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Doing a chill monoghost run of Platinum with Spiritomb as my starter. Just started the game but I'm gonna try to make it to Floaroma Meadow today to get Drifloon. Come hang out! Post spooky images/music if you got it.
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Neat. You should've traded over a Misdreavus as the starter since she's not in Platinum.
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Kinnoh run. Are you going to use Giratina?
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based ghostbro, have fun with your run. doesnt platinum give you access to basically every ghost in the pokedex, no trades needed? only one I can think of that maybe you cant get is sableye and shuppet
The first few routes are easy pickings for Devourer, as he eats the souls of all the helpless Normal types that can't even touch him. It'll be a while until he finds a friend but that's just the Mono Ghost lifestyle.

Can't beat the classics.
There's surprisingly a decent array of options for Ghosts in Platinum. I figured Spiritomb would be more unique and fun which is why I went for it.
I believe I can't get Misdreavus, Sableye, Shuppet, or Shedinja but yeah I think this is one of the best early games for Mono Ghost.
>lowercase names
yep soulless
I gave my rival Chimchar. In hindsight that's easy mode since I'm immune to its fighting moves but in my defense Chimchar's thematically the best fit for him.

Sorry about that. For some reason I always do all caps for games Gen 3 and before, and after that I stick with lowercase. If it means anything I still did uppercase trainer/rival names.
Full confession - I wiped to Roark first try. I think I would've won if I fucked around with Hypnosis less but I figured it was appropriate. That shit is not 60% accurate. I managed to beat him Round 2 despite missing 3/4 Hypnoses. This isn't a nuzlocke, death only makes the ghosts stronger.

We move on.
cute twink
OP got kidnapped by a Drifloon

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