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Yamask Research Day Edition

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Previous Thread: >>56607134
Solar beam
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Imagine all the balltists killing themselves after this update goes live. That ugly superball staring at you every time you check your precious Pokémon.
Got 60 people at "1 day remaining" to becoming best friends. Gonna level them all up tonight with a Lucky Egg. Feelsgoodman
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It's about fucking time.
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They couldn't even implement it properly
Hatching useless 4* shitmons is fun
I'm a bit envious of your emo dragon, otherwise yeah. Same story here.
I think the only good 4* I've hatched was a slimy dragon and the nigger bear
Also got a 4* togepi AFTER I completely leveled up my 98%....
Just to pour salt in the wound, the game gave me two 4* cleffas in a row. What the hell am I supposed to do with those?
Hydragon is a decent master league attacker and pawniard is gonna be good when they release his latest evolution. Wobbufet is a great gym defender and carbink is one of the best great league mons. You have a decent spread anon
>carbink is one of the best great league mons
In GL. Why would he want to use a 4* carbink in GL?
Anyone planning on tackling Mega Sableye and need a plus one?
I need that mega dex filler.
You want to join remotely? I can patch you to NYC.
How soon? I was about to go to bed.
Cause even if you max it out you’re barely hitting 1600 so it probably gets a mighty boost from being a perfect as opposed to the standard stat spread of a regular gl attacker
No it doesn't. Unless you want to save xl candy, there's no reason to use a 4* over a 5/15/15 or whatever
Hit it, I'll be around later and tomorrow, not going anywhere. And inviting to a raid is quick and effortless.
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Thanks, it's 2 AM here.
>trying to add pokemon to a gym that’s being attacked
>”this gym is under attack try again later!”
>fighting a gym that has 2 enemy pokemon in it
>end up having to fight through 6 pokemon that get added during the first battle
This game is just so fucking gay and retarded it’s unreal.
Timer doesn't start until a pokemon is knocked out
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You clicked it, you get to deal with it
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one raped girl out of thousands and everyone loses their minds
like half these little niggas in these threads\boards haven't been me-too'd
why else would they be furries or think they gay\trans
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>they implement this change on the Pokémon information page UI
>can't be assed to include a small, immediately visible and convenient section that shows a Pokémon's IVs
>years later, you still have to constantly manually Appraise everything
I caught a trans ponyta and then a double trans one what the fuck are these?
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what if female
>he has never been raped by a female
why even live??/???
I didn't say that
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Oh nononono what is this
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The fuck is this even?
That's the single most hideous change they've implemented yet, avatars were one thing but this is something else.
>Finally decide to use my alt to help me out with a falinks raid and see how much the cheer mechanic helps out
>When you have all 3 pokemon defeated the only thing you can do is tap on the cheer button
>When it fills up all the way it does make a difference in speeding up the dynamax process for other people battling, making the raid easier
>You just have keep keep tap tap tapping on the cheer button as mindlessly as possible for as long as the max battle continues
>It takes awhile for the cheer boost to fill up all the way, one little tap won’t do it, you have to tap tap tap a lot to make a difference
Nice “gameplay”
That makes no sense to me with a mon like him that has such low cp anyway.
What are the chances they actually make adjustments to dynamax to make the feature more appealing/worthwhile like they did with megas back when they were considered worthless rentalmon?
>sorry I can't help fix any of the bugs I'm busy working on...uh...moving the pokeball higher on the page
>can't flex spoofed alt trades anymore
None honestly, can you dynamax a mon in a regular raid yet? Because the catch candy bonus means that the only shot dynamaxing has of being better than megas is in raids themselves
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So when are the deleted 'stops coming back? Do I really have to level an account of Ingress to 10 to bring them back to Go?
they don't come back
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they better do
We just hit lucky today. I can travel with another phone I have if you wanna mirror trade a shiny zacian or shiny fug. Just let me know when you're available and the coordinates.
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Forgot pic like a retard
None. Even in the main game, all Dynamax does is increase your HP and you can only do it at gyms. It’s easily the most worthless mechanic they ever introduced
But your pocket monster gets really BIG!!
Did they change dynamax again? I was lagging like crazy and only had to use my Charizard and Metagross instead of the usual 3 pokemon. My psychic seemed to do a lot more damage than normal
>Did they change dynamax again?
They might've done some 3* raid balance after everyone went nuts over the difficulty.
they're a couple weeks too late on that one
They got hard a few days ago out of nowhere and now they're easier than they have been. The one thing that didn't come back is the super early warning for when he's going to do his charged move. You can get fucked mid animation of your move if you don't time it right. The timer for the raid also changed like back when they first came out, it now tells me how many days it's going to be up
Newbie to the game here, sorry if I'm begging spoonfeeding but it seems like so much content is behind raids, what am I supposed to do if I can't clear a 20000+ cp raid solo?
The game wants me to work with people here, but it doesn't seem to have an answer if there's no other people playing the game.
What's the best way to beef up my pokemon so I can start Solo-ing raids and the dynamax Wiggler spots?
Is it possible?
Sis, just move to New York
Host raids on Pokemon Genie or whatever
Sign up to Campfire and gather a real group
Paypig and remote raid
Spoof to a popular location
Just ignore

