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A hard choice for you weirdos after the leaks
marnie is an ugly troon
Liking art of early adolescent animé girls doesn’t make you a hebephile OP.
Joke's on them, I don't like Marnie or pokephilia.
There is no such thing as hebephilia. If it's under 18 it's pedophilia. Simple as
Why are they both the bad scary castle? Shouldn't they both be the the good one?
thank you OP for posting a generic xitter meme, such a high quality thread. That being said, I chose the loli
It's zoophilia and pedophilia.
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I’m an ephebophile and a teleiophile (legal ages in our cunt), thank you very much OP.
easy choice for me actually, both!! though i lean more towards pokemon
Always the 10 year olds. Peak female form
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It's by definition not. Pedo means prepubescent girls. Words have meaning, sweaty.
This won’t hold up in court :I
dual-type moment
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Kek, like with Roman Polański?
depends on the american state so many people have drilled this into so many threads but most states have aoc at 16 and 17.
17 is legal in most of the USA and Europe.
very cute flower girls
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>going to court because of some cute and funny drawings

>Verification not required.
I prefer pokemon
>using the word hebephilia
you're a pedophile.
Just say pedophila, hebephilia (and hebe in general) is a buzzword for cowards who are ashamed of being attracted to fictional little girls.
drawings cant age most of the characters would be of legal age if we applied real world aging to them. the character the drawing is of was 10 30 years ago anon... the money milkers just refuse to age up anything. or do it very fucking slowly.
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>Just do what I tell you to do without question because.... JUST DO IT OKAY??
They tried to make her as bland as possible yet her charm and appeal still shine through
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I love hebemons
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aren't you going to buy him a drink first
[Pokephilia] [ARCEUS GOD MOMMY] [Hebephilia]
No we skip straight to the goosh goosh
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>left: Garbage Jewish slop
>right: Garbage Jewish slop
stop being slaves to those demons and make your own opinion
I haven't played SV and don't understand Geetas design. The champion always has a theme and its always supposed to be something a young boy would recognize as cool or lamely endearing big brother/fujobait in Leon's case. What's Geetas deal?
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For me it's that she has this innocence and youth that goes a little bit further than the other protags. With the others they often look geared for adventure, while Juliana, in her little school uniform, doesn't look quite as ready and because of that, a little less mature.

Makes her insanely sexy combined with that ever so mild tomboyishness of her shoulder length hair and outgoing smile.

Built for sex with older men while out in the depths of the paldean wilderness.
I like how you imply that liking fictional early adolescents is hebephilia, but ‘Poképhilia’ somehow doesn't equate zoophilia. Biased as fuark OP.
>What happens when you preach le morality to uneducated masses
This is what happens:
>if I use a Japanese term for pedophilia then people won't think I'm a child rapist
poketards are special
hebephilia is literally just normal healthy attraction to females
pedophilia is abnormal (thereby faggotry) which is why you try to equate/normalize it
I think the intention was "hyper capable business woman", since most of the dialogue and people around her imply she treats the League and her other endeavours like a business. The primary thing being how Rika and Larry both regularly refer to her as their boss. Her story involvement essentially amounts to her using her position in business and as champion to let you do certain things (like enter Area Zero or forgive Penny's crimes).
Honestly lilligant is based
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This is like American politics and you should choose for the lesser evil
stop pathetically trying to differentiate between pedophilia and hebephilia
>didnt rip it from the og game unbased

provide a screenshot of the stairs in dppt
You would have to find a way to get someone who likes drawings to go to court.
And you haven't succeeded. Wonder why.
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You forgot bestiality. How could you?
>Ctrl+F lolicon
>no results
Imagine people liking drawings turning you into a fucking schizo lol
It's because they're different, lawfag.
How do people who don't want to fuck the trainers OR the pokemon even end up on 4chan dot org slash vp???
Absol is pure, untainted love
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Leak tourists
>using "complicated" words like Xenophobia and Hebephilia, instead of the easy buzzwords racism and paedophilia

You might want to stop the inbreeding in your own family, so your off-spring has a chance of getting more than 60 IQ, you dumb faggot.

