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File: saturation.jpg (90 KB, 936x826)
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Why do they keep changing the colors?
Masuda's A team hates colors, the B team does what it wants
It's more the shading, really.
art direction is hard
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Its actually consistent, it just depends which dev team it is. The primary team seemingly favors coloring them like the Sugimori artwork, whereas the secondary team seemingly favors coloring like the sprites.
>whereas the secondary team seemingly favors coloring like the sprites.
based secondary team
It’s not the colors it’s the contrast
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You can argue it was always meant to look like the sugi art, but i do miss the bright contrasting colors
Same. I don't really care what is correct, I like the higher saturation.
holy shit electrode looks way different in the bottom pics!
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Miss him
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Pretty sure that pic is a side effect from the light engine getting changed not a color palette change.
Regardless they do change the palette a lot in other instances, I legit don't know why they do it.
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If they weren't cowards they would change the whole artstyle each time like zelda does
someone in charge of the main games just likes desaturating the shit out of the colors.
PLA is easily the best one here. Disagree? Keep it to yourself then, because you're stupid.
Different dev teams with different art leads
>OP asks a question, a bad one but still a simple neutral question
>Respond with a nonexistant disagreement and seething
Are you fucking retarded?
They only really look that high contrast and intense saturation on backlit screens.
The sun is changing colors, look up predictive programming
The models are identical you idiot, it's different shaders and lighting.

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