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What’s with the random non-legendaries?
Back in 2005 there weren't enough legendaries to fill up the diagram so they shoved a few pseudos in.
beat me to it
They are the demigods and heroes like Theseus
Metagross, Latios and Latias are tied to Atlantis.
And Gyarados
>Garchomp in Dabu's spot and not Darkrai, which literally share the same katakana
>Heatran being here at all and if it was here, it would take Garchomp's place

Gyarados at least based on an actual myth. The real robbery was Arcanine
it's outdated anyways.

here's my proposals:

Kyogre;Xerneas: Birth
All life born in the ocean
Pairs: Latios/Latias
Mythicals: Mew and Manaphy

Rayquaza;Zygarde: Life
All life strives to ascends to the heavens
Pairs: Zacian/Zamazenta
Mythicals: Celebi and Jirachi

Groudon;Yveltal: Death
All life dissolve into the soil.
Pairs: Cresselia/Darkrai
Mythicals: Marshadow and Hoopa

Lower right circle:
The Nature Incarnate trio, with Enamorus in the center
they helped shaping the world.
they don't anymore.
just like groudon and kyogre are not needed anymore.
>Those leaks can't contain wrong documents
>GF really couldn't make up some unnamed legendaries
Some people are just so gullible
Groudon's servants represent the moon since it's just a big rock that keeps the ocean in check via tides.
>he doesn't know
Shaymin and Manaphy are in each other's spot retard.
Gyarados and Snorlax (which was the other option mentioned in one of the written-out myths) pretty much have pseudolegend status in gen 1 and 2. Gyarados has the highest BST (tied with Cloyster) of any non-legendary gen 1 pokemon aside from Dragonite, is featured in both Lance and Blue's teams, and had the Red Gyarados encounter in gen 2. Snorlax has the roadblock encounters in gen 1 and 2 and, despite having a much lower BST, was one of the most dominant and powerful pokemon in gen 2 competetive battling. That's something Game Freak staff would have known by the time this lore was created, so I imagine it had some level of impact on Snorlax being the choice as a spirit/god holding up the sky.
>"realist" pokemon tard
>rage and shit opinions
zero surprise
My question is why Heatran and not Darkrai?
Local deities like a river god/spirit.
Snubbing Salamence for Gyarados is also pretty retarded, but as a Metagross supremacist, I can turn a blind eye to this slaughter of Salamencesissies.
They were probably thinking of making a cool circle for the Sinnoh myth legends first and then filled it with strong looking mons that tangentially fit later on. Notice how none of what’s written on that doc comes up in the actual games beyond “WAOW cool circle!!!” in HGSS. Weather trio in the final game doesn’t even have any connection to Creation trio despite Gamefreak really wanting them to be related to the titanomachia in some older drafts.
>Metagross is the last time Pseudos got to be anything but Dragons and gets to be the based Antikythera Mechanism

Seriously what's their fucking obsession with dragons? At the very least Goodra is the Lou Carcolh, but why are Kommo-o, Dragapult and ESPECIALLY Baxcalibur like that?
Before fairy, it was the boss type.
See how many legendaries are dragons.
Honestly I don't think they really represent the Pokemon themselves, but the regions they come from.
Latios, Latias, and Metagross=Hoenn=Land=Kyogre
Garchomp, Cresselia, and Heatran=Sinnoh=Land=Groudon
Dragonite, Gyarados, and Tyranitar=Kanto/Johto=Sky=Rayquaza
I saw someone say that this diagram was created before Darkrai in development
It’s all a rich tapestry. Groudon’s servants controlling magma and masses of earth and rock. Kyogre’s servants are protectors of the sea tied to the cut Greek Atlantis concept, with Metagross revealed to be based on the Antikythera mechanism. Meanwhile, Rayquaza’s servants populate and rule far above in the skies. Dragonite, Gyarados, and… Tyranitar.
why include Cresselia but not Darkrai?
Garchomp is wrong, that spot is Darkrai.
It was made earlier in the development, Giratina didn't exist and Cresselia was sun themed.
Yeah but most of the dragons I listed came AFTER the Fairy type. They're still obsessed for whatever reason
yes, they don't need to be legendaries to help like tools.
Layers/spheres of physical world
Cresselia: Moon
Garchomp: Base land
Heatran: Earth’s interior

Yes I made this up.
>Sun themed
It similar to how bug still the weak jrpg enemy.