Proper terminology matters, if you weren't such a dumb fuck you would get that.
Hebe ≠ paedo and xeno ≠ race.
Are you sure about that?
14 is valid in some countries
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no it's still the easiest choice ever
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I choose the middle path! (Adult women)

Wait don’t prepubescent and pubescent mean different things
Stop typing like a fucking zoomer on instagram
I choose both, aka Kirlia wife.
Go play yahtzee, Gramps
>hard choice
Pokémon has always beee hebe heaven
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best post itt
I already have that scheduled (insert zoom zoom context in parenthesis where I claim that the person who I'm playing Yahtzee with is, in fact your mother)
>Kirlia's thigh gap
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pubescent = breedable
none of them are Baby Pokemon, tho. But then again, Riolu is old enough to professionally fight criminals, so I dunno if Baby Pokemon are actual babies, either.
Hebe =/= babies you retard
Why not both?
why yes, I would like to fuck the concept of time itself
It does not mean "adults", either. Those pokemon are full-grown adults.
Brazil region is never happening
based brazil
Nobody in the real world unironically uses that word, if you diddle a 14 year old in real life your reason for being arrested is pedophilia. No judges ever uses the term hebephilia
>your reason for being arrested is pedophilia
No it isn't, you fucking nerd. It's sexual assault of a minor and/or statutory rape.
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This picture makes me wish someone would make a variant of this with Kirlia or something
pedophilia is not a legal term either you retard
I prefer hags
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Left all day
no one cares if you want to fuck your mom jfc.
What the fuck is a hebe?
An attempt to avoid the pedo label
ask your mom
the greek goddess of the prime age of life
Noviophilia – Infants.
Paedophilia – Pre‐pubescents (think Harper and Sarah).
Hebephilia – Early adolescents.
Ephebophilia (legal in the EU) – Mid‐to‐late adolescents.
Teleiophilia – Adults.
Mesophilia – MILFs (think Cynthia or Lusamine).
Gerontophilia – Grannies (think Ultima or Agatha).
We call those chronophilias.
Obviously, it has little to do with fictional characters. Idk why OP uses that term in such a manner, but furries are not zoophiles to him.
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>56692174 (OP)
the choice was never hard, return to dredges you've come from, foul creature.
I'll go fuck a fictional rabbit; little girls pose too much of a risk with the law.
Chances are that Cynthia isn't even a MILF. Most characters in her archetype in Japanese media end up being like 27, tops.
Discord’s cubs moment.
It's pedohebephilia now.
fuck the police
you have your own head on your shoulders
I'm loyal to my loving wife Caitlin (who is of legal age as of the Unova games), why would I romance a child?
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A middle stage pokemon
>who is of legal age as of the Unova games
Did you need to put this so the twitterfags wouldn't come after you?
You're retarded
Even cubs aren't safe.
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say what you want
but Pt/HGSS Caitlin > BW Caitlin for me
I can respect the hustle though
pedo slang for girl going through puberty
Lillie, Marnie, May, etc
It’s not really a slang, John Money the inventor of trans people introduced it to the medical vocabulary.
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Why choose, when you can have both?
Pedohebephilia were created so that you can use the pedoslang without being hit on the head by your psychiatrist.
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You think a psychiatrist is not familiar with these psychiatric terms?
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Resistance is futile
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That just makes it better.
You keep saying retarded shit.
it's true: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronophilia

>Pedohebephiliarefers to an expansion and reclassification of pedophilia and hebephilia with subgroups, proposed during the development of theDSM-5.[6]It refers more broadly to sexual attractions. Under the proposed revisions, people who are dysfunctional as a result of it would be diagnosed with pedohebephilic disorder. People would be broken down into types based on the idea of being fixated on one, the other or both of the subgroups. The proposed revision was not ratified for inclusion in the final published version of DSM-5.
Forgot necrophilia - very old
A woman should be a mother by her mid 20s. They call pregnancy in your 30s geriatric pregnancy and it’s much less healthy for the mother and child.
just say pedophilia
Read the entire thing. Slowly.
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You can't get a 2 in a binary, Kirlia is pokephilia, you're a furry.
In the choice between animal or human youve chosen animal and are vile.
Mid 30s is actually a geriatric pregnancy, not just the 30s.

