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she cute
Why did she make her children fuck?
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Arceus-Chan did it while just a baby, she just didn't understand the problem with constant battle because she was born with violence. It was all she knew
what did she mean by this?
So my assumption is this:s he wanted a fully erect human male penes to gently stretch the musclar tissue of her god pussy entrance and then further penetrate it down to her womb, pushing it up inside her body space and forcing pussy tissue to stretch further, which in turn would cause further flesh contractions that induce electrical impulses which would reach the edges of her vaginal tissue where nerves connect to the flesh, causing them to be excited and send pleasure signals to the brain, making her feel real good.

jus ta theory
>Arceus is based on different male deities
No, anon, trans is when you fool yourself and play make-belief and pretend you are something you never can be
Arceus CAN easily change genres because she/he.it omnipotent. Like, actual, biological change on atomic level, exactly as if it was natrully occurring
So yes she has natural, farm- grown pussy and everything that it entails
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One day science will be able to rewrite DNA and your descendants will suck tranny cock. I curse your bloodline for the next 100 years
>One day science will be able to rewrite DNA
and I welcome that day

> get rid of refractory period
> prolong orgasm duration
what a time ot be alive
Will anyone stop Psychoceus?
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This comes up to you and demands sex immediately. What do you do?
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Ask her to at least be gentle
It would be awesome to creampie an eldritch god.
>boldly accept
>gets mogged by the sleepiest of verses because the titan lore proves that even "True Arceus" is able to be bested just by killing it with one clean almighty shot
Funny how that works out.
bold of you to assume i'm not into that shit
Doesn't this mean tho that Pokemon Battles are completely 100% ethical? God himself wants us to kill each other and Team Plasma were heretics from trying to take that natural right away from us
It's okay, she'll take on human form.
"Alright, turn around"
Arceus is female
>this is why Pokemon can battle the second the hatch
Do human infants in-universe also throw down the second they come out? Kino.
I thought that it was weird to see divine beings getting fucked in the pussy but even the devs were thinking about it. The flesh craves no matter who you are. I'm sorry for ever doubting you /vp/.
>I thought that it was weird to see divine beings getting fucked in the pussy bu
Does no one read any mythology ever? Goddesses having their holy wombs mating pressed by humans is just as common as God cock making demigods.
Man, why did we let sand religions win. Everything else is infinitely cooler.
Crawl inside her hole and begin stretchin
Cute Girlceus.
Though I can believe that the world Arceus wants is one full of fighting and fucking, I do believe that something has gone wrong in the world of pokemon in the establishment of the master/pet dynamic. There's just no other way to describe a world where sentient beings eat out of dog bowls on the floor other than twisted.
Based on the myths in the past the lines between man and pokemon were less clear, with pokemon speaking and taking on human form and men and pokemon intermarrying. Given the typical narrative in just about every culture about people in the past being more pure and spiritual and later generations becoming corrupt by worldly desires, I'd assume that state was closer to what Arceus wanted (she even took on a human husband herself in the myth), and the modern state of things where pokemon are treated as pets is because modern humans have forgotten the old ways and see themselves as superior to pokemon instead of equals. We know in the anime pokemon can still learn to speak the human language, most of them just aren't taught.
Tl;dr: we have strayed from the will of Arceus. Reject modernity, embrace tradition and take a pokemon wife like She intended.
>Though I can believe that the world Arceus wants is one full of fighting and fucking

If it wasnt for retarded, forever mad RENIGGAS, we could have world of just fucking. Pokefucking.
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>why did we let sand religions win
Because the competition didn't even put up much of a fight for the most part. Hellenism was already failing even before Constantine legalized Christianity, and was a joke by the time Julian tried to reform it. European paganism got its teeth kicked in on the battlefield and in terms of trade on the regular, while at the same time being victim to one-way religious syncretism. All the big new world civilizations and the Philipines were colonized by the Iberians. Zoroastrian Persia was literally curb stomped out of existence by the Arabs, after both it and Eastern Rome had their war. India was quite well on its way to get Islamized up to the point, and it would have probably continued if not for the Anglo apathy towards them. Indonesia became majority Muslim due to trade and shit like that. Even South Korea today is about 20% Christian. The only notable exceptions to this trend are Japan and China which both of them had massive uprisings which they managed to defeat. Even then despite making up arround 1% of the japanese population Christians make up 9.5% of all japanese prime ministers.