It is possible to be.
Sun = saan.
Earth = Gordon
Moon = dahabu

Proto name was "saan"
gyarados got in instead of salamence because salamence is a bitch
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Hey that’s not nice
tyranitar, metagross and dragonite are fug's buddies
salamence has chickin wings
Yeah, the moon, sun, earth interpretation is the theory that makes the most sense by far.
Metagross is from Atlantis.
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Salamence has feelings!
The stars are also under him.
So Heatran is out and Darkrai is in? How does Gordon mean earth and same with the d word one?
Haven't we basically confirmed Dahabu is Darkrai at this point though? Because of its placeholder in battle revolution.

So if this is the explanation for the creation of all pokemon how do legendaries from gen 5 and onward exist? They're just random seemingly powerful pokemon that came to exist out of nowhere?
anything past Gen IV is not canon
Early draft.
Tyranitar could only be found in/on Mt. Silver (Fujiyama) which is the highest point in Poke-Japan (I think?).

They still could have considered Salamence.
Gordon is Heatran. not Garchomp i think.
>how do legendaries from gen 5 and onward exist?
they simply aren't canon
nothing from gen5 onward matters in the grand scheme
Dahabu is a misspelled dahaku, a.k.a Drakai.
Saan is Cresselia.
Gordon we have no idea, but it is likely heatran.
Grondon seems to have the earth and the heavens under him.
World (heatran), the sun (saan/cresselia), the moon (dahabu/drakai) and the stars (jirachi and deoxys)
highest pseudo base stat ever
only mon with an on-command omniboost aside from Falinks
one of the fastest non-legendaries ever made
almost as strong as Groudon, has 2 out of the ~4 most broken offensive typings in the game, and has one of the most feature-ful abilities in the game specifically tailored to its obvious role. Also one of only 3 pseudo-legendaries with an explicit weather synergy.
why aren't manaphy and celebi switched
Gen 4 is not canon either
Goodra is 600 bst
it's the confirmed direct sequel to gen 3
stop seethin'
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I love have NOBODY actually read the canon script for the games that both explains this, Regigigas lore, the flame/Earth plate, the Legends Arceus stuff, and the way the Sinjoh Sigil is with the leaked data.

pmyth05.2"Ausu" explains the non-legendaries in detail which is why it is canon.

>Aus and Giants are born from Cosmic Egg
>Aus kills Giants and makes all of them but Normal Giant into Plates
>Aus creates Ea and Ia for time and space
>Ea and Ia create Lake Trio
>Lake Trio are given the seed of life by Ea and Ia, they nurture to create the Tree of Life, leading to pokemon and Humans budding of it.
>Tree of Life expands infinitely growing its branch(Xernas) because its Roots expand endlessly consuming everything on Earth (Yveltal) so the Lake Trio have to chop it down
>Without the Tree of Life, the Lake Trio have to make a sustainable world for Pokemon and Humans
>Take the Wood of the Tree of life to create a God of the Sky (Rayquaza), God of the Sea(Kyogre), God of the Land(Groudon)
Rayquaza moved and created the winds, which became personified in a pokemon: Dragonite
Kyogre moved and created the waves, which became personified in a pokemon: Gyarados
Groudon moved and created the Quakes, which became personified in a pokemon: Tyranitar

The layout of the mon aren't necessarily correct. The Would actually align with the 3 realms of Land/sea/sky

Dragonite (Wind), Cresslia (Moon), ???

Gyarados (wave) Latios/as (Atlantis)

Tyranitar (Quakes) Heatran (Magma/Core) Metagross (Metals)

The document isn't finalized as it is a WIP but that is the general gist of it.
The katakana for Gordon can also be read as Goodon. Someone pointed out that Camerupt used to have Goodon as a beta name, it probably got reused for Heatran during development since they're both volcano-inspired Pokemon
...I said outdated, as in generations: Not as depicted/planned for GenIV.
life force trio said hi.
Metagross is clearly associated with the Lati@s. You had something plausible going until the end. The picture clearly groups them together, same with Rayquaza’s cohort.