I am an actual doctor
Based, Arceus can shapeshift to fullfill all your needs
what would you want her to shapeshift into?
extremely based
More reasons to hate brazilians.
I just go for the shotas
Take it back
You forgot about young males being attractive to women. Not just about young females
Pokemans just don't work on my dick for whatever reason
teenagers will eventually grow into proper adults
pokephilia will always be bestiality
> pokephilia stay pure
They call it advanced maternal age now
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i fuckin skyla bussy bruh. I don't have time for your pedophile pokemon rapist bullshit
You mean that's not the opposite of noviophobia?
Maybe in America, but that's because America is pussified
Out of 10!
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this sure is a /vp/ thread alright
>5 years old and 17 years old are the same
>17 years old and 18 years old are different
amerigolems are weird
Both notions still involve taking advantage of kids
You're not a fucking kid at 17 and you're not an adult at 18. It's entirely vague and to think otherwise because you're a lawfag (aka a retarded sheep) or a Ephebophile (aka normal) is extremely retarded.
You know what they say, the man who walks the path of heaven will rule all.
don't care much for ruling, just want to live happy regular life with pokewife
I get what you are saying which is why I think people are retarded for crying about fantasy and cartoons, but in real life there are good reasons to have the age of consent be 16 through 18-ish. It is our best estimate as to when a girl is physically developed to bear a child should that happen (pregnancy can be dangerous for small females) and also I believe if the marriage age is too low for girls they are more likely to face negative outcomes like abuse.

I think the age of consent is fine where it is, but I wish people wouldn't treat 18 as some magical number that came down through the heavens as divine law. It is just our best estimate, and a lot of thought and consideration should go into what that estimate is and should be.
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>europedos minds simply cannot comprehend standardization
>in real life there are good reasons to have the age of consent be 16 through 18-ish
I'm fine with this. It's just irritating to see larpers act like a 5 year old and a 17 year old are the same physically/mentally/etc. I expected this >>56698936 level of retarded cowardice on reddit/twitter/bluesky - not here.
Ask Zeus which one he take.
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No one wants to fuck Pennis lmao.
which part is hard here? the choice s obvious
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I'd rather fuck a cat over any of the human girls from scarlet / violet
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Great thread
Dude that's someones grandma
Anyway left for me
you can keep masturbating to arcanine porn, its ok we already expected it from you
Why be a tourist when you can get upvotes literally anywhere else?
Because we have to le """push back""" against the 4channers :o
push your bare back against this
Ok zoophile
This board often talks about things it can't experience huh?
If the choice is between gardevoir and whatever the fuck SV calls women, it's less of bestiality to fuck gardevoir.
SV is really that bad.
wanna help to fix that with your bussy?
Genwarring is against the rules btw
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>post on /vp/ because im totally normal
sorry sweaty somebody called me based I dont have to listen to you anymore
No upvotes here, sorry - you have to actually be funny/original.
Try again soon!
Actually, that would be Xenophilia as Gardevoir is not an animal, but a demi-human.
No, anon, that would be love because Garde is my gentle waif
Finally someone posted the original
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>after the leaks
>The leaks brought 9 instances of pokefilia foward
>Some of which are just the same tale with a different mon
>Meanwhile in canon
>There's close to 20 recorded cases of pokefilia or pokefilia adjacent stuff inside the games
Actually yes, because kirlia is being purged for being loli. Meaning gardevoir are closer to monstergirls than animals.
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Left left left
Arceus wills it
I thought it was 21 and under
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>A hard choice for you weirdos after the leaks
I pick brown pokeWomen
Get a load of this creep, he’s into 22 year old children
Pre+word = what came before whatever that word defines (colonial/precolonial, history/prehistory...etc).
Pubescent = has reached sexual maturity.
Prepubescent = has not reached sexual maturity.
>if you diddle a 14 year old in real life your reason for being arrested is pedophilia. No judges ever uses the term hebephilia

And yet you won't get the same sentence as if you diddle a 7 years old.....curious
Don't u have to make begging watermelon posts on xitter
Pokephilia is literally the best one out of these two paths, its not even that bad, only puritards shit themselves over somebody jacking off to a fictional creature that doesnt exist
>middle path
So you'd be into baby pokemons?
A fictional human or a fictional magical animal/creature.

