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Is it over? Is it safe again?
nigga Vaporeon isn't even safe after all this time. You think it is ever going to end you rapist?
yes i love you typhlosion
It will never be over. Even if the leaks were faked this will always be on the mind of every single fan that see Typhlosion
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>thinking it will ever be over
Typhosion will now and forever be seen as a pedophilic groomer
no. last week was one of those things that leaves permanent scars. you can't change it, but you can change how you respond to it
Around Typhlosion, never relax
around Typhlosion, never relosion
It was all a big nothingburger to begin with. Pokemon don't have sex. It was a platonic marriage.
>Girl and her half-Typhlosion son run away
Humans don't lay external eggs.
normalfags stopped caring once that one twitter user claimed to debunk it (even though he didn't). But we know and we'll always remember.
nothing burgers are fucking gay especially the faggots who make them
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It's never safe when there's Typhlosion around
Not for you lol
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This thing is stacked
It was a mistranslation https://fixvx.com/Roltas01/status/1846638683371270538
Bullshit, just a coverup from Typhosion fans to water it down. If that's the case, ALL the other stories would be a mistranslation. Those that read it in original Japanese have stated that the machine translation was right on the money.
It wasn't
Stop believing this and read the translation yourself, it was already manual translated
This Roltas person is spreading misinformation
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It's only just begun
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When have facts ever mattered, the entire thing is a rejected myth making it 2 levels of non canon regardless of if that retard had translated it correctly or not. Making this entire discussion pointless.
All Gen alpha knows how to do it point fingers to deflect from what miserable scum they are.
Typhlosion is finished, they sniffed blood and found their sacrifice.
#thankyougamefreak for being too stupid to lock up your data

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How come the Typhlosion myth is the only one to have its validity questioned? Are Typhlosionfags really that insecure that they have to defend the honor of a fictional character even if they need to grasp at straws?
Well, it's a starter
I get what they’re going for but this meme doesn’t really work unless it’s the same person, and even if Typhlosion somehow live for centuries, they aren’t even the same subspecies.
Tell those Typhlosion fans to suck it up and embrace that shit like the other pokemon fanbases. Typhlosion fans melting down so bad that have to believe fake news to cope.
Anon it’s a big juicy burger in the image.
First the poop scandal and now this. I don't think our bro will ever recover :(
It's depressing how stupid this fandom can be. Do you not pay any attention at all? Guys, Pokémon do not have sex. They are magical creatures akin to yoūkai. Wailord is not ramming skitty's tight pink pussy in the bushes at the daycare. They are playing together. That isn't a euphemism. Nobody knows where the eggs come from because they are made by Arceus when two Pokémom develop a strong enough bond to be able to care for the egg. This is LITERALLY a major plot point of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. There is an entire cinematic showing that Arceus makes the eggs. The baby Pokémon is a curated mixture of the Poképarents' appearance and abilities, that's why there aren't horrific mutants. Please, guys, read for goodness sake this has all been explicitly spelled out in simple language since Pokémon Gold and Silver.
Ok fag
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>It's depressing how stupid this fandom can be. Do you not pay any attention at all? Guys, Pokémon do not have sex. They are magical creatures akin to yoūkai. Wailord is not ramming skitty's tight pink pussy in the bushes at the daycare. They are playing together. That isn't a euphemism. Nobody knows where the eggs come from because they are made by Arceus when two Pokémom develop a strong enough bond to be able to care for the egg. This is LITERALLY a major plot point of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. There is an entire cinematic showing that Arceus makes the eggs. The baby Pokémon is a curated mixture of the Poképarents' appearance and abilities, that's why there aren't horrific mutants. Please, guys, read for goodness sake this has all been explicitly spelled out in simple language since Pokémon Gold and Silver.
It will never be safe.
Typhlosion shed its Hisuian form after it consummated its marriage. A wolf shedding its wolf's clothing if you will.
You could of just not posted instead of embarrassing yourselves. In every single game that has breeding as a mechanic, the Daycare Keeper explains they don't know where eggs come from. Some Pokémon Gym Leaders and even a Pokémon Professor say the exact same thing even when the main character should be old enough to know where babies come from. This entire Typhlosion thing is nothing, humans don't even HAVE an egg group. It's ridiculous and I'm sick of it already.
>no mention of reproduction in a game for retarded children
No shit you stupid retard.
>It's depressing how stupid this fandom can be
I agree. POKEMON FUCK! It's not explicitly stated because kid's game. You're expected to connect the dots.
Ok, faggot.
