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T. Diddy Phlosion
/vp/ is still a garbage retard magnet nothing new
He lured a girl into his cave and hypnotized her to stay with him. He also molested her
T.yphlosion is like 60% of /vp/ users
In the ancient past, a Typhlosion thought he was in an otome game.
Now the line popularity went through the roof among Japanese woman.
Read this, draw your own conclusion.

one joke
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I did and my conclusion is that typhlosion is a pedo rapist.

**UNOFFICIAL** ""folklore"" got leaked, it was scraped entirely & never brought into games. It was also ai translated, 99% of it is false
Rape apologist
What can I say but "not like us" heh
Failed Abortion
Some non-canon folktale story that was scrapped and unused was found in a gigaleak that happened a few days ago and it included a story about a Typhlosion raping a loli so every pokephiles in existence rejoices because "MUH POKEPHILIA IS CANON !1!!1!" altough that story was cut and unused and not in the final game which means it is non canon despite /vp/edos claiming it is just because it not being canon (like it is) will break their beastiality fantasies
Quilava Rimming Daddy
>“Sinnoh Folk Story 3”
>There once were Pokémon that married people.
>There once were people who married Pokémon.
>This was a normal thing because long ago people and Pokémon were the same.
He fucks human women and knocks them up.
Ok chudplosion
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Typhlosion is a sexual predator.
did they translate it properly at least?
Can you imagine the sex?
>Folklore concept based on a Haida Native American story about a bear.
>Girl taken by bear-turned human, they have cave sex, girl's family kills bear, years later girl's kid puts on bear skins and turns into bear.
>Unused in-game but likely is what got paraphrased into that Canalave Library book.
post the sexual predator groove
It was posted repeatedly, hisuan Typhlosion already had a lot of porn with Akari.
And we're just gonna get more now, which is incredible.
Op here so yall telling me typhlosion was an OG?
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