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Bodyswap Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>October 25th: PM2023 070 - Kanuchan's Hammer Wasn't Built in a Day


Future episodes:

>Upcoming episodes previews:

>Previous episodes:

>OS-JN filler guide:

>Web series, specials, and audio dramas subs and links:


>Music, manga, and more:

Previous: >>56662574
34 Minutes until the next episode airs.
In light of the current chapter:
>What characters from the DLC would you like to see?
>Who is that woman during the frame with Lucius from the current OP?
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This is so hot.
>What characters from the DLC would you like to see?
Crispin and Lacey. Liko would have a field day with those two
>Who is that woman during the frame with Lucius from the current OP?
The girl of either Gibeon or Lucius
I will kneel if Roy talks with Croc's voice.
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This thing called Liko was originally getting a timeskip but it got scrapped.
Do you think that they will use a timeskip at the very last episode of her runtime?
Nah, too kino.
They'll have a timeskip after Friede's betrayal. Trust the plan.
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Wooo i can't wait for the fillerino episode
i dunno if it's filler it just sounds like one to me
Those are kino if they swap with the bad guys and if they have to pretend to be them.
>Brat swapping with Anne
Where Peachy's
I hope we get like a shot of it in the back and Pecharunt is there on the counter.
Bidding the time until Spinel gets his hands on it
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Haven't watched the anime since Advance, what should I expect
Paldea, a brat in the bad guy team, Liko the protagonist having bad luck with the grown guys.
Techincal complications, boys. Mov3 seems to have trouble getting TVtokyo started and it only shows the desktop.
Are there any Bilibili links working?
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Here's the old Bilibili guy's current link, but I'm not sure if he'll stream today or not. https://space.bilibili.com/1590370/ is his account for future reference.
Man,I wonder what photo was showcased in today's OP... Now's too late to see it...
The whore is here. Just in time for the fireworks.

And she takes 13 dicks at once. One more than my favourite cumdump Juliana.

That Paldean bitch will have so many yummy yummy dicks to gobble on. Then I will lead her into the forest where Typhlosion, Slaking live.
Yeah, looks like we're gonna have to rely on raws or subs this week.
There was a site I used a few months back for episodes let me, give me a few mins.
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Typhlosion ate the stream.
It will be back by next week sure but man does it blow.
I want to watch the episode...
Jewtube with a VPN for today.
Is this our punishment for getting the massive leaks? I would trade them back if so
Please fucking god. Give us a normal protag in Gen 10 with a normal relationship with his/her partner Pokemon and fire all the sick fucks in Game Freak who let this happen.

The degenerates are out of control right now. The Catalog makes me puke.

They are Pokemon! They are your friends!
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This week's opening photo.
where stream
Murdock rocks
someone stream!!!
>Carmine and Friede battled
>Roy and Croc chaos
It would be a nice filler episode to see if the stream would be working
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Fuecoco-Roy rizzing up a girl.
>Croc has more game than Roy
This timing...
>Fuecoco saw the Typhlosion leaks and decided to try his luck by swapping bodies
As a certified Roy-hater, this episode SUCKED and I HATED IT.
I wanted Dot trying to dance in Quacker's body. I wanted Liko playing Firecats. Not DUMBRoy and STUPIDCroc
I hate you /vp/, you made me take my break early for this...
Episode was fine, typical Bodyswap antics.
Post Carmine
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My wife is so cute.
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Say something nice about Roy
My wife is so silly.
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Tera Raid?
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I'm only here for Carmine.
You and me both
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Next week is the gonna be the death of some filthy steel birds.
Doubt it. It's probably a wild teramon.
Wild Teramon instead, anon.
Bombirdier is not a steel type
Who was talking about Bombirdier? Tinkatink only wants a one color, and that is the red blood of Amethio's bird
She's gone crazy because she has no one to lust over like in the games and she can't blow off steam by bullying Kieran who is suspiciously missing. Sad.
>Bullied Kieran so much he either killed himself or completely stayed locked up in his room
That's how I like Carmine
>inb4 the gang goes to Blueberry and has to stop Kieran's reign of terror after becoming Champion with his Ogerpon
This being a universe where Kieran either vent completely insane because he couldn't blame an outsider for cucking him out of Ogerpon or him actually getting one is a interesting scenario I would like to see.
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Leave the ogre to us.
My fucking villains... and that gay ass berry which should be the bitch of Spinel. Mindcontrolling Donut plus Rage inducing crystal meth is a fucking killer combo.
What is this I see? Using a Pokemon to play one of the instruments at the festival? Something that could have been in the game?
And what Pokemon plays it? It's Rillaboom, more of a reason they could have added in the games since they had the assets from the SwSh credits where it is part of the ingame band.

