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We have:
>Source code for Platinum, HG/SS, B/W, and B2/W2; some of which is very early and also includes commit history
>Loads of files relating to OR/AS, US/UM, Pokemon Bank, and Pokemon Home
>Tons of XY's development concepts and beta builds
>Shitloads upon shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and such things relating to these and other series titles like R/S, D/P, and G/S
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine and anime art; data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO, etc.
>Internal names for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak, and some have already begun constructing builds from the early source code.

>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Previous: >>56686333
>元は死別したヒガナの娘の名。 ヒガナは娘の存在を忘れない為、ゴニョニョに娘と同じ名前をつけ、共に旅をしている。
>Originally the name of Higana's bereaved daughter. To remember her daughter's existence, Higana gave Gonyonyo the same name as her daughter and they travel together.
Aster is her daughters name.
Zinnia had sex.
Isn't Zinnia like 18 or 19?
Gen 7 status
wtf gamefreak??
>Miscarriage in Pokemon
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Oh hey it's the Espurr I used last thread
Nice, I love that image
With me
Miscarriage and teenage pregnancy. Damn...
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Stop posting shit without filepaths.
What could “K” and “N” stand for? I’ve heard they’re the initials for the Japanese names of Gaia’s versions.
Kaze and Nami?
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Stop hidding the aliens faggot leakers
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heres your alien bro
Is that Lysancamore?
How old is Zinnia?
holy crap centro needs to see this
pug if he pokemon

18 or 19.
It makes sense because Winds and Waves fits perfectly with the archipelago setting and rolls of the tongue well in english
yea i saw that mentioned before and i think that is the best guess. i like the sound of pokemon winds and waves honestly.
kike and nigger.
Late teens
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There is an alternate version of N's Nimbasa encounter in rom20091222/resource/message/src/script_message/c04p01.gmm
Disclaimer: I do what I want, first draft, accuracy not guaranteed. Please double check the source material for yourself for clarification.

>N: Are you looking for Team Plasma?
>In that case, we should ride the Ferris wheel.
>You won't miss them from a high vantage point.
>Come along, now.

Boarding the Ferris wheel
>N: Come on, get on.

There doesn't appear to be any dialogue during the ride.

After the Ferris Wheel ride
>N: Well then, PLAYER.
>You've only said the good things about your journey so far.
>Have you noticed the unseemly side of humanity?

There's a yes or no choice here.

>N: Allow me put how true your answer is to the test.

>N: *sigh* Oh dear.
>Humans are awfully two-faced.
>It's a pointless task to ask you to look critically at yourselves...
>Like a Pokemon who sometimes lies, it's not in your nature.
>When you're on the edge of defeat in battle, how will your ego look laid bare?
>I will teach you the answer.

After the battle
>N: During the battle just now, I saw a vision of the future.
>I see...
>So this is the duty you bear.
>Oh, how interesting...
>This is the mathematical expression I must solve.
>Well then, until we meet again.
But how can winds be the warm color
Zinnia is teen mom and N is a homo.
Reminder that Zinnie only 'appears' to be late teens. Think about it.
I don't like N talking down to me like that
does one necessarily have to be warm toned? i feel like one being a deep blue and one being white would work well enough
which files are the xy and oras concept arts in?
I can't navigate these folders
Can you please post Norman ORAS sheets and Petalburg gym?
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>>So this is the duty you bear.
>>Oh, how interesting...
>>This is the mathematical expression I must solve.
>>Well then, until we meet again.
Pokémon Gray confirmed
So Gen 10 is going to be Pokemon's Wind Waker
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Better than him sucking your dick constantly for some reason
All of Zinnia backgroud made me real horny.
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Some of that might be a bit of my bias, I don't like ~たまえ. It sounds like talking down to me.
N sounds more like what I'd imagine Colress would sound like with the last lines
Here's a clearer translation of that anime conversation above, by the way:

Katakami: "I reflect on the fact that I may have respected Mr. Yuyama too much.
Since it became necessary to create additional episodes while maintaining the perspective that the work belongs to the fans, I want to make decisions properly moving forward."

Sugimori: "We also can't criticize others too much, since we sparked flames by saying we would reduce the number of Pokémon appearing.
When the creators honestly convey their thoughts and face the audience head-on, the voice of the public has grown far louder than necessary.
Mr. Ishihara may say, 'Change what you've been doing,' but I want to convey that it's not that simple."

Basically if you read the prior parts of this exchange Katakami is talking about how the staff kept preventing Ash from winning a League because Yuyama never wanted him to, and eventually they realized the outcome is something that should also align with what the fans want since it's bigger than just Yuyama. He was actually going to make them keep Ash from winning the Alola League but they put their foot down (presumably because having all the build up to the Kalos League end the way they did was the last straw for them).

Sugimori is saying that they ended up making fans upset too so he can't judge them too much, and that the fandom has gotten much more upset and critical as a result. Then he says Ishihara (TPC's President) tends to expect them to make changes like that but it shouldn't be looked at as so simple because the impact on the fans is so big.

First, Sugimori being so frank VS Ishihara is huge given Ishihara's position (even if Sugimori is a Game Freak founder, Ishihara manages a huge amount of the franchise's money). Second, this shows that Sugimori and Game Freak aren't fans of being made to do things by TPC and ignore fan reactions to it, and are usually aware of what will happen but expected to listen anyway.
The sex must be wild.
It should. She's literally super toned and canonically has bigger tits than everyone in all of Gen 3 (meaning she outcompetes May, Glacia, Flannery and Shelly). We've literally never had another character whose design is "biggest tits in a generation" and definitely not a teenager (Melony is obviously the biggest in Gen 8 but usually it's not so clear).

Having Skyla basically have her design be "Huge Titty Sexy Latina" is just icing on the cake.
So that's just a copy+paste of what I wrote and it feels a little weird having it appear like someone else did but having others see and talk about it is good I guess.
heat wave
Thank you for your work with the N dialogue, reading the first pass and seeing him hate himself after everything hurt.
It was the end of the thread I wanted more people to see it.
>the staff kept preventing Ash from winning a League because Yuyama never wanted him to
What's his fucking problem?
You're more than welcome, anon. I would have done this shit anyway because I love him but I do what I do to enrich the real N fans.
That's totally fine, like I said I agree with that since it was at the tail end. Just freaked me out for a second because I read it and was like "this sounds familiar..." before realizing why I recognized it. Thanks for the signal boost.
How angry is Ishihara right now? Unless the leak was made on purpose hahahaha
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>Sugimori is saying that they ended up making fans upset too so he can't judge them too much, and that the fandom has gotten much more upset and critical as a result. Then he says Ishihara (TPC's President) tends to expect them to make changes like that but it shouldn't be looked at as so simple because the impact on the fans is so big.
They know about the seethe, mistah merriku is not doing a good job.
Delusions of grandeur.
He wanted to "elevate" the Pokemon anime into a "eternal series" akin to Doraemon despite how utterly alien and incompatible to Pokemon such a thing is.
In a way, Yuyama was the greatest Ash self-inserter of them all. He only cared about Ash staying forever no matter the cost.
You really have to admire how fucking stubborn the dude was in a way considering that even the Kalos Disaster backlash the dude STILL wanted to kept Ash losing. Absolute insanity.
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>What's his fucking problem?
Fuck Ash, a piece of shit unlike Red, a gigachad swimming in pussy at the top of a Mountain
people are starting to find out how cancerous tpc is so he's probably pissed
>836 国際警察巡査。名である数列は国際警察における巡査階級のコードネーム。別シリーズにおいてハンサムと呼ばれる人物。今作の物語を経てハンサムとなる男。 『ハンサム』の読みを数字に見立てて『8(ハン)』『3(サ)』『6(ム)』の組み合わせに。
>836 Interpol Officer. The number sequence that is the name is the code name for the officer rank in the Interpol. In another series, a man called Handsome. The man who becomes Handsome through this story. The reading of “Handsome” is a combination of “8 (han)”, “3 (sa)”, and “6 (mu)” as numbers.
>swimming in pussy
But other than him there's only pokemon in the mountain.
They know about everything.
They're extremely aware and cautious of the fanbase and their reactions and wants and desires. It's been very illuminating to see these staff meeting.
Hell we can that to an extent they try to please the fanbase and things like the Kalos Disaster made them realize that they can't keep being stuck-up stubborn faggots and that they have to take the fanbase wishes and desires and expectations into account.
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anons, this sub-page was very recently added to the development page of RS. have these gen III scratchpads been posted here before? I haven't seen them. it seems there's more beta RS content
>ヲミナエシ 殿堂入り後シナリオ用新キャラ 故人・享年44歳/ 女性人名。・テッセンと共にキンセツ一帯の都市開発を推進した人物。キンセツシティの元市長にして天才プログラマ。名は花の色、花言葉の永久・はかない恋などから。 ゲーム中に人物としては登場せず、各キャラの過去を回想するセリフ。 ・テッセンと共にキンセツ一帯の都市開発を推進した人物。キンセツシティの元市長にして天才プログラマ。 ・カロス留学のち故郷であるキンセツに帰国。ホウエンの片田舎でしかなかったキンセツ一帯の都市化構想を提唱。 ・天才技師であるテッセンと共にキンセツシティ、サイクリングロードなどの開発事業を推進。 ・この建設事業の折、テッセンと公私ともにパートナーとなる。プラスルのディジー、マイナンのエイシーは二人のポケモンだった。 ・開発事業は成功。この功績からキンセツシティ市長に就任。勢いに乗りさらなる発展を計画。巨大地下都市構想ニューキンセツプロジェクトを発足。 ・自身もエンジニアとしてプロジェクトに参加。開発の要となる発電機関である∞モーター、そしてニューキンセツ全体をコンピュータ管理するプログラムの開発に着手。

