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I am now the proud owner of this piece of shit. What should I expect? I've played every Pre gen 8 Pokémon game but this one.
An extremely slow boring chore where half the gameplay is staring at geodude and zubat on the screen
The duality of man
The second poster (yawnigger) blatantly makes these threads then replies to herself.
a flawed but ultimately great game
The first poster is a nostalgiafag
The second poster is someone who’s actually played the game recently as an adult
Probably the second best pokemon game
Don't entertain HIS delusions, anon.
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Looking more for differences from the other games.
What's the first best then?
hgss or bw2, depends on who you ask
Trannies are repulsive to 99% of society, not just /pol/tards.
>depends on who you ask
Yeah I'm was trying to get the contextual understanding of the opinion. Because the first best must be similar to the 2nd best.
>I'm was trying
proofread 2 times and still fucked it up.
Yes I'm wasting my 60 seconds on this
>Looking more for differences from the other games
Platinum has piss poor Pokemon distribution so you spend most of the game seeing the same poop of 5 Pokemon. Most of the Pokemon are locked behind retarded time wasting gimmicks like day/night, honey trees that take hours to spawn a single Pokemon, the Great Marsh where you need to wait days for a Pokemon to show up, pokeradar (postgame only), swarms (postgame only) and dual slot (postgame only)

The game is programmed like shit so cities like Hearthome will lag if you use your bike, the bag scrolls extremely slowly so it takes forever to find specific items, and the battle UI is needlessly slow

The story is shitty and generic, and the main villain has an incredibly nonsensical motivations that only really exist to get the thing on the box of the game to show up.

The Battle Frontier has no super modes so you’re forced to grind through 20 battles of NFE shitmons that are basically impossible to lose to until you get to the substance and you have to restart from scratch if you lose a single time.

No party shared exp and the NPCs have Pokemon with terrible stats so there’s never a reason to not just spam A with a single Pokemon the whole game.

The map design has no gameplay except occasionally clicking A in front of objects with an HM slave sitting in your party. The game has little to no actual puzzles.
Trannies don’t bother me because they are <1% of genpop and have no power over anything or anyone. It’s the people who ruin media by catering to a small sliver of consumers who mostly don’t give a shit for good boy points that you should be mad about, not your tranny bogeyman.
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If you're so repulsive why are you here?
Keep seething because you catch strays on the regular, tranny.
>Looking more for differences from the other games
it's a Pokemon game man, if you've played anything from gens 2-5 you know what you're getting. just fucking play it
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>Platinum has piss poor Pokemon distribution
So like gen 2?
>retarded time wasting gimmicks like day/night
I'm fine with that however the other stuff like honey trees and great marsh and whatnot sound a bit grindy.
>The game is programmed like shit so cities like Hearthome will lag if you use your bike
How bad like 1-4 fps? Anything above that is playable to me I grew up on very early 3D PC games that ran at around 8 fps.
>that are basically impossible to lose to until you get to the substance and you have to restart from scratch if you lose a single time
Well if they're impossible to lose to restarting shouldn't be a problem?
>spam A with a single Pokemon the whole game.
Genwunner's wet dream
>The game has little to no actual puzzles.
Last two worry me the most, my favorite Zelda game is oracle of ages...

>"Bro Metroid II is gonna be exactly like Super Metroid"

