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Feather Dance Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>56610390

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
I miss Rayquaza.
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Threadly reminder: You'll always be a little bitch if you can't figure it out yourself
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It's me rayquaza we will have some sets focused on me next year. You can tell I'm rayquaza because I'm a green snake dragon who is 4x weak to ice
nice meme
I think a tournament is a sandbox playdate where everyone will ask me if I want to play.
I can't understand why Dragapult would play Sparkling Crystal. Do people usually put cards they can't use in their decks?
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Thread reminder to go outside
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if it's the one that attacks more if healed, try adding healing trainer cards or ability mons from after that deck released
>altaria ex
>togekiss line (best mon choice IMO)
>radiant tsareena (also good choice)
>community center
>poke vital A
>moonlit hill
>picnic basket
>quad stone
>fighting au lait
also 4x arven to get these items and maybe 1 lumineon to get arven in a pinch
>how do you find people to match against?
Register at the counter.
>Do you just ask random people like "next game"?
The head judge/judge/store owner/employee will announce the rounds and pairings.
>Is there brackets or do you just sit and wait for people to come to you?
Same as above, the judge will tell you the table number and opponent name.
>Is there anything to ask prior to playing?
If you have proxies make sure to let your opponent know before playing. Ask how you wish to settle who goes first. Ask if your randomizer is okay with them (if not official).
>Do you need to narrate everything you're doing or just like "I'm activating this ability, I am attacking" etc?
If you're new, it's best to always do so. Once you get familiar with the people and get to know who is not dumb, you can omit certain stuff with those players as you know they fully are aware of the current meta, common moves, etc. If you're up against someone new, don't be a dick and let them know your every move.
>hand holding
lmao, sad bitch boy
Unlike you, I'm not a grumpy old man. I remember starting out just like them and I like to help out my fellow trainers
made u reply :^)
this is probably why I've seen people place a pecharunt in their zard decks lol.
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I'm facing people with nearly double my points, is the matchmaking just fucked like that or is my MMR high?
It'd be cool if ranked had promotion matches. Like if you go on a long win streak, you get paired with someone a tier or two above you as a chance to instantly rank up to that tier.
Speaking of ranked can you get demoted if you lose enough? Do the people in higher ranks purposly tank to lower their MMR for easier games? Do people smurf?

>bro why...

I've had nothing but bad experiences with ranked in games


Would anyone be interested in some code cards? My wife has collected some cards but neither of us play let alone online. We have likely over 100 code cards.
people here are ungrateful, I wouldn't bother

just put the lot on ebay for $5 and get yourself a coffee

neither? the points literally do not matter and aren't at all indicative of someone's skill until you're well past arceus tier
>the points literally do not matter

If you win you gain points, if you lose you lose points. So someone who wins alot will have many points and if you lose a bunch you won't have many points.
I don't drink coffee, and selling them on eBay seems like a hassle...
I'm not really looking for gratitude either, just seemed like a waste to trash them without someone getting some use out of them, so I guess here's some to start. First come first served.
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Lmao fuck me

meaningless aspect of the system when you gets more points for a win than you lose points in a loss
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Here's another round, I'll do more tomorrow but I've got to go to bed for now
sweet, I grabbed one. thx
ty anon
Cool tune back in tomorrow or maybe Sunday (tomorrow is the wife's birthday so I might be too busy to do more)
That's pretty rad congrats!
>up to
If this was removed, ray would've been the best deck in the format for years. Being hardcapped on damage output never survived vmax HP bloat

arc armarouge was the most fun deck in the format for a minute thanks to this
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good ol' day of overhyped
Since Dragon types use two kinds of energies for their attacks, have there been any evolution line that has the same types of energies for attacks in the TCG?
What do you mean? The dragons? They often keep their same 2 energy types throughout different prints. Rayquazas always been lighting/fire for example.
>Pikachu ex
>Pikachu ex
>Hydreigon ex
>Hydreigon ex
Surging Sparks meta looks to be exciting.
I guess I can see why Klawf is being played again. It can hit weakness for both of those decks, *and* actually kills Pikachu with the poison.
I mean has there been a case where there are 2 different dragon lines that uses the same 2 energies?
And while thinking about it I realized there is one, and it's the Hydrapple line and Regidrago. Both uses Grass and Fire energies.
Oh yeah plenty, there's not enough unique combinations to avoid overlap. Kyurem and goodra use water/steel

