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We have:
>Full SVN repositories for Platinum, HGSS, BW, and B2W2, which includes source code and full commit history
>USUM git repository
>Pokemon Bank source code and builds
>Shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and other such things from Gen 1 to Gen 6 (but mainly Gen 3 to Gen 6)
>XY and ORAS staff documents, source assets, concept art, dev videos and XY prototype builds
>Anime production art up to BW
>Source logos, manuals, boxart and promo PDFs for select mainline Pokemon games up to BW and ORAS
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine and anime art; data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO QA builds, etc.
>Legends: Arceus mid-production overview PDF
>Codenames for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak.

>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
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the cute
Also new set of files, roughly 3 and a half to 4 hours between them so we'll have the completed product next week provided the leaker keeps that average.
PREVIOUS >>56700749
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im expecting about tuesday night early wednesday morning
Summer 2012 is an interesting time to cut South Kalos, isn't that when BW2 came out?

I guess at that point they decided to snip the postgame to put the rest of the game in a basically playable state.
is there a detailed guide to which folder contains what? for instance which folder contains the gen 3 beat mons, or which one has the gen 4 myths...
I imagine when BW2 came out isn't as big of a factor for the internal pipeline, but to be honest I can't think of any other reason why they'd cut it a year into development.
There's no magic we can do with two parts of the whole?
XY has postgame. Wtf are you talking about?
It was superfluous content and would have done nothing for the game except make it longer
I imagine anon was implying Southern Kalos was going to be the post-game, which makes sense given how the Battle Island(read: frontier) was there along with one of the various forwards-compatibility trading locations, though I forget the name of this specific one.
>Battle Island(read: frontier)
stop falling for fake shit
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What else would you translate バトルアイランド (施設) as?
So, again, what are we waiting for this time?
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finally done converting to git. time to kill myself
A week for ORAS to dump and people continuing to dig through the files we have. I'll be completely honest with you and tell you that if you haven't actually downloaded anything and have something to share or help document, there will be literally nothing for you here until that happens.
Godspeed, anon.
>friend safari
>battle maison
part 3
he did it in thirty mins
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>Godspeed, anon.
worth mentioning if you check the svn, these specific commits are really large compared to others, so im curious to see what the differences would be between them and the revision prior, that is mostly why i want to compile this myself. the compiled platinum some random made is r1685 which seems like an unusual one to go to specifically but then again i dont know why they did that. that said, at least now i can do the same with the others and back them up. i dont like svn
where is sangopart3?
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>30 minutes for 10gb
>after days of 8 hours for 10gb
So this is the power of mcdonalds wifi
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I just wanna say thanks to the people with the storage space and the knowhow to dig through these files
You guys are doing everyone a big service and it's a real treat getting to witness the biggest happening in Pokemon history
I downloaded some things and stored them on my 1 TB for safe keeping but I have to sit this one out plus I don't actually know how to datamine lol
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Right may as well try to polish it a bit. Anything to avoid Suiba.

They're all named part4, the difference in naming conventions isn't the numbers but the double digits at the end. AA for 1, AB for 2, AC for 3, etc etc.
He went from Sudan to Egypt.
Crazy how much of an improvement Egypt is from Sudan.
use chatgpt to generate bash or batch scripts to extract all images, audio etc. also make scripts to extract images from .xls etc
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well i found the mystery gift creator, thats nice
Yes? Just like the dlc for sword and shield and scarlet and violet are just superfluous content right? Ir it's better when you pay for something that should be in the game?
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The entirety of Venezuela's network grid is being funneled directly into the leakers hands.
didnt someone say he had already uploaded these privately to his tranny friends
so why is he trying to larp like he's actually taking the time to put these up? he definitely didn't upload this in 30 mins
They're already mirrored in OP but if you need a torrent then please wait 30 minutes, currently double checking what it has to tag it.
I have all of the pieces for sangopart1, part2, and now thanks to you part4
I dug through the past few threads and couldn't find sangopart3
You can see the upload time on all of them. He posts them the second they go up.
>nigga can't even click a gofile link
Ah, I misunderstood your question then. My bad.
part 3


