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What Pokemon do you suspect of being unleaked rapists?
Your favorite.
None, since it's not canon.
Delcatty...oh you said raPists! nvm
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He's guilty. I know he is.
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Iron Moth
she just wants to lay her eggs inside you
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Hear me out
Chansey are used almost universally across all regions as nurses and have been for a long time
Some one at some point HAD TO BE the first person to employ a Chansey as a nurse
And of course, Chansey would possibly develop nightingale syndrome. And eventually, may act
none because normalfags ran this into the ground
All races are accepted in the holy word of Islam, infidel. Looks like it's the lake of fire for you!
Makes sense to me.
By Allah, if you don't behave yourself I will give you a taste of my shoe!
Pretty much any pokemon employed en masse by identity alone is almost assuredly on the list.

Once you stop looking for the best specific individual pokemon for the job, and start drafting entire species for something, bad actors get in.
all pokemon regardless of gender are design to be fucked consensually by human men
>Male pokemon that fuck other female pokemon, but desire and take their male master's cock
Is fucking a man who is fucking a woman gay or gigachad?
Its bisexual
thats kinda gay
No. Fucking a woman while being fucked by a man is bisexual
Isnt Heracorss female and Bulbasaur male?
Half as is the point
Regardless we should do it
Assertive Female isn't rape, it's hot
>Regardless we should do it
Agreed, it's the only way to be sure
I'll get the lube
Wrestle to decide who fucks the girl?
Sounds like a plan but I aim to win, it might get pretty rough and sweaty though.
I wish my favorite Pokemon would force itself on me
Pheromosa in the style of Species film, mating with human men and then eliminating them when they are no longer useful to her

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