>Everything else is infinitely cooler
Because you live in this cultural context and what is familiar to you seems boring. Just dig a bit deeper and you are bound to find kino.
Arceus != Aus
>Tl;dr: we have strayed from the will of Arceus. Reject modernity, embrace tradition and take a pokemon wife like She intended.
Amen brother! Can I get a halleluiah!?
>ust dig a bit deeper and you are bound to find kino.
what kino can you find in christianity? it just prudistic facetious bullshit

Like, what exactly cool you expect from religions that was literally deliberately designed to control masses?
kinda based lore explanation for all the dogfighting
>I can believe that the world Arceus wants is one full of fighting and fucking
sounds kind of hedonistic when you put it that way
Grass is always greener
In another timeline where Greek myth was actually the mainstream, people would probably look at the myth about a guy who got sent by his God to pay for all human sin with his life and didn't try to rape anyone and think that it's pretty cool
*unzips dick*
It's probably not a coincidence that a lot of the old ruins associated with Arceus look so damn greek
Arceus is genderless. Neither male or female. Although it can take on masculine or feminine forms. If anything, Arceus is non-binary.
>what kino can you find in christianity? it just prudistic facetious bullshit
remnants of pre-christian beliefs in things like krampus
thats basically it, all of the cool weird shit is the remains of paganism that couldnt quite be stamped out because people were too superstitious to stop revering legendary figures

its just what happens when you have a religion where divinity is an abstract formless thing, as god loses his body he loses what captivated man to begin with.
That's why Arceus is better. It has a body. Body of a horny slut you can PLAP
Yeah we should be husband/wives instead
I mean yeah that was basically what I was getting at
Marriage is a far truer partnership than owner and pet
I'd worship Arceus happily, in every sense of the word
File deleted.
>ywn mating press a goddess
Kill me
I feel your pain, brother.
>Puts the monster in monster girl
I impregnate relentlessly
There's a lot of cool stuff to find in the Old Testament. For example, the Genesis story (Let there be light) is actually a fusion of 2 separate origin myths (Babylonian and Egyptian) and you can actually see which passages are from the Egyptian version and which are from the other. Exodus is likely a retelling of how monotheistic Egyptian Atenists escaped to Canaan. There's a lot of real life history in the Old Testament that's been warped over thousands of years and mythologized and unravelling it is pretty fun.
So you gonna list this cool stuff or what?
IIRC Judaism was a polytheistic religion that got influenced by the Atenists in Egypt into becoming monotheistic. You can see remnants of their former polytheism throughout the OT. For example, the reference to the Asherah and the Asherah pole as well as the Israelite tendency to worship bull statues throughout the OT. On first glance it seems like the Israelites simply cannot stop going against the word of god, but looking at it with the full historical context the portions of the OT bitching about bull worship and Asherah are political propaganda (politics and religion back then were pretty much one and the same). The southern Israelites who were much more religiously fundamental and took influence from Egypt fully adopted monotheism vs the northern Israelis who were much more lax and celebrated many gods. Before being merged together and getting turned into the one and only god, El, Yahweh and Elohim were their own separate being and I believe Elohim's sacred animal was the bull. Additionall Elohim's wife was Asherah. All the parts of the OT that were bitching about that stuff is basically southern propaganda against the north. Eventually the south won the ideological debate because when the Babylonian Empire invaded Israel, they went from north to south, so the power centers of the polytheists were destroyed first and all the refugees running southwards were indoctrinated by the priests of the south.
That is all great, where is cool stuff tho? You can jerk to random fascinating historical facts later
>where's the cool stuff
>admits the historical facts are fascinating
So you're just being intentionally obtuse then. The real history/political propaganda in the Bible getting warped over thousands of years into mythology is the cool stuff.
>He doesn't find history cool
You're a faggot.
>admits the historical facts are fascinating
No, I highlighted YOUR fascination with them, not mine.
You also failed to notice I was being sarcastic and patronized you because instead of actually mentioning "cool stuff"you promised you went onto the rant about the near-subject shit, the meta.