part 4

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I offer you my thanks with this hotdog pidgey
Uh, Looker missions too duh. NTA, there’s not really much else you’re right.
Is this fanart or the official sprite
Yeah. Thank fuck XY wasn’t retarded like BW and didn’t lock routes to after the credits for no reason.
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Complete fanart; its completely a custom sprite. I made it cause someone asked after seeing another made up sprite; though that one is cause of the scratchpad small Tindalos.
I see, i might help if i have the time
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Friend safari with anons was fun
I'm interesting in seeing ALL character concept art and model sheets. ALL. Even the generic ones.

Are only select ones in the files, or leakerfags just share them randomly based on their whim?
Yeah, instead, it removed them altogether!
Prismutt and Houndalos, my beloveds.
Battle Island (facility). Obviously the Battle Frontier. Robbed again.
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Been away for a bit, did any drawfriends try finishing up pic rel yet?
> Cracks another archive password
> More myth/ lore shit

Fuck that, give me moar source code docs or artwork, so done with this crap
Have you cracked a password nobody else has yet? It'd be appreciated if you could dump it.
>he doesn't know
I fucking kneel leaker-sama
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What were the Gen 1 and Gen 2 leaks? Anything interesting?
There weren't any
Hoops and Hip Hop video about Pokémon beta leaks:



they planned for a cave underneath the truck where the S.S. Anne was. If you used strength on it, and went down the stairs, you could get Mew.
What about Gen 3?
see >>56696054
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I don't know whether this has been posted already, but sango_field/trunk/graphics/world_spec in the third set of files has models and images of XY's areas. This one is the part of Route 5 with the skate park.
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We got some Yellow sprite surprisingly
Gen 1 and Gen 2 leaks would likely have been Takeshi Shudo's biggest secrets about Pokemon or the original concept art, rough drafts, and scripts of the earlier Pokemon movies.
Most of the development logs of Gen 1 and 2 were on physical notebooks.
A lot of beta designs, concepts, etc but most were used in that same gen and those that weren't were reused on gens after, noticeably Scraggy and Bewear
Is this the beta Regi's concept?
It would be 500 pages of an erotic tale of him and Lugia making Love
That's actually a good question. We didn't know what this was but it being Unown, lining up with the Regi's connection to braile...
When's part 5? Soon?
No spoonfeeding for you tourist, either dig stuff up yourself or go back in older threads
w-what's on the right of oldale town
Probably not but some stuff might lurk behind encrypted files... time will tell. Protected proper passwords, some things will not get revealed
I mean, with enough time, and enough brute force, any password that doesnt auto-delete the file like the hacker movies will be cracked
This and a torrent archive are pending tasks for when the leak is over, maybe one month later.
Protected by*
Yep, as it stands right now documentation is basically just reading the threads yourself, which is... an endeavor, to say the least, but there's partial stuff getting put together on places like TCRF.
That being said, there is an anon making a torrent, with a slurry of issues it seems, but the actual files aren't exactly at the biggest risk yet. The stuff that hasn't been dumped yet is.
I'm gonna be honest I have no idea what the fuck are in the SVNs so you guys are likely going to have to spoonfeed me or deal with really shitty explainations of each file. I can't check anything out right now to dig through either because of my limited storage space, which is why I'm just torrenting for everyone instead.
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Well I made Suiba less messy, though without any idea on what the hell his design is i can't really modify his details. Either way these were probably some of the worst leaked sprites of Gen 3 and that says a lot. Probably doesn't help that both designs are also just ass.

