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Now that the leaks are mostly done for now, it's crazy how they confirmed a lot of the theories anons here had about Game Freak
>Masuda genuinely was dejected after they put time into Gen V only for it to sell just ok, but they rush and cut a lot from Gen VI and it sells amazingly
>Iwao and Morimoto genuinely are based
>X and Y had a fuck ton of content cut from them, almost Gold and Silver tier
>The transition to 3D alongside worldwide releases put way too much pressure on them. This happened again with the jump to HD with SwSh
>More powerful hardware and larger scope with each new entry gives them less and less time to make a decent game, yet TPC keeps pushing for constant releases.
>Tajiri doesn't really seem to be involved with the series anymore
>Game Freak have great ideas and passion, they just can't execute them due to needing to release a new game every year
>They are going to make new games set in established regions instead of remakes
>it's crazy how they confirmed a lot of the theories anons here had about Game Freak
>immediately begins with something that was confirmed fake
Kek at OP image
Nope everything is true stop believing faggots like centro, Reddit, and Khu.

Feels good senpai feels good to be vindicated
Is there a full list of the leaks somewhere I can read?
>theories anons here had
>Game Freak have great ideas and passion
Literally no one here said that, everyone always says that GF are incompetent retards who just want the cash cause they know that you'll buy it anyway.
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>had genuine passion and wanted to make the best games they could, even if they themselves were fucking incompetent
>but a combination of the master's lash and the realization that literally rushed soulless slop makes more money so deeply disillusioned them they just don't give a shit anymore
where is naked shauna
> stop believing faggots like centro

The first one literally came from Centro. lol
>>They are going to make new games set in established regions instead of remakes

Maybe B3W3 will be a thing after all.
I liked how we found out how literally fucking everyone was sick and tired of Ash, wanted him gone, but one single autistic dude ass refused to let go of him and this one single fucker autism was the lone reason why Ash was never allowed to win any leagues to the point that even the Kalos League backlash the autist STILL refused to let Ash win anything which is when everyone else finally got sick and tired of his autistic ass and told him to fuck off but by then the damage was irreversible and it was too little too late.
>too many emplyers will make it easier to leak shit
sure but it will probably be called Legends: Gray or something like that
Where is naked Sycamore, that's the real question
>Gen V only for it to sell just ok, but they rush and cut a lot from Gen VI and it sells amazingly
>Pokemon Black & White - 15.64 million. Pokemon X & Y - 16.72 million
It's not an overwhelming difference to say that BW sold ok and XY sold amazingly. Both games did not surpass DP (17.67 million) and are far from the sales of RBY (31.38 million), GSC (23.10 million), SWSH (26.35 million) and SV (25.29 million).
Basically, Pokemon could be great if Game Freak weren't TPC slaves forced to churn out games every goddamn year.
And when they finally got another dev team in on the action, it just had to be fucking ILCA.
Just let Monolith make the next Legends game at this point, and they'll make the greatest Pokemon game of all time. The pieces are all there, we just need someone with skill and time to put them together.
>Pokemon could be great if Game Freak weren't TPC slaves forced to churn out games every goddamn year.
That's been the most obvious fact on the planet, yet anons still blamed GF. Honestly proves just how goddamn fucking stupid this board is.
How the fuck could you came at those conclusion after everything we read!?

You own points even contraddcit themselves!
"Masuda was dejected after they put work in gen 5 only for it to sell ok, then XY got scraped, rushed and sold amazingly"

"They wanted to make good games but tpc won't let them"


>Basically, Pokemon could be great if Game Freak weren't TPC
>That's been the most obvious fact on the planet, yet anons still blamed GF
both of you explain in great detail how a company can be "a slave" to a subsidiary that they own and control. I'll wait.
> contraddcit

He's mad
If you consider that for every 3DS sold, two DS were sold, XY did significantly better than BW
This Assh should have been fucking gone after Kanto

