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What’s a good archipelago for Gaia to base its region off of?
Hard mode: It can’t be Greece
New Zealand.
The islands to the north of Scandinavia and Russia would be cool.
How can they create an archipelago concept without repeating what they did with Alola?
monster island
They should expand the concept.

Having more small isles with water exploration.

Even if IGN doesn't like it.
Actually let you explore the seas.
open sea routes between the islands instead of JUST getting ferried between them. Fuck the pussies that complained about Hoenn having too much water.
Yep. My biggest disappointment with Alola.
That and not having a sequel.
at the risk of it being memed into oblivion because >too much water, you should actually be able to surf on the water between oceans and that should be a major part of the reason. also, way more than 4 islands. just like a ton of little islands scattered around that you surf between.
For real. Fuck you IGN.
If there's no HMs (rides replacing them in SM) anyways, let us explore the sea.
Even underwater why not.
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the Galapagos
poke windwaker would own
That would be interesting at least in map design.
Hot take.
Pokémon works best on tropical locations.
>ANOTHER island game
Alola felt very small despite the 4 islands thing being a selling point. And there were complaints about low Pokemon diversity back in original Gen 3. This game would be populated with even more Water Pokemon...
If it’s anything like Alola, no.
Give u ur own secret base-esque boat that you can customize or have ur mons be able to carry you across surf routes
Finally got a new and interesting idea
>only stuff leaked is codename and themes so tubers can make content and hype over nothing
Publicity stunt
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if they really go for greece i hope they somehow choose to include sicily as well
i know, i know, let a man dream
>How can they create an archipelago concept without repeating what they did with Alola?
Add pirates and ships
Alola was so fucking ass
You got a big penis peninsula and a ton of islands.
The Caribbean. Sun and Moon is one of the best Pokemon games and it's time for a spiritual successor.
>sun and moon is [FANFIC]
so childish.
I think it works well in all locations other than European ones since Game Freak can't make a good European region. I think we're kinda overdue a snowy region though since we haven't had a true cold region since Sinnoh. Maybe Canada or Scandinavia would be cool

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