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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext, etc.

Previous Thread: >>56661543

How did you and your husbando meet? What did he do to bag himself such a catch like you?
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I just self-insert as the MC in SV, so it just follows the main storyline of SV. He just needed to be a little desperate and have a sick dog and tragic storyline and he had my heart. Helps that he's a cook and prickly outside but a giant sweetheart once you get close to him. After a few Titans I was ready to kill for him.
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I would be working for Team Plasma as one of his loyal grunts.Over the years work my way up through the ranks and by sticking by his side after the fall of the first Team Plasma and the rise of Neo Plasma get myself into the position of one of his personal grunts. And then I don't make a move or anything I just serve him in ways that are way above my paygrade. Like.. being a good punching bag when he's mad, making sure he eats, making him look strong in public, letting him use me for stress relief, and taking on extra loads of work to make sure he's able to take time away to rest.

Then after the second defeat when he's absolutely broken mentally, emotionally and physically. THEN I make my move. And I follow him even when he told me not to. I imagine it would go something like this:
>"At least you still have me Ghetsis"
>Gets wine bottle thrown at head
I appreciated his beauty and cherished his tastes. We then went shopping to the mall where I saw him trying different fits, little by little we came closer and he starts becoming nicer with me.
I really love this feature.

I'd fuck Ghetsis into the ground but I guess per say I don't really headcanon myself into the fray, I just ship his broken ass with Colress
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It's so hard for me to type something without feeling extremely self-conscious. I'll just send the cliffnotes I guess.

>join Team Magma
>attend one of Maxie's speeches
>love at first site
>months go by of generic grunt work and no direct contact with the boss
>he walks by me and stumbles
>drops glasses
>i quickly pick them up
"Ah, y-you dropped your glasses, Sir,"
>hands visibly shaking as i give them back
>he smiles and says "thank you"
>mfw Maxie acknowledges my existence
>instead of moving on, he strikes up a conversation
>asks about why i joined Team Magma
>spergs out, going on a ramble about how much i love science and wish to become a scientist someday
>can barely form a complete sentence, my mind is racing at a million miles an hour and my mouth can't keep up
>he just smiles and nods along
"That's very nice, Anon. I have to get going now though. See you."
>whole interaction haunts my dreams for the rest of my life

Self-consciousness is kicking in again and I can't bring myself to properly finish this. Basically Maxie continues striking up conversations in the future and we hit it off. We both share a lot of the same interests and he somehow thinks I'm cute. Have to keep the relationship a secret though because the leader dating a grunt would be quite the scandal or whatever. Leads to hot secret office sex. Giving him a bj under his desk while he's talking to other people in the room.

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Good night anons, here's a lil thing from a dumb pokefic that started with just some original characters but all the husbandos have infiltrated it anyway because of lack of self control. Somewhere in the ballpark of a few years after ORAS so I tweaked his design a bit.
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Honestly, I haven't come up with any concrete ideas involving my yume self-insert, except maybe they happen to meet while she's doing Pokemon Therapist stuff in Galar. It's likely they'd have to carry on their relationship in secret, because his fans can get wild.
Great work drawanon! I hope you have a good night ^^
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It's my headcanon that Lear had to take piano lessons as a child, and he's still fairly decent if not really good at it. I've started listening to piano covers of Pokemon songs and imagining that it's him playing them. I'm so head over heels for this stupid prince.

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