>troon channel
concession accepted
Go back to tumblr
TPC is where the money is you retard. They don't influence the game itself much, but they have strict demands cause the vast majority of the profit is from merch and marketing, and GF knows this.
TPC can't demand shit from game freak, what CAN happen is that Creatures and Nintendo outvote game freak 2 to 1
>>Iwao and Morimoto genuinely are based
Honestly though
No. If you consider that Pokemon BW was sold at the end of the DS life cycle and Pokemon XY was the premiere of the series on 3DS and most likely were more expensive developments, so that in the end it sold only 1 million more. That's not significantly better.
>yet anons still blamed GF
I mean, they are still absolutely incompetent developers. Just because they have good ideas and passion doesn't mean they aren't to blame for poor execution and scope.
Plus BW2 released when the next system was out. Really silly when people for the most part have moved on, even if they still have the console and BC
I heard a youtuber say there's still a ton more content coming out. Is that true?
Yes, it is true that a retard on YouTube said that.
you ever seen kill la kill
Seriously though. Have we only scratched the surface?
Kinda. People haven't fully analyzed the stuff that's come out just yet, plus we're getting the Gen 6 source code and then some Switch stuff
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That really sucks
Yawnnigger LOST
>>More powerful hardware and larger scope with each new entry gives them less and less time to make a decent game, yet TPC keeps pushing for constant releases
This is only on them, really, they thought the gba was too powerful.
He's been losing it ever since the leaks. He doesn't even bother fighting against the Freeze should be Frostbite threads anymore.
What was his reaction to the backlash?
Please don't use the n word. This is a blue board
You can literally cook up any misinformation about Unova fans being victims of anything besides their own shit taste and have them believe it KEK
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>it's crazy how they confirmed a lot of the theories
>proceeds to list a bunch of fanfics that weren’t confirmed by the leaks at all
Not your safespace. Also you must be atleast 18 years old or older to post here nigger
>Releases a game every year that is usually unfinished or directly broken.

Fandom: Fuck GameFreak they should take more time to make something good!

>Gives us the most basic teaser for a game for the NEXT YEAR.

>Radio silence.

Fanbase: NO NEW INFO? NO BW REMAKES? KHU YOU SCUMBAG! Fuck it i'll hack them to get info about the new game lol.

Pokémon needs to get a bigger studio if they want the SECOND PARTY that is GameFreak to produce AAA games almost per year or each two.

Bandai Namco or even just get some employees of Monolith Soft to help them with the "Open World" aspect.

Just like 200 people and split on half so 100 employees working 2 to 2/½ years in a Game that must have.

New region. New characters.
New lore. New gimmick.
New species.

When games were sprite-based sure it was easier to make them, yet they took like 2 years per Game as well.

The last time we had a year with no game or no DLC whatsoever was 2015. Almost 10 years ago.

I really hope we see a jump like from XY to SM in SV to Z-A. "Same art" doesn't mean same graphics. SV tried to be like New Pokémon Snap but (again) they had no time.

What should TPC do?


The "Legends" branch is clarly what they're more passionate about.

Keeping VGC alive is what is killing them. Because they can't have +1000 species + a story + characters + region exploration.

So just use small dexes for more story-based games.

Just having a "Battle Sim" which connects directly to HOME and where the only thing to care is battles. No big map no grandious story.

All mons in "everyone is here".
Taking like 5 years in the making and lasting for more years with updates per new gens.
>Feels good senpai feels good to be vindicated
Yeah, I'm sure you enjoyed all those (You)s after posting your fake meeting transcript :)
They're a second party developer with a límites budget and time-frame. Sure, Pokémon is "the most profitable IP" blah blah blah, that includes anime and specially TCG.

The OG games get like "1/10" of the revenue.
Genuinely, why doesnt nintendo simply eat GF? Whats the benefit of keeping it like it is now?
That's something I'd like to know from the leaks.

We know GameFreak is technically part of The Pokémon Company along Nintendo and Creatures the 3D model makers.

In short; Nintendo just owns a piece of TPC, they can't just "buy up" GameFreak. They're just the publisher for the titles in the west and where their games come out.
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search your feelings
you know it to be true
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Game Freak were "smart" and collaborated with Nintendo but never bent the knee to accept total subjugation to be a Nintendo substudio. Though honestly that might just have been Sugimori's pushback on the idea being a Sega fan and some of the talent not wanting to be totally controlled by Pokemon. If you notice Game Freak's non-Pokemon output it's always stuff headed by the artists like Sugimori or Turner since Masuda and his disciple Ohmori were 100% focused on Pokemon. That's probably why Masuda threw Little Town Hero under the bus for SwSh's failings. It's basically his franchise and Tajiri has significantly less to do with it. Tajiri is content being a ghoul that lives in the attic playing the same 80s arcade games he's been playing since a teenager and not involving himself in the creative process other than free money to spend on more video games. He's definitely not a creative

tl;dr, Nintendo can't because Game Freak don't want to be
Pretty sure Game Freak doesn't want to be absorbed into Nintendo. They're uniquely positioned to maintain their autonomy more than any other dev studio out there because they kept a chunk of control of the IP's merchandising rights by setting up TPC early on. Creatures seems to agree with this, and so together they keep a two-thirds majority control over what happens with Pokemon instead of Nintendo getting everything it wants.

