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Can your Pokemon team defeat Fageta?
>Vegeta screaming about his saiyan pwide
Haha cool. Anyways let's see you dodge this Strength Sap.
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Team? I only need one.
Nobody cares about your shitty anime Paco, take that shit to >>>/int/
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my ace solos that fraud
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Can your Pokemon team defeat Great Ape Vegeta?
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Yes but Gengar instead of Ghastly
Probably, he's a terminal jobber
hell, i can probably beat him myself. dude's whole job is making the new guy of the week look strong.
>beat Vegeta
>become new guy of the week
MewTwo probably beats every DBZ character except Teen Gohan until the start of the Buu sarc.
yes and after he is defeated i would have my pokemon fuck him in his asshole
That's a HM roadblock not a battle.
Follow Me support into Cut.
Name a single Pokemon that would actually lose to Vegeta
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Like this?
I'm just waiting for the anon who genuinely believes Pokemon could win.
It's always a ride when he shows up.
Mewtwo would be lucky to beat Raditz.

Who the fuck even thinks of this shit let alone go out of their way to draw it?
I do.
Vageta is 1000% Dark/Fighting, so literally any fairy type wins.
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>fairy type

I want a daily dose of Valerie fucking Vegeta. Too bad I don't know how to draw and haven't gotten to start making AI porn yet but when I do I'm gonna make so many AI images of all kinds of characters fucking Vegeta up the ass.
But she has no cock to dose?

Everyone has a cock bigger than fageta.

Prankster Murkrow with Perish Song, well if he isn't a dark type
Perish body Cursola
A ghost type with curse and a focus stash
Sturdy Garganacl with salt cure
A poison type with toxic
FEAR mon
All of them have protect too
Thanks doc
Even with the most generous powerscaling you can do, Mewtwo is barely continent level being slightly weaker than Regigigas.
Mewtwo wouldn’t even complete OG Dragon Ball when characters are capable of busting the moon.
You're on an anime video game board, on an anime site. Holy fuck how dumb do pokénoggers get?
Any team with a single electric type move could win.

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