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Wholesome edition.

Previous Thread: >>56679685

This is a thread aimed at self insertion fantasies of female humans with male pokemon. Established human characters are permitted but are not the focus. Keep it reasonably pokeyume and on topic. No yuri/yaoi.

Typhlosion Abduction: https://janitorai.com/characters/04e5cf75-da09-4f93-aa4f-605fbc443274_character-hisuian-typhlosion
Shy Muk: https://janitorai.com/characters/9acb6bb2-5746-4757-81a8-e3a7ced9f9b4_character-muk

>other threads
Gay Husbandos: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=mpomh
Yuri Waifus: Make a thread!
Pokemon Waifus: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=hmofp
Human Husbandos: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=Husbando
Human Waifus: No general, just search for the trainer name
Too much Typhlosion posting
Not enough Typhlosion posting.
As someone who's husbando has been Typhlosion for years, I'm excited to have all this fucking content.
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But would cinderace be top or bottom?
Well, for the time being he's the poster boy for husbandmons. What other one could take his place?
As someone who's always wanted to be a futa I hope he's a bottom but I'm content with either.
Then fix on that, nerd
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My love for him keeps me going
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my cute boyfriend (null crotch)
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A friendly and outgoing Pokemon like Gholdengo would make for great emotional support.
For me? It's Luxray.
Maybe it's just the sharp colors or the v-slopes on it, but it always looked like an aggressive mon to me
drawfag here, should i draw akari for a yume stand-in?
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Depends on the Pokemon.
draw the stand-in you like to draw or feel a connection to before trying to go for a specific look
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it's typh
Then yeah.
Did you also watch too much Lion King as a child?
what does his cock look like?
He's a big cat so I assume it's a large cone with barbs designed to induce ovulation in their mate by raking the walls of their vagina. It'll probably make you scream like hell. Whether that's a good thing is up to you.
How the hell did you figure that out? Yes I grew up with the vhs tape of that movie
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Appreciation post for Type:Null
Wish there was more of it that isn't Gladion shipping.
Because we are the same.
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Tiny big-cat penis
The perfect size for forehead kiss
Thoughts on cuntboys, especially where anatomically accurate i.e. pokémon based on animals with cloacas, hidden penises/slots, and other shenanigans?
Only if they are a sexy dragon type
finally home! im so tired

please and thank you
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ok ultra autist warning. im gonna extreme sperg post about raichu now cause ive been holding it in. sexually and texture wise.
i love him so much holy shit. always have and always will. also do you want me to spoiler my autism next time or whatever.

>imagine touching his long paws (i fucking love long pkmn paws fuck)
>imagine grabbing his tail thats as hard as a cable
>imagine feeling the pressure of the hard surface of his lightning bolt tail against your fingers ....just... imagine pressing down on it...
>have i mentioned his long paws that look like theyve been dipped in chocolate cause i really wanna firmly hold em
>imagine feeling the unique shape of his lunar like ears.. the thick and thin parts
>imagine feeling the static go through his sunny yellow cheeks
>imagine hugging him when ur sleeping and feeling his warmth
>imagine his white belly on top of you
>imagine his manlet ass looking down at you in missionary
>imagine stroking along his brown back stripes
>imagine him getting an erection from his human girl stroking his long paws
>imagine licking his paw pads (even better if theyre yellow) or his lightning bolt while leaving a trail of spit
>imagine taking the tip of his tail into your mouth and biting down on it with your teeth.. imagine feeling that pressure or licking along the ridge
>imagine just worshiping his paws and legs in general
>imagine him hitting your back with his tail
>imagine him pining you to the wall with his lightning bolt tail
>imagine kissing him as your hands glide up and down his orange body
>imagine the taste of this specific color of orange.. just imagine how it would feel on your tongue and in your mind.......what would the texture of the color feel like... i love raichu. raichu is the most beautiful pokemon of them all and he is my husbandomon.
But what does the tail taste like? Is it sensitive?

