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>Chivalrous edition

Pokephilia /pō-kē-ˈfilēə / n. sexual attraction of a human toward a pokemon, which may involve the experience of sexual fantasies about the pokemon or the pursuit of real sexual contact with it. Note that pokémon on pokémon is not pokephilia.
Post female pokémon with male humans and solo female pokémon.

Previous Thread: >>56688197
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Need MMA pokewife
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This might be canon.
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I can't into mobilefagging
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thanks for remaking my thred. janny trannies starting autosaging it halfway in, so watch out for any angry women with beards in the thread
also, thanks Anon in other thread for cropping the image since I was apparently too lazy to do it
So how big are they supposed to be? I saw a webm where a fully grown human hand looked like a child's in its paws.
As evidenced in PLA pokemon sizes can greatly vary, and you can occasionally get extreme cases of this like totem pokemon or alphas. Keep in mind that Pokedex info can often be incorrect as it's taken from the eyes of a 12yo
You guys think we should start having thread topics?
>janny trannies starting autosaging it halfway in
And they left the gay thread untouched. Typical normoid double standards.
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To be fair you were engaging with real animal abusers. The gay thread wasn't talking about raping actual animals.
Probably because of the multiple people talking about fisting real life horses and fingering their pet cats, you fucking retard?
man the straight thread sure is a lot more degen than the other ones
Because jannies can't delete posts or ban posters for being retards
Because it's basically a direct satellite of the /trash/ one, making it a combination of two of the worst places on the site. The other ones are mostly their own thing, so only half as retarded (the /vp/ half).
i'm gonna be honest with you anon, i lurk /spt/ and it's not half as degen as /hmofp/
and that's before you discount the obvious trollposters over there
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I blame false flagging attempts. Also the other ones aren't their own thing, they even use the same /spt/ op. This thread is good because I hate the four other pair ups that you get stuck with in /spt/ and sfw is a lot more comfy
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...and the NSFW content, and Anthroshit is against the rules but that only happened after a fagoot entered, and if that's the sole reason it was taken down, that means anyone can just false flag in each-others threads and get them purged.
Speaking of I scrolled the other threads and it was all pokemon, no intentional bad faith posting, when they have an actual reboard split for generic anthroshit and ecelebs.
>still full of AIslop
I've heard multiple times some variation of how it's actually just one or two shitters and everyone else there hates the slop and it was just one time!!! and then I go back and check and it is clearly not the case. If I wanted to see the same 1024x1024 uncanny monstrosities and sample_.jpgs indians fapped to every time, I'd just go on /tv/
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Would you let your pokemon wear this?
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yeah, if she wants to wear it I don't see any problem
>using either thread for fap material
genuinely ngmi
if i wanted to fap i'd go to e6 because no one ever posts the mons i like anyway
Love kisses.
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That Meowscarda is male, right?
no there are no gays in the world of Pokemon. any heretical "art" is just an illusion
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That is the implication of the image.
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gays stay in the gay thread, scram
nope. artist does pics of all three pairs in that image and they're all straight.
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Why are you so insecure?
nonhuman fetishes are literally a magnet for annoying bitter retards, you shouldn't be surprised
I'm not insecure about shit retard, I just want my fantasies to be a normal, happy place
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Touch grass
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I want everyone to get their happy end, just most of them to have their happy end somewhere else away from me.
I have no idea why the knowledge that gay sex is happening somewhere else, makes you imagine gay sex, seems like a you problem.
They range from like 75% to 130% of the listed pokedex size if PLA and SV are to go by
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Please be a groomer.
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Thanks OP
Same, have them wear wrestling style clothing.
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checked, love this big pooch
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This might be just me but I love on-model Pokémon.

Does other anons feel the same?
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for sure. Usually it just looks goofy how artists slap tits in everything. I'm just fine with flat pokewives
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...so long as they look like pokemon, I don't really care about on model. Giving Pokemon more standard muzzles or giving mammals breasts has always been better, but making them look like Loona with fur dye is unforgivable.
They look like they fuck human menwith their cocks because they're femboys
Why does it look like she wants my ham sandwich.
Nah you have it all wrong she's going to feed you some Roast Beef, and then ride you like a bike.
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Thanks anon, and with MiraidonAnon I agree, as long as it fits with the design of the pokemon I'm pretty chill with diffrent takes but when it's just blatant human-looking I'm just eh.
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Pokemon are hungry all the time anon, they love getting spoiled.
>Giving Pokemon more standard muzzles
just threw up a little reading this
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What's wrong, anon? Does this not excite you?
>ever using their dicks
Anon I...
Fucking nice. You've got some serious talent, Anon.
>not frotting with your femboys
also this thread turned into /hmomp/ fast kek
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Terribible taste.
Femboys are made to please women, doubly so for human boys getting "forcefully enveloped" by female monsters.
Thats not really using it might as well be a second hand. A very naughty hot hand.
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Sex with bugs.
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What type is the best? Fairy? Grass? Normal?
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There is no best type. You couldn't even make a meaningful tier list—where do you think Water/Ice would land on one, despite the Laprussy?
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for most people? probably fairy.
for me, specifically? bug.
I don't want my dick to get trench foot. Hard pass on water types unless I could be convinced that wouldn't or couldn't happen.