I don't know how many here feel about the paldean bits of the Likonime, but I think them adding smaller bits that were strangely absent or should have been in the game is based.

For the rest of the episode, Carmine stays Carmine and her pride stays funny as ever. Roy and Croc on the other hand after getting their bodies swapped probably contributed to making one of the weirdest episodes so far.
>where Kieran either vent completely insane because he couldn't blame an outsider for cucking him out of Ogerpon
I think in such a case where Juliana never appeared he blames his sister for everything instead.
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My seethefu!
>Sinistea: This is life
>No Juli
>Kieran is obsessed with making Carmine's life hell in retaliation
Edging with what?
it was supposed to be Kieran's week
His time will come in Blueberry
Dot's Tinkatink fending off Bombirdier sounds based.

But seriously, BOMBirdier? DARK/Flying type? Dropping heavy objects from high above? That sounds like a big innuendo
>Do you think that they will use a timeskip at the very last episode of her runtime?
Sadly not
Ate it
They definitely bypassed the time schedule for that to take shape.
You ate an entire store?
I ate Pecharunt.
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I watch for she
Possible, but I doubt it.
Describe flavour and texture. Did you follow a recipe?
Carmine is based, she'd definitely complain about the foreigners to Briar at the next chance
how old are Liko and Roy according to the leak?
13 and 12 respectively.
Answer the rest of my fucking post anon.
Nah, gonna continue eating the Pecharunt. Maybe I'll bother that paldean whore down the kitakami center
I'll bookmark it and testrun both links every friday an hour before airing onward.
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I love Alex's second wife too
>it got scrapped
Literally no reason to believe this
If they gonna do a timeskip it would be in the last two episodes to not run interference with anything beforehand.
Kieran is non-canon
THIS is our heroine?
...on opposite day.
>Became vp's housewife
It was bound to happen
>them adding smaller bits that were strangely absent or should have been in the game is based.
Did someone started to list the moments?
>If they gonna do a timeskip it would be in the last two episodes
"Literally no reason to believe this"
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My boy? A Chad.
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The fuck did you say?
Dot-bros... that kitakamian whore is gonna go after our boy now...
That's Crocalor, retard
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What the fuck?
Why do japanese girls like (future) fire-ghost cock so much?
Not hard to figure out why.
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Oh god
That's the caretaker's daughter, is it not?
>Croc the seggs fiend meeting the caretaker's daughter
Friede vs Carmine had some pretty bad animation and staging. I thought they'd try to have some good sakuga for Cap but that was pretty awkward
HIDE your human daughters from male fire type pokémon right now
>What is this I see? Using a Pokemon to play one of the instruments at the festival? Something that could have been in the game?
>And what Pokemon plays it? It's Rillaboom, more of a reason they could have added in the games since they had the assets from the SwSh credits where it is part of the ingame band.
Stop the count.
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>Tfw Hisuian Typhlosion was caught by picrel
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Likobros.... Nyarotebros........
Death to croc
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Wait what the fuck.................
So all this time...... All the Ash and Pikachu love and comraderie.......... It was all a big fat lie? We were being lied to all these years?
>Alex's second wife
Only one. Lucca had an unfortunate accident.
>They are your friends!
Lucca was just a placeholder anyway
Any other ideas for the insides of the Pokeballs?
Damn, Roy's a ladykiller
Croc is the lady killer.
Didn't watch the episode. Was croc equally as smart as a normal human?
kieran is the only human who can compete with male pokemon
He knew how to score with a girl
holy duck, the disrespect...
Wow, so above average i see
Faggot duck
Croc is a chad
I thought the Synchro Machine basically fused both of your minds together, not swapping bodies. If you idle long enough in SV while fused with your Pokemon, you'll both sleep on the spot.
See for yourself.
So is Carmine still racist? That would be another nail to the coffin of "Horizons is after the games"fags
Yeah she was
She never stopped being racist. She just thinks the protagonist is one of the good ones.
You should be beaten until you stop twitching
The face of terror.
Stop coping, bro, the leaks already say it's the ashnime universe
>fire/ghost-type seducing a human girl
The timing couldn't be more cursed.
Man, Friede must be a terrible date for her to get this mad.
>we missed on this
He made a girl go dokidoki without even trying.
She makes that face when you steal her snacks too.
>She never stopped being racist
Only Alex is allowed to see Liko like that
I want her to fart on me so much
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I want to taste her snacks secondhand through her footsweat.
They can deliver.
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Today's episode was fine, loved the festival vibes the most.
Kieran doko..
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Even better.
>tfw alex is changing
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That's just sick
In-universe no. Out of universe kinda yeah. As long as you know how to separate the art from the artist nothing has changed, but if you're one of those people who see Rica as part of Ash and Ikue as Pikachu then yeah it's been a lie this whole time.
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>That's just sick!
Oh no Kieranbros...
It's a bummer that I could not watch today's episode though..
>Friede was gonna be a traitor
so they clearly Change the plan when they gave him a charizard right? There’s no way tpc would let their number one non be portail as evil
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Default Serena with Ponytail was better, the player Serena looks bald for some reason.