>Womanaeshi - New character for scenario after induction into the Hall of Fame Deceased; age 44/ -
She is the person who promoted urban development in Mauville City with Tessen. She is the former mayor of MauvilleCity and a genius programmer. Her name is derived from the color of flowers and the words “eternal” and “fleeting love” in the language of flowers.
>She does not appear as a character in the game, but rather as a reminiscence of each character's past. The former mayor of Kinsetsu City, who promoted urban development in the Kinsetsu area with Tessen. A genius programmer. After studying abroad in Kalos, he returned to his hometown of Kinsetsu. He proposed the urbanization of Kinsetsu City, which had been only a rural area in Houen. He and Tessen, a genius engineer, promoted the development of Kinsetsu City, a cycling road, and other projects. He and Tessen became public and private partners during this construction project. Dizzy of Prasul and Acey of Mainan were their Pokémon. The development project was a success. He became the mayor of Kinsetsu City. Riding on the momentum of the project, he plans further development. He launched the New Kinsetsu Project, an idea for a giant underground city. He himself joined the project as an engineer. He started to develop the ∞ motor, the key power generation engine of the development, and a program for computer management of the entire New Kinsetsu City.
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Ash's final loss should've been against Red (has Mega Mewtwo X/Y in his team), then he releases all of his gay Pokémon one final time. Like how Tobias came out of nowhere and raped him with a legendary.
Wow, congratulations. You managed to write something worse than Tobias, Alan, Meme League and Shitneys all combined.
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I was the one that had sex with Zinnia.
Why do you think he was given a Lapras in the remakes?
How was it
He should get all the way to the world championships, and the guy hes against has 1 pokemon, a Pikachu, nothing else, nothing more, and he one bangs every single pokemon ash throws at him, and then says "this is a joke of a tournament im dropping out enjoy your trophy just to really hit ash where it hurts
Anon, we spent more than one thread posting just that.
Check out the previous threads, there's a bunch of them
Chat, how do we feel about making big tiddy zinnia miscarriage art
Ash lost with a big deficit but it was hardly a "rape". He took out two Legendaries in a row using a team that included some of his weaker Pokemon (Torkoal and Gible). If he had brought Charizard and Infernape weren't exhausted from the battle against Paul he probably could've made it through another Legendary or two and since Darkrai solo'd the entire region on his own that means he would've already beaten the equivalent of like 3-4 teams. Tobias totally solo'd the finalist of the Sinnoh League meaning Ash got the furthest against him, so not only was Ash the runner-up in terms of strength (like in Kalos), but it was also at least sort of a way of saying "Ash is so capable this is the only way he would lose and even then he did better than anyone else".

Way better than his prior losses like against Meowth-in-boots.
Going by these, New Mauville was going to have a plot where a dead scientist had a robot loli that ran the city? And it also ran off of Infinity Energy.
Torrent anon. Sorry it took me so long to update with sangopart1. Been an off day.
The good part about being late is that I got the entire thing and didn't have to make a volatile torrent.
qrd? i just woke up
Huh, looker?
And speaking of, did we get any other looker bios?
Why the fuck would you want to see a miscarriage?

Just make art of her and Skyla pressing their tits together bragging about how they have the biggest tits in Gen 3 and 5 with the other female characters in the background super jealous.
Fucking based.
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This pic is now, somehow, canon.
Are you going to post all the design notes for all the ORAS characters? If so thanks a lot and please let me know so I can document all of them for later. They'll be buried in the threads and nobody seems to be saving them.
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Is it possible to modelswap the leaked classic Hoenn protagonist models ? I would assume are they unfinished unrigged etc. but you never know, maybe it was a cut outfit.
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Zinnia had a daughter. Zinnia is 18 or 19. And Zinnia was explicitly designed to have bigger boobs than May.
So Looker (who still didn't use this name) was supposed to have a bigger role and would start being Looker during this game.
Why not just big tiddy without any miscarriage
Is there a classic Brendan model?
Presumably the pregnancy is how she is able to mog all the other teen trainers.
a loss comic.
Can someone re-post the twintails Serena sheet?
>29 10GB files
imagine if we find the festa demo among the endless oras archives, hahah
Correction, was explicitly designed to be ripped and have bigger boobs than every other girl in the game including May.
It's only May. They didn't care about Brendan since May is the canon protagonist
Did this leak happen before because I remember telling my friend this a long time ago?
Zinnia humiliating a flattie.
That's just preggo art which is based and I endorse
Looker and the two unused characters prove these entries were scrapped. So we don't know Aster is supposed to be Zinnia's in the final version of the story.
I wanna suck on those tits
What's getting uploaded now? What got uploaded recently?
I feel like I've lost track of things.
>Used goods
>So we don't know Aster is supposed to be Zinnia's in the final version of the story.
Considering Zinnia's Whismur, I think it all fits too well here.
I was only going to post the scrapped ones to be honest, this document exists for translators to create good names for characters, so it only has new characters not old ones. That's why it has mini descriptions of them to give translators ideas on what puns/names to use.
Rayquaza's mega evolution was instead suppoused to be called Delta Evolution, and for groudon and kyogre it was going to be Omega Drive and Alpha Drive respectively.
There's also many key items related to this New Mauville plot, including an Infinity Engine, Infinity PDA and computer. Likely was going to be a pretty sizeable post-game section.
Especially since Aster is confirmed to be the previous lorekeeper in an interview
We just got a massive shipment of ORAS stuff today. Not the source code, but a lot of development and character documentation, as well as a TON of leftover Gen 3 stuff that they probably imported really early into the remakes.
I kinda feel bad for pokespe Zinnia considering how Fug punched her womb. Poor Zinnia lost her daughter and the posibility of having more.
Give more sheets of the trainer classes please
>身長:159センチ 体重:47キロ
>【髪型/髪質/髪色】 アゴ下ラインのボブをラフにサイドでまとめている。
>【肌の色】 薄い褐色。(旅をしているので、程よく健康的に焼けている)
>【目の色/形/大きさ】 黒/やや吊り目(猫っぽい)/大きい
>【体型】 発育良く、Sangoの女性キャラの中では最もはっきりしたボディライン。
>Height: 159 cm Weight: 47 kg
>Hairstyle/Hair texture/Hair color] Bob with a lower jaw line, roughly gathered at the side.
>Hair texture/Hair color] Straight/black
>Skin Color] Pale brown. (She has a moderately healthy tan because of her travels.)
>Eye Color/Shape/Size] Black/Slightly slanted eyes (cat-like)/Large.
>She is well-developed and has the most defined body of any of Sango's female characters.
>However, her body is toned due to her training.
>I want to convey the difference between her and Haruka and Lucia when they stand side by side.