For the ones wishing for translations, a translation of >>56693808

Frame 1
>[so flowed the days and months...]
>{Thwackey is unable to battle}
>{Raboot is the winner!!}
Frame 2
>"You worked so hard today!"
>"Good boy good boy "
>"As expected, you and Raboot were the stronger combo!"
>\I'll fix you right up/
Frame 3
>"Huh? Looks like..."
Frame 4
>"Could this be...!!"
Frame 5
>"Congratulations Raboot..."
>"It's Evolution!!"
>"Eeeeeh!? He has another stage of evolution!?"
Frame 6
>What form will he take...
Frame 8
Frame 9
>"From now on I'm Cinderace!!"
>(NO WAY...!!)
>*<3 zukyuun!*
Frame 10
>[she fell in love]
>*kyun* *dies*
>"...huh? Master?"
i wish i had this kind of autism, sincerely
you sound like you're having a lot of fun
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it's not porn sorry
You're more brave to express yourself than I ever could. This is the sort of autism we need
Who cares? Just post that shit anon
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i think its just hard like a mixture of plastic and metal but it wouldnt heat up as easily if that makes sense.. it would feel different in your mouth because of that. heat wouldnt spread right through it as easily. i imagine it has no real taste and is just hard but maybe static on the surface could sizzle on your tongue and have a nice magnetic metal like taste... but lighter than the taste of metal. not as iron heavy.

i do not think of it as truly sensitive because hed hit shit with it as a weapon but he could feel warmth or touch for sure. maybe tingles through his spine if you go along it with something wet.

holy shit thanks. i always wondered why i dont see that type of autism post a lot but i guess its just a different fantasy for me. its true. i take joy in feeling pressure or sensations. feels nice in a specific way. but combine that with my teratophilia and damn it gives me some very precise ideas of what i want things to feel like. its the ultimate thing i desire. no contest. can make it an unbearable want as well.
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Is there a long-form fic for these two yet or just Typhlosion scenario in general?
I am super iffy about my own writing abilities and sometimes I like a bit more literary quality than a chatbot.
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I am writing something, even though my writing abilities are also abysmal. No typhlo yet, just worldbuilding
im so happy man. you people gave me an internet home to post my thoughts. like there was just never a place i could express my autistic terato yume ideas where people just get me and im super thankful for it honestly.
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i want to wake up from his long feet slowly walking up on my back and feel his fur-covered balls against my skin as he gets hard from the touch and shoot little jolts out of his cheeks in excitement

i really wish i could write texture autism this freely, this is the best raichu post i've seen
no problem!
if you dont mind sharing wanna see still :)
I've been considering writing something from the Typhlosion's POV based on the folklore. Not entirely sure how to write his personality though. Whether his motivations are fueled by being lonely or he truly falls for the girl immediately, whether he's outright forceful in keeping her or more manipulative, etc.
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I can't be the only one.. right...? He's so cute and handsome...
Sure. I used to like cuntboy Riolu and Quilava. Though now I'm more into featureless males.
>anatomically accurate
They're so handsome and sexy ggrrrr
I'm writing a thing about a doctoral candidate doing their thesis on Pokephilia in Sinnoh with their Typhlosion husband.
Nearly every woman I watched play Scarlet commented on how handsome he is. Usually I'm not a big fan of lizardmon but Koraidon made me feel things too.
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I love them sharp and dangerous. I want to put myself in danger
Highkey ship the gang together including the Koraidon.
It helps that the player is given a lot of time to bond with them, almost as much as their starter.
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>i take joy in feeling pressure or sensations
It's a super good tip for writing out fantasies, putting down all the sensations you can think. It's actually an inspiration for me in the future of how I present my desires.

