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What kind of retard unironically believes that Pokemon is a franchise for children when Pokemon characters look like this?

Because Pokémon is JAPANESE. And Japanese people love to insert ecchi even in things for children.
There's nothing about the games or anime that appeal to adults
Tummy is peak, kids have to learn that early, especially when more and more girls their age get fat at younger and younger ages.
>What kind of reta-
Americans. Genuinely it's just a conservative american thing.
why are you on /vp/
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>There's nothing about the games or anime that appeal to adults
>Outing yourself as a child this hard.
What's up with Sabrina's hips? It's so wide!
I masterbate to the girls. I haven't played the game or watched the anime in years. Still having fond memories of when i was a kid or teenager of the franchise. If pokemon ever made a adult oriented show id like it. It wouldnt have to be bloody or anything but just something for teenagers would even work for me.
Imagine them all pregnant with Typhlosion seed.
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>you can only have one target audience
The last game i played was ultra sun
I dont remember seeing anything in the game that wasnt just kid friendly.
The fact that this exists is why I just can't understand how people get into pokephilia at all. There is no single Pokémon that has navel, titties, curvy thighs, and a nice ass. The series is literally full of pussy and you're not even limited to loli if you're chronically moralfag because Flannery, Karen, Claire, etc. Gooning to a Pokémon is like being given a table full of prime steak and choosing to eat the napkins.
Because they are just basic bitch to attract you to the franchise. You will soon find out how they would rather fuck their own Pokemon than you.
Anon none of them are on screen for more than 3 seconds. Your pokemon are with you for the entire game.
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They should go all the way with the midriff exhibition.
Bellybuttons are meant to be pierced
>You will soon find out how they would rather fuck their own Pokemon than you.
Misty canonically fucks human men and that's just the start of it. Sorry Typhlosion but you can't compete.
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You should go back to xitter
Misty fucks Feraligatr and other water type mons, cuckbro
It's not one or the other. You can enjoy both. And I do.
belly buttons...
All ages anon not just children
the demo literally has a girl with her machamp boyfriend
I want all pokegirls to look like something straight out of NIKKE or some other game with giant ass and tiddies and have the greatest jiggle physics ever
>b-b-but Chil-
>DEI would ne-
>Go play something el-
No I will not, and I will be making demands because clearly Game Freak and by extension the TPCI care about outside feedback and care about possibly getting Kyoani'd, if gender is getting removed in favor of style then I can demand the game be turned into tits or gtfo
Yeah and make every character a hentai character this is a FUCKING ORDER.
those are children
not for you to lust over
holy based. And good taste, nikke is fun
Children franchise made for a children audience. You are not the targeted audience no matter how much you whine about it. Don't like it? Then maybe Pokemon is not for you
Pumping to Gardenia and her tummy.
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These holes.... they were made for me
Why are you even here then?
Are you saying you are not an adult and thus underage? Leave at once then.
Which pokegirl is the biggest tummyslut?
It's just like kids movies that have jokes that would fly over their heads but parents watching it with them would get. Pokemon is meant for kids but there's enough there for adults to get enjoyment out of it too.
You get Sabrina. I want Gardenia.
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Canonically Jessie
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All of them
Massively obsessed buttonfucker here
I never got the appeal to NavelLunatic’s style. It’s very off
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>sexualize pokemon ironically
>eventually you do it unironically
Not sure about Gardenia but literally everyone else in that image is confirmed to be an adult woman.
They aren't, but this is.
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>if you spend a lot of time with something you should want to fuck it
Kill yourself.
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Pokemon is a franchise for tummy appreaciators
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There's nothing better than tummy galore.
They lure shotas over to their tent to have sex.
would lick all six of them
like what? like the way average teenagers dress?
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this episode awoke something in me
yes its hot as fuck
lmao at poketurds palworld got better girls
ermmm based
well what are they supposed to do? they make characters like that because teenage girls look like that, but in-game it's never presented sexually
how big of an ass and titties are we talking?
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Teenagers are not children
Why was SWSH so horny?
These are just exposed navels retarded porn addict nothing sexual about it
>I want shonen anime, for adults!
You will never get this. Japan won't make it and has no market for it.
You will either get:
>shonen anime for kids that some adults also like
>shonen anime for teenagers that most adults think is trying too hard to be edgy

If you want Seinen content, you should follow a Seinen franchise. Most Japanese franchises have no interest in doing what the Sonic franchise was doing in the mid-2000s.
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Yeah, that's true
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for >>56702388
dei or something
If I ever get rich, just know I'm gonna bribe TPCI into making these changes because of you.
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pokemon is the reason I'm into women with sexy smol waist. now most women are really fat and hate girls who can show off a sexy tummy. Jessy from team rocket is probably the main reason for this.
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As a kid, I thought her slutty piercing was a chewy little outie
What's wrong about stomachs?

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