>She is well-developed and has the most defined body of any of Sango's female characters.
Just means it'll be fine to cum inside of her without worrying about knocking her up, anon
I thought we already established concept = final
She deserves it honestly, if she took a shower Rayquaza wouldn't have blasted her
That's true. I had forgotten. Sorry for the misinformation, everyone!
Anything for the swimmer girl yet?
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Kind of insane how many scenes have been recontextualized from this leak. It always seemed out of place.
The issue with this is Zinnia's creator was in an interview with Ohmori and when asked about Zinnia's backstory Ohmori was like "Oh yeah uhhh we kept that vague on purpose!" and the other guy was like "We did?? Huh? First time I've heard that!"
I get the feeling a grieving mother from child death wasn't something they wanted to say.
The lines in game as well lean way harder into a child being dead than another lorekeeper.
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Brendan is fixable with texture changes, May's bandana is backwards, so she needs a new 3d model.
Was gonna say that crying women are prime interaction bait, but yeah, tanned tiddy (la)tinas are based
The daughter version is better, cause it implies sex.
and cunny.
I wish Pokemon didn't try to keep a family friendly image so we could get the actual truth from the devs, I feel like it really could go either way with both in game dialogue and other media
>Miscarriage, stillborn, or sudden infant death
>Can no longer have kids
>Last of her tribe
Literally extinction holy shit
I know we are giving too much importance to this shit. "Boo hoo my child" who gives a shit, in what way does this ever influence Zinnia's character? It doesn't. Her backstory doesn't contribute shit to the Delta episode, this character was only an obstacle for the other involved parties, with little else to it and then fucks right off. What a waste of my fucking time. Masters EX did more for her character with less screentime.
Might as well ask here, did we get a bunch of SV/Paldea leaks already? I just want info on gym leaders and elite four
Always hated this bitch.
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All my work is scuffed as fuck but the more I think about it the less confident I become in the grammar of that one sentence. I can't help but wonder if it might be more accurate to say:
>You'll do anything to make yourselves look better.. Like a Pokemon that sometimes tells lies, it can't exist in nature for long.
If a more fluent speaker can come up with a better translation for "自分を より良く見せようと 無理をする…… 時にはウソをつく ポケモンのように 自然で いられない" I'm all ears. Being a dekinai is hard.
The most based thing to come out of these leaks.
Where's her clit
Why? She's cute.
dios mio... el chupacabra.
ocultar a los ninos. ruega los santos
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>○ポケモンリーグ・チャンピオン。トレーナータイプ「はがね/エスパー」。男、25歳。 ○少々ナルシスト的なところがあるが、心は優しい。 ○珍しい石の収集が趣味。 ●ツワブキ(石蕗:キク科の植物)、ダイゴ(デイゴ:沖縄の県花、マメ科の植物から)。 ●デボンコーポレーションのツワブキ社長の一人息子。 ●19歳のときに家を出て、トクサネで一人暮らしをしながらポケモン修業に励んでいる。 ●家や父が嫌いなわけではないが、親の財産や、その庇護から抜け出したかった。 ・オリジナル版よりも、物語の核心により関連するキャラとして描きます。 ・組織の暗躍、メガシンカの謎、伝説ポケモンに関してなど、世界の危機や真理に関する情報を調べたり、それを阻止する為に奮闘するキャラです。 ・主人公をひとりのトレーナーとして認め、導く存在として機能させます。
>Pokémon League Champion. Trainer type: Hagane/Esper. Male, 25 years old. He is a bit of a narcissist, but he has a kind heart. He enjoys collecting rare stones. He is also a collector of rare stones. He is the only son of the president of Devon Corporation, Mr. Tsuwabuki. He left home when he was 19 years old and lives alone in Toxane while training to be a Pokémon. He does not dislike his family or his father, but he wanted to escape from his parents' wealth and their shelter. The character is more relevant to the core of the story than in the original version. He is a character who struggles to find out information about the world's crises and truths, such as the organization's dark activities, the mystery of Mega Evolution, and legendary Pokémon, and to prevent them. The character recognizes the protagonist as a trainer and functions as a guiding force.
>some sort of teen pregnancy miscarriage/accident
no wonder she's so schizo
>152 ※参考:2012年・12歳日本人女児の平均身長 44 ※参考:2012年・12歳日本人女児の平均体重 ○男の子の主人公キャラクターを選択した場合のサポート役。女、12歳。 ○オダマキ博士の娘で、博士の研究の手伝いをしている。 ○主人公の行く先々に現れ、ポケモン勝負を挑んでくる。 ○明るくお節介だが、おおらかな性格でもある。 主人公に対して軽いライバル心を持っているが、敵視しているわけではない。 ・カラっと明るく元気な少女をストレートに描きます。 ・原作にあった少し嫌味っぽいところや、自意識過剰なところは薄めます。 ・主人公に対して微かに意識している旨を、クライマックスやエンディングの極一部のみで表します。
>152 *Reference: Average height of Japanese girls aged 12 in 2012.
>44 *Reference: Average weight of Japanese girls aged 12 in 2012.
>○Supporting role when a boy protagonist character is selected. Female, 12 years old. She is the daughter of Dr. Odamaki and helps him with his research. She appears wherever the main character goes and challenges him to a Pokémon game. She is cheerful and meddlesome, but also has a generous personality. She has a slight rivalry with the main character, but does not see her as an enemy. She is a cheerful and energetic girl. The slightly sarcastic and self-conscious parts of the original story will be reduced. The slight awareness of the main character is shown only in the climax and a small part of the ending.
posted before but found magma too


aqua's is totally unique, magma's is close to the final version
we've seen the character sheets
Zinnia wishes she was as big.
FUCK I need more kalos pokegirl art sheets
She has an innie pussy.
which folder/build
The Aqua theme there sounds drastically rearranged, although it could be due to unusual instrumentation choices. Definitely some flourishes in there omitted from the final version. Very interesting to hear this.
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My favourite part of the leaks is how based Sugimori is turning out to be.

When I was a kid, I actually made like a little model of him in art class bc we were supposed to choose our heroes and I wanted to be an artist haha. Wish I had photos
do you mind uploading the full document somewhere? catbox or something
Zinnia is clearly way too young to have a child, all the lore says Aster was the previous lorekeeper. Her mother or older sister is the only thing that makes sense.
I used to love his TCG illustrations. I was in elementary school when Pokemon emerged in the US so I remember him from like 25 years ago. Strange to imagine
She looks like a girl I knew when I was little that would randomly pick on me(unironically I sort of looked like the male counterpart) turns out she had a crush on me and I rejected her, sometime later I started to hate myself for that whenever I remember it as she was kinda cute indeed.
Imagine the smegma haha lol would be so nasty haha ugh
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>ウシオ 27 アクア団かんぶ 190 100 ○アクア団の男幹部の名前。「ウヒョヒョ……!」がクチぐせ。 ●ウシオという名称は「潮(うしお)」からのイメージ。 ・アクア団のサブリーダー。マツブサに心酔している。 ▼キーワード ・大柄。プロレスラー的体型。 ・武闘派。 ・単純。 ・純粋な理想家ゆえ、アオギリに心酔。 ・日焼けしている。 ・外国人。(ブラジル系?) ※原作のイメージは踏襲しません。
>Ushio 27 Aqua-dan Kanbu 190cm 100kg ○ Name of male executive of Aqua-dan. His habit is to say, “Uhhyo-hyo ......!” is a habit of the male executives of Aqua-dan. The name “Ushio” is derived from “Ushio” (tide). The sub-leader of the Aqua Clan. He is fascinated by Matsubusa. Key words ・Large build. He has the physique of a pro-wrestler. He is a martial artist. Simple. He is fascinated by Aogiri because he is a pure idealist. He is tanned. He is a foreigner. (Brazilian?) The image of the original work will not be followed.
>He is a foreigner. (Brazilian?)
>He is a foreigner. (Brazilian?)
>He is a foreigner. (Brazilian?)
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Would you take responsability?
Qrd on Sugimori?
Not really
For what? She's too lame to bang
stole it from a discord server, apparently ripped from a rom in xy staff files
if someone wants to verify please do, i am just parroting the person who posted
Girls get their first period around 12-14. Zinnia absolutely could have been pregnant, carrying it to full term is very risky though.
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>イズミ 34 アクア団かんぶ 169 57 ○アクア団の女幹部の名前。「オーッホッホ!」がクチぐせ。 ●イズミという名称は「泉(いずみ)」のイメージから。 ・アクア団のサブリーダー。 ▼キーワード ・肉感的な体型。 ・太いくちびる。 ・武闘派。 ・野心家。 ・日焼けしている。 ・アオギリとは幼馴染の関係で、彼のことを愛している。 ※原作のイメージは踏襲しません。
>Izumi 34 Aqua-dan Kanbu 169 57 ○ Name of the female leader of the Aqua-dan. “Oh-ho-ho! is a habit of the female leader of the Aqua Troupe. The name Izumi comes from the image of a spring. The sub-leader of Aqua-dan. Key words: -Fleshy body shape. Thick lips. She is a martial artist. Ambitious. Tanned. She is a childhood friend of Aogiri and loves him. The image of the original work will not be followed.
>Fleshy body shape. Thick lips.
I wonder if Shelly is a foreigner too then or if it's just him. It kind of fits though, he's huge in comparison to everyone else in game.
>The image of the original work will not be followed.
We wuz robbed n shiet
Nevermind guess I got my answer >>56689502
Tan lines...!!!!
Don't expect the people of this board to understand female anatomy.
Cute loser
I need to have sex with Shelly
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People will ignore the '?' when talking about it.
>34 years old
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>ツツジ 14 ジムリーダー・いわ RS準拠 RS準拠 ○カナズミシティ・ジムリーダー。トレーナータイプ「いわ」。女、14歳。 ○まだ、カナズミのトレーナーズスクールの生徒だが、成績優秀なためにジムリーダーを任されている。 ○年齢の割には、論理的な思考の持ち主で、筋道だった話し方をする。 ●とりあえず今は近辺で捕獲した岩タイプのポケモンを育てているが、もちろん他のタイプのポケモンにも詳しい。 ●ツツジ(岩場に生息するツツジ科の植物、福岡の県木)からのイメージ。
>Tsutsuji 14 Gym Leader ○ Kanazumi City, Gym Leader. Trainer type “Iwa”. Female, 14 years old. She is still a student at the trainer's school in Kanazumi, but because of her excellent grades, she has been assigned as a gym leader. She is a logical thinker for her age and speaks in a reasonable manner. She is currently raising a rock-type Pokémon that he caught in the area, but of course he is familiar with other types of Pokémon as well. She is inspired by the azalea, a plant of the azalea family that lives in rocky areas and is the prefectural tree of Fukuoka.
He's the lead designer/artist for Gamefreak.
She's a researcher and she's a martial artist, that's very gigastacy of her
>holding out until your mid 30s