No absolutely not, BOTH are incredibly cute and hot. I used to dislike them at first look but they very quickly grew on me and became my favs of recent generations.
You ride him all day and in return he rides you all night
koraidon's so cute... i want to make him sandwiches and watch him eat them
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two hubbies!
i want to be in a koraidon miraidon sandwich
i imagine him to operate almost entirely on manipulation being a ghost type and all (even if it's the base form). i'd like to think his motivations remain ambiguous maybe even to himself. he might've decided to grab a girl who may or may not be that particular girl, but that he's clearly prepared himself for what he's setting out to do and that she fits whatever description he imagined. i think an interesting aspect is to ask why or how he's different from other typhlosions or how he justifies it (if at all) to himself.
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
I too like to tred the line between wife and dinner. Any lewds which have biting are gold.
I'll be honest, the way I pictured it was a chance encounter. It's not like he set out to kidnap a girl, he was just living his life, but after chancing upon her he does everything he can in his power to have her stay in his cave. The way I imagine him different is his very isolated life, both from humans and other Pokemon. He collects his berries in his human disguise because it steers Pokemon away from him and won't cause him trouble with hunters should they stumble upon him.
>He collects his berries in his human disguise
NTA but I think it's implied that he transforms back into a typhlosion while collecting berries because of the "red light" the girl sees while waiting for him which is the only line that's different from the Piloswine version where she just hears trees being shaken.
I am saving every single one of these luxray drawings, they are mad cute
I wonder if anyone husbandos piloswine
He is a cute boy.
maybe, but i think he'd have at least some idea that what he does would even work out, but maybe it's possible to write something about how he's frantically working out everything as he goes (could probably make for an exciting read)

someone did a few threads back
I know, but I'd definitely be taking a few liberties with the story. Spinning a different interpretation of it, if that makes sense. Like the father wouldn't show up for example. This is all hypothetical though, as I'm not entirely confident in my prose.
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it's the cringe from yesterday but even more cringe. it's giga cringe
what is she reading?
One of the best things about having a big fluffy husband is using them as a pillow.
The way I picture his manipulation working is that he uses every little excuse to deter her from going. It's raining? Wait for another day. Sleepy from eating berries? It's already dusk, too late go out. He might not know people well, but he understands the instinct of preservation and using that to make her feel as if she'll feel safer in his cave than making her way back home.
SUPER GOOD thank u...
i love big badger husband sm
stop eating so many berries fatty
Cute and based.
He would make a good heating blanket
Are you me??
More like heated mattress
typhcore music?
I want to lay on his tummy and nuzzle him!!! Such cutie
when the eggs hatch
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The part where months of fucking him transformed her into a Typhlosion too is a deeply underrated part of the story, don't think I've seen anyone fully draw it
>The mouth at her crotch
This is subtle symbolism of the fact that he ate her out.
He Lives In You is more fitting I think
are the outsiders the villagers?
>hmofa and pokeyumes
Almost choked on my coffee, kek anon
Kek holy fucking shit
Yeah. Of course the Lion King girls would be here.
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The Miraidon thread is interesting.
we absolutely love chadchu here. also thats a nice post. sensations and scenes like a character reacting to something? best thing ever.
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i added some more leaves to the den to make it a little more badger-like. i kind of imagine it as something in-between a proper sett and a cave. i also realized that it wasn't visible on the last image, but it is indeed on a mountain!