I do ask though, what is the flame/earth plate stuff about?
Kana doesn't match (グードン vs. ゴードン) and all of the established current Pokemon in the chart use their actual names. All the names not associated with a Pokemon in the Aus tree are 100% Sinnohmons
>pmyth05.2"Ausu" explains the non-legendaries in detail which is why it is canon.
No it's full of obvious mistakes that pmyth 1 ACTUALLY explains.

First mistake of 5.2
>so the Lake Trio have to chop it down
In the document it says that Ry coiled around the tree and the other 2 smashed it. Doesn't make sense with Ry's body but document 1 explains it because it wasn't the lake trio but the weather trio who destroyed it and it was Rayquaza who coiled around it.
Doc 5.2
Doc 1

Second mistake of 5.2 and also you I guess mixing things up.
>Without the Tree of Life, the Lake Trio have to make a sustainable world for Pokemon and Humans
>Take the Wood of the Tree of life to create a God of the Sky (Rayquaza), God of the Sea(Kyogre), God of the Land(Groudon)
In Doc 5.2 Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon exist before the tree of life (with no explanation but are said to be Ia and Ea's children) and create the world
In Doc 1 it's explained that Rayquaza, Kyogre, Groudon are created to destroy the tree after Ia and Ea mate then the lake trio make the world with a prayer.
(I'm skipping destruction of tree lines)

Third mistake of 5.2 and also error on 1
Doc 5.2 makes the mistake of Dragonite, Gyarados, Tyranitar being given to each individual weather tree instead of only Rayquaza and the other 2 getting their own ones.
Doc 1 makes the mistake of Snorlax instead of Gyarados.
The diagram which came after both documents by date (made in august while the rest are before) aligns more with document 1 giving each 3 and only differentiates on Snorlax vs Gyarados.
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>weather tree
obviously I meant weather trio
Post Groudon's too plz bb
>I do ask though, what is the flame/earth plate stuff about
They are made from the giants mentioned in another creation myth.
One thing I personally think is that the tree of life idea came back in gen 6. The tree breaking into three parts as Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde (Birth, Death, and Growth). Nothing in the docs to substantiate that though, I think.
dont have it now, but the Groundon one has groundon, latias and metagross again, for some reason.

It is fun that the kyogre one has the 3 group up, but I believe the image is just a color test or something
The tao trio is also from a reused myth, where Palkia was the yin half and Dialga as the yang.
Which explains their types.
I see the non-legends as minions on the image. They helped to create land, sea and sky, but have no power over them and are not gods or legends themselves.

Their descendents nowadays are stronger than normal pokemons tho (sudolegends/powerhouses)
Yeah it's a scratchpad, though it does imply what we figured that Groudon/Kyogre replaced the Latis as the game's mascots and why they stuck with the R/B dynamic
I think they are like the ancient heroes and demigods from Greek mythology.
Also, I found it interesting to notice the similarity in colors between kyoge and latios, also the similarity in the arms of proto-metang and latios
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you are reading pmyth05.2 which is different from pmyth05.2アウス


This is the story that aligns with everything in the game.

>The three gods were sad to see the tree decay and disappear like this, and offered a prayer.
>Ea and Ia sent their three children to the pieces of the tree.
>Rayquaza, god of the sky. Groudon, god of the earth. Kyogre, god of the sea.
>When the three gods roared, the pieces of the tree transformed into the sky, earth, and sea.
Feel like they are the proto raidons.
>Gyarados used Ice Fang!
It's Camerupt
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>you are reading pmyth05.2 which is different from pmyth05.2アウス
There's no difference between the two, they're the same document.
So who is saan?
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They're minor helper gods. Pseudo legendaries aren't really different from minor legendaries like Latios and Heatran, they're just slightly less rare.
why are you saying errors when the thing we infer is what aligns with game not 1 or 5.1 or 5.2 being correct in a vacuum.

