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Pokephilia /pō-kē-ˈfilēə / n. sexual attraction of a human toward a pokemon, which may involve the experience of sexual fantasies about the pokemon or the pursuit of real sexual contact with it. Note that pokémon on pokémon is not pokephilia.
Post male pokémon with male humans and solo male pokémon. M human/M pokémon are allowed too, but not solo male humans.

Keep your pictures clean, this is a blue board.
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Let's try to keep this thread alive until Sunday at least. I was distracted and I forgot to bump the last one so it died, but I'm gonna try one more time.
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Pokemons prostate are BUILT for human boys
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But anon, it's the other way around.
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You know it to be true...
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I can live with that!
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Proud males mons would NEVER hike their tails for human boys!
Any Wally/Gardevoir or Gallade? I always thought it was cute but couldn't find much art
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Zesty rabbit with an ass sweeter than a sugar plum got me acting up
Is this the gay version of the yume threads?
toxtricity cloaca fucking please
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What did they meant by this???
syuro won
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Waking up with your partner to tackle a new day is its own rewards,
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>cute voice
>ribbons to gently bind his partner
>warm and fuzzy
>wants to give his partner good emotions
Sylveon is made to give human men the D
I want to be the pokemon
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sylveon is made for sweaty bedbreaking sex while he takes dick THOUGH
need this badly
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my soft boy did nothing wrong
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All Pokemon are built for human cock. It is that simple.
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thats the whole point of this post silly
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and all humans are built for pokecock I know that's right
w-where is he taking him?
this doesn't look very wholesome or consensual for that matter...
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I love my wife(male)
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I'm going to sleep, I take hope someone will keep this thread alive while I'm gone.
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I always took sylveon as 100% dom, hence the ribbons
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he's a power bottom if anything
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I believe it
All male Pokemon are tops when humans are involved because the role reversal makes them diamonds. Sylveon is a passive top, he uses his ribbons to get you so worked up that you submit and willingly push back onto his cock.
Love this image. Same with that Koraidon hugging image from the previous short lived trend.

The images do feel bittersweet though considering the reality we’re presented with.
They are so lucky
hot, i love it when pokemon try to play innocent, but know damn well what they're doing and making other humans jealous
i adore the expressions in this... so tender and loving
The whole blue board meme died when the sites merged back into one.
I get NSFW ads all day long on every board.
It's over. Porn won.
The internet is for porn.
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>Accidentally let hands touch

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