From what we've seen in the leaks, nearly everyone at TPC and Nintendo is fucking money-grubbing business suit that continues pushing Game Freak to hit retarded deadlines, release things early, and make soulless decisions to "expand" the market reach of Pokemon.
Didnt nintendo buy Creatures doe?
No, it's still a privately owned company. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo is always trying to buy up whatever stake they can in it though. But for now, they don't own it.
Kinda conflicted right now
On one hand, it does seem like TPC/Nintendo has a hand on the quality getting worse
But on the other, GF still seems incompetent and I wonder if they could implement all these things in the concept arts/betas that they set out to do even if they had an extra year
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>SWSH (26.35 million)
Kek Warhol vibes
>one single autistic dude
Who was this? I thought it was TPC in general that pushed for Ash to stay until recently.
Wrong. Creatures was created by Nintendo for sole purpose of helping GF with Gen II games. Creatures *is* Nintendo in Wooloo's skin.
Tajiri is really just their basement autist now isn't he? He's a strange guy. He's lucky he hit the jackpot with Pokémon, no way he would've been able to live a normal life with a normal job.
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>SWSH (26.35 million) and SV (25.29 million).
I feel like the controversy around both these games were actually part of the success. The sheer amount of stink people made about things like Dexit and looking like ass got it onto the radar of normies and content farmers who normally wouldn't give a shit.
That and coming out on the Switch, which is a system a lot more people own.

I'm pretty disheartened by these games' success though. A pretty clear signal to TPC that abysmal quality does not deter fans from purchasing a game.
They own a third of creatures. I think Nintendo controls about 40% of the franchise
it's really fucking funny how some people convinced that they are "abysmal quality" instead of fun little games.
Nintendo has a large stake in Creatures, but they don't actually own it. It was formed privately, expressly to be a partner with Nintendo (as Ape first, then Creatures) but never formally bought out by Nintendo. There is a distinction, mainly being the degree of autonomy Creatures has over things like hiring and scheduling. They aren't gonna suddenly go work for Sony or something, but Creatures isn't wholly controlled by Nintendo the way most first-party studios and subsidiaries are. Nintendo leadership can't just fire someone at Creatures, for instance, if they don't like what he's doing. I doubt this type of thing rarely happens though, and in practice Creatures just usually does whatever Game Freak and Nintendo want.
I'd put it more down to the Switch sales than any controversy that got picked up on. Pokemon still very much has a family friendly vibe and it's one of the default series to go to when buying your kid a game for their birthday/Christmas.
There's no greater "wow the evil incels online are shitting on this game I'm going to buy it to own the chuds" conspiracy.
It’s not crazy at all when you straw grasp and invent speculation to make the leaks fit whatever narrative you already made up.
>coming out on the Switch, which is a system a lot more people own.
I chalk it up to this and "le open world" meme. I remember my normalfag friends that had quit Pokemon ages ago going nuts when they saw the Wild Area stuff for SwSh. Same thing but amplified for SV. Those ads with attractive young people playing the switch are really why I think it sold so well though.
Yeah, turns out inserting actual gameplay into the games instead of keeping it as a hallway walking sim to mash the super effective button at NPCs attracts normies a lot.
>Iwao and Morimoto genuinely are based
>X and Y had a fuck ton of content cut from them, almost Gold and Silver tier
>Tajiri doesn't really seem to be involved with the series anymore
>Game Freak have great ideas and passion, they just can't execute them due to needing to release a new game every year
I missed out on the real time reactions.
Can i get more info on these ones?
Also a link to all the alpha designs.
Holy shit, fucking kek, can i get a link to that? And maybe even people learning this in real time?
There is no info. OP is bullshitting.
You also gotta consider the budgets of the games.
All the cut X/Y content means less money spent on the development meaning more money.
Yawfag first got assmad when /vp/ as a whole would rather kill him thrice over getting rid of any other 2 schizos on this board. Now with these leeks he is probably considering an heroing himself.
Game Freak doesn't own Pokemon Company.
What cut XY content?
I bet you that TPC doesn't want "The greatest Pokemon game of all time", because it would set unrealistic expectations for the series going forwards. Gamefreak is exactly the company they want, they want the series to remain this mediocre slop that they can use to sell plushies and not have to worry about people realizing that the games have always been shit and drop it.
To save time and money.
On what?
Usum released when the switch was on the market for half a year and it still sold more than bw2
The game's development.
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But XY is in 3D, and that is more expensive.
Yeah, it's multiple factors. But it being more expensive is most likely why content got cut.
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It feels like Game Freak is starting to get frustrated with that though and keep challenging themselves with delivering games they cannot really make or produce. Their foundation as artists has been more or less upended so that now the games, even less finished than before, are starting to experiment and be more ambitious and it's not really a good situation to be in

