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>she's only one year older

Am I the only one who loves tall women?
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Even if we assume that's true for BW1 she would be 17-18 in BW2
>making him shorter
>not her taller
If you want to be really pedantic she's 19 since it's 4 years from BW1 to S&M/USUM.
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What does she need?
Does Nate have the genetics to outgrow her or has he already hit his growth spurt?
Has room to grow, probably hasn't hit his growth spurt yet.

>designed by Japanese character/game designers
He's got about 5cm left in him
>Shota grows up to be a hulking giant who loves and protects his ara ara wife
This will never not be a based trope, wish we saw it more.
Isn't Nate 16? BW1 guys were 14 and then all 4 have the same age in BW2
That's too big. She would be really unhealthy at that height. 230cm is the maximum of healthy human height.
yes actually
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Same energy.
Pokepeople are built different
she'll be fine.
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Obama behind Lt. Surge.
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What's this? Standing motorboat and kiss height?
the same thing as the other one but with a ceiling and door lol
Now somebody draw her incredibly hunched over and staring down at him
Is Elesa the token tall girl of the franchise now
She can just slap a Potion whenever her joints ache
We have to go taller
this should be me
this should be my son
this should be my daughter
Name 1 instance where this god tier idea happens
>that knee
dear lord she knows what she's doing
why are tall women based anons?
There's more of her to grab, more of her to love. She's like a bed to rest on, the sleep snuggle to and to comfort. Tall girls are a whole Lotta woman, can't get enough.
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NTA but this is the only thing I can think of
Tall women are adorable
This is what 3 wives does to a man
She's like an alpha pokemon but human...
I've seen tall woman go out with shorter guys. They're not as picky about height because it's the norm for men, even tall men to prefer short women which causes tall women to have low self esteem. When they get called cute by a guy, they really appreciate it.
Another thing is while tall women are supposedly rarer, yet there are more of them available than short women.
Don't give up on your dreams, tall girl lovers
Size diff vorefags do your thang
Perfect blowjob height
Need Elesa feet art. Those big soles smothered on the face, her long toes gripping the cock perfectly
Kill yourself.
Elesa loves hugging and tickling and kissing young boys on the mouth !
>When they do the remake you just know they're going to forget she's supposed to be tall and make her a gremlin
Post the next one. Mods are asleep.
When the tall girl smothers her feet on you
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The acts depicted in this drawn diagram are acted out recreations solely for medical and research purposes, any arousal or otherwise sexual stimulation or thoughts experienced by the viewer is by all means non intentional and entirely on the responsibility of said viewer.
do you not know how to use saucenao?
God I wish that were me
>Which one?
Mommy Elesa
here we have tthe average switch and bisexual
What is Elesa grabbing under that boy's shorts?
Like splitting yourself into two and control the Elesa body to touch your main one?
hentai tags: possession, shared senses
Yep that's me
I wasn't thinking that but that sounds kinda amazing
Thanks you too
This is sizes in One Piece
Any Doujins with this feel?
It's not a doujin really, but the image he posted has like 12 more images in that set.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
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This is giving me a new fetish.
Feet anal insertion.
Elesa doesnt need a strapon in order to dominate Nate. She only needs introduce her 50cm foot in his yaoi hole in order to make him fulfilled
>giving her foot a fellatio
>~150cm at 16
it's over for him
>it's over for him
Depends if he likes the size difference with dommy mommy tall girls, then he has it good.
One door closes, another door opens.
Was this revealed to be canon heights or this just fetish art posting
I guess the former, that turned into the latter
His balls were constantly empty so his body had to kick into overdrive to produce more semen.
Let's be honest, most tall women want tall men because short men tend to be more insecure.

