials, no longer having all the dex entries in game. It was the first time the protags were aged down and the vibe you get feels totally different from what came before. The 400 regional dex number also became the new standard here where as in the past there was no set number.
buying a second DS isn’t free
Liber not gratis
I like how the best tactic XY detractors have is spamming unsubstantiated lies and hoping people agree with them lol

I think they’re used to being on reddit where they can just say random bullshit and get upvotes without having to make an argument
Old is gen 1-2 games
For the franchise, I describe old as when it primarily used ken sugumori's watercolor art, so really around that same time period . Modern is everything after
The arbitrary lines most pokefags agree with is pokemon was pokemon through gen 5 because B2/W2 was good, and everything after that is modern slop. People have been assblasted ever since fairy became a thing and megas and on were shitty gimmicks that made pokemon look like digimon.
>Not a source, sagefag.
The place where discussion is archived is not a source on discussion for XY?
>Are you? Why are you trying to change the subject to “respect”, sagefag? We’re talking about mass appeal.
We were talking popularity and how appreciated something really is is part of that. They have more sales but also far more many haters, worse yet the Pokemon fanbase's reputation is the worst its ever been. How can you consider that a success?
Your best tactic meanwhile is feigning stupidity. You know who you are and what you do and you are the last person who can convince me that XY discussion here is anything but toxic trash.
>because B2/W2 was good,
What about it was good? And if it was good why did it get worse reviews than XY?
Like i said, victim complex. They are known to spam reports.
>victim complex
I'm the victim of what exactly?
>We were talking popularity
Yes, and gen 6+ is more popular since it sold more. Glad we agree.
Classic/Golden Age: Gen I/II
Game Boy series: Gen I/II/III (this one is kind of retarded though and is the only context I would ever associate Gen III with the earlier games but not Gen IV)
Japan series: Gen I/II/III/IV
Modern/Silver Age: Gen III/IV
DS series: Gen IV/V
3DS series: Gen VI/Alola
Dual-screen series: Gen IV/V/VI/Alola
Switch series: LGPE onward

Gen III fans acting like they're not the first soft reboot in a more fantasy-based colorful world.
low key I enjoyed them all, however, GF did us all dirty in gen 7
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>Legacy era - Setting the groundwork for the series because the tech isn't there yet for the series to see its true potential; let's make a multiplayer RPG to the best of our abilities
G1 & G2

>Transition era - Now that we have a firm grasp on the mechanics and stats, let's experiment with a more fleshed out story and even 3D environments
G3 to G6

>Modern era - The technology is finally at a point where we can make a fully realized Pokemon world with MMO elements. Let's do it devs!! [It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia theme starts playing]
G7 and onward
Anon reviews aren't shit, the video game industry is filled to the brim with paid shills reviewing shit and making actual crap look better then it does.
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>w-wait no the thing that indicates mass appeal doesn’t count
>please use my retarded unsourced anecdotes and reddit circlejerk instead
That's not even accurate, it's the Switch games that started selling a lot, XY is below DP. And you are still trying your hardest to not acknowledge how hated Gen 8 and 9 are. This is pathetic.
Anon I'm sorry you are terminally retarded, but you agreeing with reddit does not make the game good.
Talk about your victim complexes if you weren't so butthurt about gen 5 being better than 6 you wouldn't be warned
>That's not even accurate
The only Gen 3-5 game that sold more than Gen 6+ was DP.
In my head, gen III is the last "old" Pokémon gen, and anything after gen IV is definitively nugen, leaving the Sinnoh games in a sort of limbo where I don't consider them to be new or old. I started on Gold, if that matters. This isn't really based on how much I liked each game, but just my arbitrary placement.
Yep. Keep spamming the same thing with no argument and hope it will magically become the truth. I’m sure it will eventually work.
>The gen 6+ games are more popular than everything since gen 1, so evidently not.
>Actually I only meant Gen 3-5!
>a-and DP doesn't count!
Now who is moving goalposts? KEK.
the dlc in the switch games are no different than the third versions we've gotten since the beginning. people complaining about the switch dlc prices compared to the ds games don't realize that if they came out today they would be $70 + $30 for the dlc.
>Now who is moving goalposts
You, since you keep trying to change the argument.
Is this fun for you? Never really arguing anything, never changing any minds.
>before bad stories
Case in point.
Middle and right look like pokemon characters, left looks like a Pokemon GO tranny avatar.
Is this fun for you? Never really arguing anything, never changing any minds.
My life isn't dedicated to spamming agendas on /vp/ likes yours is.
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I love that the Kalosperm is in denial about team Flare being goofy as fuck.
I started with Silver and played Gen III when it was out and I can't possibly fathom how people would consider Gen III to be with Gen I and II but not Gen IV. Gen III is the first Gen with digital art, it's totally disconnected to the previous games, it dropped mechanics, it's the first Gen wearing clown shoes. I would understand your opinion if it was Gen IV that came right after Gen II, Gen IV at least feels like a progression even if it's a different vibe, but Gen III feels nothing like I or II to me.
They are goofy as fuck but not any more so than any of the other pre-Skull evil teams are.
based on this thread, my understanding is that
Gens 1-4 - Old
Gens 5-6 - Transition
Gen 7+ New