Thats the only logical theory besides "it never went anywhere" but ultimately we don't know as nothing documentation wise references the concept art.
They didn’t remove anything.
>enough time

>Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) permits the use of 256-bit keys. Breaking a symmetric 256-bit key by brute force requires 2128 times more computational power than a 128-bit key. One of the fastest supercomputers in 2019 has a speed of 100 petaFLOPS which could theoretically check 100 trillion (1014) AES keys per second (assuming 1000 operations per check), but would still require 3.67×1055 years to exhaust the 256-bit key space.
No not at all, the heat death of the universe will occur much much earlier than cracking your average AES-256 encrypted file

Anyways, those logs are kinda funny

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2003/03/03 Ver.1.01 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Added - Automatic height acquisition of SXY data Fixed - File name display when saving, loading, and clearing data

□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2003/02/28 Ver.1.00 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

For now, it's completed.

Maybe there's a bug...
□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□

■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 2002/12/02 Ver.0.01 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Start creating secretly.
I get what you're saying but given the fact that we've already cracked several files with sheer brute force, there is a 0% chance of something like this happening.
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Did it ever exist?
Yeaaah, none of the zip files are AES, they're ZipCrypto deflated with OpenCL which as far as I can tell, are a hell of a lot less secure.
The location spreadsheet didn't really flesh out any details about the south to be honest. We know it had
>Two towns
>Two cities
>Mirage Island
>Battle Island
>Poké Transfer (Poké Transporter > Bank took over)
>Four "dungeon" areas (aka named areas rather than full on dungeons)
I get that they were trying to go for a Battle Zone-like post-game, but it's possible they repurposed some of the plans. The Battle Chateau could have been on Battle Island originally as an example.
Those are wordbook attacks, it's much different when the password is random. The password itself just gets turned into a 256bit key, deterministically
Did we ever get the profiles for the gen 3 or 5 protagonists?
See >>56703617 for a better summary than I could give. Point is Gamefreak ain't exactly using the best encryption, as far as we've seen, and given how the hacker was supposedly able to play ZLA there is zero reason to believe we're going to have a Millennium Puzzle to solve, as that's both the most modern thing in the hack and also definitely the most protected of them all.
We have evidence to them having removed several routes and areas from the game Yawnfag. All you are doing is pointless coping.
What are those "Sango" files all about?
part 4 isn't even done yet
That's 3 out of 29(!)
Just don't bother replying, he's already been BTFO so severely that the only thing he can do is lie.
Mesugaki cunny, of course.
Sango is ORAS.
Is this not just a REALLY early Zangoose and Serviper, it looks very similar to them lol
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"Sango Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire"

Damn, I am retarded
>We have evidence to them having removed several routes and areas
With what? What were in the routes and areas?
The gimmick definitely became them(these are absolutely "rival pokemon"), but that doesn't really mean i can just go "so Suiba is a snake right?".
Especially as Paotsu seems very much to be a panda considering the name. And proportions, does explain why Zangoose looks the way it does though.
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why didn't they use it in the anime? or in the movie? or at some point?
The green one would unironically look better without legs, like a Poison/Steel snake
Connections that would lead to Illusion Island and Battle Island, a few areas that would lead to a town filled with only Pokemon and a lava area that was meant for Volcanion. And this isn't all mind you.
So stuff that’s already in Kiloude City and a fanfic you completely made up?
>you want cool? you are fucked
>you want deep lore? you are fucked
>So stuff that’s already in Kiloude City
I played the games there's no use lying to me or anyone in the thread for that matter.
>and a fanfic you completely made up?
Literally areas mentioned in the game by NPCs in Lumiose and re-mentioned in the leak. Get mental help.
>few areas that would lead to a town filled with only Pokemon
you are so stupid
san go means number three
gen 3 remakes
It's a literal town of Ditto pretending to be NPCs its in the leaks dumbass. Maybe keep up with the leaks if you don't wanna be caught lying?
they couldn't do what they thought it might do
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OG text in
for you to read yourself if this shitty OCR doesn't do it for you. And we have builds from prior to the final date of south kalos getting axed that have stuff that came after the fact, notably gates as seen in the beta Route "23", which was theorized to be a route between Dendemille and Frost Cavern.