I could reignite this dying star
What about the leaks made him based?
>theres people with an adult woman fetish posting in this thread right now
how low we had fallen
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this a lolicon board keep it moving people
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i wonder when in development they decided to make the tracks one and the same.

in sango_doc\trunk\06_システム\その他\特別版\仕様\Sango特別版_BGMList.xls, the two tracks are noted to be the same as of 07/25/2014
Not just an adult woman but an adult woman who's in love with another man
Damn anon, you're not alone. It's cute remembering things like that.
Teen pregnancies are real and kinda of common
I know he might've not designed them all, but has Sugimori done official art for every Pokemon? That's a lotta work desu.
Why is it so hard to believe that a 19 year old could have a child?
>Glacia 32
>Mom is also 32
Hoenn is a hag heaven, I think it's my favorite region now.
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>アスナ 25 ジムリーダー・ほのお RS準拠 RS準拠 ○フエンタウン・ジムリーダー。トレーナータイプ「ほのお」。女、25歳。 ○ジムリーダーになったばかりで、見くびられないよう強がっている。 ●自分を育てた祖父(元四天王)と暮らしている。勝ち気な性格は祖父に影響された。 ●ジム内部が暑く、肌が乾燥しそうなのが悩みのタネ。フエン温泉は美容にも効果があるので良いと思っている。 ●アスナ(ヒノキ科アスナロ属の樹木)からのイメージ。
Asuna 25 Gym Leader ○Huentown Gym Leader. Trainer type “Fire”. Female, 25 years old. She has just become a Gym Leader, and she is determined not to be underestimated. She lives with her grandfather, a former Four Heavenly Kings, who raised her. Her winning personality was influenced by her grandfather. She is worried that the gym is too hot and her skin gets dry. She thinks that the Fuen hot springs are good for her beauty. The image of Asuna (a tree belonging to the Asunaro genus of the cypress family).

Another thing to note is that every gym leader is labeled that they're designed after a tree.
I'm 33 years old... "adult woman fetish" is what we just call our dating pool.
Women only get pregnant at 40. My mom did. It's weird if it happens earlier.
She's holding out for Archie.
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My strike range is a perfect circle. All wombs shall be blessed by my fat balding old man seed, else my name isn't Anonymous.
I'll self insert as him!
He's the only person in the internal meetings that seems frank and realistic about what they're doing.
I mean she look short
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>ナギ 16 ジムリーダー・ひこう RS準拠 RS準拠 ○ヒワマキシティ・ジムリーダー。トレーナータイプ「ひこう」。女、16歳。 ○活動的で、ポケモンにのって移動するとき体を冷やさないようなコスチュームを着ている。 ●うまれつき空気の流れが読める(みえる)らしく、ポケモンをとばすとき、それを指示できる。 ●そのせいか、どこかしら他人をみくだしているように受け取られてしまうことがある。 ●ツリーハウスで暮らす人たちのためにポケモンと共存する心得を教えてまわる、いわば、インストラクターのようなこともしている。 ●ナギ(マキ科の植物)からのイメージ。凪(なぎ)の意味もダブらせてある
>Nagi 16 Gym Leader, Flying ○ Hiwamaxity Gym Leader. Trainer type: Flying. Female, 16 years old. She is active and wears a costume to keep her body cool when she rides her Pokémon. She seems to be born with the ability to read (or see) the flow of air, and can direct her Pokémon when she sends them flying. Because of this, he is sometimes perceived as somewhat condescending to others. She also acts as an instructor for the people living in the treehouse, teaching them how to coexist with Pokémon. The image of “Nagi” is derived from “nagi,” a plant in the family Pinguiculaceae. It also has the meaning of “calm.
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>フヨウ 14 四天王・ゴースト RS準拠 RS準拠 ○2番目の四天王。トレーナータイプ「ゴースト」。女、14歳。 ○南国の明るい少女。褐色に焼けた健康そうな肌の色。 ●おくりびやまの老婆の血縁。 おくりびやまで遊ぶうちに、ゴーストタイプのポケモンと意思の疎通ができるようになっていた。 ●自分はポケモントレーナーとしてはまだ修行が必要だと自覚しているが「意思が疎通できる」ことは誇りに思っている。 ●フヨウ(沖縄でみられるハイビスカス科の植物)からのイメージ。
>Fuyo 14 Four Heavenly Kings, Ghost RS compliant RS compliant ○ Second Four Heavenly Kings. Trainer type “Ghost”. Female, 14 years old. A bright girl from the tropics. She has a healthy-looking skin color with brownish tan. She is related to an old woman in Okuribiyama. While playing in Okuribi-Yama, she was able to communicate with Ghost-type Pokémon. She is aware that she still needs more training as a Pokémon trainer, but she is proud of her “ability to communicate. This image is derived from the hibiscus plant found in Okinawa.
Most of this was posted before.
>Yeah bro Zinnia's 6 year-old she had at 12 became the lorekeeper!
Probably because Aster was the lorekeeper, retard.
holy shit that's my name too, we have so much in common
She's not even a child, my grandma had like 2 kids by the time she was 20.
Short women can't have kids, I forgot
let's kiss
>He wants single mothers and women who are single because they are literally insane
I also like women with lush pubes.
i mean if you guys are over 20 and still single then its just over like for real
He's one of the founders of Game Freak along with Masuda and Satoshi Tajiri. Tajiri handled the world design and idea, Masuda handled the music and Sugimori handled the art.

He's still basically the big boss of all Pokemon design and art for the main series, though he's been letting Ohmori take the reigns more in recent years. Based on the leaked documents he still draws up all the design sheets for each Pokemon they finalize to send to Creatures.inc for creating a 3D model.
What's Satoshi Tajiri doing these days anyway?
Whenever we go out
the people always shout
Sex with pokeboy
He's been silent since stepping down from GS development.
Didn't he die?
Catching bugs for Masuda to put in people's anuses
That's nice and really inspirational of him, but I don't see how being a great worker who directed Pokemon's artstyle since the start would make him based
ZAMN! hoennian teenagers look like THAT?!
This! Give me the Rangers and the Veteran trainers.
There are tools online. The one I used lets you input the pdf and it outputs a zip file with the images. Google something like "pdf extract images" and it should show up
The real reason people consider him based is that he's said he likes Sega more than Nintendo and he buys lolicon doujin and posts about it on Twitter.
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I would kill everyone in this thread for a single mega flaygon hint
after watching DYKG's research video on him I was under the impression that he no longer draws anything in the past few years?

Oh, I see what you were wondering about.

They were saying that because of the leaked conversations between him and the anime staff about Ash winning leagues and also dexit.

Scroll up or search this page for "Katakami" and you'll find the excerpt. Basically the anime staff felt bad they let Yuyama push them to keep making Ash lose and wanted to do better once they addressed it but felt they did it too late. Sugimori said he can't blame them too much because they also implemented Dexit and made the fans upset as well. Then he talked about Ishihara (the President of the Pokemon Company, which is the brand management division that basically runs all the merch, tv shows, and other projects, and also pushes Game Freak to make games on a dev cycle that allows them to churn out all this stuff). He said Ishihara usually just says "make this change" but he needs to realize it's not so cut and dry and it's causing issues with the fans.

Even though Sugimori is a Game Freak founder Ishihara has a huge amount of power and money behind him, so calling him out to other staff is huge. If you've seen One Piece it's kind of like Garp giving a middle finger to the Celestial Dragons but he's such an OG they can't fire him for it.
It is sad that here are people that unironically have this mentality and fall into a spiral of self hate instead of just trying.
Kinda like those zoomers that say your life is over the moment you hit 20 and you're better off killing yourself.
The rot personified.
>spoonfeeding newfags who can't even read threads
>let alone know anything about game freak
are you guys retarded or something
It's late and there's not much else going on.
>wallace have something to explain unless her age in Pokemon special older
any unreleased contest Brendan concept art?
late ? bitch its 9:00 in the morning
If we don't explain it to them how are they gonna keep the actual fucking morons at bay?

It's good they want to know about this stuff instead of being mindless crybaby zombies like half the people who bitch about stuff but have no idea how the hell the games are made or can't even remember most of the generations.

But yeah, it can be an uphill battle with the ones who are idiots and choose to be stupid as hell but still pretend their opinions should matter.
It's 3am here...
you've got a point, i too enjoy activities with zero net positive like pulling out my toenails and smearing fresh shit into the wounds just because "it's late and theres not much else going on"
tell people to lurk moar if they ask completely retarded questions you fucking tard
Anon if they end up revealing it for Legends Z-A, either through the leaks or when the games come out, I will literally be checking 4chan to see your reaction. Post the same pic and call it Mega Flaygon again so I know its you.