Bug types never get enough love. But I prefer Scyther to Scizor.
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Fire has the best stand-out babes.
Water has the best consistency.
Fairy has a lot of garbage, there is no best type for normies, as if Gardevior didn't have like a occlusion feild that replaced her image with that of a snow white human Normies wouldn't want to fuck her.
>I don't want my dick to get trench foot. Hard pass on water types unless I could be convinced that wouldn't or couldn't happen.
Healing spells (moves) exist.
If your dick is getting soggy enough for that to be an issue, you have bigger problems than remembering which set of arms Starmie's sex hole is between.
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I don't think types really matter, its more of specific mons that are good or bad. A lot of people's favorites are across lots of types. I imagine egg groups would be a better indicator, most people would like the human like or field groups I imagine.
Trench foot requires a lot of other conditions be met to occur, Anon. The worst you're gonna get if your dick is constantly wet might be like...pruning.
I guess. Not a fan of horses or equines or whatever the fuck 4 legged beasts are called but hearing what Arceus was willing to do made me specifically a fan of her.

fairy kinda just wins by sheer volume. most types have maybe three or so "mainstream" waifumons, with the bigger types like water sitting at around five, while fairy has like ten despite being the second rarest type.
>Not a fan of [...]whatever the fuck 4 legged beasts are called
also, lmao pleb
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Why would it be worse to have sex with a water type more juices? The total amount of liquid doesn't matter, your penis only has so much surface area to absorb water through. If you are constantly getting in things capable of coating your dick.
No normie is having sex with ANY pokemon if they were actually in the position to, assuming that Pokemon looks like the Pokemon beyond color scheme
>No normie is having sex with ANY pokemon if they were actually in the position to, assuming that Pokemon looks like the Pokemon beyond color scheme
Jynx, Salazzle, probably at least a couple of others just based on Pokédex entries
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yeah with salazzle you don't have much of a choice kek
you know it's been like 8 years since SM and i'm still reeling from the decision to make salazzle's harem pheromones work on humans and then explicitly advertise that fact
you’re the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the god damn common courtesy to give him a reach-around!
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It's weird that the stuff about that only ever appeared in the marketing. The Pokedex never said anything about it once it came out.
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(I feel like the Salandit and the Salazzle data should be posted at the same time.)
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Well, depending on what dex entires you powerscale off, any Pokemon can have any human. Definitely any pokemon with freeze or sleep set-ups, possibly paralyze, burn of confusion. Unless ass poison, not good for raping.
they probably realized how ridiculously fucking blunt they were being with the "THIS POKEMON FUCKS HUMANS" thing and toned it down.
hell, with the leaks coming up to gen 7 we might see exactly that in an email somewhere.
>tfw no Alakazam gf who'd destroy any reservations I had about giving her the D with a 600-page dissertation full of facts and logic
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Reminder that Black & White 2 got away with Nate trading for a Smeargle he wants to love

What's even funnier is, that as a Strange ending - this movie is even MORE popular than the normal ending with the human x human in Unova.

What are some crazy things you can do with a Smeargle?
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A fun obvious one is anything to do with body painting.
Pink eye factory.
Gays simply don't exist in the context of pokemon.
Direct your complaints to Game Freak instead of projecting your own insecurities onto me.
I don't mind yuri but that's a bargain of a trade.
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I have never seen a female alakazam before, congrats on the baby
>implying an ARTISTE like Smeargle would be filthy and ruin her artwork like that
Peasant pleb must think she doesn't wash her tail after painting either, the audicity!
Well if we're already going to be using leak lore, humans in the pokemon universe seem waaay stronger than real life humans, at least if they bother training
But I bet the average human in the pokemon universe isn't spending their weekends fistfighting people, so they're probably all pretty low level for the most part
So what you say is likely broadly true.
But she's not a dog

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