5.1 and 5.2 are correct on
>Flame/Earth Plate references to Cosmic Egg/Giants(plural)

5.2 is correct in not having any direct references to lovemaking or Kamiyonanayo breeding, as the final builds of the game remove all possible references to this in both Sinnoh Folk Story 3 and the Froslass tale in Arceus. In those parts, pmyth1 and 5.1 are wrong.

pmyth1 is definitely wrong about the Weather Trio's fate after the tree of life and about the servant Gods because they mention fucking snorlax while 5.2 directly explains gyarados, Tyranitar, and Dragonite.

But we do know that Metagross, Latios, and Latias are Atlantis.

Also we can tell from the way Xernas, Yveltal, and the ancient war of pokemon went that the 5.2 is the basis for that, which means that it is correct about the tree of life's fate.
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can we all just agree that pmyth03.doc is the least accurate to the in game lore because humans somehow appear in primordial time to fuck Arceus and it was written by the same Yuu who did the other pokemon fucking stories?
Yuu was e translation error
>it was written by the same Yuu who did the other pokemon fucking stories?
You moron, it was all written by *Suguru
About the extra legendaries, some are local myths and legends like the momotaro group.
Gyaradosing out is an important part of creation myth read the fucking bible
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Id so far and say that even Lugia and Ho-Oh are place holders
He is literally the waves, an extension of Kyogre. Read the pmyths.
Tyranitar is the quakes, an extension of Groudon.
Dragonite is the winds, an extension of Raquaza.
Lugia and the birds gained their place after the second movie.
Same for celebry and suicune
>pmyth1 is definitely wrong about the Weather Trio's fate after the tree of life
I don't know why you bring this up when they have the same fate in 5.2, they turn into a pillar, rock, and water vein with some minor differences on the wording.
Doc 1:

Doc 5.2:

>because they mention fucking snorlax while 5.2 directly explains gyarados, Tyranitar, and Dragonite.
And then doc 5.2 leaves out the other ones that are clearly in the diagram and document 1

>But we do know that Metagross, Latios, and Latias are Atlantis.
uh okay? that just proves document 1 more since doucment 5.2 makes no reference to Kyogre's relation to them.

>and the ancient war of pokemon went that the 5.2 is the basis for that
That scenario started with document 4 not 5.2.
we have to prune which parts are true from the game, not from the docs orders or our own biases towards one or the other. Its clearly a mish-mash of them, but certain parts are the hidden lore to the game like the Earth Plate and the Flame plate explaining the cosmic egg and the Giants as well as the great pokemon war and tree of life explaining Xernas, Yveltal, and the ultimate weapon.
>Kana doesn't match (グードン vs. ゴードン)
Huh, I managed to find the doc and you're right. It guess we could still say it's Heatran, since he's the last Gen 4 legendary not on the list. It would be weird if GF left him out.