I want to tell whoever is in that thread at the time they get to survive that day.
I saw we have the ages of gen 3 characters, do we have the gen 4 ones?
it was literally never even planned
Pulling out your toenails means you get to grow new fresh ones, that's not so bad.
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regardless of how he is as a personal level, as an artist is pretty fucking mediocre. All his work uses solid plain colors. Alola made clear they have better artists in GF than him
what is the true age of picrel?
>I would kill everyone in this thread
Start with yourself then
Some of them, yeah:

>Lucas: 12
>Dawn: 12
>Rowan: 70, dropped to 60
>Mars: 22
>Jupiter: 24
>Saturn: 25
>Charon: 71
>Cyrus: 27
>Cattleya Dendrobium: 17
>Darach: 25
>Argenta: 42
>Thorton: 14
>Dahlia: 24
>Looker: 43

If someone can find Cynthia's age I will... well I won't do anything for you but it'd be awesome to have a threesome with Zinnia and Skyla I guess.
*licks belly*
Lick Serena's, now that we have more of her concept art it's obvious she has the sexiest tummy of all the main girls. She's like right behind Lucy in terms of sexiest stomach.
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We absolutely have nothing in the regards of armored evolution
Woah, that's a deep cut. Totally forgot about that. Wanna take bets on how many newfags here were even born when that was being talked about way back when?
more details does not make better designs
i don't understand what the fuck you're saying
she's hairy and disgusting like all girls
Literally every single piece of concept art uses May. Stop asking
Excalibur Knight Charizard would have been so cool...
We DEMAND MORE BRENDAN! We will never stop asking
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sorry but Serena can't compete with Brendan's innate cuteness
>still no Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Cynthia or Palmer
Darach is a pedo
the fans will fix that
Going by the anime reference sheets we also have Candice at 16 & Aaron at 19 I think.
did any concept art show her tummy?
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...do i stick jealous may and/or roxanne underneath the breast bridge?
>If someone can find Cynthia's age I will... well I won't do anything for you but it'd be awesome to have a threesome with Zinnia and Skyla I guess.
The only hope is that the BDSP files have all the character proposals and stuff that the DP files didn't have.
DPfags got a shitton of plot and lore but on character minutia they ended up getting fucked.
Roxanne for sure, at least.
Not quite, but it's more that it showed off her overall physique more without her skirt and she's got really long legs and overall a tall slender physique, so she's kind of got the same elongated tummy thing going on that Lucy does. She's basically got Elesa's supermodel proportions but with a bigger chest.

We did... get confirmation she has basically no ass though (there's a shot of her butt from the back). That sort of contributes to her legs and stomach being long, though - really continuous with her hips/waist. God damn her legs are sexy as hell though. There's a mockup of her with torn leggings... my god.
Just woke up, anything worth looking into?
Well at least by BW2 she's an adult but Darach still hasn't beaten the groomer allegations
Jesus of course you were so horny you actually started working on it.

Put May under there.
>We did... get confirmation she has basically no ass though (there's a shot of her butt from the back).
Post it.
When did you go to sleep? Last major reveal was a Legends Arceus PDF with the project pitch slideshow and what their intentions were for the game.

After that were some ORAS character bios, before that was ORAS concept art and some XY stuff with Serena and Shauna.
Pokemon miscarriage
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This is very good news!
Either miscarriage or infant death

Shows what I meant that she has a long slender stomach and killer legs with pretty big boobs (still not as big as Rosa but that might also be due to the height). Trade off is basically no ass. She's kind of like the reverse of Hilda though obviously Hilda's legs are nuts on account of her thighs.
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How old are Archie and Maxie?
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would with no hesitation
Tha'ts why they're so big, then.
It's full of milk.
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Based, thank you so much. I love Serena even more now.
Everyone rags on Masuda in here but Ishihara has always been the dumb old businessman.
Oh, right, forgot that Zinnia's bio talked about Aster (her Whismur) having its name come from a deceased daughter with the same name. That might have been an early idea since an interview and Pokemon Adventures mention she was the previous lorekeeper before Zinnia, but then the same interview also had a weird moment where it seemed they were hiding something about Aster. Zinnia's age was always meant to be 18-19 from the start so her having a kid would require she had a teen pregnancy.

Combine that with the same bio mentioning Zinnia's got a really toned body, but the biggest boobs of anyone in ORAS and the most pronounce figure, so much that it'd be obvious standing next to May and Lisia, it's painted her as a sex fiend and everyone also wants to bang her.

So kind of like Skyla from a few days ago (who weirdly has almost the same proportions and age and design specs). That's why a coomer in this thread is drawing their tits pressed together or whatever the fuck.

Right? Sexy as hell and in the top 4 along with Rosa, Hilda and May. Removing the skirt really shows how hot she is.
I need someone to summarize what the fuck happened with regigigas lore wise
I mean, it could just be both. Previous Lorekeeper is named Aster, Zinnia decides to name her daughter after her, but miscarries.
It is just a creepy Easter egg since she's a ghost trainer, there is no lore
Now we desperately need to confirm Acerola's age.
Never would I have thought that there is teen pregnancy and miscarriage in pokemon
The ghost and the sign in the train station in X/Y, any official explanation for them?
Scrapped because the implications are way too sad
I'm pretty sure we don't have any 5 year olds posting here. They still haven't achieved enough consciousness to use a keyboard... probably, anyways. iPad kids might be a different breed.
Masuda said they just wanted mysteries
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sneak wip preview
Well, technically, there's not.
Is that statement from the leak?
Wasn't the porn story debunked?



Nigga no, that's just a too specific of a Easter egg to be put there, especially when it does make zero sense in the contest ghosts. She was able to communicate with ghost Pokemon,not ghost people
just woke up
anybody has the links for the sango stuff part 2 and 3, the xy builds part 7 and the PLA concept art pdf?
No but an old interview where someone had brought those things up specifically

So there's sort of two things you need to know. I'm gonna write them in two posts.

1. There was an image found in the same shape as the Mystery Stage from the Sinjoh Ruins (basically a triangle with different circles around it) showing how all the Legendaries up to Gen 4 were meant to be related to each other. Giratina was planned at the time but basically it's Arceus with Dialga/Palkia, then a triangle with Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf on each side, then a circle at each point with a different trio master than their trio (one for Ho-Oh and the beasts, one for Lugia and the birds, and one for Regigigas and the golems). The lines of the triangle have Rayquaza/Kyogre/Groudon with different Pokemon supporting them, including some Pseudo-Legendaries (e.g. Kyogre supported by Latios/Latias/Metagross). Seemed random but we also found out Latios and Latias are named after Plato's writings on atlantis and Metagross is probably based on an ancient machine that predicted solar movements that was found under the sea, so yeah. Anyway, this arrangement implies Regigigas is related to the others in some way and linked to Mesprit but we're not sure how yet. We also don't know the names of the three Pokemon supporting Groudon.
Does that really matter? It looks like a parody to me.
That's why it says *Artistic representation. It's funny. Do we have the real story yet though?
Wait, things are happening too fast for me. The Typhlosion story isn't real?
it was consensual
slaking is the rapey one
no its a cope because normies dont like it
Something about a chmod and 777 and technobabble that was essentially a guy leaving his keys/credit card/SSN/birth certificate on his front porch. I don't think the guy said specifically how he got to that point.
I'm pretty sure anon's talking about the "he got phished by porn emails" thing. The Typhlosion thing is still as real as it ever was with only minor heh changes in the content due to an MTL, but overall it was still the exact same story.
It's real. There was some cope about translation that was desperate.

Second thing you need to know:

2. The first version of Arceus' birth story was that when it hatched from that egg in the void before the universe existed, the egg shell's broken pieces turned into giants and they all tried to kill Arceus, but Arceus fought them off. Initially it seems those giants weren't necessarily Pokemon but something else. A later version of the story talks about a giant whose body became Mt. Coronet, but at that point it's obvious the "giant" is Giratina. But a lot of people have considered that the Giants created from the egg shell were basically Regigigas and a bunch of other ones of different types. They were all killed by Arceus and their remains are what the plates come from. This is why Regigigas has the Blank plate in Legends, rather than Arceus. It's also theorized that Regice/Regirock/Registeel didn't exist before Legends, so when you bring it the three plates matching their type to awaken it at Snowpoint Temple, it's reminded of the other giants who were killed and decides to create new ones like them. So the idea is Regigigas makes the other Regis to either mourn the killed giants or try to bring them back since it's the only survivor. Slow Start might then not be an ability because it's been around for so long, but because it was cursed/injured so badly from fighting Arceus and surviving.

This theory obviously involves a lot of speculation but IF Regigigas was one of the original giants (which is technically possible since its species is the "Colossal Pokemon") then a lot of other things make sense and Regigigas obviously looks way more badass and sympathetic. One of the first memes after the leaks was something like:
"Sees God"
"Immediately tries to kill him".