Well this sounds like a BLAST!
>believes everyone he talks to online is a tranny
What a wretched existence you lead, scared of your /pol/faggot delusions jumping out at you from behind every corner.
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You sound like you're the one seething, do you need a snack perhaps a drink?
uh oh anon you’ll make the /pol/tard crossboarders mad with this one. god I hate immigrants
Trannies don't bother m-ACK!
Just passing by the remind you that your survival rate is almost a coin flip.
>anyone who makes fun of me is a tranny
Considering your degree of mental illness the same could be said of you, faggot.
Are you having a melty anon? Remember to take your medication!
>Platinum has piss poor Pokemon distribution so you spend most of the game seeing the same poop of 5 Pokemon
u see more Pokémon than that before roark faggot
>Most of the Pokemon are locked behind retarded time wasting gimmicks like day/night, honey trees
the only annoying thing you mentioned are the trees, which have like 3 usable Pokémon. the other shit is easily worked around or a complete nothingburger
>The game is programmed like shit so cities like Hearthome will lag if you use your bike, the bag scrolls extremely slowly so it takes forever to find specific items, and the battle UI is needlessly slow
spin the ball and turn off animations :D
>The story is shitty and generic
only a fat dyke would ever care about a shitty Pokémon story
>The Battle Frontier has no super modes
play the factory then, shitter
>No party shared exp
good keep that gay nigger shit out
>map no gameplay
avoiding the dark puddles is fun :D
>u see more Pokémon than that before roark faggot
This seems entirely up to opinion, I'll have to play to see. Would prefer less anecdotes in general.
>the other shit is easily worked around or a complete nothingburger
How is the other shit a nothingburger, curious?
Every comment after this isn't worth entertaining.
>immediate whataboutism
stopped reading there
>How is the other shit a nothingburger
just change your time
>/pol/ crossboarders
We all despise you. Don't gaslight yourself into thinking this is just a /pol/ thing or even just a 4chan thing. Anyway, I give you a week tops. Your samefagging in this thread is very telling and you must've had another faux sense of relief about your identity only for it to be shattered once again because you saw the T word being casually thrown around on here as always. You will remember this thread as the straw that broke the camel's back. Get ready.
Congrats on your 5 second attention span anon.
should I play this or BDSP first? I played diamond when it came out when I was a kid but I barely remember gen 4.
You sound like a massive faggot. You probably keep your head down when talking to people IRL, like the bitchmade pussy you are. You won’t do shit about anything.
lol no
holy egg
I pray you discover your true female self some day
BDSP is better if you don’t care about BF
Genuinely, shut the fuck up and stop derailing the fucking thread holy fucking christ you people are reddit incarnate.
Based for outspeeding op
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>all of these posts
>very few talking about the subject
>even fewer having images
For the love of god stop fucking derailing shit.
BDSP is worse and ugly as fuck. You may as well put a patch on Platinum if you care about the gay things BDSP adds
These don’t have contests thoughbeit
For me, it’s Following Renegade Platinum.
DPPt contests suck balls
Underground is where it’s at
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That's how everyone is outside these days.
>>"Bro Metroid II is gonna be exactly like Super Metroid"
obviously not exactly you pedantic fuck, but the formula is similar enough that you shouldn't need a complete rundown. just play the game. why do you need to know everything about it and have every minute detail broken down? it's a formulaic Pokemon game. you'll like it if you like that. it's not that deep.
>Noooooo stop derailing by bait threads!!!
Based politics spammers. Every yawnfag thread should get derailed with tranny posting.
Anyway reminder that homosexuality is a myth that was invented in the 1970s. What exists is homosexual acts, not homosexual people. It’s biologically impossible to not be attracted to the opposite sex, the people who claim to not be have simply been gaslighted by social media.
DPPt contests are actually more complete than the gen 3 ones
>/pol/fag is ESL
I knew you faggots were all brown. Go back. Now.
I'm playing the game during the thread, it's just interesting to talk to others about a game they like or dislike? Why are you so against gaming discourse on a fucking board for gaming discourse?
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Anon this thread isn't even a yawnfag thread it's literally an honest question. If it was a yawnfag thread, it would've been formatted differently.
What starter?
Gen 4? Chimchar, since the other types are readily available.
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I went with Chimchar
Hes talking to me RETARD
>You won't do shit about anything
No one's threatening you here, you sweaty troon. They're just acknowledging the statistical fact that you have a dangerously high chance of killing yourself. You immediately multi-posting with seething remarks is evident of that. Your hands are obviously writhing just replying to this thread and you're going to continue doing so because you're too red to back down from what's a threat to your sense of self-worth.
nice anon make sure to at least try the frontier when you get there
>You immediately multi-posting with seething remarks is evident of that
This is either bait or you genuinely do not have a mirror.
Fire being the rarest starter type is true in literally every gen
You can’t expect /pol/tards to lurk long enough to know this shit.
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God remember when you could flag people's posts as "low quality" and they'd be acted upon for being low quality.
Also a lot of this is /probably/ qualifying as trolling outside of /b/ but no one ever reports that shit.

Okay well I also like monkeys so fuck you.