I think you replied to the wrong post
You mean the mainline games, not just GenIV, right?
Heatran feels kind of an afterthought.
What about the Mythicals? Why are they placed in the corners and pairs that they are?
How do they fit into the lore?
They're extinct pokemon.
Ocean water is a source of life (Mew), and Atlantis is lost in time (celebry)
Groundon is associated with heaven (Jirachi and deoxys)
Shaymin is the sky warrior, and manaphy is linked to seafaring.
Those mythicals aren't supposed to be part of the weather trio's domains, they're from the outer galaxy as invisible gods.
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What was his endgame? Also game with regigigas as the boxart legend when?
>manaphy is the only one capable of birth.
What were they planning?
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the mons used are so obviously forced. >guess we will put mythicals over there because they don't have a theme that connects them at all
>fuck we have to use pseudos here to represent other gens
>wait gen 1 only has 1 pseudo? Guess Gyarados is going in
and several years after this it makes even less sense now
With a few exceptions like deoxys or Mew, mysticals are just small cute critters to sell events.
when you stop and think about it, Arceus was meant to be the third legendary; only for GF to realize that they gave their player an OP monster. So they made Giratina part of the creation duo (now trio) while Arceus promoted to mythical status.
>Not a small cute critter
Many speculate that Mew is the Ancestor of most of the Pokémon on the planet.
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beta absol
I meant that Mew actually "exists".
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Should've taken part in creation instead of jerking off over how horrible your nightmares are.
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why does this placement remind me of purifying pokemon on pokemon xd
Darkrai’s the emo sibling who doesn’t get invited
>Heatran instead of Darkrai
Darkrai and Cresselia were literally originally supposed to be a roaming duo like Latios/Latias
It’s obviously them alongside Garchomp like how gen 3 has the latis + Metagross
Because OP is retarded
Anything after Masuda took over for Gen 2 is non-canon.
They are that BASED
replace Garchomp with Heatran and I'll take it
Each gen has a pseudo though. The only way Heatran makes sense is if the theories about it originally being a pseudo are true. What makes it more likely to be in it than Garchomp?
should have been the crystal onix that only showed up in the anime instead of gyarados
nta but
Darkrai's beta name from Revolution is ダーク which is just Dark but would be Dahaku if spelled like the Dahabu
Dahabu in the document and graphic is ダーブ which means the difference would be a single character of Ku vs Bu
Now my own schizo thoery is that there is a possibility that in the early stage before it was Darkrai and before it was just Dark it was going to be Dark + Boo
>Darkrai and Cresselia.
Strange how they are new moon and crescent moon, it feels like something is missing.
Unironically I buy the Regigigas=PokePrometheus theory so probably just to be a dick to Arceus's kids when he can theoretically justify it so she isn't allowed to get mad about it and otherwise take naps/occasionally teach humans how to make Pokemon Pipebombs to send Arceus in the mail.
From what I understand Darkrai could replace Heatran. The translation is shaky.
>retards are gonna overthink this like they did with arcanine and dragonite back in the day
the patternfag struggle
Surprised there's no mention of Unown at all in any of these drafts, considering how the final game and the anime makes a big deal about them being connected to Arceus.
How would you do it now that we have enough legendaries to fill the spots?
Add more circles and triangles
rayquaza's guys mirror itself kyogre and groudon
Arcanine makes more sense once you notice it is a komainu.
Some legendaries are just random powerful pokemon.
The original dragon is connected to arceus, though.
>The original dragon is connected to arceus, though.
How so?
Where did the sun theme come from? Is this a new development?
The ancient king is a symbol of god/arceus, and her plates could be found around.
The tao trio matches the pokemyth were Dialga/Palkia are split halves of Arceus.
Some theorized it because Cresselia's proto name apparently is saan.
There's the one Gen 3 concept art but you're right, GF must have gotten bored with them quickly after Gen 2.
Strangely enough they were featured in the movies.
Because h likes Unova and he's desperate to ride on Sinnoh's coattails for relevancy.
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something like this
fuck kanto am i rite?
Kanto/johto were made before the legendary creepy.
>>56701927 (Me)
forgot to mention it but that empty spot with the asterisk represents the Ruinous Quartet.
i think the legendary birds were retconned into being rare and powerful animals after the series got more proper weather gods in the Forces of Nature. i mean if they're demigods made by Lugia, then why does Galar have another set of them?
Mew I think is a common ancestor to other pokemon. it's one of the first forms of life to inhabit the world but is not itself divine.
and Mewtwo was made in a lab by humans.
mythical are not legendaries
The birds suffered more from the weather trio, before they were the world destroyers ones.

>Ruinous Quartet.
I wouldn't put either SV quartet in it.
The momotaro one was killed for a long while.
Explains why V is so much better than anything that came before or after.
>So if this is the explanation for the creation of all pokemon how do legendaries from gen 5 and onward exist? They're just random seemingly powerful pokemon that came to exist out of nowhere?
Everything past gen 4 takes place outside of Japan this stuff is just the Japanese myth
No it's not it's a gen 4 mon
Because circles
Other legendries are other national myths as you've noticed we've not had a Japan gen since 4
Why didn't they update it in PLA?
Same reason ORAS didn't update character ages

It's still correct
It could also easily be a typo in the doc
In any case this basically confirms Dahabu to be Darkrai, which in turns confirms Cresselia being in there as well
Unowns are a tool Arceus used for creation, not gods themselves
Crappy lore top to bottom. Even "Somehow Palpatine returned" was better writing.

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