Which was precisely my point - there isnt anything cool outside of meta and that meta happened to be just the history of specific religious movement/form.
I personally find Jesus Christ as a character cool and interesting. The idea of a god incarnating as a human and living among humanity is a fun one, especially given how he came from a religion and culture that ironically viewed such a thing as blasphemous when it came to their own deity. We're desensitised to it of course but it is a fascinating concept, at least to me.
So basically you're a fucking faggot. Got it.
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> young Arceus

Putting my own faith aside, I deduce Christianity-based religions won over the ages due to their more accepting and forgiving nature. Other religions have multiple gods with the violence and whims they entail, some religions have caste systems that affect and control ways of life.
Christianity may have a punitive God, but also spreads messages of acceptance and forgiveness. Capacity to avoid afterlife punishment by dedication towards those messages etc.
It isn’t surprising why it spread and survived
Give the sex.
>Now that I've MURDERED all of Regigigas-san's friends and ENSLAVED him to build the ENTIRE WORLD, I'm going to put a CURSE on him and TRAP him underground for 10000 years so he'll swear ETERNAL VENGEANCE against me and think of NOTHING but getting EVEN STRONGER THAN HE WAS BEFORE and KILLING me
>I'll have to fight him again for the ETERNAL FATE of ALL OF MY CHILDREN and the ENTIRE UNIVERSE
Got I want to suck her big fat female cock!
Drink her divine seed, anon.
Kek based.
Why'd she even bother covering her privates if her tits are out
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>What kino can you find in the most kino religion ever?
>Why did the religion with the most determined missionaries and most devoted preachers win?
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Even if Arceus enjoys a good brawl due to the unusual circumstances immediately after her birth, she's also a loving wife and mother who deeply cares about her husband and children.
She certainly didn't care for her brothers, whom she slaughtered without remorse and then imprisoned the last one. I question her worth as a family woman.
They attacked her first. Simply a matter of self-defense.
>locks one of her children in gay baby jail forever
>leaves husband as a mortal so he dies in a blink of an eye
>Just Giratina being grounded
>She resurrected him as three gods and might also be reincarnating him as a young boy every few centuries
"Oh I know! If I wear the corpses of all of his dead buddies, its sure to make him get fired up for a good fight! This is gonna be a match to remember!"
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I got this.
>was supposedly born from a cosmic egg
>the broken shell pieces of the egg turned into primordial entities and tried to kill it

that whore alpaca you call a god is lying, it wasn't an egg, it was a prison

giratina figured out the truth and got banished to the shadow realm
they weren't her brothers, they weren't even Pokemon
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Actually, Atenism is more of a "we can do Hebrewism better" moment for the Egyptians (the same thing happened with the Iconoclastic movement in the Byzantine empire coming as a result of military losses against Iconoclastic Muslims).
>Strangely, both Amenhotep III and his son Akhenaten were not as militarily active as their predecessors. In particular, they both ignored pleas for help from their vassal states in Canaan, who were complaining that a mysterious people called the Habiru or Apiru were invading. We know this from a trove of cuneiform tablets found in Egypt at Amarna (among the ruins of Akhetaten). Why did these two pharaohs sit back and squander the territorial gains made by Thutmose III?
The religions of Iunu (Heliopolis), ancient Hebrewism & Catholicism are fundamentally monolatrist religions where:
1. Humans are (mortal) gods (Psalm 82 and John 10:34)
2. Human bodies are idols (Genesis 1:27, 1 Corinthians 6:19) made of flesh (clay/soil/earth, viz. Adam)
3. Disembodied spirits (Athena, Zeus, etc.), angels (Michael, Gabriel, etc.) and Living Creatures (Behemoth, Mazzaroth, Livyathan, etc.) are all (mortal) gods (with immortal souls)
4. They all have the same Father (they are called "Sons of God")

