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How do you feel about Cynthia being a canonical descendant of Arceus?
very good, now I can worship Her even harder

Arc suit + her being Cogitas descendant
It's been said that Cogita is one of Arceus's avatars
Foot worship
>Arc suit
A what?
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Arceus suit*
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The Queen of /vp/
Yeah, it's canon. Cynthia has the sex goddess genes from Arceus.
Need Serena x Marika crossover tbqh
Said by whom?

Oh interesting
So she is primal slut then?
the Eve of Pokeworld?

When did this theory took place? Was it before the leak or leak facilitated it?
Ok but why are you ignoring Steven and Lance? They got Arc suits too.
Cynthia was clearly the main star/draw of the arc suits trailer, the current story and 5-th anni in general

Plus Arceus had sex as a human woman, not man
Oh kay false alarm, nevermind, it just Arceus themed:

> An arc suit (Japanese: アルコス Arceus Costume) is a special type of outfit appearing in Pokémon Masters EX that is designed to resemble Arceus. They are granted, through the power of sync stones ultimate, to Trainers who have a very strong bond with their partner Pokémon. The outfits are said to have been blessed by Arceus. Once a Trainer has awakened their arc suit, they can freely switch between their normal outfit and their arc suit at will.

> Unlike sygna suits, which denote a sync pair formed with a different partner Pokémon than normal, arc suit sync pairs are new sync pairs formed with the same partner Pokémon. These sync pairs can be scouted to join the player's team through special sync pair scouts called Arc Suit Fairs.
>tfw the fanfics you made shortly after Platinum dropped ended up being true
Anon I know the headcanon about Cogita being Arceus lusting for human cock is hot but it’s still just that- a fun headcanon based on a scrapped mythos.

Whats astonishing to me is that there’s been absolutely on Cynthia in the leaks so far. No backstory, no character direction, no age; I really wonder if they had a plan for her in mind beyond “Steven but woman folklore autist instead of rock autist.”
they didnt know back then that she would become the most popular champion/game character
Nothing to do with what he said. Cynthia didn't get a bio because she's just Steven 1.1 edition but now he's a blonde woman.
>korean pinch gesture
What is even happening here? Some kind of giant foot snake is wrapped around her?
and yet she completely eclipsed and surpassed Steven in every way
>and yet she completely eclipsed and surpassed Steven in every way
>reinforces my metaphor
Interesting OP.
Aren't all living things native to the universe descendants of Arceus?

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