Nate is doomed to be a forever alone manlet unless he becomes rich and powerful
>unless he becomes rich and powerful
Well, he's Champion (potentially)
Otherwise he's got Yancy so he'll be okay
>tall women want tall men because short men tend to be more insecure.
That's the thing, the insecure Napoleonic Complex grosses anyone out. I've seen manlets who are already confident and happy with themselves get tall women.
Now draw her railing him
NTA but these laat months it gave 30-40% accuracy at the point its not worth using
She's a descendant of AZ
No anon. We're straight here.
More of this.
She was 190cm back when she was still supposed to be 15. They aged her up since then, so she might be even taller in canon
Those fucking legs, holy sexo
>going balls deep inside her while her tits are at your face
>slightly shorter without heels
>would be slightly taller with heels
literally my ideal height
Anon, tall women are even less likely to want manlets than short women already are. Nate is doomed to inceldom.
Out of 10!
This is only based if you aren't aware of the fact that Rex was an annoying little faggot that everyone hated, and his creator was so butthurt that he turned him into a hyper-manly badass in the very next game so he could force people to like him. Unfortunately, he succeeded, and people pretended that he was never universally hated and was always a "chad".
Nate being a manlet is one of the funniest things to come from these leaks, and nobody is talking about it
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any drawfags willing to draw Elesa and Nate like this?
Stop using dating apps, they're not a reflection of most people out there and have turned men into incels.
And stop listening to incel nonsense
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Everybody uses dating apps these days, they are absolutely a reflection of most people out there, stop coping. Women not wanting manlets is a primal instinct.
>faggot protagonist stops being a faggot
How is that a bad thing?
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This kills the Vore pajeet.
they think rex quitting being weak faggot happened magically off screen and wasn't a direct causation of the entire life altering massive journey you sent him on and witnessed
That's called character development. He stops being an annoying little faggot 3/4 through XB2.
You'd know if you actually played the game you're seething about
Do tall amazonesses actually like short men?
No, they like men who are noticeably taller than them like every other woman.
No. Tall women are insecure and seek out even taller guys to make up for their height.
>tfw will never be towered over by a 15 (17) year old girl
>eye level with her ass and crotch
They don't necessarily like them but they tend to be at a point where most mfers are already shorter than them so sometimes it's either to let go of height shit or die with dried eggs
They still wouldn't go with short men, just taller men who are still shorter than them. That's assuming "Amazonesses" refers to women who are really tall even by male standards.
Is Elesa into shotas?
Imagine being a dude that knows he was a last resort. Brutal, but I guess it could better than dying alone, maybe.
Don't you realize she's a minor? Get this lolipedo shit off the board
Oh hello tourist
Very based.
I know a chick who's 180 cm married to a 165 cm dude with 2 kids
It's funny how everyone seems to know a manlet who has a loving hot wife he started a family with and makes six figures and everybody loves him and he's the life of the party. Same with bald guys. They must be extremely desirable characteristics.
You finna know it!
Elesa is into zoomers too?
Depends on the individual. Many people have different tastes, thus includes women. I've seen a happy couple of a tal woman and short man.
Women not liking short guys is a very observable trend. No amount of fake anecdotes will disprove it.
Are you guys coping lanklets or self-hating manlets? I think height obsession is generally exercised by trashy american women who also require their bf to be black. Being bald is pretty universally unattractive though.
It's my dream to become a good illustrator so I can draw all the pokegirls with cute shotas. One day, I'm gonna make it.
Kill yourself you miserable brainwashed incel.
Why are you okay with admitting that being bald is universally unattractive but you'll straight-up lie about being a short guy being unattractive? Women will literally just admit it, there's no stigma about it. Women are all over the internet just openly saying they don't want to date manlets. Just stop gaslighting manlets. Be brutally honest with them so they can process it and cope, giving them false hope is just some unintentionally cruel reddit feelgood bullshit.
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cope little guy
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The final blackpill that more or less all men intrinsically understand but the overwhelming majority choose to deny is that personality matters the most.
Because acknowledging it as the one, true hurdle in attraction is tantamount to admitting that most guys are, in fact, equally as vapid and unsophisticated as the women who they complain about rejecting and deriding them over physical characteristics and qualities they have no control over. At least by a man's standards.
>personality matters the most
real life isn't a disney channel television show anon
Because I know women irl who prefer short guys and I don't know any who prefer bald guys.
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>Because I know women irl who prefer short guys
No you don't.
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>2024 CE
>manlets still haven't learned
I'm a 165cm tall woman and I've dated guys ranging from 168cm to 195cm. Only shallow instawhores care about height. Now shut the fuck up.
You're a manlet who "transitioned" because real women didn't want you
Ignore the raider/troll and post /ss/ you retards
The second secret is that you can train your personality to become charismatic, this is outside of the mainstream sphere where everybody thinks that "being genuine is just bee urself", they think if you put effort towards anything then it's an "unauthentic lie".
Truth is, you can become charismatic as second nature and it will not be a lie, because it becomes part of you, and tha's an easy thing to do but most people can get over the "shame barrier", you need to accept that becoming better at social interactions is a skill like any other, like driving or swimming, and you do that with strangers (obviously you'll act different depending on the context of the encounter), it sounds stupid and that because IT IS, but people can't get over doing something stupid, people want to stay in the comfort zone, comfy and secure, outside is scary so they never grow. If you say fuck to comfort zone, you will grow, it's simply how the brain works.
>I need to twist the truth in my head cause it doesn't match my made up narrative!!
Again, kill yourself. I was born a woman, no amount of copium will change that.
>random social media whores
Damn really got me
>shallow instawhores
>because they won't date short men
coping incel manlet detected
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You were born a male, failed to grow to proper man height, and your conduct in this thread makes that blatantly obvious.
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>kill yourself
That's for manlets and trannies (huge overlap)
>the lanklets are obsessed with manlets
huh? are they all gay lol
Why is there a retard spamming random 3D insta hoes being annoying on social media? Post hot tall pokegirls?
Forgot image
making fun of manlets is fun and a 4chan tradition, they always get so worked up
Anon, if all women fucked only tall men, manlets wouldn't exist.
Well, more likely it'd be like being 6'6 or smth would be the new manlet cutoff, but you know what I mean.
>get so worked up
Like the schizo spamming shit from his folder like his idol Lee Goldson used to do?
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>Anon, if all women fucked only tall men, manlets wouldn't exist.
That will be a reality in the future. Human height is increasing even after hitting peak nutritional input decades ago. Women sexually select tall men. However, short women who also seek tall men and then proceed to give birth to future manlets are slowing the process.
Ok cool but I'm not gay so I don't wanna talk about men, I want to talk about hot tall anime bitches. So go do that somewhere else
>tall anime bitches
>that you want to be taller than
Check the opening post of this thread again retard. This thread is just as much about the revelation that Nate is a manlet as it is Elesa being tall.
>be me, 5'6 effeminate baby-faced pretty boy perma-dyel ching chong nip nong manlet
>the only girl who ever gave me shit about my height was a girl in college that everyone collectively found unpleasant
>never took her seriously because she was kinda ugly
Is it weird that I never particularly cared about my height or viewed it negatively until only recently after going through a messy breakup? Even then, it doesn't sit in the back of my mind now that I'm mostly over her.
I always thought that face mattered the most- though that's probably because my face is the only thing I have going for me
Again, not gay, so I don't care about Nate
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That's fine, but don't enter a thread about something and then bitch about people discussing that topic like an absolute retard.
>Am I the only one who loves breasts-at-your-eye-level women?