>Nu or Apep or Mehen is God the Father (Yawning/Chaos)
>Atum or Heryshaf is God the Son (Discourse/Tongue/Reason)
>Shu or Ma'at is the Holy Spirit (Truth/Order)
Assyriologists are dumbasses compared to Egyptologists so I cannot speak on that subject.
The "Angel of the LORD" (1 Chronicles 21:16) is Earth/Geb/Set/Ash, though.
GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL *kills 70,000 men of Israel* POKEMON GO TO SHEOL

>(Deuteronomy 31:31-32) As soon as [Moses] finished saying all this, the ground under them split apart and the [Earth] opened [his] mouth and swallowed them and their households, and all those associated with Korah, together with their possessions.
This. Arceus was a powerful whore that Regigigias and the Titans were trying desperately to contain and failed.
Hush, denialtard.
>Japan and China which both of them had massive uprisings which they managed to defeat
TBF, China's uprising was led by an insane retard who thought he was Jesus's asian brother and the government were all demons.
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Sounds like heathen shit to me
Grab the oil and the matches boys, Arceus' holy work needs doing
I like your detailed theology posts Anon. Btw the first time I heard of Arceus and Giratina I rather imagined them to be a representation of Ahura Mazda (Ohrmazd) and Angra Mainyu (Ahriman) from Zoroastrianism (given the whole Buddhist influence on beta Gen 1 I’ve read about on TCRF) rather than the Abrahamist deity, but seems like they were not very equal?
Kek, blind Ausfags really think her creations are “good.” Utterly delulu
And to be even more fair, he had a decent chance of winning before the British got involved to prop up the Qing.
Unironically this. Having a religion that actively spread instead of doing it passively is a major reason it was so successful.
>it wasn't an egg, it was a prison
Arceus confirmed for a sex offender at large (the first thing she did after escaping and beating her wardens was seek out the only human male most likely a shota in existence and fuck him)
>the government were all demons.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
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If IA is from diamond, and EA from pearl.
Where is Aus from?
>was supposedly born from a cosmic egg
>the broken shell pieces of the egg turned into primordial entities and tried to kill it
Arceus is literally Pangu but female.
or else?
>government were all demons
Being fair it is one of the biggest truisms there is.
Can't believe the god of the Pokemon world is just a fucking shitposter from down under.
Gimme 5 turns. You'll be fucking sorry.
tis reminds me of a Made in Abyss monster. I'd fuck it.
Gives "Straya, cunt" a different meaning don't it?
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I'm disapointed b the lack of pregnant human!Arceus, so I did it myself.
oh for fucks sake
Now draw her getting an education.
Damn palkia and Dialga must have been big kids
Tear off my pants
This is the moment I was born for
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So how does this work?
Deity level Pokémon can just take human form if they want to, and Dialga and Palkia just did the same in reverse
>Vanilla Dialga 5.4m tall and Origin 7m tall
>Vanilla Palkia 4.2m tall and Origin 6.3 tall
>its just what happens when you have a religion where divinity is an abstract formless thing,
Immediately outed yourself. In Christianity God not only makes mankind in his image, but appears multiple times throughout the old testament with the appearance of a man. Even excluding the new testament stuff, "Yhwh" always looked like a man.
can someone post the, nah I take backshots image I want to send it to my friend
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And the humanized version
Now draw her husband hugging her from behind while patting her head
She is pregnant with twins so I'd assume she'd look pretty big. Though I did probably make the belly too big in the pokemon form. It was easier to just make it big enough to cover her weird ring corset thing than try to figure how it would actually work with the belly.