Games like Harvest Moon don't shy away from telling you that the animals mate to have children, and those are for roughly the same age group. Obviously they don't have graphic depictions of sex but nobody goes gee it sure is a mystery where these baby cows came from! It is a basic fact in the Pokémon Universe that Pokémon eggs are created by Arceus. How do you think that unique legendary Pokémon came about? Did Articuno evolve from Fearow, or something? Don't make me laugh. The very same children you're talking about understand the lore of the Pokéverse better than you do. You utter buffoon.
They don't, though. How are a Gastly and a Magnemite having sex? Why are Pokémon based on mammals laying eggs? They aren't. See, I think I understand now. You might be slightly more autistic than I am so I'll try and explain this for you: Essentially there are three types of love. They are Platonic, Romantic, and Erotic. Any Pokémon can max out their Platonic Friendship Level with any other Pokémon and even their Trainers. Like how a dog and a human can be best friends even though they can't really understand each other fully. Pokémon in compatible Egg Groups are capable of maxing their Romantic Love Level, probably because they have some kind of commonality that allows them to understand each other on a deeper level than just Platonic. When they reach this stage Arceus creates a Pokémon Egg for them to raise together. Pokémon simply do not experience Erotic Desire at all, that's something that only purely biological animals like humans can feel. It simply is not necessary for Pokémon to have that emotion as sex is not required for them to reproduce. If a Typhlosion and a human truly did reach maximum Romantic Love Level, it might be possible for Arceus to create an egg for them, but it would hatch into a Cyndaquil. Does that all make sense to you?
>I'll try and explain this for you: [HEADCANON]
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>Why are Pokémon based on mammals laying eggs? They aren't.
Exactly, they give live birth then make a nest in the shape of an egg. It's like bootleg marsupial shit. We've known this for years, because it was in an official guidebook and repeated in XY. We also have seen flowers a number of times, which are in fact the sex organs of plants. You seem to be making shit up based on no observable evidence. Hell, Elm outright says your idea is nonsense with no backing despite believing it himself, before finding an alternative theory.
It's explained in Every. Single. Game. Every one of them from Pokémon Gold and Silver on. They even talk about it in the animé. I'm sorry but by now if you don't get it there's nothing more that I can do for you. You are so addicted to porn you can't even understand there are different kinds of love. It is not some big game the adults are playing. They even talk to each other what a mystery Pokémon Eggs are. If it weren't an intentional piece of Pokéverse lore, they would say that the Pokémon mate with one another. These games are made for Japanese children, they learn the basics of that stuff very early. Heck, at that age a lot of them are breeding beetles in real life. Arceus makes the eggs. That's just how it is, I'm sorry that I can't simplify it any more so that you can understand. Just please, please stop spreading misinformation about the nature of Typhlosion's relationship to the human.
So which female trainer does shiny Typhlosion belong to?
Oh my gosh you have to be illiterate. Okay, I'm done with this now. Some people are just so stubborn. Your image SUPPORTS WHAT I'M SAYING YOU FOOL. HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THAT?
What does she do with him?
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>typhlosionfag makes up a wall of headcanon to convince himself it didn't fuck the girl and arceus just manifested her rape baby out of thin air
holy lel
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>Typhlosion universally reviled for being a rapist
>Slaking basically given a free pass
MY Hero!
That bitch deserved it
Okay, smart guy, explain how do a human and a magical creature that isn't even entirely biological produce a baby naturally using sex. Go ahead.
>>Typhlosion universally reviled for being a rapist
It is controversial in the west, but in Asian countries, he is being celebrated.
Normal Typhlosion is for Dawn. (because she has a Level 69 Male Typhlosion that only knows Eruption in BDSP)
Hisuian Typhlosion is for Akari.
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Nope. Typhlosion will now and forever be a rapist in the mind of /vp/. Join the club.
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He raped in self-defense.
Mating is never mentioned at all, all that's been said is that Pokemon have never been seen laying eggs, which is consistent with what we know. Name me a single time that says we don't know how the mating happens?
>"I myself think this is a crazy theory still lacking in anything I can really call evidence."
I don't know how more clear they can be about your version being blatantly untrue. It even provides the alternative theory that implies Pokemon do give live birth and a later game implies this has been proven true.
>a magical creature that isn't even entirely biological
Again, that's a take not based in reality. It comes from the anime, which is always slightly dubious, but more importantly it's from an ancient time where Pokemon were really poorly understood. That's like saying giraffes are mythical creatures because somebody described them like shit one time.
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If it takes romantic love, how did Slaking create a child with a girl that tried to kill him and he knocked unconscious?