Would you also like me to find a webm of that beta Route for further proof?
Ah, it wasn't a webm but an MP4. Anyways you can see a gate, an addition only added explicitly when south kalos was deleted, at the end of the clip here.
so the pokemon town we got ? The leak just showed they moved everything they could to north Kalos before the deadline, like any game ever. Everything else was left for Pokemon Z.
What a pity the third enhanced version never came to be. Look how much I care
https://files.catbox.moe/7quem0.mp3 kino
There's no evidence that Pokemon Z was ever going to be a thing.
I think you're mixing up stuff, because that was just going to be Mirage Island. Same name. Dunno if it's related to the fake-human Pokemon Town.
>so the pokemon town we got ?
We didn't get anything like that. Lying nigger.
They are linked to the altaria bird thing, both have tea names
which build is this from, anon
cute, source?
black but I don't know which build since someone on the server has been dumping the songs
there are several before any of these leaks ever started. Placeholders and datamines from previous games already told us as much
Google pokemon village. Surprise surprise you can find dittos there
Was anyone able to get into the FileMaker Pro files from the gen 3 stuff? Some of those have images, but the software won't open the file.
It was planned, as discovered in 2020, and anons in this board recreated it.
>I played the games
I don’t think you have.

>and re-mentioned in the leak
they were briefly considering making two sequel games (codenames kalos reserve x and kalos reserve y), but they were scrapped before any actual work was put into them.
what we have is all that was made. they decided to rush both xy and oras to have SM ready for the anniversary.
>Google pokemon village. Surprise surprise you can find dittos there
You are arguing in bad faith now. You read nothing of what I said about the Ditto pretending to be NPC part which was in the leak. This is why nobody takes you seriously, because you're a lying nigger.
Are you sure? I heard that XY has a version of Opelucid City too.
>maybe if I keep saying they rushed XY despite having literally zero evidence for it I will eventually be right
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In the leak. Read the threads I'm not spoon-feeding you or wasting any more of my time on you waste of air.
I guess sorrel tea is a thing but I'm drawing a blank on パオーツ?
Rushed? More like unfinished was the plan for XY LMAO
i wanna mating press her so hard she leglocks me and breaks my spine lord please
>There's no evidence that Pokemon Z was ever going to be a thing
Let's look at the anime, shall we?
Starting with Advanced, we have Advanced, Advanced Challenge, Advanced Battle, Battle Frontier. This last one sounds like it's referencing Emerald, right?
We can skip Diamond and Pearl because nothing of interest shows up.
Then we have Black & White, Black & White Rival Destinies, and Black & White: Adventures in Unova and Beyond. That last one sounds like a sequel name, don't it?
Then we have Sun & Moon, Sun & Moon: Ultra Adventures, and Sun & Moon: Ultra Legends. Those last two reference the ultra games, there's absolutely zero doubt.

Now, you may have noticed, I skipped XY. Let's take a look, shall we? XY, XY: Kalos Quest, and XYZ. Hey, wait a minute, Z? What is this? (Almost) all the other anime series have a reference to a third version in their last season, so why is XY different? Why does XY have a subtle but noticeable naming scheme change at the end like the others? Could it be that XYZ was supposed to reference a Z version that never made it past preproduction?
>Let's look at the non-canon source to the games
Mental illness
>search for info about the ditto town in the archive
>the only post mentioning it didn’t provide the source and there’s no mention of it even being related to southern kalos
Of fucking course.

