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a day for she and other foxes
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happy friday
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You too! And a happy friday to all my other fellow fox friends.
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO how dare you post a sfw pic on a sfw board! Think of the advertisers!
Any Phox leak?
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depends, what type of leak are we talking about?
leak from the nether regions
If I shaved out that ear hair would you die?
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if I were to post it I would be in more trouble than that hacked employee at gamefreak.
I wish a phox would sit on my phace and phart in my mouth
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She would get an ear infection.
I see this as a win but wouldnt tell her.
she wont because saliva is antibacterial and ill lick her inner ear
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I'd lick her butthole.
well i think if you did that then her ear she would get an ear infection
Black Sabbath night is coming....
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I got a 3-day ban when I posted that SFW image btw :(
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i love phox
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