I'm surprised greninja hasn't picked up still. It's got a good match up into a lot of the meta. It completely dabs on pikachu with froslass
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Say sometime about the true meta
it doesn't seem like the new rotom is in play a lot. I remember seeing people saying it was going to be broken and dooming about it in general. but I guess no one has figured it out yet or it just isn't all that good like how briar ended up being.
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your days are numbered
you will lose to my xatu dragapult/farigaraf/clefairy box
It's just attack eri, and eri is often the first cuttable supporter in control as is. There's not much importance on holding items in hand currently, the meta is too turbo. Unlike before where charizard held rare candies to avoid losing to devo. Everyone just blows them on dusknoir asap, so not even devo is effective to punish their overuse
What is box?
box is often short for toolbox. which means a bunch of mons together for different purposes. similar to how different tools in a toolbox have different purposes
(xatu for energy, dragapult attacking, clefairy to counter dragons, farigaraf to lock certain match ups)
If you're not playing Slowking Box you're missing out
Any fun deck lists?
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Here's mine

Pokémon (23)
3 Ralts (ASR-60)
1 Ralts (SIT-67)
3 Kirlia (SIT-68)
2 Gardevoir ex (SVI-86)
1 Gallade (ASR-62)
3 Slowpoke (PGO-19)
3 Slowking (SCR-58)
1 Onix (PGO-36)
1 Kyurem (SFA-47)
1 Crobat (SIT-105)
1 Manaphy (BRS-41)
1 Terrakion (SIT-97)
1 Radiant Greninja (ASR-46)
1 Scream Tail (PAR-86)

Trainer (31)
2 Irida
2 Iono
2 Boss's Orders
1 Professor's Research
1 Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking
1 Lana's Aid
1 Professor Turo's Scenario
1 Cyllene
3 Ultra Ball
3 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
3 Night Stretcher
2 Earthen Vessel
1 Switch
1 Rare Candy
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball
1 Hyper Aroma
1 Super Rod
1 Pal Pad
3 Academy at Night

Energy (6)
6 Psychic Energy

There's honestly a lot of things you can put for Slowking to copy, but I haven't found one consistent enough to work.
For example, you can use Raticate/Scolipede to reduce your opponent's active to 10 HP and then use Crobat or Clefable to take 1 or 2 more prizes. Or if you want to be invincible you can use Terrakion. You can also just troll by using the other Crobat, or maybe Wo-Chien, Oranguru, or even Hypno.
Time for awful European casters
How do we cope without radiant greninja deep draw memery next year?
N's Zoroark does mostly the same thing, it's just harder to set up but is more flexible as you can discard anything.
Needs to evolve doesn't it?
Gives more reasons to run hyper aroma for those that want that, but I will miss sniping two shitlets on the bench with gren
You could set it up with Cyrano along with two other exs.
>Search your deck for up to 3 Pokémon ex, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.
Depending on how the other N Pokémon are, Zoroark's attack could be good.
>Night Joker
>Choose 1 of your Benched N's Pokémon's attacks and use it as this attack.
We'll have to see the rest of the set to be sure. But there will almost certainly be cards made with the rotation in mind.
Fair point
Being a yugioh ship jumper this'll be my first time adjusting to a rotation and the design philosophies around it, so I'm not sure what to expect or what mechanics they'll keep around. I hear that a lot of abilities have some synonymous mons added when the other rotates, I especially hear talk about this with rain dance users, but aside from that I'm generally in the dark

On the note of deep draw, is it even worth running cards like dudunsparce and bibarel at this point with noir running around? Radiant gren gets immediate value typically even if it gets sniped instantly, but the setup of the other two with their lacking health has me unsure. That and fez seems to do enough for it to not matter so much, but I'm probably overlooking their value despite that.

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