There will never be a perfect Pokemon game, especially not post-XY or in 3D. The franchise is doomed to cycle until it stops making money and any ambition regarding making the "ultimate Pokemon game" like GS or DP. And when you hit that level of desire, I find it less interesting to stay on board because I'm more than aware that I'm being scammed. Most aren't, but eventually I think every person has a breaking point. Enjoy what you want from the newer games they aren't black holes of quality, but don't be a consoomer and try and defend this slop for the rest of your life
What did they cut from the game’s development?
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>"wow the evil incels online are shitting on this game I'm going to buy it to own the chuds"
lmao what kind of /pol/ brainrot prompted this? I just meant it put Pokemon in the minds of people who wouldn't normally think about it you retard.
3D is actually less expensive, it's more intensive time wise though
is it really tho, they've saved so much money by not having to remodel hundreds of mons since then.

3D animation is waay cheaper than 2D animation, for example. But in videogames I can't imagine it being that much different.
The only thing the “controversy” did is destroy the ability to talk about the games online, Swsh and SV were fine so they sold fine.
>Masuda genuinely was dejected after they put time into Gen V only for it to sell just ok, but they rush and cut a lot from Gen VI and it sells amazingly
Source for this? Was there meeting notes where he said this?
Or pretty much anything else in your post?

Because everything you said sounds more like you're doing >>56694489.
I haven't seen anything that gives any proof of the correctness of the predictions that /vp/ had of the minds of Masuda or staff at gamefreak, regarding the games sales, or motivations, or anything.

The ONLY thing regarding their thoughts thats been confirmed by the leaks is their thoughts and opinions on the anime production and story development.
Even then, /vp/ hasn't been vindicated because there hasn't been any kind of indication that Ash losing the Kalos league was some kind of last minute intervention or conspiracy by the executives or something like everyone has been claiming.
Ok, but I want to bite Serena's shoulders.
Give me a source right now, way too interesting.
For a second I thought you said "expressive".
He's a loser and a lame-ass, and you suck him off because you are one, too!
Every other major character has lots of facial expressions, why'd they just not bother with the protags?
pokemon is truly a tragedy gamefreak are some tortured souls
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>GF fucking pissed that the anime isn't following the game after it was agreed that they would more closely follow each other
They literally can never win
What anon said wasn't true at all, in fact it's nearly the opposite. One guy (Ishihara) is confirm to have wanted Ash to be replaced for years, but you can see judging by the meeting, gamefreak was pretty apprehensive to the idea and really wanted to know if this decision was based on a good reason (like declining viewers and the anime operating at a loss) or just doing shit for the sake of it, since it's a BIG change that they claim could cause petitions or arson.


Dramatic much? If PLA was any indication, Z-A will be another novel experience. SV ran like shit but was still more interesting than SwSh. No pokemon game has been irredeemably bad. You can have ones you dislike or find annoying for whatever reason, but there's plenty of truly bad games available.
The whole world was watching to see Ash win the Kalos league

this idea that nobody likes Ash is not based in reality
he literally started his own business

he's just terrible at managing complex projects
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Which is why I say nothing is a black hole of quality but my core issue with the Switch games, along with just not achieving the same kind of consistent quality of the earlier games, is the prices. Unless I pirate I'm spending premium price on what's effectively less game. Dexit is one thing, but I don't think SwSh or ScarVio really have content worth over $10, let alone the $35 they're asking for Indigo Disk

It's very similar to fighting games where they replaced the updated rerelease model with DLC, but are starting to charge more and more for one game than either buying two old games (about $30 each) versus buying one game and its DLC ($60+$30)