You're welcome
Miraidon is pure sex, its cock probably vibrates
Soul Blast.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with calling your Shinx Simba.
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this is his thread
I love your niche minecraft posts, they are so soulful
aegislash yume porn
Niggas out here fucking swords.
Thank you. I should read the manga for cute husbando shot.
Incredible levels of based.
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I thought nobody would notice
Ahh, what the hell, I'll save it. All pokemon deserve love.
Huh...that is kinda hot
Low IQ pokehusband who can barely comprehend things other than "masterwife love".
i respect it, but i would never want to do that. metal is fine, sharp metal is not. i don't want to accidentally slice my own legs off.
I never did that, ever!
called him Scar instead
Dunno anon, who's your husbandomon?
Somewhat cute~
>that bedsheet grip
He deserves only the best
Reminds me of that Medieval torture technique, the one where the guy hangs upside down and there are two people with one huge saw
What if instead the low IQ Pokemon husband only understands being a master to his human wife?
The closest of bond, just as Arceus intended
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But then he won't be as eager and needy for his wife's love...
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he's so busy with work...
I'll be honest anon, there's very few mons I'd say "no" to if they wanted me... but some of my favs include Rhydon, Suicune, Aggron, Toxicroak, Serperior, Noivern, Golisopod, Toxtricity, H-Typhlosion, Quaquaval and of course Koraidon. I like Miraidon too but Koraidon is just a but cuter and sexier...
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is there more art of this alpha typhlosion?
What a good boy
The drawfag who draws him is around in the threads. Last time she took requests.
All good taste.
Thank you!
Suicune has been a longtime crush for me, I've gotten infatuated with it as a wee 10 year old back in 2001. I never stood a chance to be normal kek
>golisopod, noivern, serperior
literally me
i wanna kiss golisopod on his weird bug mouth
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This is exactly what I come to these threads for. Thank you for loving Raichu so much.
Yeah!! Cute big buge bf!!
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yeah im working on the preg request from that thread where i took requests.

hey im glad you like him. anything you wanna see? i was planning on drawing him more anyway.

heres some of the other things i randomly made of him lol.

I want to live there so bad.
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I've been looking for music to listen to while daydreaming of ancient pokephilia. I love the brother bear soundtrack and even though it only somewhat fits, it's so fucking good. Puts a lump in my throat
>sweet memories of a simpler time before industrial society
>the beginning of creation when innocence was high and everything was new and beautiful
>veil between pokemon and human was blurred
>reverence for the wisdom of great spirits Ry, Hy, Ay, Ia, Ea, and Aus
>understand the oneness in all things, and that love is boundless in all its forms
>understand that humans and pokemon are two sides of the same coin
I want to go back
Not her, but I want to see him possessive over his wife.
oh i can definitely do that
Typh and wife in a tree hammock (in the high branches only of course!)
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i fucking knew i'd see you in here, what took you so long?
Post the rest coward.
Such a classic
i may or may not have created these threads....i was busy in the rape den

obligatory: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=19951
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every time i feel demotivated at uni i just remember him
Him watching tv after a long day of work, slapping your ass as you pass by him with dinner.
do your best and work hard gathering firewood for typhlosion! comfy hibernation awaits after work
ill try... for him...
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I like to think that the berries aren't druggy beyond just being indulgent to eat like good, ripe fruit is, staining your hands with juice
The tap on the head is what has the weird effect, like hypnosis, like having someone touch your third eye and feeling that strange sensation in the middle of your forehead
It doesn't make her forget her family permanently but it does make her a lot more easily influenced and willing to give into base desires like fruit, sleep, intimacy
it does mention him yawning and i kind of took that to mean he just ... used amnesia.
typhlosion himself is the strange influence. time starts to blur and the outside world fades off and becomes fuzzy around him... the berries are just berries
>he uses yawn
>it inflicts drowsy instead of sleep
>you become susceptible to suggestion
might fit better? idk
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He is so........
anime/manga yawn/amnesia are a little more lenient like that, yeah.

