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>Being a girl has it advantages
I don't think her hair was ever that long, right?
Those are some long legs
She sounds like the classic high school queen bee, I'm not complaining, I like that archeotype.
Kim isn't a positive version of that stereotype?
No, but either way, it's an improvement. (in my opinion)
You know what else would be an improvement? If she had no clothes on.
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I know, that's why I wish I was a girl
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You know what else has its advantages?
Not saving sample images.
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>beta May is a nerd
>beta Dawn is a rocker and wants to be a working wife
>beta Hilda is a 90s wigger
was there anything about the other MCs?
Emily is a girl anon, she leaked her arby's pussy like a decade ago.
Breastfeeding shotas
I think Lucas played piano an Brendan was earnest or something.
>Brendan was Earnest
Does that have any importance at all?
Prove it.
No, most of his traits are identical to May's. I think someone said that May was going to have a larger role in RS initially alongside Wally which is why she has additional traits, but then they scrapped the idea.
Show art of Beta Dawn?
Gotta love how the existence of trans people has led to transphobe brain rot lmao
i wish i was a woman…
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Lucas was a Linkin park fan with a built in speaker in his jacket collar.
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>Being a girl has it advantages
Unironically it does. Like reply to this post or a Typhlosion will rape you in your sleep
Gimme the 9
i wish i was 9s little girl
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No beta Dawn was ever found, but we do got an early Akari.
the rapist one please
Do you have everyone's profiles?
There all suck
>reach Platinum’s end credits
>WHAT I’VE DONE starts playing
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Nah, only the gen 4 protagonists.
>he has muscles and strong legs
He looks like a toothpick in-game.
Sinnoh, home of trashy WHORES
I want 5. I want to see how deep he can get into Hell, and how fast.
I also wonder if he also has shovels to dig deeper.
name three female protags who arent slutty sex bombs
Women live life on tutorial mode
The one from gen 9, the girl from let's go, and any woman that's ever played hey you pikachu.
highly debatable apart from the gen 9 one
I don't think anyone actually remembers lets go and that's the only reason why I put her there.
(said shotas are not her own kids, but will give her ones)
brb trooning
brb gooning
Didn't Centro post a version of Dawn with some pants under her skirt?

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