Both aren't real.

What is the matter?
Lopunny are only from foot to head about 1 meter tall, they're also flat too. In my eyes that already makes them pretty hebe like.
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I mean
the human characters don't exist either.
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Xhe still do be looking better then the latinx niggerspics from sv thobeit
Mega has tights
While everyone else is choosing a path, why don't (You) tell us what path you'll choose in the pic you posted?

I choose pokephilia because human women will always continue to fail their natural roles, doing nothing but scrolling the screen on their shitty pokephones and wasting time that could have been spent making and raising a proper traditional family with me. Pokemon on the other hand live as one with nature, and as human-built civilizations rise and fall time after time, the pokemon always continue to thrive in their natural environment because unlike the artificially built environments, nature can never be killed. I will find a female pokemon who craves my human seed, and I will have sex and plant my human seed deeply into her, and she will lay many eggs that will hatch into healthy little pokemon offspring, and my future offspring with her won't degrade or die off.
It's a Kamen Rider reference don't worry about it
>reply count
how the fuck does anyone on this board fall for bait this low quality.
Can we nuke /vp/
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>hard choice
I came here to say this
thoughbeit is the worst fucking meme to come out of this site in the last decade.
It's not hard at all, laprussy > human women every day of the week.
It's yet another symptom of terminal irony poisoning.
>Actual retards can't separate fiction from reality
I mean I knew /pol/ was full of delusional schizos but it's nice to see it validated.
Lapras a human.
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Based tendouposter
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This is why I'm glad I don't have social media.
It's just a sign of how terminally pretentious the faggots on this site have gotten. It's the contrarian hipster shit taken to its logical extreme, and as soon as people on other sites start using it they'll drop it and pretend that it started on reddit or twitter instead of here.


4chan is social media, retard.
The story beats you over the head with it. "When humans and pokemon were the same" and all that. The sharpedo where on the beach smoking and dancing and holding swords, with their hands because they were human, the ursaring in the den were called people because they were human and it was those same people the son of the octillery/lapras was mauling for fun.
Your lapras girl is a human.
Because a good chunk of popular Pokémon aren't even based on animals to begin with. Shit like plants and ghosts.
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Tranny hands posted this
they are right tough
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here is something to get you started
use paint or something
kek, based
nobody likes ivysaur
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in most moemon games i played ivy> van
an ugly obese cuck with ED made this meme
Hebemons are so cute
Leaks confirming human compatibility made the Poke choice so much easier.
Been confirmed for years, but additional proof is always welcome
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Who would YOU choose?
Right because I'm not a racemixer.
the cookie of course
A minor is not the same thing. A minor can be anything between 0 and 17.99 years old. There’s an enormous difference between fucking a baby, a toddler, a preschooler, and fucking someone who is technically capable of breeding. A lot of countries have 16 as the age of consent. Some have 14. In psychology it’s actually quite common and normal to have some level of hebephila for your entire lifetime. It makes sense that when you start being horny, that the people you found attractive at that age would still be attractive to you in some way when you’re getting older. It doesn’t magically go away, but our frontal lobes tell us that it’s not a good behaviour and we can suppress it and move past it for the most part. Theirs is a reason why barely legal, step daughter, step sister, first time, age and size difference etc porn is such a huge category - and shaved pussies. It’s actually normal so long as it’s not the only thing you can get off to.
>pedos are bad people
>im not bad
>im heb
>heb is normal according to studies
>im normal
its normal being attracted to little girl not yet of breeding age either. it being forbidden is one part of the lust inducing, and its very normal to feel increased lust because its forbidden. its also normal to find youth alluring. loving kids is in our genom, and confusing love and lust is also very normal.
being pedo is normal
stop presecuting pedos
Nah it'd be fucking middle stage evos like >>56692232
kirlia is always sex, and the fox witch look good here, but the image doesn't do the other two justice. i don't feel like fucking those ones.
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1000 hours in mspaint just for you
w/ audio https://files.catbox.moe/hp5uez.webm
>There’s an enormous difference between fucking a baby, a toddler, a preschooler,
You sound expewrienced
Fuck that ugly DEI haircut
lopunny is on the middle path
I choose both
Lopunny is a hagmon. Buneary on the other hand..
bunneary is shota
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Every time this meme came up, I’d joke around and say “obviously the AOC in the Pokemon world is lower haha” to myself. But it turns out it’s actually the fucking case lol
Adulthood in Pokemon starts at 10, marriage as young as 11. May, Dawn, Rosa, Hilda, Serena, Green, Lillie, etc. they’re all adult women who can legally take cock by 25+ year old men (as I imagine they do)
I probably gooned to Rosa and Delia equally. Attractive is attractive.
source on your claim
the fact they get a pokemon at 10 doesn't prove anything
I mean realistically, if you can run around and slap random trainers around and extort every single one for 2000 yen a pop you ought to be paying taxes, you fucking child monster
Pocket Monsters: The Animation Novel, It details a bunch of lore. There’s a full English translation of both books out there
Wonderful. But why not Pokémonstergirls?
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I want the kids and their Pokemon to take advantage of me
Deception will NEVER EVER be finished
>shaved DEI hair style
>leftist punk aesthetic
>necklace to hide his Adam's apple
>attention whore
I confirm, marnie is an ugly tranny.
i now need an image of non-futa marnie with male genitelia
It's not just about physical development as it is mental.