When Arceus made clones of Dialga and Palkia they appeared as eggs. There are explicitly Baby Pokémon, they hatch out of eggs. Your noncanon third party source is worthless.
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Sorry anon, but Typhlosions are a for women-only pokemon now.
They already wrote fanfics and made a rapechad avatar.
>Implying you can't have a Typhlosion as a bro who you go around fucking human and Pokemon women with
Typhlosion is for anyone who wants to see trainers get fucked.
>Fucking some trainer bitch's Pokemon you defeated, while your Typhlosion is fucking the trainer
Just as Arceus intended.
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He's not a pedophile because the girl he fucked was 18
Nice edit, post the original
Need more versions, holy kek.
the funniest part about this whole thing is Hypno, which you literally have to rescue a little girl from in gen1 remains ignored to this day. X,D
Some are trying to portray hypno as a hero saving children from typhlosions.
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wake up sheeple!
it's a psychic plot!
typhlosions has neither the intelligence nor the abilities to pull off the phenomena described!
the psychic cabal is real and a real danger to your wives and daughters!
It's fucking over FOREVER for Typhlosionfags. From now until the end of time, if you even give the HINT you like Typhlosion even SLIGHTLY, you will be outed for who you are - a fucking child diddler. People won't forget, people won't buy your excuses, this is the way things are from now on. Look around, no one important is making excuses for Typhlosion. Nothing but memes and ridicule as far as the eye can see. It has never been more over for a single Pokemon than it is for Typhlosion. Not Vaporeon, not Hypno...God, if I was a Typhlosionfag (thank fucking GOD I'm not lol kwab), I'd be wishing Typhlosion had a reputation as good as either of those two.
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This is like having the MAP flag tattooed on you lmao
Dear lord I'd kill myself
It is a woman, so it is more "I want to go to the rape cave".
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Imagine being so butthurt that you make an edgy animation video.
shut up. He should have burnt your whore mother and raped you. Faggot like you would enjoy it
Kek, based.
>Typhlosion used rape, It was super effective!
They don't tell you they're having sex because the game is aimed at kids; if they weren't having sex and Arceus was just "magically" granting them an egg, then why do the Pokemon have genders and why do they have egg groups? Wouldn't it make more sense that every Pokemon can breed with each other if sex isn't on the table at all and it's just Arceus granting them a child because they have a "close bond", stop coping and accept that they fuck.
I explained all of that.
It's over...for Typhlosion

Every day I think... Imagine if the leaker lied and wrote Charizard instead of Typhlosion
>TPC would be desperate
>TCG players would stop increasing its value
>No more new forms and asspulls for it
>Essentially there are three types of love. They are Platonic, Romantic, and Erotic.
Erotic love? I don't think so. Eroticism has nothing to do with love, but lust. I can be incredibly erotically attracted to someone and not love them at all. Equating erotic lust with love is sickening and misguided, even if you did it as part of language gymnastics.
Cope harder
And yet she gave birth to a half-typhlosion child. The mental gymnastics to deny something blatantly presented to you, anon.. Jesus..
No you didn't. You just handwave blatantly obvious allegory by saying "nOoooo take it all at face value like a retard!!!!!"
We also know Pokémon have genes and DNA thanks to Mewtwo. If they were just reproducing with magic, why would they even need DNA and how could Mewtwo even exist?

If Game freak wanted them to be magical creatures that reproduce magically then they could have just made them like the monsters in Undertale, but instead they chose to make them flesh and blood creatures with genes and biological gender.
Gardevoir is thinking "told you you'd be into it"
Hatterene wants to see how it develops
Braixen is like "like them young, huh?" I'm not fully evolved yet
Vaporeon is like "you like humans too, don't you?"
And Octollery is having flashbacks about certain fisherman
>Welcoming Typhlosion to the Trainer Fucker Club
>all the coping in this thread
Typedos are a special breed of retards, aren't they?
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(Heavy Weapons Guy Voice) No!
>duuude The Bear Mother totally really happened people really fuck bears!!
This is how Typhlosion is a rapist retards sound
Don't worry about it. They know they're wrong. Eventually they'll get bored of wasting everyone's time and go back to worshipping Charizard. We'll come out on top in the end, as usual.
Please tell the rest of the class what part these "rapists" got wrong
Don't worry about it. These typedos know they're lying. Eventually they'll get bored of wasting everyone's time and go back to raping little kids. We'll come out on top in the end, as usual.
Does anyone have the handbanana version of typhlosion?

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