what this tells me is that games with HMs & single-use TMs are old, games with HMs & reusable TMs are transition, and games without HMs are new.
sales are a nonsequitor, literal Africans and 5 year olds play Pokemon, if sales were ever a real talking point they sure as shit weren't after BDSP sold 15M+
>the main thing that indicates mass appeal is a non-sequitur for determining mass appeal because it doesn’t fit the narrative I’m trying to invent
There is a major schism between Gen II and III, I can't really group them together.
Gen V is also way closer to IV than it is to VI, simply because of the massive change in graphics.
>the main thing that indicates mass appeal
Nu-Star Wars is more popular than the original movies by your logic.
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then I guess Palworld is better than almost every Pokemon game.
Yeah free pc games tend to get more players, very gotcha moment for you.
>a game that got 25 million people to play it is actually LESS popular than my game that sold a measly 16 million
>free game got little bit more players than paid game
yeah thats what i said, theres a reason league has tons of players
Moving the goalpost again I see.
>bringing different franchises to discussion about pokemon games
i agree why move the goalpost to palworld
gen 5 and 6 also mark the second transfer cutoff. ever since gen 6 you've needed external programs to move pokemon forward instead of having it built into the game.
Palword did have more mass appeal than most Pokemon games, correct.
You literally needed two DSs to transfer in gen 5.
Modern day Star Wars does have more mass appeal than Star Wars did in the 80s, correct.
the answer is that they're hoennfags who desperately want to be lumped in with the classic gens.
Abilities will never be real pokemon.
how do i transfer from Gen 1 to Gen 2?
stop being stupid on purpose
Cry more, faggots. Explain how needing another while console isn't worse than needing an external program.
I can agree with this. I think you could even have 6,7, 8 and 9 in the same Dark era.
Modern Star Wars is:
>far less iconic
>far more hated
>crashing and burning
Only a delusional person thinks it's more popular than the other trilogies. It's moronic to judge popularity purely off sales.
I didn’t say Disney Star Wars has more mass appeal. I said modern Star Wars has more mass appeal.
Define modern star wars.
>It's moronic to judge popularity purely off a thing that’s based on popularity because it ruins the narrative I’m trying to invent
ok sagefag
Star Wars in the modern day. Star Wars wasn’t established as a franchise in the 70s and 80s so it had less mass appeal than it does now.
Old: Red/Blue/Yellow
Modern: Scarlet/Violet
About what I expected. You should try not being such a bitch in real life. It'll help you get 1 friend.
>crashing and burning
…because of its low sales? So you agree sales do indicate mass appeal?
Who the fuck is sagefag?
yawnfag's made up boogeyman
The game is $30. Half as much as one of either scarlett or violet which are at $60 each, and the same price as a DLC that corresponds to your version, which is also $30 and is required to fully experience the game that is just the same game you played a couple of years ago with a couple of more ugly and uninspired scrubklies as well rehashes of mons you have already seen. $120 to experience the full game vs $30 for a brand new game with just as much content within the base game alone with dedicated servers as well as a wide array of things to do and ways to enjoy it.

TL;DR You're either a troll or retarded, hoping for your sake it's the former
When you get btfo and you're a fan of gen 5 you call the other guy yawnfag, when you're a gen 6 fan and get btfo you call the other guy sagefag.
>[made up boogeyman]’s made up boogeyman
>So you agree sales do indicate mass appeal?
Not solely. There's many factors that effect popularity, which we were talking about until you shifted the goalpost to mass appeal.
>$30 for a brand new game
I've played animal crossing and I've seen half the designs already. It's hardly new.
>Not solely
What else determines it? How much you and your friends on discord and reddit like it?

>y-you shifted the goalposts
The original claim in >>56692598
was about mass appeal. You’re the one shifting goalposts.
>starting with Gen 6
How to know you're about to read some retarded cope.
>What else determines it?
Many things, Animal Crossing sales went through the roof because of covid for example.
>How much you and your friends on discord and reddit like it?
You're so boring, you don't even try with your insults, just calling people generic things 4chan dislikes.
Pokémon Bank/Transporter required a paid subscription for most of its history, and we've known since it was announced that it won't last forever and will eventually cause another transfercut like II > III.
I'll take needing a second DS any day.
whats the big gimmick of Gen 5
Modern Star Wars is less popular than OG Star Wars moron, the lengths you clowns will go is embarrassing.
All the additional programs you need.
except yawnfag is real
So then the gimmicks started in gen 2
That doesn't make a lick of sense
except sagefag is real

next he’ll say “parroting is an admission of defeat”
Read the posts again but more slowly.
Your mass appeal argument simply does not hold up.
Obviously. Held items are a huge gimmick.
parroting is an admission of defeat
>yawnfag is real
>sagefag is made up reee he can't exist it's not possible
>>yawnfag is real
>>sagefag is made up reee he can't exist it's not possible
this but unironically
Gen 1 is old Pokemon, gen 2 and everything afterwards is nu-gen by definition.
XY niggas don't say that because they know all that started in Gen V
coulda tried harder with that one (and the SWSH one)
bort you got me rollin' bro
dumb as fuck lol