>t-trust me bro
Let me guess, you fell for the alien shit and the fake interview about americans wanting more kanto pokemon, right?
no, not rushed. abandoned. And then they took the swathes of cut content and reworked some of them into SM and ORAS.
And then they canceled their placeholders for an unspecified third entry for XY, because who cares?
>still arguing with yawnie when he completely ignored the gate because he couldn't handle definitive proof
Any source on this?
>Let's look at the anime, shall we?
Stopped reading there.
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Quick garbo attempt at giving the beta Kalos 'mons names because why not?
What are the beta character list from XY?
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>non-canon source
Oh-hohoho! Suuure... if we don't count the fact that Ash Greninja is actually in the game.
The anime very clearly works in lockstep WITH the games. It's been like this since Gen 2, when Ho-oh showed up before its reveal to the west, and when Lucario was literally the FIRST Gen 4 Pokemon ever designed.
A non-canon source to the games, it might be, but it is a source that is marching in lockstep almost always.
They... they do have names...
Proof of what?
>the only post
There were multiple sources. Everyone's been here you're not fooling anyone, on top of that there's a whole sheet with the routes cut, you LOST LMAO
Localized names, anon.
>Let's look at the anime, shall we?
this is some ADVANCED levels of copium considering we have the internal docs and theres zero mention of a third version
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abuela says that flannery has poor birthing hips and is no good.
says she'll find me good woman.
pic related. good el seno, she says.
make good wife.
see >>56703696 and >>56703705
Will you say that route was made in a day?
>if we don't count the fact that Ash Greninja is actually in the game.
...Ash Greninja is not in the games anon. And not in the anime either. They retconned his existence entirely. Battle bond is now just a big buff.
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>they left things for pokemon Z
>no because after considering it, they canceled it
you are saying exactly what I said yet somehow reaching the opposite conclusion. Die mad I guess
>we can skip Diamond and Pearl because nothing of interest shows up
This breaks your headcanon pattern so we need to disregard it lmao
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i dont care
additionally i would do the same to courtney but i feel like shed force it onto me first. the fact this outfit even works like this makes me fucking diamonds
what is inurance cave?
?? All 23 of the routes were put in northern Kalos, dumbfuck. How is this proof of anything?
You know what, El Hermano, you have some good taste in women.
>Ash Greninja is not in the games anon
>Battle Bond is now a big buff
And what does it do in Gen 6?

Platinum never showed up in the Diamond and Pearl documents we got, and yet we got it.
>23 routes
what did yawnie mean by this?
>And then they took the swathes of cut content and reworked some of them into SM and ORAS
>And what does it do in Gen 6?
Nothing anon... Because it doesn't exist in gen 6. It's a Gen 7 giftmon...
On top of that you can't move gen 7 mons to gen 6...
Oh and furthering my point about Ash Greninja, please direct your attention to the official Pokemon website.

I mean technically there is Galactic Battles, but I skipped that because it's absolutely weak connection to Platinum, despite that game expanding the ever living shit out of Team Galactic's influence throughout the game.
How is the guy arguing with the schizo making worse points than the schizo himself
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The 23rd route was repurposed into the exterior portion of Frost Cavern, retard.
The original plot was giving the GS Ball to Kurt, he opens it, Celebi was inside and escapes, and then Celebi would be a recurrent theme during the Johto season. But it was scrapped in order to save Celebi for the movie, and the main plot of the movies is never connected to specific episodes.
>forgot to check battle bond's introduction
Oh that does actually damage my argument a fair bit. Haha, fuck!
Oh well, my argument still stands that Ash is directly referenced in the games, even if it doesn't fit Gen 6 like I was hoping for.
Not only is there not 23 routes in Kalos, that route was a beta route that was scrapped entirely.
And those gates between cities/routes were, explicitly, only added on the very same day south kalos was cut. In a playable build.
I'm bored and I'm tired. I'm also not really trying to win, if you couldn't tell from my demeanor.
>The 23rd route was repurposed into [blallant lying]
>Still ignoring all of the routes that were cut up to route 32 towns and locals of interest included
Wow you suffer from schizophrenia, you should get that fixed
How does this look like >>56703705?
>le third version
someone needs to make a cope image for yawnie where hes gone through so many phases of denial we're nearing it didnt happen but it should happen again tier
32 is not the same as 23
I'm sorry anon but the Pokemon anime went to great lengths to retcon this transformation, Gen 9 removed the form entirely, I don't know why either
>[blallant lying]
Where’s the lie?
>Still ignoring all of the routes that were cut up to route 32 towns and locals of interest included
What was in the routes? Why do you keep dodging this question?