They had no problem letting Alain (who has a Charizard) be temporarily a bad guy. Friede would be no different.
Didn't Sugimori and Ohmori tolde them to not mess with Ash's legacy? That included Pikachu and Charizard who are his two more popular Mons
yeah bro nobody evil is allowed to use a Charizard in the anime because Charizard had one, makes sense, retard
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I've heard some people using my name in conjunction with a recent story about Typhlosion. Let me be clear: As a victim of false allegations that almost ruined my life, I take it very seriously that people have a right to defend themselves in the court of law and public opinion. If Typhlosion is an innocent man, I believe he will clear his name. Out of respect for the alleged victim, however, I would like to refrain commenting on these proceedings while they're ongoing. Please respect my privacy as well. After my ordeal with the court system, I want to keep my head down and focus on my studies. Let's all have an open mind and be respectful to one another.

Yours truly,
Student Xavier
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Xavier-san is so wise and fair! I wouldn't mind getting lost in a snowstorm with him, hehe~
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Why does everyone love Goku and hate Ash when they're very similar?
Why won't they just make Ash a teen? That would give them the perfect excuse to replace Rica.
>when they're very similar
Other than being stupid, in what way are they similar? Goku works his ass off nonstop and prefers to avoid cheating to win his battles, while Ash fucks around nonstop and always looks for cheap ways to win.
That might have been part of the logic behind the proposed timeskip.
She was friends with Amarys before the events of the Teal Mask, so it seems like her racism isn’t consistent.
Sinistea definitely had a breakdown at one point.
crocalor is a pure fire type
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Everyone isn't this shithole that only has activity when talking about Ash or posting cheap incest jokes
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Long in the making, both the duck and the croc
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Konia's wide hips!
>Did someone started to list the moments?
I think there was Brassius's jump getting shown, Larry's gym transformation, Grusha's accident getting shown, Rika's usage of Tera showing off her swagger, and of course Ryme getting to do a fully voiced rap
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Liko, that is all.
Them doing a timeskip would always have some tricky things to handle regardless of the characters, like does Liko get another Pokemon in that timespan? Should any of her Pokemon evolve to show the passage of time?
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Liko getting to find out the whole mess of Rakua started because Lucius and Gibeon couldn't get their shit together over a woman will be glorious.
Croc and Roy definitely have the right words to get their attention
Rakua or Laqua being Atlantis makes sense. Rakua sounds like L'acqua meaning The Water.