If it was physical, then dwarves wouldn't be allowed to have sex, ever. Likewise, people who've not undergone puberty due to some hormone dysfunction, wouldn't be allowed, ever.

Another part of it is mental capacity. Consent is about being able to weigh up the pros and cons of something, and making an informed choice about whether you are willing to take the risks (STDs, pregnancy, sociological associations with sex, etc.) for the benefits (coom). Most people are expected to have enough life experience by those ages to make that basic choice, and to at least have some understanding if you are being groomed and coerced.

Of course, zoomoids are mentally stunted, so this will likely go up at some point in the future as many zoomoids claim that their brains aren't fully developed despite being in their 20s
you can stop samefagging now
Fictional magical creatures can consent, fictional humans can not
in the age of internet, there is no reason it could also go the other way, where people gain knowledge much earleir than the arbitrary number set by imaginary line and decided decades ago
That's a throwback
brains continue to develop all the way up to 25-27
>If I jerk my little cock to a drawing of a 10 year I DEFINITELY wouldn't jerk it to an actual 10 year old
Who are you trying to convince
sex is not that big of a deal it's just the modern society pretends it's something scary and mysterious
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For sure. We jsut set cut-offs where we think it is currently appropriate. In the future it may go down, it may also go up. But currently, most places feel comfortable with it being around 16-18 as a mesh between phsyiolgical development and mental capacity.

This may one day go up, it may one day go down. Based on GenZ's views, it'll likely go up.

Brains continue to develop till you're old and decrepit. That's a part of neuroplasticity and why you can make new memories and associiations as new neural pathways are made. If you're a complete cuck for the "frontal lobe finishes developing at 25" meme, women's lobes mature faster at around 21-23 and men tend to mature later at 25-27. But GenZers who don't understand science have attached to 25 for all ages because most are liberal arts dipshits.

And if they genuinely believe that the brain doesn't finish developing till these ages and is fully developed by then, they should not be confered adult rights such as voting, as they do not see themselves as adults.
Sex is fantastic, it just modern society still governed by outdated prudes and ancient dogmates from useless religions.