Either way you're probably better off just leveling up for now instead of worrying about raids
Watch them implementing and start selling special balls... The apriballs, the PLA balls, maybe even some exclusive balls... Like a Pikachu, Eevee and Charizard inspired balls! It's a gold mine!
You can't really solo the top raids and the ones you can will take a long time.
Your options right now are to find a local group, use pokegenie/leek, or spoof.
If you use campfire you can find groups near you. Most of them will be dead but there should be a couple of active groups near you. Barring that, if you live in a large enough city you can probably just find where the locals meet for Wednesday raid hour and elite raids. Usually somewhere with a lot of gyms, like 10 or so, that you can access without moving more than a small block.
I do a combination of raid hour and pokegenie. I usually only play while walking my dog so it's easy to queue up and get to a certain point when I'm up. Im in the campfire group just so I don't miss out on things like necrozma and rayquaza
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Love it when I line up 3-4 gyms only for them all to be taken down at the same time and fucking me over because of the coin cap.
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Post coords and I might consider making another throwaway spoofer to knock it out
>pawniard is gonna be good when they release his latest evolution
see you in 2 years
Just knock yourself out with your alt
Is shadow heatran worth powering up?
I'm awake now.
Good timing, Give code and I'll try to get you into Mega Sableye.
Don't stay in the lobby if we don't get some people joining us, I honestly have no clue how hard he is to duo and the fucker is only weak to fairy
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I've done 50% solo with Mega Gardevoir and 75% with Mega Rayquaza.
It had a strong move against psychic types so my Mega Gardevoir dropped pretty fast.
Do you want me to use Mega Gardevoir for the damage boost or Mega Rayquaza for the overall boost?
FC is 8455 8003 5307
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It's gonna have shadow claw and foul play
Whichever you like, we should get a few bodies and the lobby just started so we got time to rejoin if we get Hanked
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pic unrelated(?)
"good game"
ik just wanted to use a sableye pic but the text on it didn't fit
>I honestly have no clue how hard he is to duo and the fucker is only weak to fairy
Should be easy to duo
I JUST managed to solo mine with a half baked counter team
I have a 5k CP Mega Fug and can nearly solo, duo should be easy
Did we really need Mega Sableye raids to last for two weeks?
>solo top raids
if you have two phones and ONE remote raider and all are lvl 40+ its possible
but not technically "solo"
guzzlord i wasnt even inviting people kek
We can’t just have a new mega raid every week, now can we?
What about new dynamax every weekend?
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My shiny Ralts has a dick...
...I'll take it if you don't want it.
Get on my zetsubou level.
11/15/15 Galarian Yamask I'll take it for ultra league
yamask worth leaving the house for?
Not really, Runerigus is kinda niche in pvp
>have to do field research for yamask
>yamask doesn't even spawn in the wild
>no yamask raids
lol. skip
>Do 10 raids to evolve gamask
Fuck right off
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how about the pokemon that will spawn?
>only one i care about is shieldon
>because i have a hundo of it and want the candy.
niantic isn't even trying anymore.
One of those was supposed to spawn during Adventure Week, but they chose to only feature kanto shitmons
>new pgsharp update
>game doesnt want to load in
Every fucking time.
God, fuck that event so much. I was waiting for cranidos, tyrunt, amaura, and archen spawns but they were all relegated to an extremely varied researchpool that got worse over time while shit like dunsparce and diglett was in the wild instead.
I would have loved the Shieldon, but didn't find any with good iv.
>no bonus candy
>no bonus stardust
Why should I participate?
>I would have loved the Shieldon, but didn't find any with good iv.
I've got a hundo Bastidon that I've leveled to the mid 40s. It's crap. lol
>2k exp
>5 Pinaps
>scraggy encounter
These "rewards" for a research breakthrough are fuckong criminal
I know I personally love the task rewards that are like:
>catch 20 pokemon
>receive 5 pokeballs as a reward
like they think we're stupid enough not to see through this shit?
But I was going to catch those 20 pokeymons anyway, so...
>But I was going to catch those 20 pokeymons anyway, so...
were you though? virtually all of them are shitmon you're gonna turn into worthless candy.
>Mystic/Valorniggers IMMEDIATELY contest and clear a gym the moment I take over one
>have the audacity to complain about nobody knocking out their gym mons
You reap what you sow
>yellow victim narrative
OK, china man

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