If the thread is still around when I get home I'll do it. And maybe do a non-pregnant version of her as well, though then I'd need to actually figure how that ring connects to her body.
I'm going to pretend top right is just a fat Arceus, thanks.
Was Arceus' husband an elaborate sacrifice? It was his death that made Palkia and Dialga ascend into godhood after all.
Could be
only human males capable of such true love
That'd be pretty dark, since it would imply Arceus never actually loved the guy, she just needed some schmuck to knock her up and die tragically in order to make her children go super sayan and become the embodiments of space and time.
If the black giant is Giratina (which is a creation of Arceus) it might even be that Arceus herself let it loose in order to engineer the whole situation.
>He gets turned into the lake guardians after this
>Condemned to never be whole again for all time
No wonder RegiGOD hates her so much
Mmmm...remind me of someone
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Original poster of the backshots meme, here's all four variants in one.
Literally the character that my dipshit friend sent me for >>56729738
The fuck do you mean? Two of the most famous stories in Christianity are about a normal guy who gets imprisoned, tortured, killed and then respawns three days later and another where a different normal guy slams a cane on the ground and *parts the fucking sea* as if he was Poseidon.
Just because you can't see the kino (and this isn't criticism, since it's always harder to see stuff like this in what we're used to) doesn't mean it's not there. If we were to have a different religion by the top one, you can be sure we'd be asking to have so much raw power we can just part the sea on command.
Except Gigas wasn't the Giant, it was what the Giant's corpse became after having Aus' blood poured on it. So Aus condemned the Giant's successor/reincarnation/"offspring", who had done nothing itself, to all that, making it even more rage-inducing. The masochistic slut is even more depraved than that.
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Right, I made an attempt, at least
Fuck me, I miss Battle Revolution. Sure, it was a less complete package than the previous battle sims, but it had a lot of sovl in terms of atmosphere in the battles themselves. I wish we still had that kind of passion in this franchise instead of the sterile bullshit we get served nowadays.
What if someone punched her beer belly?
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And the non-pregnant version I promised. I think human!Arceus should have a chubby belly regardless, since her pokemon design does have a round mid-section.
too autismcoded for my tastes
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Can any drawchad draw her >>56726667 as this >>56728549 with the tongue out?
Smells like eggs haha
God I gate this trend, why REniggas portrayed as a victim? If anything, Arceus was one. The beauty was just born into a world and first thing she sees bunch bunch of giga-niggas trying to mog her
This is all fucked up.
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Based fundamentalist Goldmask poster
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tried my hand at it.
she looks cute
>implying trannies will live long enough to experience that
she's killed and betrayed her own kin...
Reddit nihilists are demons in human skin is why
People actually hate winners, and antinatalist nihlism has been preached by the state for 30 years at this point.
Sure but Aus actually lost the battle itself, she only won the war later.
So she is the victim
can you hook me up with your mother? I'm really into goddesses and eldritch, bloodthirsty all-powerful beings.
The both of you!
I love regigigas so much bros
I'm gonna shiny hunt him in Platinum I think
She killed her siblings without mercy you retard. Besides, Gigas had a glow up to cherish the world Aus created, he simply does not forgive Aus for what she has done. You know nothing about Regism yet you would pass judgment? You’re just like the Whore Aus.
He was right.
Mexicans really have an incredible culture.
Do I jerk it to my cosmological mother?
Spilling your seed to the image of the Cosmother is just natural, is it not? Such a tribute harkens back to the holy consummation, after all. It is your destiny to do as has been done throughout history, anon.
Need a Marika and human Arceus fanart
>You know nothing about Regism yet you would pass judgment? You’re just like the Whore Aus.
Isn't that more like the retard Regi knowing nothing about existing but chimping out at it
She's married
> She killed her siblings without mercy you retard.
Because they attacked first?

> You know nothing about Regism yet you would pass judgment?
I know he is narrow-minded retard