I'm glad the games are getting more ambitious, but they aren't worth these prices
The only thing I can think of is that they didn't want to impose emotions on the player through their avatar, which is why Red as a standalone character is described as a "strong silent type" and why his face is often obscured.
They knew they couldn't keep doing that, so I guess they treated a blank smiling face as a neutral response to everything, which is unfortunate for a lot of scenes, but its at its worst during the cutscene where Necrozma shows up in USUM and the player character is in a Dragon Ball fighting stance, swearing to Lusamine that they will defeat Necrozma, but do so with the same vacant eyes and smile.
Funnily enough, gen 7 is also the only generation where Red is visibly emotes and doesn't hide his face so much.
Elio was trying to be like his hero
So Ohmori is a shit director?
3ds has 240p screen while the switch games can run at 720p. It's a big boost that made more people buy the games. Graphics matter even if they look like shit. I don't think the national dex affected any normie decision because they never beat the games anyway.
Yes exactly. If Pokémon wasn't such a huge success he would've failed in the long run
It's a hard concept in a world where companies buy everything but Nintendo probably helped with the creation of TPC just as a friendly way of helping game freak with the giant franchise that is Pokemon in exchange for the console exclusivity. Nintendo always tries to let these guys to do their own thing an be independent. Funny thing is because game freak's employees like sugimori still likes Sega better in a weird way like it's still the 90s and they are still making Sega games. Maybe they just hate being pokemon slaves but at same time they don't let anyone touch it for them lol.
Well, its cuz they dont have anything without pokemon these days
Little Town Hero was their A teams project, remember?
So we only know of Ishihara and Shudo that wanted Ash to be replaced with a new protag?
Shudo is a different can of worms altogether
Wtf I like Ishihara now? Why game freak wanted Ash to continue being the anime protag for so fucking long? No wonder there are so many Ash artist self insert fags now.
>GameFreak was unironically afraid of Ashfags firebombing their buildings
So what are you trying to say? Some people gain success by doing the same thing every day on a high level, others like Tajiri (or me) will just randomly do something really great someday.
I’d take Ash dying in the first movie or the Pokemon Revolution finale over the 20+ years of mediocrity and blue balling we got
Why she kinda...?
Pretty much so far yeah, Shudo was not involved with Pokémon since like 2002 and dead since 2010 so really not very relevant to any discussion.
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A bit relevant when talking about just how much longer Ash stuck around for than necessary. Sugimori mentions that Ishihara has questioned Ash still being around for 20 years which would be when Shudo was still working on the anime. It’s also funny how Yuyama and Shudo’s visions for the Pokemon world and Ash were almost polar opposites.
>5 minute intro about some nigger involved in burger politics
God, I fucking hate youtube so much.
She's so beautiful like omfg I just want to make love to her for hours!
These leaks are fake. GameFreak isn't in charge of the anime, that's TPC. GameFreak just does the games.
SwShit is unironically terrible
SV is okay but just looks like shit with a massive downgrade of in terms of artstyle and world design (like how there's a hideous blinding sandstorm from the desert blowing into Cascarrafa half the time)
I'm kinda shocked there wasn't at least one intentionally drawn naked picture of any of the female characters in all these dumps. Like drawn naked to be a cheeky image that "the guys" share around. I don't count the old Gamefreak magazines or that one fibonacci sketch.
>Now that the leaks are mostly done for now,
The fuck? They already leaked 1TB of data?
Serenafags are legitimately insane!
I'm still holding out hope.
Take the fangame pill anon, most fangames worth their salt are better than official games and if they happen to be shit you can just uninstall them
Nope just a lot of said data was solely for the 3ds games. We've yet to reach the swith era
Aww anon... that's cute, keep dreaming
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>We'll never know what they cut from the sun and moon games
nothing, there was nothing cut from Sun and Moon, there never was anything cut from Sun and Moon, the gold course is a myth, it never existed, nothing was changed for Sun and Moon at all, if there were we would have the files but there is nothing proving that there never was anything at all that was changed or cut.

I understand. I'd be more disappointed with SwSh if I had paid full price, but I ultimately found it to be a fine but unambitious game. Everybody's perception of value is different.

I don't think that means the franchise is doomed, though. GF just took too long ripping off the HD bandaid and got caught with their pants down.
This is why we need more genuine spinoffs to pad out gap years, I’m talking PMD and Snaps not that Go Unite shit

It sounds like 2024 was never meant to be a gap year. My cope is that they will put RBY on the eshop.
>I feel like the controversy around both these games were actually part of the success

You should wonder why something like Zelda was able to reach high copies sold and why Pokemon hasnt reached the 30 million mark yet when its one of the most profitable franchises.
>15.64 million
>considered bad or just okay
western AAA mindset
>3D is actually less expensive
>3D animation is waay cheaper than 2D animation
you're talking about pokemon games that were using static sprites until the 3ds
3D requires modelers/riggers/texture guys/animators/ motion capture/ etc
compared to a few sprite artists that the 2d games had since they were mostly static sprites with like maybe 2 or 3 frames of animation
it might be less expensive to produce now since they can just reuse shit, but trying to say that their 2D games were more expensive is ridiculous
Kill yourself niggerfag and dont say that word again
3d is cheaper after you've made the models the problem with x and y was well they had to make so many models.
there are no sun and moon files whatsoever

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