If you see any "Regigigas hates God" memes that's why.
it's crazy that people went from acting like the story was officially endorsed and was in the games to "it was debunked" as if it was ever anything more than a shitty google lens translation posted here among tons of other shitty google lens translations to begin with
Oh, I get now, thanks.
Meant the porn email stuff, not Typhlosion being a rapist story
I saw that stuff but I was curious how the leaker got to the theoretical front porch.
It is technically real but the translation got some things wrong. She woman isn't kidnapped and her having a child and becoming a Pokemon are sort of metaphors for other stuff.

The "not real" part is just that it's actually a real myth in Japanese folklore involving a shapeshifting badger, so they literally just took that story and swapped in "Typhlosion" because it's a badger, as a rough draft to start with so they could then see how it could be modified to suit Pokemon. So it's not that it isn't real, but technically they didn't really write it - they were looking at an existing myth to see what they wanted to borrow from it. Same with the Octillery one.
The google lens translation didn't change anything about the contents of the story. The only cope Typhlosion fags have is that in canon it's supposed to be a myth and didn't actually happen. That was the whole argument of that one twitter faggot who wanted to pretend it was deboonked.
how about gen 5, aside from the gym leaders? i want to know hilbert and hildas ages.
for the record i was only needing to know the specific bits about regigigas punching the fuck out of arceus, i have the whole triangle/circle diagram well understood its just specifically those two im concerned with
thank you for the summary, now do me another favor and show me your favorite regigigas meme
Not going to lie, I completely forgot the porn phishing story. I'm stupid.
Yeah then I've got no idea. I saw the picture here but I didn't save it so I don't know what the hell it exactly said, so I'm in the same boat as you.
Semantics, but it did change one thing, and that was people believing the author was a girl because it read a kanji the wrong way. Which was mostly a problem by bait threads /here/ rather than anywhere else.
I recognize the word but what does it mean in that context
>Chili/Cylan/Cress: 15, dropped to 14
>Lenora: 33, 32, then settled on 35
>Burgh: 24, 22, 21
>Elesa: 17,dropped to 15
>Clay: 56, dropped to 55
>Skyla: 26, dropped to 18
>Brycen: 35, aged up to 44.
>Iris: 22 revised to 12, then 11, then 10
>Drayden: 69

I'll have to dive back a bunch of threads to find them at some point to compile, but I think Hilda/Hilbert were 14 or 16. Something like that.

Calem/Serena are a bit older than them I think.

Selene/Elio are weirdly just 11 again.
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Did you delete it due to how easy the watermark is to remove?
The mental gymnastics kek
Made to fuck May. And Steven. And Wallace. And Lisia.
>Ludicolo was going to be even more racist
>pokemon clover sprite in there
Sorry for the overkill then but hopefully the second thing gave you what you were looking for.

As for the meme, that's easy:


Can also imagine they just saw Arceus.
>She woman isn't kidnapped and her having a child and becoming a Pokemon are sort of metaphors for other stuff
Bro, no, stop, this is massive cope. All folklore is symbolism but you're daft. Would you say that in Beauty and the Beast, because it's a "metaphor", she didn't really fall in love with a beast? Or that the original Sleeping Beauty didn't actually have a pregnancy because it symbolism? Animal Farm is an allegory and the whole thing is a metaphor but the elements of the story also physically exist within the story itself. It's like going "um Harry Potter's teacher dying doesn't matter because magic isn't real and it's a metaphor for coming of age". The sex and childbirth are a metaphor sure but also are part of the story.
Roxie and Marlon?
Can't wait for the final results, anon. Kino in the making.
found them in the previous thread
what's up with zinnia fell behind
Do we happen to have the ages of the Johto gym leaders?
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There's nothing connecting Arceus and Regigigas, he's not the titan, seeing as Arceus literally used the titan's corpse to create the plates in the final version.
Eternatus in itself makes more sense he even looks like a skeleton and he was encapsuled in a sphere-like egg, and even then I don't think he was the titan. The titan was something else we'll literally never see.
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No Regice or Registeel?
>so when you bring it the three plates matching their type to awaken it at Snowpoint Temple, it's reminded of the other giants who were killed and decides to create new ones like them
Bro is so alone he had to create frenz ;-;
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Post more comfy buildings, please.
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>Beldum is literally shaped like a dumbbell
That's pretty funny.
That and made a few screw ups along the way, there are a few miscentered guys
This reminds me the intro of the eight movie.
It's amazing how butthurt Japan is with their loss at the 2nd world war and all that obsession about war.
Holy shit, actual kino
NTA, it's an old meme about being unable to (dekinai) learn Japanese.
I don't know why I thought we wouldn't get the full image.
>Honedge being carried into battle as a sword
Holy shit that's metal af
bro is learning just fine if you ask me
handsome is looker's japanese name
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I actually didn't want a difficult watermark just in case this may be of useful for spriters in the future. No, it has nothing to do with me not knowing how to make a good watermark
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We kind of already know what they might've looked like
Japan has a sad history of being raped both literally and figuratively, but getting nuked is a whole 'nother thing entirely. I'm still surprised there's US bases there.
The US definitely revolutionized the concept of getting raped
One side is Greeks, what's the other?
Isn't it bizarre that the Folklore stories of Sinnoh only happened at best 150 years ago?
Kinda, the idea of getting your culture completely and utterly destroyed by foreigners is more of a British or romance language thing, but man... that really was something else. Least they're a cultural powerhouse now.
I'm not daft, I'm just saying that there's some symbolic stuff they're also trying to say through the story. That doesn't mean the actual literal events don't happen.

The only factor saving Game Freak is that it's pretty much how the story originally goes. The better story to go after since it involves more originality from them is the Slaking story, which is nuts. That's all.

I'm not defending it. I was just explaining why some people are saying the "it's not real" stuff. Don't recall saying I didn't think it was real.
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I got the rest of those too but they're a pain in the ass to resize.
Do you think TPC imposed GF the DEI shit in the later games?
Idg why people thought it'd be aliens. While the lore on the war itself is undeveloped, it gets referenced enough in-game to where you can tell it wasn't a late addition for a rewrite.
what was the war about?
>the amount of years that have passed are in the several thousands
We get 1 game with some questionable character design and you guys are like "DEI DEI DEI series ruined"
Oh boy, here we go again...
The french.... do you need another reason to wage war with them?
>Not understanding that simple yet effective is good. His style is iconic anon lol. Also you are wrong, he has literally done paintings before, including all of the old Pokemon art lol. Are you conveniently forgetting stuff like this?
Precisely. She has such beautiful legs. I wonder what panties she wears?
>Do you think [subsidiary company] imposed [company that owns them]
Is this a bad time to say the Typhlosion story kind of lived and made it onto BDSP by mentioning the woman that was raped? In fact most of the stories did in some way:
>"Betray not your anger, lest ??? will come.
>Weep not with sorrow, or ??? will draw near.
>When joy and enjoyment come natural as the very air, that is happiness.
>Let such be blessed by the hand of Master ???.
>Those words were spoken often as customary."
This is reminiscent of one of the Arceus stories in the leak which goes in-depth with it
The Typhlosion one is the most watered down one:
>"There lived a Pokémon in a forest.
>In the forest, the Pokémon shed its hide to sleep as a human.
>Awakened, the human dons the Pokémon hide to roam villages."
The series puts a few more people of colour in it and a few female NPCs that could snap men's necks and men are pussies about it, color me surprised
The documents explicitly say that the giants were NOT Pokemon. Just like Aus is not a Pokemon, as the only Pokemon is Arceus, that's literally just an Avatar of Aus. A minimal piece of Its being.
Anyone saying it's Regigigas, Eternatus, Necrozma or anything else is spouting fanfic and headcanon.
probably the same types of coomers busting out the rulers and measuring fortnite skin asses.
"a few" is already too many
>Just like Aus is not a Pokemon, as the only Pokemon is Arceus, that's literally just an Avatar of Aus.
Huh? No. Aus is just the early name of Arceus. Where'd this Avatar thing come from?
I've never actually seen Arceus' name in these documents? I thought Aus was just his early name?
>Where'd this Avatar thing come from?
Play PLA.
Says who? Most of the games don't take place in Japan anymore, and most countries have a reasonable population of non-white people, lol. It would be unrealistic to have LESS.