> You’re just like the Whore Aus.
Slut anon, the word is SLUT
>*hides boner*
You'll never have me without a fight!!
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she enjoys gauging the strength and robustness of her children. It's just one of those things mothers love to do, Anon.
I like the concept anon but it doesn't match the rest of the frame and the shape is too oval-like to look normal.
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>regiworshippers are antinatalists
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It was a pretty quick edit and I wanted to avoid showing the part where the rings connect to the waist since I really wasn't sure how it should look, so the shape ended up a bit wonky. I decided to go back and edit it somewhat to hopefully get a more natural shape.
Those badges aren't his eyes. He should be squinting those tiny dots in the middle.
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loved the pregnant Aus in the thread, contributing too!
can somebody please link me the story so I know what the fuck is going on??
where can I read all of the stories on the leaks???????
> she is cute
fixed this for you, ESL.
explain how she's pregnant with my human seed then.
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That's my wife.
Based and checked
dem legs
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>Breathes life into elements to create new beings
>Moves the continents around in a display of pure strength and perseverance even while cursed
>Despite having lost everything still stands proud
Very cute cope Aus, very cute, now if you excuse me, I am teaching one of your grandchildren a lesson since neither you or your children will bother with that.
It's how they cope about the HMOFP overtones present in the lore drafts.
She relinquished her victim status when she cursed Regigigas with Slow Start and enslaved him to build the world.
Yfw Arceus didn't make the world nor humanity. Both were born from the battle between her and the giants.
This means that humans alone hold in themselves the light of creation and the essence of the void.
Where is all this lore coming from? Links?
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>A lone mortal man standing against a primordial giant to protect his family
That was implied to be Giratina, not Regigigas, wasn't it?
As a human I'll side with my ancestor :) not his golem enemy
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>And what did you do Aus? Oh yes, you forced your children to fight in your stead, where you there to protect them or fight for them? Where you there to protect your beloved human toy? >Oh of course not, you're too much of a coward to do so yourself, but you sure showed up after everything was said and done to steal all the credit and cursed me, Aus, Aus, Aus.......you allowed your children to watch their father die while you watched from the sidelines, are you sure I am the only heartless one here? You ruptured the egg, dragging us kicking and screaming into a reality of pain and for what? >For your creations to experience naught but pain in their pathetically short lives? It is funny that I am the one trying to prevent pain and suffering while you sit and watch from the sidelines little Aus......
Kill all Arceusissy
>Lets fight and fuck nonstop!
so. . .like all animals are supposed to do, whats wrong with this?
A sissy giant couldn't handle the banter (killing his brothers and using their bodies as make up) and has been seething for 10000 years. He tells you it's wrong.
There are better things to do to Aussy
Because humans are stuck nursing a bunch of retarded animals that won't stop fighting and fucking
>zRetarded white knight simp human gets in the way of a divorcee trying to ensure he doesn’t need to pay Aus for Giratina’ child support
Yes, the mortal was in the wrong here.
Maybe Regigigas would calm down if he realized the pleasure of the Arceussy
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there is nothing better than fighting and fucking.
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There is nothing better than creating and building.
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And he failed because of said simp, imagined being stopped a single puny fucking human. And this is before slow start btw, Arceus cursed his fatass for killing her husband.
Aus' pussy must've been literally divine to take a man to such lengths.
>Try to get some mortal to move
>No good, porn brained, won’t listen to reason
>Try to advance, crush mortal underfoot because he thought he could bench press you
>Kids start getting uppity, seething and coping
>”Where’s your mother?” you ask
>Kids turn into fuck off demons, wtf?
>They start hitting you with tickle attacks; you’re literally beyond the concepts of time and space so you’re practically just holding back toddlers atp
>But while you’re busy holding these mulatto brats at bay trying not to turn them into stains on the floor because you’re a nice guy Aus descends behind you and goes you with a sneak attack, curses you, traps you with chains, the whole nine yards
Aus’ entire family is a joke.
Not a single fucking thing you just said happened in the lore we got, reginigs really are delusional.
>I am the God named Aus.
>I lived in a place that is different from here.
>But I was driven away from that place by the giant.
>Because the giant is a part of me, I cannot kill it.
>The giant destroys and devours everything, and eventually it will descend upon this world.
>Until that day, I want you to take care of these children.
>The only ones who can kill the giant are those who have the same power as me, that is, these children who have the power of god, people, and pokémon.
The giant wasn't Regigigas, it was Giratina, since it was already established that Aus CAN kill the titans.
