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Arceus couldn't beat this
What is it?
Beta Giratina
Where did you get this?
its fanart
Arceus taking human cock unironically made more sense as its myth. Theres really no reason for these things that (supposedly) created what we know as the world in the final version to want or need the player’s help in anything, and DiaPer being half human pokemon babies Arceus needed to take down the giant fits more with the themes of pokemon and people being at their best only alongside one another.
>the red gems on the body could potentially be eyes
japs call them DiaPal, sir
There were plenty of normal-looking humanoid angels in the bible, you fucking redditor.
It's real
There are different kinds of angels.
I like this thing's body more but I like current Giratina's tentacle wings morer
I'd be happy to see who did it.
Is this the Black Titan before it got killed and it's soul became Giratina?
It is in the fakemon reddit, posted by it's creator
No, it's Chimeran, an old beta design that ended up being retooled into Type:Null/Silvally
Giratina's design is a bit insectoid with the six legs and the mouth looking like a hornet's or wasp's mouth.
Its origin form looks a bit like a worm or centiped.
It's also obviously draconic but with some insectoid feautures.
People compared Giratina to Destroyah which is crabs like.
It's ironic that Kimairan also has six legs but except for the legs isn't very insectoid.
Giratina has a 666 symbolism which we don't see in Kimairan except for the legs and maybe the jewels. Maybe there was something else that is also a 6 on Kimairan's body which would also connect it to satan/a demon?
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Regigigas also has 6 jewels on its body. Maybe something with 666?
Each pair represents a regis.
Is it proven that Giratina is the Pokemon mentioned in the Velistone myth?
Me on the left
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>Each pair represents a regis.
>The eyes are not the correct pallete for the type it should represent
>They are also not the correct pallete for the regis
>Pokemon that have linked representation have matching palettes

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