And women are more than just what you find attractive.
Yes, the Arceus we see is an avatar... of Arceus. It's not an Avatar of Aus, because Aus is Arceus.
Okay fine.
There's Arceus (God True) and Arceus (Avatar)
Guess I misspoke by using Aus.
Yes but Arceus is a Pokemon, and Aus was Arceus' early name. It is true that what we fight/can catch is just a piece of Arceus, but that doesn't mean that the full god itself is not technically a Pokemon.
She 'looks late teens' but is likely far older. The Dragon People seem supernatural like that.
>The documents explicitly say that the giants were NOT Pokemon
Arceus, Palkia, Dialga and Giratina, despite being literally concepts whose whole existence is their very dimension, are still Pokemon. UBs were also not considered Pokemon despite being catchable with different technology. Assuming the titan that attacked Arceus as a concept was also a concept, you'd be correct that none of those fit the description, so the titan would in itself be a concept that I can only assume encompasses dark energy, as Giratina already encompasses antimatter
>And women are more than just what you find attractive.
You betrayed yourself in this sentence.
No, they're both just Arceus. The only reason why that line even exists in-lore is because Arceus is showing respect to you, and in-game so that you can actually catch Arceus without locking any further content because there is, explicitly, only one Arceus. The most you could say is that it's ludonarrative dissonance, a term I hate using because its the fucking Youtube essayists favorite term, but that's really it.
>UBs were also not considered Pokemon despite being catchable with different technology.
What? No.
The whole point is that UBs were Pokemon too at the end of the day.
Thats the secret watermark
No? They made the new beastballs specifically because the Pokeball technology was ineffective on these, how could they be Pokemon?
Arceus literally tells you it is sharing a fraction of its being with you.
Both are still Arceus but they're still separate Arceus too because the Arceus you catch, that he gives you, is nothing compared to Arceus.
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they are pokemon from another dimension
poipole is specifically mentioned to be a popular starter pokemon there
Play the games you fucking retard.
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>And women are more than just what you find attractive.
NTA but Pokeball's work on UB's, which means they're Pokemon. The logic behind most of the Pokemon world is basically "everything that isn't human is a Pokemon" because we almost never actually see animals, except in references via moves (high horsepower when "horsepower" shouldn't be a term that exists) or food products. There's exceptions but they're so few and far inbetween.
>Only one Arceus
But there are multiple avatars of him. Pokemon DPPt explained this anon, once you catch them, their connection to the higher entity is severed, and a new one is created in its place while the thing you caught is an avatar that is nowhere nearly as powerful.
Which is why Cyrus created the Red Chain, specifically so he could control them without severing them from the source, the dude had a masterball he didn't use.
I did retard, it's been fucking years.
That makes sense.
Then if you don't remember the basic plot tenets then shut the fuck up, retard.
>they made a classic may model for ORAS
>Which is why Cyrus created the Red Chain
He needed it anyways to even summon one or both of them, but yeah you're right
>Crippled knights
I mean yes if they were crippled in battle, the strange would be that they are a usable character without several handycapps or stat/skill reductions
Fucking metal
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>Sycamore burger
>Pokemon DPPt explained this anon, once you catch them, their connection to the higher entity is severed, and a new one is created in its place while the thing you caught is an avatar that is nowhere nearly as powerful.
Huh? Arceus wasn't legally obtainable in DPPt and the event had basically no text beyond "you blew into the Azure Flute" and "a glass staircase appeared". The Red Chain was for Dialga/Palkia too, and it's function in PLA is similar.
>higher entity is severed
Is this related to the line of them being caught in Pokeballs? Cyrus explicitly have one of them in a Pokeball in USUM after blowing up that particular universe and getting caught by Giratina again.
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Nothing, apparently.
Don't even see him present in meetings.
>explaining literally anything about arceus
Considering they have Ice types, I'm going with some barbarian celts.
Like clockwork lol
>Arceus wasn't legally obtainable in DPPt
Works virtually the same is my point. The true Arceus is the giant light you see at the start of PLA.
He did blow up the universe first. Also my memory isnt the greatest for USUM details but if Cyrus blew up the universe then Giratina should have ceased to exist (Cyrus in Platinum theorizes Giratina is like one string of the DNA and that if reality were to vanish so would Giratina and vice versa)
you are really beating up this man you created to be mad at
There is an actual reference in one of the stories or descriptions, I can't remember, that confirms Arceus is indeed one of its many hands.
>sango being the first anime character since jessie and james to be added to the games
I would cum
but it's khu so I'm not going my hopes up and mable/momiji would be more likely anyway
What do you mean "it works virtually the same" was your point? There's almost nothing about Arceus in DPPt, let alone what you just babbled out. I'm not debating Arceus's importance or the idea of a god creating proxies of themselves.
>what? our NPC dialog is so predictable, fallacious and repetitive that you can make actual literal bingo cards out of it? clearly you just made all this up to be angry at!
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seeing this made me want a rock type regional metagross line
I think I get it.
>"I can sense in you the strong desire to protect... something. You have a powerful spirit. ...That must mean this isn't the world I desired. I used the power of the Pokémon that control time and space to create a perfect world, where the human spirit does not exist. That was when a great shadow appeared and engulfed me... And brought me to this world.
Giratina upon revival snatched him and the other Dialga and Palkia and put him in USUM's universe so he can restore the humans and Pokemon's spirit in his newly created world. That's very much a Arceus thing to do given what happens in Legends.
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Is there any concept art or whatever about the teammates in the leaks? They're one of my favorite classes
>There's almost nothing about Arceus in DPPt, let alone what you just babbled out.
I'm saying Palkia and Dialga and how they work in DPPt are proof of these concepts using avatars, that's all.
this are blanket statements for why there's nothing wrong with having different characters. I know you're baiting but if you left your basement and touched grass from time to time you'd notice the world is far different from your fantasies. I will not be responding to you again so you can autistically get in the last word I literally dont care.
>Arceus wasn't legally obtainable in DPPt
the pokemart man distributes her
is that regirock from clover?
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I want to see them without that shit on their faces...
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az war high quality pngs and pdf
every tga from xy revision converted to png (junk obviously)
every storyboard posted above