>Malding already because he’s coomer brained just like the retarded human
Has lost.
Anon, one of founding moment of the pokemon lore was a hfy moment, why instead of celebrating it you are insulting it, are you not human yourself?
Who the fuck used malding instead of dilating?
Nah, I like Gigas because all he wants to do now is build living memorials of his bros instead of fucking humans and fighting. He is relatable because a woman caused a problem and he, the man, has to cope with it now.
And before that he tried to kill arceus family so what the fuck was his problem? Why didn't he go into some corner of the universe and do that, oh wait because he tried to do the former and after arceus cursed his ass for killing her husband he can only resort to latter.
This. Some random fucking dude whose origin is completely unknown stood up to protect his demi-god kids without hesitation. He was unfathomably based, you don't often see humans taking the hits for their pokemon in the various media, let alone taking hits for mythics.
>The giant wasn't Regigigas, it was Giratina, since it was already established that Aus CAN kill the titans
It could also be that since Gigas is presumably the only titan who naturally shares a type with Arceus (presuming the plates came from titans of corresponding type), he might be more deeply connected to Aus. Or the titans as a whole are something that was integral to the universe (being formed out of the cosmic egg) so while Aus could destroy most of them she couldn't destroy the last one, which inherited power from the rest. Which would also be why she didn't completely destroy the last titan but imprisoned and weakened it, turning it into Regigigas, as completely destroying it would not have been possible.
Why you guys like this, there's no way the love for their father empowered the children to beat the villain that took away their father's life and he lost fair and square and after took his punishment like a man.
No, he was cheated out of his victory because "reasons".
The timeline of events are all over the place, and there are like three separate origin myths. Two of them make it pretty clear that Dialga and Palkia were fighting Giratina, who is their sibling where Regigigas is not. One references Aus fighting titans immediately after birth, which is where we're getting the idea that Regigigas was one of those because of the whole deal with the plates. So I would guess
>Cosmic egg cracks, Aus is born
>Egg fragments form the type titans
>One by one, they fight Aus and get killed
>Information gap where a world is formed and an injured Aus seeks out a human to recover with
This gap is conveniently filled out via Arceus and Regigigas with info provided in PLA. For whatever reason, Aus didn't kill the last titan and instead cursed and enslaved it to build the world. This could be referring to 'the land where the man lived'.
>Aus recovers, gets knocked up and births Dialga and Palkia in human form
>They grow up and fight a 'giant' that is referred to in some myths as their sibling. Other myths refer to Aus birthing a giant that shares her power.
>ONE (1) Human male throws himself in front of this giant and gets killed by them
>Some myths refer to this giant being defeated and Aus forming it into a mountain (Mount Coronet and the distortion world possibly)
>Human male gets turned into the lake guardians
>Dialga and Palkia get it on with each other and start creating all the other pokemon
Roughly, this shit's all fucked and it barely makes any sense unless you start referencing a bunch of different things.
how abut fuck-fighting?
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Arceus gokumind but also extremely horny during, after and before fights is simply divine.
>are you not human yourself?
We all can tell that post was translated from braille
Regifags really can't accept that their "champion" lost a 20v1 gank and then got evenly matched against a random fucking guy
I just realized this is an offshoot shitpost of the "WHAT IF ASH WERE BETRAYED BY HIS FREINDS?!" Fanfiction

that random fucking guy managed to breed a deity and make her beg for more, ending up with multiple children, then stood between his kiddos and a mythical, all-powerful creature... And he won. In my book, he's the quintessential gigachad.
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national patrimony of Mexico.
Fatherless behavior
boludo puto.
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it's a second religion to them, you really think the fathers aren't in on it?
Goku is a surrogate father for these people. Every person without a father that watches anime is obsessed with goku and dragon ball
which one should i watch
the one with Goku and Freeza, sounds the most fun.
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I'm sorry.
Regifags are even more based now
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beautiful, just like in the prophecy.
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What if Regigigas could fuse with the other regis to make a regimech
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you are all slaves to arceus
wake up anon
you have a divine spark within your self
Raise your inner Rotom and produce Mew cells.
Team Plasma and Team (Rainbow) Rocket are secretly running all regions except Alola
we need to save them
Arceus is just the hand, Aus is female
a lone primordial giant standing against the divinely-backed champion of a god to protect its family

it'd make an egg
A man should defend his wife from harm.
No she's a tomboy
>flat, toned
>likes a good tussle, if anything wrasslin makes her horny
>made a world where people spend a lot of time hiking and fishing and shit

huh. you might be onto something there.

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