I guess...
He's right though, this is another yawnigger bait threat. You don't like that a low-effort troll thread like this is being derailed by anons because they're doing it at your expense. Tighten the rope, xir.
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Why won’t the kikes let GF remake Platinum
See>>56703217 and above all else lurk more you fucking retard.
I was like you, once... HRT fixed that right up!
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Parks are like my bread and butter in this franchise, will do!
>God remember when you could flag people's posts as "low quality" and they'd be acted upon for being low quality.
Those days are loooong fucking gone anon. Mods only exist to delete porn, repeat ban evaders and delete the opinions they disagree with.
Remember you're here forever, so am I.
Your thread sucks balls and is full of schizos. Platinum is good if you like retro Pokemon, there’s a lot of good side content and the region is fun to explore. It’s very slow tho.
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>anon asks genuine questions about a pokemon game
>thread immediately devolves into complaining about trannies for some reason
Fuck this place.
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Every thread that isn't a regularly scheduled general does this, and the only reason the generals don't do this is because very little reaction will be had and the mods tend to defend them a bit better.

I've seen highs and I've seen lows. I've been everywhere man, and I'll be back home again one day.
lol Get a load of this sperging tranny shitting up the thread and making it all about him. KYS, YWNBAW.
You’re the only one spamming the thread you annoying fucking faggot.
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>Your thread sucks balls and is full of schizos
I know!!!
Remember when generals were supposed to be because people discussed the same thing so often that it was made into mandatory "containment" threads? Then they got their own culture kind of like a board inside of a board? Seems like every board lately is "only" generals. When they created /vg/ it was kind of hilarious.
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>You’re the only one spamming the thread you annoying fucking faggot.
welp thread’s over
Oh, why did they have to come?

Yeah, I vaguely remember that. Wasn't there a backlash to /vg/ when it was first announced? /vg/ now is definitely a necessity, even with the retards crying that boards like /vm/ are dead.
Either this is legendary bait or you're genuinely mentally handicapped.
We all thought you were baiting now we understand you're just retarded.
Go outside and bang some chicks.
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>Either this is legendary bait or you're genuinely mentally handicapped.
>We all thought you were baiting now we understand you're just retarded.
>Go outside and bang some chicks.
>>You’re the only one spamming the thread you annoying fucking faggot.
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>>Either this is legendary bait or you're genuinely mentally handicapped.
>>We all thought you were baiting now we understand you're just retarded.
>>Go outside and bang some chicks.
>>>You’re the only one spamming the thread you annoying fucking faggot.
Have you somehow never seen a shartfag raid? Well get ready because this shitty bot is going to flood the thread all night and then get it deleted when one of the jannies wakes up from its nappie. Thread’s over.
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>Either this is legendary bait or you're genuinely mentally handicapped.
>We all thought you were baiting now we understand you're just retarded.
>Go outside and bang some chicks.
>Have you somehow never seen a shartfag raid? Well get ready because this shitty bot is going to flood the thread all night and then get it deleted when one of the jannies wakes up from its nappie. Thread’s over.
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>>Either this is legendary bait or you're genuinely mentally handicapped.
>>We all thought you were baiting now we understand you're just retarded.
>>Go outside and bang some chicks.
>>Have you somehow never seen a shartfag raid? Well get ready because this shitty bot is going to flood the thread all night and then get it deleted when one of the jannies wakes up from its nappie. Thread’s over.
Good riddance, another yawnfag thread bites the dust. Bonus points for the total tranny death.
>Yeah, I vaguely remember that. Wasn't there a backlash to /vg/ when it was first announced?
HUGE backlash. People were basically saying /v/ was going to split and become heavily divided and basically turn into two feuding boards, basically paranoid schizophrenia. Because /v/ just became porn.
I rarely come to this website these days. But no lul.
I started realizing it was a bot around the leebait image and the multi replies.
I do like the sharty wiki though it's breddy gud.

The 60 second posting is also very obviously a bot.

