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It's Friday, be sure to go to Union Cave today.
>almost extinct in Kanto and Johto
>uncommon everywhere else

What's up with that?
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They recovered thanks to everyone going to Union Cave to plap one.
i thought lapras fetish was just a big joke for years because of its massive size and monster like appearance making it impossible to even think about realistically, but no I think people unironically want to fuck one especially now....
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Oh boy! Lapras Friday!
I WILL die happily smothered under Lapras' belly when she tips over accidentally, okay?
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It's only 8ft tall and most of that is neck.
The problem is you encountered this shit as a child, thus have no concept of the true scale of the things (hint, they're mostly large in comparison to pre-teen kids, compared to adults, they're just right).
Dude it can just flip on its back or side, or otherwise turn around and lift its tail up. It's really not difficult.
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I'll make an honest woman out of her.
oh man, being this naive must be fucking wild
like living in an entirely different world
>making it impossible to even think about realistically
Meanwhile human/mare relations go back thousands of years and it's known mares are extremely weak to human cock.
That sounds like you'd bust the fattest nut in your entire life.
PLapras Friday
3d printing?
anything you suggest or like?
Why would a Lapras have a door?
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Shes married to a trainer
lapras shell is the door
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Terrifies me how little effort it took to convince me I need to fuck a Lapras
holy shit
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thanks for the reminder, OP
>Do something
Not your personal army, faggot
It's been overbred because of Lorelei's activism.

It's said so in Masters.

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