>how does extremely unfinished rough map look like final game map?
wow anon I dunno
There's a whole excel of those btw you should check it out it's been dropped in the threads at least 3-5 times now
Always thought she was 22 as a kid. Of cause that was og Flannery. ORAS Flannery does look younger.
The excel that shows they never actually planned anything for route 24+ and therefore didn’t actually cut anything like you keep insisting?
Personally I never thought she was older than 20 as a kid, never saw an adult that spunky but she had some maturity about her that couldn't make her a kid.
>What was in the routes?
I already answered you, why do you keep ignoring it and lying about it? You have to face it, you lost. Your game has the most cut content in all of the Pokemon franchise. There is no recovering from this disgrace of yours.
I still find that retarded on many levels, because it was pretty cool in my eyes.
Anyways, that all aside, Battle Bond's previously canonical effect being in Gen 7 also lets me rely on the fact that the hat Pikachus exists too, at least. They actually kept those in the later games.
Was part four not shown >>56703353 here?
That's 3/29 fragments of part 4, anon.
while were talking about the anime, why does gen 3 have such a different vibe from gen 4? I love the anime but gen 4 is where I kind of lose interest
I think they mean a literal Z, which is true. As evidence suggests it was an XY2, like BW.
iirc she is all of 150 cm tall
couldnt someone take her reference images and calculate how wide, or rather, how narrow, her waist could be? i doubt she'd need a corset, much less find one that isn't loose on her.
dont tell me we need all 29 parts saves to unzip that shit
gen 4 is where I stopped watching too and I don't even know why
>The excel that shows they never actually planned anything for route 24+
They did, they had a map layout for the entire South of Kalos, with content such as Illusion island, Battle Island and a free version of Poketransfer area in the game, a Volcanion area as well as 3 other locations of interest, with said multiple routes interconnecting them.
That's quite a lot of content that was cut, and you're coping about it by pretending it doesn't exist? LMFAO
the movies definitely have a different vibe too. Deoxys iirc was the last traditionally animated one, but the movies that come after just feel different.
>part 3
>part 4
both are in that post. were they misnamed/mistitled in the post? if so, genuinely so, then fuck, but if not...
>I already answered you,

What we know for a fact was in south Kalos was:
>Poke Transporter
Made redundant by Bank
>Battle Island
Made redundant by placing the battle facility in Kiloude City, possibly repurposed as the Battle Resort in ORAS which is basically just Kiloude City 2.0
>Mirage Island
Event only area, was made relevant in ORAS instead

Azure Bay (for the Kanto birds) and Terminus Cave (for Zygarde) also possibly could have been there since they didn’t exist in the northern map. But obviously they were moved to the northern map. You can’t actually list any cut content because it doesn’t exist.
>dont tell me we need all 29 parts saves to unzip that shit
Brother do I have bad news for you... at least it seems like his internet has significantly sped up from 1gb an hour.
Idk I think the last 3 were pretty good if you ignore the main anime
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This guy got fucked over hard, meant to evolve into Claydol, even had scratchpads meaning it was being heavily considered, but at the last second they took that one betamon people confused for Jirachi and reworked it into Baltoy
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Yeah, she had that big sis kinda vibe.
Concession accepted.
were they? I'll have to check them out then. Maybe I just got tired of the formula. I remember liking the arceus movie (though the choice for Arceus's VA still sends me) but I havent watched a pokemon movie in a decade. I'll check it out. I did watch detective pikachu but apparently i'm the only bitch on the planet that thinks it sucks
yeah I don't have the space for that. I'll leave ir for others to find anything of interest
This naming schemes sucks major balls.
Part 4 is a separate file called sangopart4. It is in 29 parts.
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>They did, they had a map layout for the entire South of Kalos
A layout with no fucking content actually planned for it.