there's a bit more but it's too much of a pain in the ass to resize everything for 4ch
>the world is far different from your fantasies
that's the point, fantasy is different from reality and yet troonoids want to force their real world snowflake politics into fantasy, fantasy is supposed to be an escape from the bullshit of the real world
the broken regirock comes from clover you nerds.
I want the beauties.
Trust me when I say nobody cares about your gay little makeout session.
DEI fags are so exhausting
very nice. looking forward to it
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>I will not be responding to you again so you can autistically get in the last word I literally dont care.
>evil team from original game gets reworked into the good guys you work for again
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Good taste in classes, but it seems there's been very little found for NPC classes
We know
What about Cynthia/Shirona?
why not 493, anon?
That would make sense, I suppose as Cyrus created a new world, a new Giratina would appear as foil
Anything related to sango ? Wanna see some new concepts man
Okay now I'm even more confused because DPPt doesn't explain Palkia and Dialga being severed from any higher entity, either their true forms or Arceus himself, at all. If anything I'd say the entire existence of the Red Chain in DPPt disproves the idea that that isn't their true forms (at the time), because it's meant to both bind them to the owners will and bring them to their ultimate power. Am I missing something here, was there something new in BDSP?
Losing my mind with how shitty resets are on switch I didnt even think of that. watching this cutscene is driving me insane
>Arceus, Palkia, Dialga and Giratina, despite being literally concepts
Nasu pls go
>if you left your basement and touched grass from time to time
You forgot to call him incel, bigot and somethingphobic.
oh thats your shiny resets
i thought it was a random number generator thing and you were being weird with it
(what is pokemon 598 again? should be around Bisharp iirc. axew? druddigon?)
>Sango in the games
Ferrothorn. but yeah Ive been at this for AGES, its like a minute per reset. been watching gen 3 anime to pass the time
Manip it, it's really easy, took me like 30 mins
im retarded and dont have a webcam and am too stupid to figure out how. its also something to do
Nta but the Pokemon avatar theory isn't a thing isn't because the Pokemon control time, space, and anti-matter. Its because they're literately time, space, and anti-matter. Those things didn't exist until Arceus did the thing regardless of which myth is used. Arceus is basically an all encompassing deity which basically means its the very Pokemon multi verse itself. The fun thing about the avatar thing is that those guys can have fights with themselves as seen in Arceus' personal battle dream tower.
>Okay now I'm even more confused because DPPt doesn't explain Palkia and Dialga being severed from any higher entity, either their true forms or Arceus himself, at all.
They explain this in Platinum more in depth, but Cyrus presents the idea twice.
The first is when talking about Palkia and Dialga, he suggests that catching them will severe them from their true power, hence the red chain.
Then inside Giratina's dimension, Cyrus makes a hypothesis that Giratina dragged him in because his dimension, who is the very Giratina, is like DNA that foils to the world. Later he suggests that killing Giratina to stop the fissure it created from expanding would destroy both Giratina and the world or to let the portal expand and end in mutual cancelation which would destroy both.
>Durr why does beating Giratina in Pt not destroy the world
Cynthia says she's sure we can just calm it down by catching it or proving our strength to it cuz this is Pokemon
That's fair. And you don't even need a webcam if that image is from a capture card, they work too.
That's their main appeal!
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>still don't know what's under Courtney's hood
it its not sadly. im just using my tv while I work. I'm atleast on the clock while I'm resetting getting paid lmao
Lol that's awesome. Good luck anon, I hope you get your Arceus.
Thanks man. work at home is the best ever, I'm still the most productive employee on my team. Highly recommend.
Hey anons, is there an archive or sth for the character notes that are being translated? Want to find the Courtney one but cant find it. Is it not TL'd yet? Then can ya link me to the raw JPese ver?
I'm the same, it feels like cheating haha. You get so much free time.
not gonna lie, I'm going to feel a bit empty when this is all done. This is like the holy grail of being a fan of the series for 2-3 decades, after this it's just going to be slop. This is the last gasp of the golden years of the series that we may never get back
These are true Courtney and Shelly.
I think people are missing the point of the footnote saying “the giants are not pokemon”
If the developers intended the giants to be the regis when they wrote that, it would simply make no sense to add that note. It can only be concluded that, when that story was written, they weren’t meant to be the regis. Now of course, just like how the story morphed to replace the giants with a singular giant thats maybe giratina, maybe some of the original story of the giants made its way into the plate descriptions and eventually was meant to refer to the regis, but that is advanced speculation at that point.
yes girl, this is the end, hold your breath and count to ten
Well, you can always delude yourself like I am into thinking Gaia will be a good game with sovl.
I know that feel bro
he's male
That's just the way it is. I've made my peace years ago.
We came in at the end, the best is over.
Speak for yourself, I came in at gen 2. Technically gen 1 after getting a copy of Yellow from my sister after she was done with it.
gender unknown, suck it up faggot
the lore disagrees
>mpreg is canon
Yeah, you came at the end. The best, gen 1, was over.
which XY folder has the character sheets?
We should make an archive with all the art, the pdfs converted. Like a mega or a torrent.
Different people have different fantasies, and to some people what you define as “real world snowflake politics” is just their life, not a piece of reality they want to discard. If anything, just blame corporations for wanting to appeal to the largest common denominator at the same time
dont talk to him, hes spamming responses to bait
An anon here was making a torrent of everything released and was retarded enough to be using utorrent in 2024 but his hearts in the right place but as for something that's just exclusively art, I imagine that's one of the things TCRF won't be retards about.
This was discarded. Aster was Zinnia's late teacher and the previous lorekeeper
don't talk to the tranny, anon, he's just seething that all his DEI slop as of late has flopped
Anybody remember that theory anon who was posting that Courtney was Anabel, I feel bad for him now
>This was discarded.
Ya don't say?
Don't care though, will jack off to mom Zinnia.
We just waiting for the next drop, or..?
The demo drop had a lot of XY stuff in it, but no one here cares.
Hot air
There's going to be a lot of waiting while people crawl through each and every revision and while the leaker retard keeps using 2kbps internet.
I gave up on the series after SwSh and this is just more of a nostalgic look back for me than anything.
bit or byte either way does it matter lol
>and he buys lolicon doujin and posts about it on Twitter.
because they're behind 7 vpns in a shithole country
Someone guessed names that basically amounted to Fire and Ice and that makes some sense considering Gaia is earthly. Could be Winds and Waves too.
Worse, God Karma Machine Oinari.
It's perfect for a Greek Hoenn.
Both can and should exist honestly, they wanted 12 admins for RSE well now they got 8
There's still stuff that the leaker didn't get, like SM docs
I feel like Kaze and Nami doesn't really fit the Blue vs Red theme that Gamefreak puts in their games. Then again, X and Y aren't really a blue/red pairing either.
>the leaker is now uploading the full XY and ORAS source codes which will take possibly a month
First of all, how slow is this retards internet? Second of all, was that all the Switch stuff he had?
If it's a super water-y game, Kaze and Nami makes the most sense for those two letters.
He's gonna upload the Switch source code after. But that's game freaks worst nightmare since that work is current, they'll likely track him down before he does that or finishes doing that
Do we have anything on Aster? Like looks, age, anything at all?
Schitzo head canon = Regigigas has nothing to do with it since it was created after. Giratina and Eternatus are the main culprits
I like the feeling of reexploring the old, because SwSh and SV were not very good in my eyes. Still, I believe good Pokemon games can still be made, and if their word on improving quality is to be trusted, maybe they will. PLA graphically is a bit of a mess, but at least it's somewhat fun, and apparently ZA is very good. I'd like to think they're incompetent more than unsalvageable.
I doubt it's Giratina since Giratina threw a fit and Arceus gave it the spooky plate in one of the tales, Eternatus is also unlikely, I'm sure whatever it was is dead anyway
>First of all, how slow is this retards internet?
Third world and/or 40 proxies.
You're not getting anything from the Switch slop until after Christmas the earliest. Wish the faggot would just bite the bullet and geocache that shit for someone with an actual internet speed to upload.
Would this just be near final stuff or what
This should be no surprise to anybody in the know, GF has always been pro loli, lolis were in their old magazines.
geocacheing it would give away where he is, understandable why he wouldnt
The leaker is a liar. First he said he had stuff of the future games but he won't release it because ethics. Then he said he was detected while downloading the X/Y stuff so we can't expect Alola.
the teraleak... has finally died out...
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It was >>56690375 and >>56690030
and there was some more but mostly movie files.
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So we're in gen 6 hell until atleast christmas? We are NEVER getting to the switch era or PLZA content. I fucking loathe how this leak is playing out of the most contrived luck ever.
they could actually do green and blue as a pairing for once
it's not they are hard stuck up with red and blue as the pair colors, sword and shield was cyan and magenta, they did violet, black and white, pearl was pink, gold and silver
besides Kike and Nigger, your Kaze and Nami fits really well due to that being Wind and Wave respectively, though you probably knew that.
If I had any graphix design skill, I'd try and make it like these, but not shit
How? Narrowing down what country he's in wouldn't change anything as he's almost definitely using some kind of proxy, so the only way he'd be found is if he names what one he's using, and all geocaching would take is a long drive.
I've been converting over but BitTorrent's posed a number of problems.
I hadn't seeding any of the files for nearly a week after I did that, which is why I got upset at you guys like 6 threads ago for not telling me that I wasn't seeding the new shit.
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Final revision in the same thread so everything's all together. Last time, I swear.

>You'll do anything to make yourselves look better... even if it means telling a lie once in a while.
>You cannot exist in nature like Pokemon do.

The poetry of this scene is astounding, N literally physically takes the player to a higher vantage point outside of humanity and says "Can you see my perspective now?"
The Ferris wheel is perfect, we were robbed. We were so robbed.
most people are not smart enough to know how to do it properly. its incredibly surprising he has lasted this long, usually leakers are people who get extremely lucky and arrogant. I'd rather he take his time and not get caught over risking someone intercepting it and finding his shit
I don't think he lied. I think he just decided to download Gen 7 stuff last since we already had a lot of that
The only games that do fit that pattern are RB (which wasn't even the case originally), RS, I guess SuMo, and SV
Ah alright. From my cursory glance it looked like mostly texture dumps plus the storyboards, tho i must’ve missed whatever that is. Wasn’t there supposed to be another x and y drop that the leaker’s waiting til after oras to upload?
Besides waiting for that I guess i should just wait for people to translate the documents and pull out all the interesting info if anything’s left
And Pokémon Yellow/Pink, discovered in 2020.
I mean, the wind could be orangey-light browns, and the wave could be a navy blue? Unless Blue itself did a navy blue theme...
Too Caribbean.
He probably should have uploaded in advance before drawing attention to himself. But I think we've got the most important stuff, the Switch stuff I'm sure we'll get in the petaleak
I'll level with you; every single thing I've seen and heard about the leaker leads me to believe they will absolutely fuck things up for themselves before the day is done. My hope would just be to get a copy of the physical data out there for someone to take and dump themselves in a country that actually has internet, because I don't believe for a single second we're going to get everything with the pace this is going at.
But I also can't see the future... so que sera sera I guess.
Aiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee what is this anti DEI bros...
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The three genders.
Male, female, and Professor Oak.
i mean, they are islands
she vibin'
>its incredibly surprising he has lasted this long, usually leakers are people who get extremely lucky and arrogant. I'd rather he take his time and not get caught
The "three siblings" revisions don't make any sense if it isn't Giratina and the only real argument there is that isn't final.
In general there's a lot of conflicting revisions, but "the evil titan that Arceus and friends feel awkward about killing" isn't really that far from the final dynamic.
I believe if nintendo knew where this guy was he would have been lalo'd by now. but yeah I'm not sure how this is going to play out. Hopefully he can keep it up and he never gets caught just to make GF seethe even more. though if ZA is a dead mans drop that would be really fuckin funny
>the wind could be orangey-light browns
seems kinda weird for wind, you usually see it depicted as green, sometimes blue but that would obviously be wave's color
What is this? It looks like the type of fake lazy anime art you would see in a "How to draw anime" book from the 90s.
Taking his time is what'll guarantee he gets caught
To this day I am utterly baffled by his decision to not uploading everything in advance. I want to pick this guys brain just for that alone because holy fucking shit there's a level of lack of foresight that is just NOT possible.

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