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STIFFEN THE WOOBATS!!! Typhlosion?! You want to do WHAT with my wife?!?!?!? You plan on giving maron a LITTER OF CINDAQUIL PUPS who are also HER SIBLINGS?!?!?! You wanna help android 18 catch ALL the STDS?! You want to make her a CHAMPION in the SACK!?! You want to MEGA EVOLVE YOUR PENIS inside my WIFE'S VAGINA?! EEEEHHHH?!?! You REALLY mean that you would be so GRACEFUL as to SQUIRTLE on her JIGGLYPUFFS while I, KRILLIN, get to PIKACHU getting it ON from the CLOSET?!?!??! YIIPEEEEE!! And after ALL of this happens, I would get to REGISTER YOUR CHILD on the humandex as though she was MY VERY OWN DAUGHTER??!!?!?! WOO HOO! So what you're saying is, that YOU and 18 will be GOING AT IT like LOPUNNIES IN HEAT, while I watch from the CORNER, filming it with my ROTOM CAMERA that you are getting for ME!!?! And then, you will HAMMER ARM and CLOSE COMBAT her in order to leave her in a CONFUSED and INJURED state, in which her PLEASURE will be AMPLIFIED?!?!? And then, when you are done with her, you are going to let out ALL of your pokemon friends take turns RAILING HER?! What else can I say but YABBA DABBA DOO I CHOOSE YOU!!!!
what about this is even supposed to be funny?
Did someone made an AI vocaroo of this?
dbs faggots, nothing to see here
Kek. Funny!
This is extremely funny
FUNNY. Indeed, I certainly did LAUGH.
Not funny. Didn't laugh. GTFO.
dragon ball fags are embarrassing
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Cuckoldry is funny
finally a good fucking thread
They want us to laugh at their shitty jokes. Because their anime is trash.
But enough about the ASHnime
Nah, it's just Latinx discord spammers spamming their unfunny garbage here to "troll" the board. Just report and move on
As much as I hate /DBS/ the yabba dabba doo shit is incredibly funny and I get the feeling that it's just one guy doing it.
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For me, it's Tien vs Door posting.
>his favorite pokemon likes you more than him
>his sister likes you more than him
>fate hates him so much he can't catch pokemon even with a Master Ball
>throws away his old team to build a full tryhard VGC team to beat the protagonist and still loses
Name a character more cucked than Kieran.
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OH GREAT ALMIGHTY ARCEUS! What's that Master, you say that you've been eyeing down that SLIPPERY, WET Octillery OCTUSSY and that you're going to FERTILIZE her eggs with another batch of your SWIMMERS after multiple hours of VAGINAL BATTLING!!!? Even when her STICKY tentacles clench onto your thighs as you THRUST DEEP inside of her VULNERABLE HOLE and yelling out about how she's BUILT be bred and to have tons of your HUMAN BABIES over and over again until your make a kid that goes on a HOMOCIDAL RAMPAGE against Ursarings?! And you'll just TOSS her straight back into the ocean like some common WHORE while I watch every SECOND of my MASTER fucking something that's UGLIER AND MORE DISGUSTING THAN ME?!?? I can't believe you can still do this especially after you just got down RAPING a Lapra's SUCCULENT WET DOLPHIN PUSSY all the while she gave you those FUCK ME eyes that SINCERELY screamed out that she was ADDICTED to your bitch breaker of a cock and how she'll keep coming back for more just so she can get RAILED more by your HUGE SWOLLEN POFFINS?!!?....Why....I don't know what else to say except YABBA DABBA DOO GOTTA FUCK THEM ALL
For me it's gigi x vegeta posting
KEKADOODLEDOO! I certainly did guffaw a hearty chortle at this!
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>All right, come out dragon, and grant me my wish!
>Too cool! Okay Shen long, this is gonna be a complicated one so listen up alright? First I want you to make Pan’s womb productive, you know, my grand daughter? Make her fertile. She’s only five, but I need you to make her baby maker fully mature okay?
>You did it??! Awwww man! Here we go then! I bet you’re wondering what that wish was all about huh? Well you’re gonna find out soon! For my second wish, I want you to teleport some of Bejitas sperm inside her! Ya know, the juice that’s in your balls, ehehhehehe? Get some of that in my little toddler grand daughters tiny little womb! Oh jeez this is so funny!
>Now the big finale! Almighty Dragon, for my last wish I want you to implant a memory in Pan’s head of Bejita doing naughty things to her! Awww come on Dragon you know what I mean! He’s babysitting her right now, so put in a memory of him you know… doing that thing chichi makes me do when she wants another baby! Ehehhehehehe! Awww man this is too much! Bejitas gonna be furious!
>Yep, those are my wishes, you can go away now Shen Long!
>No way they can abort it either, not a baby made of bejitas blood mixed with mine! Her belly is gonna get soooo big and Gohan and Videl are gonna be so confused! Just wait until the doctor tells them their little baby is pregnant at five! Oh man!
>And then when it’s born, it’s gonna have a suspiciously receded widows peak- and they’re gonna remember vegeta babysitting pan 9 months ago- and then little Pan’s gonna tell em that jeets put his peepee inside her!
>Bulma is gonna be furious! Oh man, this is great! This is the funniest thing i’ve ever done! I wonder how I can…
>Oh! I’ve got it! In a year, i’ll wish to wipe away my memory of doing this! That way even i’ll get fooled, and the truth can never come out! Awww man this is great! An excuse to fight Bejita at full power, to the death, all out! This ain’t gonna be our usual sparring!
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I enjoy waku waku posting
This saved my marriage
It's funny but I think SPEARMTH was the peak of krilliancuck posting, it's poetry, too beautiful for lesser minds to even look at.
Underrated, but saving this one

I wish I saved the Kieran ones back when that peaked, stocks too low to find now
None of this is funny and never will be
Congratulations dragon ball mexcrements, you're the new jojofags

Don’t worry krillinbro I’m sure your hero had a good time
Canon btw
>Tien loses his arm to a metal door
Somebody post the slurpza octillery please.
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>Spoiling the latest chapter of the Super manga on /vp/ of all places
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lol thanks. I found it already. You can find it on the v booru too.
Reminder that toyoturdo got demoted to a fucking pachinko machine promotion
Finally. Justice.
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>i will not kiss your wife!
K, b, c
kekarot bro?

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