LOLE the dookie eating.
Though I think the funniest part of raiding a site like 4chan is everyone here has seen shock content, only zoomers would get upset at something like that
Thread is dead. Anyone wanna fuck off to rizon or something?
You are profoundly retarded and have never seen a yawnfaggot post in your life. Not that this thread is anything special or will be missed, but I can’t help but feel disgusted by your willful ignorance and unapologetic stupidity. Lurk moar fag.
Not yawnfag whoever that slut is but getting raided is honestly a blessing not a curse. I am not 15 the internet is not serious business to me and if anything getting raided means I won because some faggot wasted their limited time on this earth to soley dedicate it to raiding something I created.
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>I rarely come to this website these days. But no lul.
>I started realizing it was a bot around the leebait image and the multi replies.
>I do like the sharty wiki though it's breddy gud.
>The 60 second posting is also very obviously a bot.
>LOLE the dookie eating.
>Though I think the funniest part of raiding a site like 4chan is everyone here has seen shock content, only zoomers would get upset at something like that
>You are profoundly retarded and have never seen a yawnfaggot post in your life. Not that this thread is anything special or will be missed, but I can’t help but feel disgusted by your willful ignorance and unapologetic stupidity. Lurk moar fag.
>>>Either this is legendary bait or you're genuinely mentally handicapped.
>>>We all thought you were baiting now we understand you're just retarded.
>>>Go outside and bang some chicks.
>>>Have you somehow never seen a shartfag raid? Well get ready because this shitty bot is going to flood the thread all night and then get it deleted when one of the jannies wakes up from its nappie. Thread’s over.
based glass half full chad
God can you program better? You make /g/ look like tech gods.
These people are actually fucking retards. Why even fucking RAID 4chan? It just gives dopamine to those who are getting raided and doesn't accomplish shit in the long run other than making the rest of 4chan GLAD that we hung the corpse of /qa/ up in our navigation bar.

Ah yeah, that was funny. God, where has the time gone?
this thread is completely over lole
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oh lordy
Sharty incoming.
sagefag melty again
>genwar thread
Nothing to derail here
your board has a lot of schizos.
removing the IP counter is the single worse decision anyone on this hellsite has ever made and if I ever learned the name of the one responsible I would stop at nothing to find them, rape them, and kill them.
Nikocado isn't even shock content post goatse you zoomer faggot.
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Explain how it was a genwar thread, because last time I checked this wasn't trying to inflammatorily compare games, it was an attempt at honest discussion.
Many such cases.
>janny only selectively deletes shartposts
You missed a spot.
Why the trannitor is so much a weak pussyfart nigger
>Uploading files from your IP range has been temporarily blocked due to abuse
imagine being this much of a cuck.
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Man. This site is in the shitter.
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Was hoping to get some more actual thoughts on the game but the """"raid"""" happened now everything's quiet. Almost to the first gym currently, it's been very straight forward but it's only the beginning so. Battles are a bit slow, might need to increase my speed. Did this game start the trend of everyone setting their text speed really high?
Yeah, pretty much. The games are fucking slow. Thank god we have the source code, we can potentially speed them up now.
DP but playable
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Everyone plays Following Platinum now
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heh I guess I should have stated I never played gen 4 in my op.
What is the legality on that? 20 years ago it wouldn't matter but we're living in an age where I think glancing at leaked source code could get you boned.
Does it run better or something?
I played a chinese bootleg of this game and it was faster.
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>Does it run better or something
following pokemon like hgss and yes it has a option to run battles at 60fps (speeds it up) or the whole game
Why couldn’t GameFreak give us something like this? BDSP are genuinely disgusting games.
Legends will never make up for a proper Sinnoh remake.
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I don't have a flashcart or anything atm so I can't really run that shit. But the 60fps option sounds cool.
Also do people really care that much about having their pokemon follow them?
If there's any visual differences in that image I'm too much of a DPP-virgin to know.
It's just demonstrating the following Pokemon, there's no changes otehrwise.

Mega-boned if you get found out, so use the .to to host. There's no whois for the Kingdom of Tonga's TLD.
>It's just demonstrating the following Pokemon, there's no changes otehrwise.
I was mainly just asking because of >>56703766 made it seem like it was graphically enhanced or a "remake"
this isnt gen 1 anon calm down dont relapse.
One of the first things OP complained about is the game being slow lmao

Turns out actually playing the games instead of being a mindless nostalgiafagging redditor lets you be objective about the games
is this the fabled yawnfag
thats sagefag
Yawnchad actually documented himself playing all the games, so I would trust him to have the most accurate take on each game.
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Yeah it's not actually that bad, discourages me from smashing my a button into dust though.
Haha while writing this my DS died! Good thing I saved just a few seconds ago though. The battery indicator is busted on this thing, I should really fix it sometime.
absolute state of dsfags
yea can't beat the comfort factor tho.

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