Oh and don't forget the mobile adapter
Yawnfag is very easy to identify as he always double spaces and uses the same language and arguments every time. Sagefag meanwhile has no real identifiable behavior. Someone saged one of his baits threads and he's been mindbroken over it ever since, don't enable this schizophrenic.
>Sagefag meanwhile has no real identifiable behavior
This is the funniest bait I’ve seen in a while. His posting style is even more obvious than yawnfag’s.
all wrong
>region based on Japan
>location cringed off non-Japan
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and all wrong

that's the most that can be conceded and compromised
things associated with Yawn:
>double spaces
>same insults/phrases every time (Unova = reddit, using teams = playing like a retard)
>enters the same topics every time (XY thread, DS thread, Phys/Spec split, Exp Share)
things associated with Sage:
>dislikes XY, very vague
>sages sometimes, again vague
>>same insults/phrases every time (Unova = reddit, using teams = playing like a retard)
don't forget "glad we agree"
things associated with Yawn:
>likes XY, very vague
things associated with Sage:
>greentexts a dozen different lines with half assed lazy responses
>same insults/phrases every time (someone used my own retarded logic against me = “parroting is an admission of defeat”, someone pointed out BW2’s buggy difficulty settings = “that was debunked”, I have to lie and leave out Kalos locations to pretend it has less content = “go ahead, name a location not on this list”
>enters the same topics every time (BW berry farming, XY route 1, defending Samurott)
>sagefag and yawnfag aren't the same person
When will you guys realize that it's one anon?
parroting is an admission of defeat
don’t forget “already addressed”
>one hit, this post
Are you sure this sagefag exists?
Searching is hard
this isn’t looking good for you, sagie…
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Definitive xy vs bw list
old pokemon
>3d models
modern pokemon
don't care.
I love this one and the other one
btfo's stupid ass borts
This. Gen 1-3 is classic and Gen 4+ is modern.
the funniest thing about this is that someone was genuinely autistic enough about which gen is le better to spend hours cooking it up
like holy shit there has never been a bigger self-own on this site
You're revealing your power level.
Well they've had plenty of time to do it, they've been arguing about gen 5 vs gen 6 for about 6 fucking years.
It's a festering tumor upon /vp/
I don't think one copypasta is comparable to a lot of yawn's spam. You can type variations of "like a retard" "wasting exp like a retard" and get way more hits.
>like a retard is now a yawnfag phrase
Holy shit you're autistic.
>w-wait no my spam doesn’t count as spam
KEK you’re pathetic sagie
yawnfag post
In reference to training pokemon yes.
you should stay on Reddit where you belong basedboy
Is 5 instances of a copypasta really the same as:
>he’s trying to pretend it’s only 5
Whatever you say, sagie.
>only 38 results
don't care.
this is inane
>5 years
holy kwab
This is exposing yawn's spam too though.
Does that make you less of an obsessed faggot?
>yawnchad uses actual examples from the games to back up his points
wait…why am I supposed to hate him again?
As far as I'm considered there are four clear eras in terms of game design

The first era encompasses Gen 1 and Gen 2. during this time they were still figuring out a lot of stuff and the art style was less locked down
The second era encompasses Gen 3, Gen 4, and Gen 5. During this era they mostly locked down the art style and mostly focused on refining their formula.
The third era encompasses Gen 6 and Gen 7. This is a transitory era where they first cut their teeth on true 3D and were forced to contend with the limitations of their traditional forrmula
The fourth era encompasses Gen 8 and Gen 9. This era is defined by forays into open world design. They still haven't fully broken away from the old formulas but at this point their branching out and the art style is starting to shift as well.
why are you talking about yourself in the third person?
You want me to stop recognizing patterns? What do you suppose I do instead?
>The second era encompasses Gen 3, Gen 4, and Gen 5
Every time.
yeah every time someone says that they are correct
>You want me to stop recognizing patterns?
Never even implied.
>What do you suppose I do instead?
Stop being an obsessed faggot that spams, floods, and derails every thread posted by someone that disagrees with you.
Why is it ok for him to spam, flood, and derail?
>I'm a faggot because other people are
Okay. Good luck.
>admitting you're a faggot
Pretending you don't understand greentext is the lowest of all rebuttals on 4chan.
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>le both sides bad but I only complain about one side
Anything else you want to share?
I complain about both sides. You're just upset that it's currently you getting btfo across the board. You will never be white btw
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>I complain about both sides.
Sure you do.
Glad we agree ;)

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