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I'm in love, niichantachi.
Many are in love with her.
I'm not your niichan, otouto
She looks like she fucks foreign men.
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She doesn't. Delete this right now.
best pokegirl since kasumi
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Many are saying that.
She looks like she's friends with a Steel-type autist
Meme character
Her voice is higher pitch than I expected. Thought she would try to sound cool and break from emotions.
Yeah, she sounded like Musashi
you mean kyoudai
she is very cute, i would marry her and spend hours kissing her smelly feet
Her brother is cuter.
That’s not what Drayton told me
Te podría mostrar evidencia, pero no sé como la tomarás. Si no te interesa, no la abras, maricón.
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I'm in love too
with her brother
Are you missing a comma?
is he autistic
I'm missing his cock in my mouth
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I wish she was my big sister.
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>obsessed with one thing only (Ogerpon)
>goes off the deep end when he doesn't get what he wants
>tard wrangled by his sister
>skitzo scribbles on bedroom wall

>>skitzo scribbles on bedroom wall
they're battle tactics studies!
you can both share her together
he's literally me
Use sticky notes! Or a giant board with lots of photos as well as red pins and strings!
He was sleep deprived ok
Understandable, people do crazy shit when they don't get enough sleep.
Why were the dlc characters for SV so much more attractive than the shitty main game characters?

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