>Is it weird that I never particularly cared about my height or viewed it negatively
No anon, that's normal because height doesn't matter that much. Some people are just brainpoisoned from being online so much and never leaving their room that they forgot what reality is like.
Nate is a teenage anime boy so I still don't know why we are discussing height of IRL adult men, that shit is off-topic on at least 3 levels dude
>Both tall ubermench from Unova

They must be related
Nate is too old to be as short as he is
We have an excessive amount of /v/ crossboarders atm who want to discuss off-topic shit as is custom on there.
Nate being a manlet and why that is funny is as on-topic as Elena being tall.
Yeah, and that's Pokemon discussion. Dumping garbage from one of your many shitposting subfolders isn't.
I'll be posting any and all memes drawfags make involving Nate being mogged but they've yet to be created
He's like 13 though? He's voiced by a woman in Masters, at least in Japanese
manlet. What're you? Twitter brained?
"manlet" is /fit/ culture
I just wanted a tall Elesa thread could you at least post sex instead of talking about manlets
repost the thread without nate next time
But how do you know she's tall if you don't see her standing next to someone short?
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>finally a straight shota thread on /vp/!
>it's all insecure retards talking about dating
>These are roughly Samus and Link's canonical heights...
Just ignore them and post and talk about some /ss/
We won
We sure did.
>Nate is a manlet
he's a 10 year old kid Out of ten!
Pokemon is such a /ss/ goldmine. It's so easy to self insert since the protags will always be 10 years old.
Why don't we have more Pokemon /ss/ doujins? It's basically an untapped market
Samus doesn't have a canonical height, her suit does.
She's portrayed as taller than most women but shorter than most men the one time she was seen alongside other humans, likely putting her in the high 170s, not close to Elesa's 190.
wasn't her suit made by who amounts to Q (star trek) but as a bird race?
There's been a good wave of pokeart of that type lately. It is weird how rare eromanga is though, you're right.

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