>a Volcanion area
Nice fanfic

>everything else
Made redundant or moved
The loss for me was that little flute dude.It's more interesting of a sound-based pokemon than the whismur line
while were talking about hat mons
>Have best buddy ribbon pikachu in go
>doesnt transfer a ribbon
My rage at this is unfathomable
Can't blame me trying to have fun on this hellsite.
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I can't see Southern Kalos today
The last three movies are somewhat Johto and mythical related
>First is a reimagine of Ash's beginning with Ho-oh and Marshadow involved
I thought this one had too much Marshadow by the end but still a decent watch
>Second one is a town of people which all have different sets of personal issues to do with pokemon in which Ash feels more like a motivating light to all of them, Zeraora and Lugia are involved
This one is the best one, out of any Ashnime movie I feel this one has the best "Pokemon" feel
>Third one involves a boy raised by a monkey and Ash's connection to him and his appreciation for his family, involves Zarude heavily and Celebi
I liked this one, it's like Tarzan for Pokemon, definitely worth a watch
i dont quite follow, or at least i dont think i do. are you saying that the three links under "Part 4" in >>56703353 arent the fourth part of 29, but rather all three current parts of 29, because this shit was named like a fucking blender project?
maybe i do understand, yet do not wish to. wheres that fuckass viper song title when you need it? yall wouldntve even smoked crack, or some shit like that. that somehow makes more sense than gamefreaks insanity, development or otherwise.
does home preserve ribbons? itd be sad if ribbon collecters lost all their ribbons, though they already kinda did when the gen 8 games consolidated them down immensely.
So the birds were fire types?
This comment got btfo by the South map found with the actual locations laid out btw. Convenient you scrolled over that.
Cool! Maybe you can finally tell us what was going to be in the maps then. Go on anon.
The main take away here is that Ohmori is a better map guy than Iwao
Can someone record a scrolling through the test maps of some of the XY beta builds? Specifically I wanna see May 2012 if you don't wanna do them all.
Should be Dazzmigo instead, makes for a nice Flamigo evo
I got no idea what to make of Stucguppi
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Best buddy in Go, despite giving you a fucking ribbon doesnt actually give you one apparently. makes me so mad. Takes a shitload of time and is actually locked out daily so its so disappointing. heres my LAD
read, you obstinate fuck no better than pierre sprey
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I like that one too, it has that gen 2-3 vibe to it, I just wonder what it would have evolved into, but if they were planning on keeping it as one of those useless shitters that doesn't evolve, I'd be fine with the Exploud line replacing it
it does preserve them but iirc consolidates them
That very same spreadsheet that proves that betaRoute 17 didn't exist (X for level design), yet it does in the builds we've seen?
Fan conjecture, anon.
Yeah it's named like a blender project.
The fragments all ultimately compile into "sangopart4", but it's split into 29 fragments... which most people are calling parts.
It's bad. VERY bad. It should've just been called "sangosource" or something else related to its internals.
thanks for the recommendation, I appreciate it. I'll check them out. Need stuff to watch since im SRing
>maybe if I keep saying I said what the content was even though I blatantly fidn’t it will eventually be true!

Damn bro it’s almost like at one point it was a route and then it eventually wasn’t
>admits it was cut
so you can see common sense
No? It specifically says X on Level Design and DAE, which is modeled. The beta Route 17 we saw was modeled, albeit like shit, but it existed within the games code. The Excel sheet must be from before that build, which means your entire argument is folly.
>renaming a route means it was cut
Wow you have an extremely poor understanding of game development, huh?
>your argument is folly because…multiple builds exist even though neither build has anything in south kalos
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I'd rather waifufags spam than this insufferable bored yawnie
>assuming it was renamed
bold assumption, yet the fact remains that as >>56703962 stated, the route WAS modeled, and since it and the model aren't in the final game, that means it was cut like an emo wrist
once we get the Courtney reference sheet (like Skyla's saying she's a dummy thicc latina pilot or Elesa's calling her a Cum Model), ill let heads in hoodies roll.
The Excel sheet was before that build, because otherwise that build is fake with a fake beta Route 17, as the Excel sheet is explicitly has ZERO WORK done on it. No level design, no modeling, no details added, nothing; it would not exist.
If the Excel sheet was AFTER that build, it'd had at least level design and DAE marked as complete.
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>Admitting to it being cut
Damn took you a while to accept what the entire thread and board had already accepted, you finally reached the 5th stage of grief and accepted that XY had a lot of cut content because it's an unfinished mess, im so proud of you.
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Anything about the power plants?
Never existed. theres nothing about it
Ok? Doesn’t change the fact that south kalos had no plans.