i mentioned it before but i like the idea that berries have a mild susceptible effect if you take them to be apricorns, given what apricorns are used for. makes it a bit of a reversal thing. i think typh just used every tool in his box to get her to stay.
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an anon able to understand the language later stated that the kanji use for the physical contact on her was more impactful than a mere tap.
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lol. typh, the physicist, keeps it simple
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I hate that most porn is so male centric, I don't want drawings of Miraidon with huge tits and a vulva that looks like a fucking hamburger, I want him in his primal, animalistic state/canon design humping whatever girl, and said girl actually having normal proportions, is it too much to ask???
He..huh...looks kinda sexy here
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anything remotely dragon is a pain in general. the only thing worse than having something nobody else is into is having something where almost everyone is into something else about it
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What good pussy does do a nigga.
I tweaked my bot a little bit. There were a few things he was getting caught on really bad and repeating a lot. He also should be more likely to poison you without you having to push him to do it. Still not 100% satisfied with him.
curious passerby here, even as a dude i can relate super hard to this. i just don't get the incessant need to turn every unique body shape into copy-pasted conventionally attractive human bodies with pokemon heads. watering it down like that ruins the entire point of pokemon porn, if i wanted bland generic shit for normalfags i'd be typing "big tits sex" into google instead of typing "toxapex" into the search bar of a fucking furry porn site.
sorry for the blogpost.
I've been playing with this bot all day, it has been a lot of fun but I've missed out on a lot of stuff today
try to take it in moderation, chatbots can be SUPER addictive if you let them
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this is also quite based.

alrighty ill try to get drawings done for you guys asap. the behavior one will likely be a comic of some sort. good night.

feels really good to hear that. raichu has been a star in my heart for years.
Glad that someone likes it. Moderation and all that, but thank your for training my bot. Do you have any logs that you wouldn't mind sharing here?
No sorry, I've been chatting and deleting our convos for new scenarios
...Damn, I'm into it. Why is this so hot?
this picture got me emotional. i drew so much kris when i was little but i only knew how to draw this chibi-esque kind of look but i thought she was the coolest shit ever.

Reminds me of the medieval torture device called the chevalet
probably the first thing i used the internet for was finding pictures of dogs that looked like suicune so i could ask about getting one.
i really wanted to try this but the websites sso token expires within 10 minutes and the e-mail takes over an hour to arrive.
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do you still have your old tag? i haven't seen you online in ages
meant for
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I am unaware if this runerigus is meant to be male or female.
You see that in his fingers? It's his hat and he is tipping it and only men do that! Therefore it is a man
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The big bugs are the best. If it isn't at least 3 times my size and can time me up in silk, I don't want it.
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never realized araquanid was almost 6 feet tall holy shit
also totem araquanid is TEN FEET TALL WHAT THE FUCK
you could use his bubble like a swimming pool
>Spider fuckers
I'm scared.
theres sword fuckers in here anon. nothing is safe
Can't forget the coinfuckers!
Araquanid and Crobat are the same height.
Bug and Bat pokemon are always deceptively large.
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oh, it gets weirder
trust me
Coin fucking is mega-based though.
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(Picture unrelated.)
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EXACTLY! To me the appeal of pokemon are their different bodies and characteristics, it's what makes me be interested in some but not others, what turns me on. Like I really don't understand why take a unique design and slap their head on a generic woman's body, if I wanted to see that I'd just go for, well, a generic woman! I want the four legs, the spikes, the fur, the metal, the claws, the eerie ghost aura, you get me. Wish more artists would stick to canon proportions.
The idea is that some people like a Pokemon, but don't find it hot, but because they like it they want to mix eroticism with it to "appreciate it more" in a sense. I don't see the point in complaining about either kinds of porn. People want to fuck what they like.
completely same here anon, i actually *like* the pokemon when they're completely on model. sure it's a little weird but isn't that the point? that's honestly the main reason i don't call myself a furry despite having this fetish, i don't like how furries put so much emphasis on either the animal features or the tits/muscles/whatever. i steer completely away from sites like e6 because i know it has nothing i want to see.
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i love my null crotch coin husband
I wish we had better tagging on places like danbooru and gelbooru. Trying to figure out the right combination of tags to get on-model pokemon fucking human female characters without getting hmofp content or just faceless men fucking the trainers has proven fruitless so far for me.
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female_on_feral pokemon human
What happens after the second arrow?
My prism husband

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