One of the potential locations for Atlantis is off the coast of Iberia.
>Liko getting to find out the whole mess of Rakua started because Lucius and Gibeon couldn't get their shit together over a woman will be glorious.
That would unironically make her swear off from marrying in the future. She will end the curse
Ohara is Republican
Juliana is Monarchist
Liko is Carlist
>This thing called Liko was originally getting a timeskip but it got scrapped.
>Do you think that they will use a timeskip at the very last episode of her runtime?
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>how old are Liko and Roy according to the leak?
Liko was 13 and Roy was 12
Paldean Civil War when?
So is Typhlosion (not meme form).
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>Do you see this, Croc? I stole your spot as the king.
>You should have appeased them.
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Who is next in Roy's harem? Did Carmine imprinted in him this episode?
>What characters from the DLC would you like to see?
Crispin and Lacey
The kid that Kieran tells that he'll write his resignation for.
Sorry he killed himself after that
Subs are out: https://nyaa.si/view/1887901

Remember to seed your torrents, kids!
>Went from small dickbird to big dickbird
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>Gives you this look
What do?
Pull her pants down.
>The Loyal Three did nothing wrong!
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i found the episode if anyone wants to see it
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Cute episode, but they've had better Roy/Croc ones. I wish Liko and 'gato could have fun episodes like this rather than ones where they're fighting for some reason.
Give her a forcible career-ending pregnancy and take responsibility.
Atlantis is the codename for Area Zero.
>tfw episode 69
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Very appreciated
Thanks anon
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>first ep since the typhlosion leak
>also the 69th ep
Incredible timing
Dickbird stays a dick.
Did the studio get their funding yoinked? This episode is animated like shit
>Ohara is Republican
>Juliana is Monarchist
>Liko is Carlist
That seems like a stretch.

why would they waste budget and talent on a low-stakes filler episode focusing on roy of all people?
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Serena's popularity solely comes from being the first Attractive girl to have direct crush on Ash. Misty's feeling was implied at best and Dawn was too platonic while all the girls with canon crush on Ash ether look like a guy and too plain looking. So when XY finally introduced a girl that actually look attractive and has a direct canon crush on Ash, the internet exploded.

Unfortunately writing staff refused to acknowledge this simple fact and deluded themselves into thinking Serena is popular for her character so they decided to turn every future lead girl as superficial as Serena which repeatedly flopped and never reached same level as Serena because none of them has crush on Ash.
Who will Xavier marry?
Serena. Only the world champion performer is worthy of being his main wife.
Dawn can be first concubine.

because roy is the most compelling character in the brave asagi crew
Until Friede betrays them and his complex backstory and morally ambiguous character is revealed.
Sounds like a schizo cope
Crocalor is so cute. A shame his evolution sucks ass.
Because it is one, anon.
Dissing the SkeleGOD isn't gonna keep away.
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>Who will Xavier marry?
the fang girl from Liko's school
Not a lot of future lead girls to back that statement up.
Lillie, Koharu, Liko
Imagine if they show that he's unworthy like in the games by showing that his obsession with power is causing Ogerpon to be abused, so Ogerpon turns to one of our protagonists for comfort and gets added to their team.
This would work in context to Liko and Co while keeping the progression of Kieran intact. I like it.
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They can't resist this
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Ash x Dawn
Croc is Rhydon's bitch
>T. Rhycuck
>first spoken line is outright xenophobia
>spends the entire episode trying to mess with Friede
>that face
Built for SEX, lots of SEX
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Animalfags would be crying, if they had any tears left

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