>bold assumption,
Nothing about it is an assumption. We know for a fact that it was renamed.

how….how exactly do you think game development works?
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Surprised I haven't seen any fanart of this yet
>Doesn’t change the fact that south kalos had no plans.
Your citation for this was an Excel spreadsheet you've just now admitted is prior to that build, as otherwise beta Route 17 would have had multiple parts checked off. Am I correct so far?
it's the awkward middle phase between real blaziken and latias blaziken
>S-Southern Kalos had no plans!!!
>They just added it to the map specifically because they planned to do nothing with it!
How much farther will his cope go?
its all hes got man. hes been so thoroughly btfo and broken he has nothing else left
I don't even know why yawnfag is so upset by the idea that there was content for south kalos but seeing him corner himself is always great.
fuck you, heres some botany
Oftentimes, parts of a plant are Grafted onto other plants, like stems to roots to cultivate better crop yields or branches to trunks to have multiple fruits on one tree. To do such a Graft, one necessarily has to remove older material, since you can't Graft to a piece of bark.
This is analagous to game development, specifically cut content, because the old Route 17 was cut, removed so to speak, to make room for the new content. The new route, which had a different model to the old Route 17, was put where the old route was removed from, Grafted onto the old route's spot.
You couldn't do that if you simply shuffled things around. You had to remove content to put new content there, thus making Cut Content as a logical necessity.
Yes, you are right in that game development oftentimes churns old content into new content. However, you are wrong in saying that nothing becomes Cut Content, as that is explicitly what old content becomes when it is removed in development.
>food analogy
>G-god Stone had no plans!!!
>They just added it to the game specifically because they planned to do nothing with it!
How much farther will his cope go?
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Sad about the lack of actual sketch doodles in all these leaks
But I guess that just means Gamefreak were still doing that al on paper before committing anything to digital
I was actually thinking the same thing last night, we barely have any sketches, just whole-ass art. Guess it makes sense since first sketches are probably just there to get interest rather than something worth archiving, but still.
Not defending GF's overall laziness with Gen 6, but it's a bit hard for us to guess how important/concrete those plans for Southern Kalos were in the end. Other gens had bunch of content scrapped at various stages of development as well.
nta but I don't think a single burger even knows what grafting is since that implies eating vegetables instead of pink goo. Source: I only learned about it from a manga where people turn into plants called Fool Night.
It's not a scorpion, it's a diving beetle.
skill issue I guess, though I grew up on a farm. I was more making a meme, food analogy is an old ass meme.
Yeah fair enough, I just think it makes more sense when its something like mentioning hot dogs, not a process used for like, trees and shit.
anon probably knows them like this
I always saw her as like 15-16
did the BW npcs get any reference sheets eventually?
I've seen her as between 16 and 22. 25 is a lil surprising
As in concept art for the random trainers? No.
There's just a sheet which list the ages, concept and real world inspirations for the gym leaders, with no art included.
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I now see Flannery as one of those "Adulting is so hard guiz :(((" types
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Might as well throw in my shitpost. Thanks for reminding me, anon.
Sorry I can't draw well.
awesome, very funny.
arent hotdogs waste meat emulsified together and pushed into animal intestines and other such low cost sausage casings?
Even as a kid I knew there was no way that this thing could live up to the hype.
It was doomed to be an unopened mystery box forever.
>Has a stable job
>Has hobbies
>Has friends and a social life
>Seems to have her life in order at 25.
You can really tell Pokemon is a fantasy series.

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