Sex is one of the best thing human can experience and it comes with 0 strings attached, it should be a [one of] cornerstone of human society as a whole.
yeah, up. considering how much stupidity is around, aoc could be pushed up to 30s with plenty of valid examples of idiots that may even push it farther untill our democracy is like the original one.
AoC opinions are only made because 'men scawwy'. It's not based on actual science.
Show Gen Z an age gap relationship where the woman is much older and watch them either get real quiet or try to make logic of it.
Because adulthood and sex are responsibility-based and only correlated to age, I'm all for saying that people can't consent if they don't have the physical, mental or financial means to move out of their parent's house but then a lot of so called 'adults' would not be happy with that.
like you have sex
In this case when I say "sex" I mean "sexual pleasure" in general. You don't necessarily need a partner to experience it, with partner is just a variation of it.
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Lapras consented and loved it so much she kept coming back for more, how is this considered immoral?
defintly not; financical means mean rich people kid can move out much sooner, so little princess can be fucked much earlier than poor girls with similiar physical and mental conditions. mental or physical capacity condition isn't much better, and it sounds more like a way to get back at basement dwellers than actual concern to if people are mature enough to fuck around.
Rich people can do anything they want regardless.
this is a problem that needs fixing, not accepting. a solution for one issue should not come at the expense of extending another.
Is that fucking mickey mouse?
>even lay taxes
in case you are serious
yes its micky mouse
scene is from a famous collab between disny and square enix
it has famous disny characters and some notable final fantasy ones as well
and its own set of originals

game is called
kingdom hearts
>hangs out in the beach
>immediately raped by a moid
>comes back next day for revenge
>loses and is raped again
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The story never specified rape, fag
>posts fake ass chat gpt shit
>"you're wrong"
Show these people this >>56705279 and watch then excuse it or deny it, casting off their beliefs in order to justify consumption of product.
This image implies these routes are mutually exclusive
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It still does not justify Bonnie and Pokekid, Anon.
>retarded alphoid has never heard of Kingdom Hearts
Fuck me, this website is dead
to be fair kingdom hearts hasn't been relevant since kh2 and that was like, 20 years ago
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>KH2 was 20 years ago
>I was still a young teenager
Well, time to kill myself
cherish the fact you were there. to experience real video games.
he's right
As expected of trannykind.
You will never be japanese
>bringing up /pol/ out of nowhere

If you are a Westernoid, your ability to segregate fiction from reality is already suspect, given that half the reason people hate woke and DEI is because you fagapologists allowed DEI to blur the lines between fiction and reality to use fiction as agenda pushing, and that is more concerning.
>hard choice
having to choose and thinking about all the sexy pokegirls and pokemon that i'd have to choose between made me hard, yes
Not for me. I’m not a filthy pedo.
Nobody fucking cares you self righteous freak. Stop sucking your own dick
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anons, what did we learn from this thread?
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You mad?
You all need therapy
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This is the global. If a girl is old enough to suck and fuck her class mates she is old enough for me to get a turn, end of. The US AOC is only so high because highschool girls were willingly and enthusiastically getting their backs blown out by older men, raw, and getting pregnant because of it. This was back before child support laws so the guy could just bail, and this triggered the girls *who wanted to be mommies =)* and their parents, because the guy wasn't willing to be her paypig wageslave for the next 18 years. So they upped the AOC, and all those girls have to wait until they turn 18 to live out their dick riding dreams.
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>A hard choice for you weirdos after the leaks
Wasn't too hard for me
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How they not have fanfics in the leak?
Typhlosion and Rapidash are odd choices for porn
Mythology isn't pornography.
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There's adult women in Pokémon
Pedophilia is not a legal term, it has nothing to do with the law
*turns into a duck and rapes you*
neither is hebephilia, in court a child diddler is a child diddler
>so to demonstrate this I will post a man
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You are now reminded of 2007 4chan lore
Lock us up homie. I'll wait.
for the crime of throwing other child diddlers under the bus because "they diddle smaller children" i condemn you to be aware of the tongue inside your mouth, you now rest it manually
One path leads to Hell!
And the other leads to Hell as well!
But foolish coomers they are, for I can just WALK OFF THE FUCKING ROAD!
0 evidence marnie is underage
>Doesn't understand what a fucking TEENager is
god i hate the retards inheriting this world

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